Boo hoo.. poor little me... is that a tear in Obama's eye???

You're the last person to talk about proof.

You run away every time you're challenged to prove the lies you post.

I don't hate the man, I hate his policies. But you are not bright enough to understand the difference.

Obama’s Top Ten Failed Policies

you do realise wirlds ahve definitions right?

we are in a reocvery by the very definition of that word in economics fool

You do realize that the spelling of your words indicate how utterly uneducated you are.

Our Current GDP is 1.3 percent.

Our Current unemployment rate is 7.9 percent. The U6 unemployment rate shows it's closer to 23 percent.

You call that a recovery?

Yeah. She sure does. She's a firm believer in Dems in control means things are going great and why let the facts get in the way of that??

She also thinks the Reps all by themselves wrecked the economy. Her Dems had nothing to do with it despite the fact that the whole deal started under Carter.

Oh and BTW, Barry's second term is going just about as well as his first.

A whole lotta nothing.
you cry about Obama with diatribes and diatribes, devote your daily life to crying about Obama in an obsessive manner on the internet.................

and then make a thread like this?


View attachment 25619

Poor baby... life getting tough on you cause it's interfering with your golf game?
When asked about second term failures, President Barack Obama responded by saying, "Maybe I should just pack up and go home. Golly."
Obama: 'Maybe I Should Just Pack Up and Go Home. Golly.' | The Weekly Standard

What a wimp!!! POOR BABY !!!

Good idea... then maybe we can work on undoing all your fuck ups, Barry.

B'bye... kenyan.

Speaking of criers. ^
all they have left is hate.

no facts no proof

just hate

Where was any HATE mentioned? I didn't and Don't HATE anyone much less Obama!

But this is the job he's campaigned for and lied for and he is moaning that he gets $1.4 billion a year to flit around the world,play golf more and have all these people venerate him and his is crying about trying to do everything he can to destroy our country!
I don't hate him. Get that straight!

I'm just doing what the mainstream media did frequently to Bush .."BASHING"...

Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

OK Mr. Thomas that sounds about right - FAIR and Balanced Right ! Objective reporting!

So what about Obama this same Bush Bashing Editor of NewsWeek.... Evan Thomas calls Obama god!

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.
Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

If Obama had to deal with the vicious MSM that daily BASHED Bush he'd have quit a long time ago!
I predict Obama is going to resign especially when the Benghazi episodes and Obamacare begin Blowing up in his FACE as his MSM support continues to diminish!
all they have left is hate.

no facts no proof

just hate

You're the last person to talk about proof.

You run away every time you're challenged to prove the lies you post.

I don't hate the man, I hate his policies. But you are not bright enough to understand the difference.

Obama’s Top Ten Failed Policies

you do realise words have definitions right?

we are in a recovery by the very definition of that word in economics fool


we are in a recovery by the very definitions of the words.

Lying will not change that

And no other President had to face in 8 years what Bush did..
4 cataclysmic events that cost the economy $8 trillion, 1 million jobs and almost 10,000 people killed! bust, 9/11, worst hurricanes in HISTORY and economic terrorist event all cost tax revenue PLUS additional outlays.. and yet per your table.. in spite of all that
what was the deficit Bush had??? $250 billion! After losing billions in tax revenue and increased outlays because of the above events...
But people evidently don't remember that!
View attachment 25619

Poor baby... life getting tough on you cause it's interfering with your golf game?
When asked about second term failures, President Barack Obama responded by saying, "Maybe I should just pack up and go home. Golly."
Obama: 'Maybe I Should Just Pack Up and Go Home. Golly.' | The Weekly Standard

What a wimp!!! POOR BABY !!!

Obama tries to pass a bill which many Repubs may even agree with, but they will vote it down because they are too gutless to be seen supporting the POTUS, even when he does something right.

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