Bombshells are falling

Because you can't tell what is true and what is false. They have to tell you.....spoon feed you. Just shut the fuck up and do what they say. If they want your opinion, they will give it to you.
Would you be offended if Fox News told you that the moon is not, in fact, made of cheese? Of course not. The only reason Fox News is on the shit list is because they refused to entertain the loony tunes crazy conspiracy stuff coming out of Trump and his supporters.
No...Fox News betrayed the people that counted on them to be straight with them.
The problem is the simple fact that most Fox viewers are more informed than your average viewer.
CNN has a limited audience of mind-numb liberals.
MSNBC isn't much better.
Fox has been lying to us for years...and it has gotten worse the last couple of years.
I spotted it years ago...when they tried to bushwack Trump in one of the debates.
On election night they dropped the facade/trousers completely and exposed themselves as the liberal tools they have become.
Hiring Donna Brazil was the final straw for me.
Stab your viewers in the back....don't expect to be around much longer.
Just ask Megan Kelley.
:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Tucker Carlson is the only one on there that has credibility.hannityand Holmes and o Reilly are shills for the CIA.they attacked people who came on there who did not support the governments explanation of 9/11.they never let them get going to present their evidence always shouting out at them bullying them cutting them off in mid sentence never letting them finish what they had to say.
At least they are not claiming to be fair and balanced like Fox did awhile back. Now that Fox is actually trying to be fair and balanced the hard core loonies are flocking to Newsmax where they don't put up with that nonsense.

Censorship is fair and balanced? How do you figure?
He's a democrat moron.

Any further questions?
At least they are not claiming to be fair and balanced like Fox did awhile back. Now that Fox is actually trying to be fair and balanced the hard core loonies are flocking to Newsmax where they don't put up with that nonsense.

Censorship is fair and balanced? How do you figure?

"Censorship"? What "censorship"?

Well it's a new day, let's see what the kernel has come up with.


I see.

Still not a damn thing.

Or as most people call it, "Wednesday".
In the Trump cult world, failing to repeat their batshit crazy claims is "censorship". The whole planet is now censoring them, the poor little victims.

That's why they're all proudly announcing a total retreat from reality, reality being just too painful for them now. They're going into their cult SafeSpaces, and they're never coming back out to where reality can hurt them.

Exactly..sites like Newsmax are telling Trump's cult..hey come over here, we will tell you everything you want to hear..
At least they are not claiming to be fair and balanced like Fox did awhile back. Now that Fox is actually trying to be fair and balanced the hard core loonies are flocking to Newsmax where they don't put up with that nonsense. Twitter and Facebook don't censor.

No...Fox News betrayed the people that counted on them to be straight with them.
CNN has a limited audience.
MSNBC isn't much better.
Fox has been lying to us for years.
I spotted it years ago.
On election night they dropped the facade/trousers completely and exposed themselves as the liberal tools they have become.
Hiring Donna Brazil was the final straw for me.
Stab your viewers in the back....don't expect to be around much longer.
Just ask Megan Kelley.
Fox News told you the truth and you didn't like it.

Trump lost.
Sorry...but Fox News lied to us about being fair & balanced.
They are nothing of the sort.
I'm not gonna go into the details about how they lied......but it was obvious to anyone who knows what the truth is.
The best way to spot a liar is by being well-informed.
Never getting all of your information from just one source like most people do.
Funny how all this evidence disappears as soon as the lawyers get to court. It's a mystery.
Back in reality, the "bombshell" in Michigan just blew up in the fascist faces of the Trump cult traitors here. Those two uber-racist election officials in Michigan changed their mind and certified the Detroit votes, after pretty much the whole state of MIchigan turned out to protest what racist asshats those officials were. Needless to say, every Trump cultist here enthusiastically approved of that open racism and fascism, and they can't walk that back.

So, suck it hard, Trump cult losers. Then cry at me some more, wet yourselves again, and run back to your fascist SafeSpaces, where you can cry on each other's shoulders about the way your fascist coup failed so spectactularly.
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Back in reality, the "bombshell" in Michigan just blew up in the fascist faces of the Trump cult traitors here. Those two uber-racist election officials in Michigan changed their mind and certified the Detroit votes, after pretty much the whole state of MIchigan turned out to protest what racist asshats those officials were. Needless to say, every Trump cultist here enthusiastically approved of that open racism and fascism, and they can't walk that back.

So, suck it hard, Trump cult losers. Then cry at me some more, wet yourselves again, and run back to your fascist SafeSpaces, where you can cry on each other's shoulders about the way your fascist coup failed so spectactularly.
this is what happens when you DOX people. you saying DOXing is a valid tactic to start using on the left now?
this is what happens when you DOX people. you saying DOXing is a valid tactic to start using on the left now?

Back in reality, it's considered a _good_ thing to highlight corrupt fascist and racist actions.

You? You're defending people who announced they wanted to throw away the votes of 80% black Detroit, but not the white suburbs ... for no reason that they would state. After all, there was zero evidence of any vote fraud in Detroit. They just wanted those democratic votes trashed, because they thought they could get away with it. Racism and fascism rolled into one vile package, and you're outraged that it didn't work.
I have been watching Sydney Powell, my GOD she is an amazing woman! A true Patriot!:clap:

I can’t stop laughing.
If anyone followed my original post to follow the money to find connections they'd know I mentioned the lesser known company bought out by Dominion.
SEQUOIA VOTING SYSTEMS ‘Fox & Friends’ Debunks Trump’s Dominion Voter Fraud Conspiracy While it's being Pushed by Fox Stars

Sidney Powell was correct to state the connection to Chavez and The software however with MSM as corrupt and tactical to cover up real news and being to lazy to ever look up their history nor investigated to know how to connect the dots, their inadequacy as reporters stated falsely that she was spewing conspiracies. They were wrong and she was right all along.

The software at the time was called

On August 26, 2005, Sequoia Voting Systems announced[20] that Mr. Jack Blaine would serve in the dual role as President of Sequoia Voting Systems and President of Sequoia's parent company, "Smartmatic".

In April 2008, competitor Hart InterCivic attempted a hostile takeover of Sequoia[21]. Court documents unearthed at this time revealed that Smartmatic still retained some financial control over several aspects of Sequoia.

On June 4, 2010 Dominion Voting Systems, acquired Sequoia Voting Systems.

So Dominion under it's bought out system
DID INDEED have access to the same software used in Venezuela (and the Phillipines) that it purchased and Smartmatic's denial of being connected to Dominion or MSM seperation of Smartmatic from Dominion is false through word play and semantics. Smartmatic was still part of SEQUOIA VOTING SYSTEMS which is owned by Dominion.
Now why is Venezuela important and why are they lying to disconnect the dot?
Because Meduro who Bernie supports promised revenge on Trump as did the drug cartels.

An equal act in Meduros eyes who thought we interfered with his election thus would be returned in kind, however if anyone interfered it would have been our rogue CIA and not Trump.
Enough to warrant concern and investigation, where there's smoke there's fire thus to call it conspiracy is for Dems and MSM to inadvertantly admit they were throwing Rusia conspiracy nonsense against the wall for almost 4 years and as Obama himself said would have been undermining democracy in using it to DELIGITIMIZE the 2016 election.


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