BOMBSHELL: Washingtn Post: Inspectors NOT allowed to determine WHO used chem weapons!

If obama and his leftist regime attack Syria, they should be arrested for war crimes.

pre·ce·dence noun \ˈpre-sə-dən(t)s, pri-ˈsē-dən(t)s\
Definition of PRECEDENCE
1a obsolete : antecedent b : the fact of coming or occurring earlier in time

You ready to take Bush to court? Go ahead!! I will be with you as we return morals, ethics, and honor to America.

What are you?

Huggies level 3 for crying out loud?

You have a drone assassination President like the world has never seen the like.

You have a President who is taking out leaders in the ME like crazy and you libs are freaking cheering him on.

Like Obama has the right to do this.

Now you can circle jerk big time but you are why I left liberalism a long time ago. Because you ceased being liberals and turned into fascists.

Your way or the highway.

I know you well.
When are Jake, Shintao and the other Liberal Chickenhawks volunteering to fight Obama's Good War against Syria?

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You'd think they'd all be lined up at the recruiter station, with faggots and all being allowed in the military now, they can all join up and go fight all these wars their messiah is getting us into. They must love war so why not?

But, but, all these wars are your terrorist wars, why aren't you there fighting them today? Obviously you love wars, so? Like Bush said, you are either with us warmongers or against us, so where are you sweetie??:lol::lol:
give us a break, we know republicans start all the wars that lead to millions being killed and butchered. You will have to find something else to blame us for. LMAO!!:lol::lol:

No, I won't.

damn dems always get us into the WORST wars, where thousands of our soldiers get killed and millions are wasted and then we have to get out and suffer PTSD for decades.

but dems usually do it to distract from their domestic failures.

you, libtards, are the worst lying decaying scumbag shit possible

Oh, no, you are wrong, bushs terrorist war continues, by far the worst war we have ever had, the terrorist war, millions have died, us troops slaughtered for 12 1/2 years of butchering our finest. Yep, the right really did it this time. There is no end to Bush's terrorist war, it will continue. What is that we hear parroted? "Stay The Course!" "If we pull out we will embolden the enemy." "You are either with us warmongers or against us." Yes, we understand, why don't you?:eusa_shifty:

You just will have to look elsewhere for a scapegoat. Was Craig a decaying scumbag when he toe tapped in an airport restroom? Yeah, we know where the rights scumbag chit is and how bad it is. We make fools of the right daily, LMAO!! The right I am afraid is a dying breed, cow paddy on a highway covered in flies, they are going down and all their lies can't put humpty dumpty back together again.:lol:
Negged for shear stupidity and ignorance.

Not much else to say to this moron.
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If obama and his leftist regime attack Syria, they should be arrested for war crimes.

pre·ce·dence noun \ˈpre-sə-dən(t)s, pri-ˈsē-dən(t)s\
Definition of PRECEDENCE
1a obsolete : antecedent b : the fact of coming or occurring earlier in time

You ready to take Bush to court? Go ahead!! I will be with you as we return morals, ethics, and honor to America.

What are you?

Huggies level 3 for crying out loud?

You have a drone assassination President like the world has never seen the like.

You have a President who is taking out leaders in the ME like crazy and you libs are freaking cheering him on.

Like Obama has the right to do this.

Now you can circle jerk big time but you are why I left liberalism a long time ago. Because you ceased being liberals and turned into fascists.

Your way or the highway.

I know you well.

you are speaking to a retard.

don't bother
it's a pleasure to watch how the libtards are jumping off their pants in order to praise this administration's war :lol:

the old rule - it is the damn democrats who ALWAYS start the worst wars - is going to be approved again.

give us a break, we know republicans start all the wars that lead to millions being killed and butchered. You will have to find something else to blame us for. LMAO!!:lol::lol:

Vietnam, the war machine, LBJ and Haliburton and Lady Byrd owning all the stocks.

Kiss my ass kid.

We rioted against Dems you dumb fuck. Who didn't teach you history in school? You are seriously uninformed.

dimocrap scum shelled Fort Sumter

Woodhead Wilson got us into WWI

FDR got us into WWII

Harry KKK Truman got us into Korea

JFK got us into Viet Nam

That's what...... 99.9% of all our War Dead? Probably

dimocraps are just fucking stupid. Too stupid to be allowed to breed
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give us a break, we know republicans start all the wars that lead to millions being killed and butchered. You will have to find something else to blame us for. LMAO!!:lol::lol:

Vietnam, the war machine, LBJ and Haliburton and Lady Byrd owning all the stocks.

Kiss my ass kid.

We rioted against Dems you dumb fuck. Who didn't teach you history in school? You are seriously uninformed.

dimocrap scum shelled Fort Sumter

Woodhead Wilson got us into WWI

FDR got us into WWII

Harry KKK Truman got us into Korea

JFK got us into Viet Nam

That's what...... 99.9% of all our War Dead? Probably

dimocraps are just fucking stupid. Too stupid to be allowed to breed


Screw Rush. I will personally tell him I'm good to go for Sandra Fluke to get free birth control.

I will buy tea for two if he just donates to the Sandras of the world getting protection

Just so they don't replicate..
Now what's wrong with this picture? I'm big into murder I know that does not sound good but I'm a Perry Mason baby and damn proud of it.

Look at this picture.

Why are all their bodies so perfectly aligned?

Why is there a man in black there with a gun?

Why is someone filming this?

If anyone thought this was a chemical hit on a Damascus suburb why isn't anyone


Sorries. This pisses me clean off.
dimocraps..... They'd be laughable if they weren't so fucking dangerous

[ame=]Jay Carney White House press news briefing on possible US military action in Syria 8/27/2013 - YouTube[/ame]
TASB, you are despicable in lying about what is going on.

There was no American black flag operation.

This was done by Assad's forces, and you are supporting the death of tens of thousands of civilians.

Did you support the Iraq war too? Sadaam caused thousands of deaths....he used chemical weapons. But the libs kept screaming that it was none of our business and that Iraq was no threat to the US. But now you are going to support an attack on Syria because it's Obama doing it.....without UN or Congressional support I hear, and we all know there are chemical weapons there.
Now what's wrong with this picture? I'm big into murder I know that does not sound good but I'm a Perry Mason baby and damn proud of it.

Look at this picture.

Why are all their bodies so perfectly aligned?

Why is there a man in black there with a gun?

Why is someone filming this?

If anyone thought this was a chemical hit on a Damascus suburb why isn't anyone


Sorries. This pisses me clean off.

Rigor sets in a few hours after death and lasts about 30 hours so it's believable that they'd be wrapped limp by the time they were retrieved from the rubble....death by a chemical agent could also effect the muscles reactions in rigor mortis. If they were wrapped tightly shortly after their deaths they'd go into rigor already straight. I believe the attack was real and I believe Assad is behind it.
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If obama and his leftist regime attack Syria, they should be arrested for war crimes.

pre·ce·dence noun \ˈpre-sə-dən(t)s, pri-ˈsē-dən(t)s\
Definition of PRECEDENCE
1a obsolete : antecedent b : the fact of coming or occurring earlier in time

You ready to take Bush to court? Go ahead!! I will be with you as we return morals, ethics, and honor to America.

What are you?

Huggies level 3 for crying out loud?

You have a drone assassination President like the world has never seen the like.

You have a President who is taking out leaders in the ME like crazy and you libs are freaking cheering him on.

Like Obama has the right to do this.

Now you can circle jerk big time but you are why I left liberalism a long time ago. Because you ceased being liberals and turned into fascists.

Your way or the highway.

I know you well.

Do you know what the terrorist war is that Bush got us into? I think I might check under your hood and see if you wet your diaper again. Drones are based on precedence from Bush, so what is your problem with drones? They save US troops lives while doing our nation a service. You claim it is a war crime? Really? was it a war crime when Bush used them as well? You are either with us or against us, you have to decide where you stand in the terrorist war, with the enemy or with America.

Let me help you with what a terrorist war is. It is never ending because you will always have terrorists, it occurs everywhere in the world, not just the ME, it requires time and sacrifice of millions of US troops lives & legs, and tons of America's money. Bush knew this going in, that as long as we have these wars the military complex of corporations will have your tax dollars flowing to them. And you supported these wars, you defended these wars, surely you are no stupid enough to believe they would be over after Bush two countries, or Obama's, or the next presidents, or the next?

Now run along to the sand pile and mull that over.:eusa_whistle:

You might also want to do some studying on how drones are deployed, what the crtiteria for using them is, etc.
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Now what's wrong with this picture? I'm big into murder I know that does not sound good but I'm a Perry Mason baby and damn proud of it.

Look at this picture.

Why are all their bodies so perfectly aligned?

Why is there a man in black there with a gun?

Why is someone filming this?

If anyone thought this was a chemical hit on a Damascus suburb why isn't anyone


Sorries. This pisses me clean off.

Rigor sets in a few hours after death and lasts about 30 hours so it's believable that they'd be wrapped limp by the time they were retrieved from the rubble....death by a chemical agent could also effect the muscles reactions in rigor mortis. If they were wrapped tightly shortly after their deaths they'd go into rigor already straight. I believe the attack was real and I believe Assad is behind it.


I'll play nice tiny dancer.

Where did they get the body bags for 1300? What rubble? Wrapped tightly? What ME was on the scene?

Who was the ME? What data have we seen reported? Give me the name of the ME.

I like you. I will be kind. Assad had just invited in the UN personel.

This is all bullshit man.
give us a break, we know republicans start all the wars that lead to millions being killed and butchered. You will have to find something else to blame us for. LMAO!!:lol::lol:

Vietnam, the war machine, LBJ and Haliburton and Lady Byrd owning all the stocks.

Kiss my ass kid.

We rioted against Dems you dumb fuck. Who didn't teach you history in school? You are seriously uninformed.

ShitToe is no kid....he's a washed-up SanFagcisco queer who's been posing as a Viet Vet for years.....I've busted his fairy ass so many times on another site I'm amazed he'd show up here. Leftist pile of lying crap that hides when I send the local VFW out to knock on his door.
Oh, Blam is back!! He got run off that last political site by trying to pose as a vn vet and where he lied about me. I see the scum of earth wannabe found him a home on the US Message board. Shame he degrades a place with US attached to it. Look at your member number dummy, I have been here a long fking time before you found out how to run a pc.

Now run along to your sand box and play with your army men.:lol:
pre·ce·dence noun \ˈpre-sə-dən(t)s, pri-ˈsē-dən(t)s\
Definition of PRECEDENCE
1a obsolete : antecedent b : the fact of coming or occurring earlier in time

You ready to take Bush to court? Go ahead!! I will be with you as we return morals, ethics, and honor to America.

What are you?

Huggies level 3 for crying out loud?

You have a drone assassination President like the world has never seen the like.

You have a President who is taking out leaders in the ME like crazy and you libs are freaking cheering him on.

Like Obama has the right to do this.

Now you can circle jerk big time but you are why I left liberalism a long time ago. Because you ceased being liberals and turned into fascists.

Your way or the highway.

I know you well.

Do you know what the terrorist war is that Bush got us into? I think I might check under your hood and see if you wet your diaper again. Drones are based on precedence from Bush, so what is your problem with drones? They save US troops lives while doing our nation a service. You claim it is a war crime? Really? was it a war crime when Bush used them as well? You are either with us or against us, you have to decide where you stand in the terrorist war, with the enemy or with America.

Let me help you with what a terrorist war is. It is never ending because you will always have terrorists, it occurs everywhere in the world, not just the ME, it requires time and sacrifice of millions of US troops lives & legs, and tons of America's money. Bush knew this going in, that as long as we have these wars the military complex of corporations will have your tax dollars flowing to them. And you supported these wars, you defended these wars, surely you are no stupid enough to believe they would be over after Bush two countries, or Obama's, or the next presidents, or the next?

Now run along to the sand pile and mull that over.:eusa_whistle:

You might also want to do some studying on how drones are deployed, what the crtiteria for using them is, etc.

Bush got us into a war on terror? You piece of shit.

Boy oh boy lets take it from the top.

I was sitting in my nice wonderful house in Hawtry trying to figure out the internet when I heard on the radio that a plane had taken out the first tower.

I ran to what I would consider my living room at the time to witness in live time the second tower going down.,

Assholes did this. Killed thousands on that day. It was breath taking.

I did not support any war. BUT if you want to take me on personally on this board, I've not a problem with it.

But I will and shall make you wish you died as a child. You want to come at me?

By all means. Continue.
The Wall Street Journal reports:

“The [weapons inspection] team must be able to conduct a full, thorough and unimpeded investigation,” said U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday night. However, the team is only mandated to determine if chemical weapons were used, not who used them, Mr. Ban’s spokesman said.

Inspectors In Syria Forbidden From Finding Out WHO Used Chemical Weapons, Only IF They Were Used | Washington's Blog

If we do not have a satellite camera covering the action all accross Syria 24/7 then we (Obama) have failed again.

That satellite is being used to spy on Jessica Alba and her bedroom.
it's a pleasure to watch how the libtards are jumping off their pants in order to praise this administration's war :lol:

the old rule - it is the damn democrats who ALWAYS start the worst wars - is going to be approved again.

give us a break, we know republicans start all the wars that lead to millions being killed and butchered. You will have to find something else to blame us for. LMAO!!:lol::lol:

Possibly you're just dumb, and need to be told...

Final Score:
Democrats: 16
Republicans: 10

9/11 Bill of Rights: Democrat or Republican Presidents: Who Has Started More Wars?

And maybe you are deaf and dumb and don't know what planet your on. lol :lol:
it's a pleasure to watch how the libtards are jumping off their pants in order to praise this administration's war :lol:

the old rule - it is the damn democrats who ALWAYS start the worst wars - is going to be approved again.

give us a break, we know republicans start all the wars that lead to millions being killed and butchered. You will have to find something else to blame us for. LMAO!!:lol::lol:

Vietnam, the war machine, LBJ and Haliburton and Lady Byrd owning all the stocks.

Kiss my ass kid.

We rioted against Dems you dumb fuck. Who didn't teach you history in school? You are seriously uninformed.
Right. The VN war was started by eisenhower, another fine fix you got us into, go read your history sweetie. LMAO!!
Vietnam, the war machine, LBJ and Haliburton and Lady Byrd owning all the stocks.

Kiss my ass kid.

We rioted against Dems you dumb fuck. Who didn't teach you history in school? You are seriously uninformed.

ShitToe is no kid....he's a washed-up SanFagcisco queer who's been posing as a Viet Vet for years.....I've busted his fairy ass so many times on another site I'm amazed he'd show up here. Leftist pile of lying crap that hides when I send the local VFW out to knock on his door.
Oh, Blam is back!! He got run off that last political site by trying to pose as a vn vet and where he lied about me. I see the scum of earth wannabe found him a home on the US Message board. Shame he degrades a place with US attached to it. Look at your member number dummy, I have been here a long fking time before you found out how to run a pc.

Now run along to your sand box and play with your army men.:lol:

Have you now?

What are you doing?
What are you?

Huggies level 3 for crying out loud?

You have a drone assassination President like the world has never seen the like.

You have a President who is taking out leaders in the ME like crazy and you libs are freaking cheering him on.

Like Obama has the right to do this.

Now you can circle jerk big time but you are why I left liberalism a long time ago. Because you ceased being liberals and turned into fascists.

Your way or the highway.

I know you well.

Do you know what the terrorist war is that Bush got us into? I think I might check under your hood and see if you wet your diaper again. Drones are based on precedence from Bush, so what is your problem with drones? They save US troops lives while doing our nation a service. You claim it is a war crime? Really? was it a war crime when Bush used them as well? You are either with us or against us, you have to decide where you stand in the terrorist war, with the enemy or with America.

Let me help you with what a terrorist war is. It is never ending because you will always have terrorists, it occurs everywhere in the world, not just the ME, it requires time and sacrifice of millions of US troops lives & legs, and tons of America's money. Bush knew this going in, that as long as we have these wars the military complex of corporations will have your tax dollars flowing to them. And you supported these wars, you defended these wars, surely you are no stupid enough to believe they would be over after Bush two countries, or Obama's, or the next presidents, or the next?

Now run along to the sand pile and mull that over.:eusa_whistle:

You might also want to do some studying on how drones are deployed, what the crtiteria for using them is, etc.

Bush got us into a war on terror? You piece of shit.

Boy oh boy lets take it from the top.

I was sitting in my nice wonderful house in Hawtry trying to figure out the internet when I heard on the radio that a plane had taken out the first tower.

I ran to what I would consider my living room at the time to witness in live time the second tower going down.,

Assholes did this. Killed thousands on that day. It was breath taking.

I did not support any war. BUT if you want to take me on personally on this board, I've not a problem with it.

But I will and shall make you wish you died as a child. You want to come at me?

By all means. Continue.

Oh, my, talk about a low information conservative, and personal attacks to boot. You just don't like the truth do you?:eusa_angel: You want to blame Obama for the terrorist war. You are small fry in the game of debate, like Bush said sweetie, Bring it on!!!:lol::lol:
ShitToe is no kid....he's a washed-up SanFagcisco queer who's been posing as a Viet Vet for years.....I've busted his fairy ass so many times on another site I'm amazed he'd show up here. Leftist pile of lying crap that hides when I send the local VFW out to knock on his door.
Oh, Blam is back!! He got run off that last political site by trying to pose as a vn vet and where he lied about me. I see the scum of earth wannabe found him a home on the US Message board. Shame he degrades a place with US attached to it. Look at your member number dummy, I have been here a long fking time before you found out how to run a pc.

Now run along to your sand box and play with your army men.:lol:

Have you now?

What are you doing?

Doing about what?:eusa_whistle:

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