Syria, Iran Warn Israel


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2012
Buzzard Gulch, NC
Here we go again. Syria and Iran warn that if we attack Syria, they will attack Israel. Read another article where Israel has issued gas masks. MSM and lib chicken hawks are carrying Obama's water as usual. Do they not realize that the whole ME is about to go up in flames. Do they even care? Is it all about Barry saving face? Do they think lobbing a few cruise missile will solve the situation?

Syria, Iran issue first explicit warning to Israel if US attacks | The Times of Israel
LOL They will regret it the second they launch even one missile at Israel

Shit is about to hit the fan
I would rather Obama lost face that attack Syria. Is it cowardice to lose face, to about-turn on his red-line statement.
Is installing a coalition of Islamic radical militants in Syria so important to America that we would risk these consequences ? Supporting Al Qaeda like groups makes absolutely no sense. In other parts of the world we support killing these very same people. Is there another agenda being pursued that we aren't being told about ?
Here we go again. Syria and Iran warn that if we attack Syria, they will attack Israel. Read another article where Israel has issued gas masks. MSM and lib chicken hawks are carrying Obama's water as usual. Do they not realize that the whole ME is about to go up in flames. Do they even care? Is it all about Barry saving face? Do they think lobbing a few cruise missile will solve the situation?

Syria, Iran issue first explicit warning to Israel if US attacks | The Times of Israel

Think about it Bloodrock, they cannot do that without taking the USA out of the equation first. I don't think Iran is the tipping point, I think Syria is and we are at the door of it now. I'm not feeling this thing about lobbing missiles into Syria because to me this looks like a set up.

I'm certain that we have to be hit by the Russians first before they make another attempt on Israel. The last time the Russians came even close to that - it was the USA that stood in the way - many years ago - and it is doubtful they'd make the same mistake twice. ( Nixon era )

I think we are getting close to the point in bible prophecy - Obadiah - where usa is out of the way - ( mystery babylon Rev 18 is surrounded by many waters - Iraq is about land locked so that isn't it ) then afterwards the borders of Israel are over-run on ever side - she responds nuclear ( their tongues melt in their mouths, eyes in their sockets - Egypt ) and all surrounding neighbors are destroyed - survivors flee to far off lands out of region - including the long lost palestinians. It is very hard to say but I seriously believe we could be looking at the imminent end of USA as we know it. The Pentagon is about is foolish as they come - they can't see the trees for the woods here and will most likely walk straight into this blind.

I am praying for us all. This is really looking very bad. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see China go ahead and make a provocative move on Taiwan to give Russia an alternative reason to strike usa when we try to protect that region. That would leave Israels neighbors open to over run her borders and force Israel to use her nuclear options.

It dawned on me this morning that the reason the Russians were not mentioned in the attempt to over run Israel ( in battle before Ezekiel 37,38, 39 ) is because according to bible scripture once the Russian led Islamic army reaches the mountains of Jerusalem they turn on one another and begin to slaughter each other. I used to think that would happen because God was ambushing them as in 2 Chronicles -Chapter 20 - Jehosophat story but now I realize that is not what happens.

The reason the Russians stand off from the first battle ( obadiah - israeli borders over run by enemy - Israel responds nuclear - all neighbors wiped out or driven far off ) is because she WANTS those neighbors out of the way right now! Russia KNOWS Israel will use her nuclear option and this works for her on many levels.

That way when she leads the final invasion of Israel described in Ezekiel 37,38, 39, there are no surrounding neighbors to come to contend / otherwise they would try to rescue the Islamists when the Russians try to wipe them out on the mountains of Jerusalem. See the strategy of the Russians on this one?

Russia wants Israel for herself -she is only using the Islamists as a cover to get there. I think this is the checkmate that Kissinger never factored into the scenario - but I could be wrong - he may be a double agent and no one was the wiser. We'll see. But that is the way this thing plays out according to bible prophecy.

America has to be hit hard to put us out of the way for these two attempts on Israel to take place. ( neither one will be successful - but there will be a lot of dead Russians and Islamists - so there is that ) The prophetic time clock can always be seen by what is going on with Israel. No one would ever believe so much could happen in such a short period of time. I doubt this is going to be some little skirmish. It looks like something unprecedented is going to happen and there are far too many people who are not seeing this for what it is. imo.
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Do they not realize that the whole ME is about to go up in flames. Do they even care? Is it all about Barry saving face? Do they think lobbing a few cruise missile will solve the situation?

The Mideast is already in flames. Guys? this is what flames look like.

Yes, lobbing a few accurate cruise missiles will solve our problem, anyway, which is that we do not want chemical weapons normalized. Obviously, unless there is a punitive raid, they will be normalized.

So Obama will pop them a few, that's all. Very impressive how cruise missiles can sail literally in at a window. Assad apparently needs impressing. He gets to go on killing his countrymen by the hundred thousand afterward; he just isn't allowed to do with with chemical weapons.

There will probably be some carrying on with Israel and a few shells that land in the fields as usual and alarms set off. Then everything will go back to normal: Syrians killing each other, Egyptians killing each other, rioting spreading from country to country.

This does not need dealing with until it affects us --- by hitting Israel seriously, by Iran nuking up, by somebody stopping the oil. Otherwise, it's probably good for us that they kill each other.

I think you all are worrying too much. Wait and cry after you are hurt, not before.
Remember when Stalingrad and Mememe - the two Russians who were part of Zhirinovsky party were on this board? Did you notice their both gone now? Let me take a whack at why that is..

BOTH of them were seething with hatred for Americans. You could taste the venom in their mouths every time they wrote on this board. That is the heart of the Zhirinovsky clan for America. Old style Russians who are longing for the days of Stalin to return - in fact - Zhirinovsky promises to be far more brutal than Stalin. They both tipped the hand of the Russians with their vitriolic hatred for Americans.

When they heard that Zhirinovsky's book - Final March Towards the South ( his book on a Russian led invasion of Israel using the Islamists to take it - he said let our islamic allies get paradise and their virgins while Russia gets Israel - a perfect marriage in his eyes) was actually a depiction of the invasion Ezekiel the prophet described in 37, 38 ,39 they both went silent. Why? Their communists. Neither of them had ever read the bible and had absolutely no idea that the Russian led Islamic invasion was prophesied in the bible. They probably feared they would be targeted as big mouths who were talking too much. So they both beat feet. Is Russia really a free country? Ahhhh.... would Snowden still be there if it were?

Don't believe the newspapers, folks. Believe the bible. That is where you'll find the truth. - Jeri
Here we go again. Syria and Iran warn that if we attack Syria, they will attack Israel. Read another article where Israel has issued gas masks. MSM and lib chicken hawks are carrying Obama's water as usual. Do they not realize that the whole ME is about to go up in flames. Do they even care? Is it all about Barry saving face? Do they think lobbing a few cruise missile will solve the situation?

Syria, Iran issue first explicit warning to Israel if US attacks | The Times of Israel

Everybody ready for Armageddon?
Israel has decided that it wants Assad removed from power.

America's government/military will do what they are told by the zionists and attack Syria.

This will give a safe air space over Syria in order for Israel to bomb Iran.

Which is the end game of this current conflict. .. :cool:
Remember when Stalingrad and Mememe - the two Russians who were part of Zhirinovsky party were on this board? Did you notice their both gone now? Let me take a whack at why that is..

BOTH of them were seething with hatred for Americans. You could taste the venom in their mouths every time they wrote on this board. That is the heart of the Zhirinovsky clan for America. Old style Russians who are longing for the days of Stalin to return - in fact - Zhirinovsky promises to be far more brutal than Stalin. They both tipped the hand of the Russians with their vitriolic hatred for Americans.

When they heard that Zhirinovsky's book - Final March Towards the South ( his book on a Russian led invasion of Israel using the Islamists to take it - he said let our islamic allies get paradise and their virgins while Russia gets Israel - a perfect marriage in his eyes) was actually a depiction of the invasion Ezekiel the prophet described in 37, 38 ,39 they both went silent. Why? Their communists. Neither of them had ever read the bible and had absolutely no idea that the Russian led Islamic invasion was prophesied in the bible. They probably feared they would be targeted as big mouths who were talking too much. So they both beat feet. Is Russia really a free country? Ahhhh.... would Snowden still be there if it were?

Don't believe the newspapers, folks. Believe the bible. That is where you'll find the truth. - Jeri

wanna show me where in the Bible it mentions Slavic peoples and Islamic peoples destroying Israel II?

When I was researching Nostradamus in the '80's I did read some quatrains where the interpretation was pointed towards the Russians and their conversion to Islam, a great war and the eventual return of Christian Russia allying with America to defeat the Muslims. But with Nostradamus and his style of writing many predictions are very ambiguous.
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Israel has decided that it wants Assad removed from power.

America's government/military will do what they are told by the zionists and attack Syria.

This will give a safe air space over Syria in order for Israel to bomb Iran.

Which is the end game of this current conflict. .. :cool:

Syria and Iran have their own problems and they're getting worse.

Much worse.

Blame Israel all you want. Muslims are slaughtering each other with applomb Sunni.

They say 120,000 in Syria alone, but I think the numbers are closer to 200,000 and more to come. Lebanon is entering the fray now.

The end of the conflict will be a long way off.
Remember when Stalingrad and Mememe - the two Russians who were part of Zhirinovsky party were on this board? Did you notice their both gone now? Let me take a whack at why that is..

BOTH of them were seething with hatred for Americans. You could taste the venom in their mouths every time they wrote on this board. That is the heart of the Zhirinovsky clan for America. Old style Russians who are longing for the days of Stalin to return - in fact - Zhirinovsky promises to be far more brutal than Stalin. They both tipped the hand of the Russians with their vitriolic hatred for Americans.

When they heard that Zhirinovsky's book - Final March Towards the South ( his book on a Russian led invasion of Israel using the Islamists to take it - he said let our islamic allies get paradise and their virgins while Russia gets Israel - a perfect marriage in his eyes) was actually a depiction of the invasion Ezekiel the prophet described in 37, 38 ,39 they both went silent. Why? Their communists. Neither of them had ever read the bible and had absolutely no idea that the Russian led Islamic invasion was prophesied in the bible. They probably feared they would be targeted as big mouths who were talking too much. So they both beat feet. Is Russia really a free country? Ahhhh.... would Snowden still be there if it were?

Don't believe the newspapers, folks. Believe the bible. That is where you'll find the truth. - Jeri

wanna show me where in the Bible it mentions Slavic peoples and Islamic peoples destroying Israel II?
Please don't confuse him by asking for details or facts he can't provide. .. :cool:
Israel has decided that it wants Assad removed from power.

America's government/military will do what they are told by the zionists and attack Syria.

This will give a safe air space over Syria in order for Israel to bomb Iran.

Which is the end game of this current conflict. .. :cool:

Then the Muslims should take a :chillpill: and be nice.
Remember when Stalingrad and Mememe - the two Russians who were part of Zhirinovsky party were on this board? Did you notice their both gone now? Let me take a whack at why that is..

BOTH of them were seething with hatred for Americans. You could taste the venom in their mouths every time they wrote on this board. That is the heart of the Zhirinovsky clan for America. Old style Russians who are longing for the days of Stalin to return - in fact - Zhirinovsky promises to be far more brutal than Stalin. They both tipped the hand of the Russians with their vitriolic hatred for Americans.

When they heard that Zhirinovsky's book - Final March Towards the South ( his book on a Russian led invasion of Israel using the Islamists to take it - he said let our islamic allies get paradise and their virgins while Russia gets Israel - a perfect marriage in his eyes) was actually a depiction of the invasion Ezekiel the prophet described in 37, 38 ,39 they both went silent. Why? Their communists. Neither of them had ever read the bible and had absolutely no idea that the Russian led Islamic invasion was prophesied in the bible. They probably feared they would be targeted as big mouths who were talking too much. So they both beat feet. Is Russia really a free country? Ahhhh.... would Snowden still be there if it were?

Don't believe the newspapers, folks. Believe the bible. That is where you'll find the truth. - Jeri

wanna show me where in the Bible it mentions Slavic peoples and Islamic peoples destroying Israel II?
Please don't confuse him by asking for details or facts he can't provide. .. :cool:

I loved doing it to my employees, now I only get to do it to my family and this site.
Remember when Stalingrad and Mememe - the two Russians who were part of Zhirinovsky party were on this board? Did you notice their both gone now? Let me take a whack at why that is..

BOTH of them were seething with hatred for Americans. You could taste the venom in their mouths every time they wrote on this board. That is the heart of the Zhirinovsky clan for America. Old style Russians who are longing for the days of Stalin to return - in fact - Zhirinovsky promises to be far more brutal than Stalin. They both tipped the hand of the Russians with their vitriolic hatred for Americans.

When they heard that Zhirinovsky's book - Final March Towards the South ( his book on a Russian led invasion of Israel using the Islamists to take it - he said let our islamic allies get paradise and their virgins while Russia gets Israel - a perfect marriage in his eyes) was actually a depiction of the invasion Ezekiel the prophet described in 37, 38 ,39 they both went silent. Why? Their communists. Neither of them had ever read the bible and had absolutely no idea that the Russian led Islamic invasion was prophesied in the bible. They probably feared they would be targeted as big mouths who were talking too much. So they both beat feet. Is Russia really a free country? Ahhhh.... would Snowden still be there if it were?

Don't believe the newspapers, folks. Believe the bible. That is where you'll find the truth. - Jeri

wanna show me where in the Bible it mentions Slavic peoples and Islamic peoples destroying Israel II?

It's not in the Bible where Slavic and Islamic peoples destroy Israel. It's the other way around. You'll find it in Ezekiel 38. Russia is Meshach & Tubal. Persia is Iran. They have never allied until now. Read Connery's post in this thread concerning the Russia/Iran alliance.
Remember when Stalingrad and Mememe - the two Russians who were part of Zhirinovsky party were on this board? Did you notice their both gone now? Let me take a whack at why that is..

BOTH of them were seething with hatred for Americans. You could taste the venom in their mouths every time they wrote on this board. That is the heart of the Zhirinovsky clan for America. Old style Russians who are longing for the days of Stalin to return - in fact - Zhirinovsky promises to be far more brutal than Stalin. They both tipped the hand of the Russians with their vitriolic hatred for Americans.

When they heard that Zhirinovsky's book - Final March Towards the South ( his book on a Russian led invasion of Israel using the Islamists to take it - he said let our islamic allies get paradise and their virgins while Russia gets Israel - a perfect marriage in his eyes) was actually a depiction of the invasion Ezekiel the prophet described in 37, 38 ,39 they both went silent. Why? Their communists. Neither of them had ever read the bible and had absolutely no idea that the Russian led Islamic invasion was prophesied in the bible. They probably feared they would be targeted as big mouths who were talking too much. So they both beat feet. Is Russia really a free country? Ahhhh.... would Snowden still be there if it were?

Don't believe the newspapers, folks. Believe the bible. That is where you'll find the truth. - Jeri

wanna show me where in the Bible it mentions Slavic peoples and Islamic peoples destroying Israel II?

It's not in the Bible where Slavic and Islamic peoples destroy Israel. It's the other way around. You'll find it in Ezekiel 38. Russia is Meshach & Tubal. Persia is Iran. They have never allied until now. Read Connery's post in this thread concerning the Russia/Iran alliance.


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