BOMBSHELL… ABC Analyst: West Wing Of White House Authorized IRS-Gate Targeting (Video

BOMBSHELL? ABC Analyst: West Wing Of White House Authorized IRS-Gate Targeting (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

I predict this CORRUPT tyrannical President will be impeached or forced to resign..

May or may not.
Caution: Don't get ahead of yourself with 'wishful thinking'.

There's going to be a special prosecutor assigned at the very least.. There's really no choice in the matter. This thing has blown sky high.. I think they should force this CORRUPT CHICAGOLAND Thug President to release the Fast N Furious document - cover up.. his student records while we're at it.. This FRAUD needs to be thrown in a prison and his corrupt STOOGES with him.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves...this is the opinion of one guy working at ABC.
I happen to think the guy is probably right, but this is just one guy making a comment.

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