Bombshell 2018 Letter From Cohen Attorney to FEC *SHOULD* Collapse Pretext of Alvin Bragg Nonsense Case Against Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
The Last Refuge

Bombshell 2018 Letter From Cohen Attorney to FEC *SHOULD* Collapse Pretext of Alvin Bragg Nonsense Case Against Donald Trump

March 22, 2023 | Sundance


A letter from lawyers representing Michael Cohen to the Federal Election Commission in 2018 should end the case being attempted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. However, given the highly political nature of the DA bringing the case, it is possible the ideologically driven witch hunt will continue.

The 2018 letter states that Michael Cohen made a payment to Stormy Daniels without any consultation with Donald Trump. This undermines the cornerstone of the prosecution’s case.



It is now over as Bragg has nothing to work with and revelations that he hides exculpatory evidence dooms his lawfare attack.
Just the News

Memos from 2018-19 shake up Trump case: Cohen denied having incriminating evidence on hush money​

The Last Refuge

Bombshell 2018 Letter From Cohen Attorney to FEC *SHOULD* Collapse Pretext of Alvin Bragg Nonsense Case Against Donald Trump

March 22, 2023 | Sundance


A letter from lawyers representing Michael Cohen to the Federal Election Commission in 2018 should end the case being attempted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. However, given the highly political nature of the DA bringing the case, it is possible the ideologically driven witch hunt will continue.

The 2018 letter states that Michael Cohen made a payment to Stormy Daniels without any consultation with Donald Trump. This undermines the cornerstone of the prosecution’s case.



It is now over as Bragg has nothing to work with and revelations that he hides exculpatory evidence dooms his lawfare attack.
That was when he was still on Trump payroll...

He came clean in 2019 and confessed to all his previous lies...
You didn't read the link at all, put aside your partisan hate and read.
Hello? There is audio recording of Trump talking with Cohen on how stormy would be paid the $130,000 and not be traced back to Trump.

Bragg isn't counting on Cohen testimony, he got evidence to support it. Cohen would not be a good witness due to admitting lying previously, so the prosecutors needed evidence to support Cohen's claims. They're not stupid.

Cohen was paid$60,000 as bonus to do it, by Trump.
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Trump had 10 years to pay off Stormy, He chose to do it when the access Hollywood video broke, so not to have another sex scandal before the election added to the access Hollywood.

He paid off his playmate Karen McDougal as well, to keep silent. Actually she was paid $150,000 by the national enquirer as an exclusive, to tell her long time affair with trump story, but they buried it, and Trump paid the National Enquirer back the $150,000, right after the Access Hollywood video broke.
Hello? There is audio recording of Trump talking with Cohen on how stormy would be paid the $130,000 and not be traced back to Trump.

Bragg isn't counting on Cohen testimony, he got evidence to support it. Cohen would not be a good witness due to admitting lying previously, so the prosecutors needed evidence to support Cohen's claims. They're not stupid.

Cohen was paid$60,000 as bonus to do it, by Trump.

The problem is that Stormy Daniel Lied about having sex as she admitted it NEVER happened, and paying hush money isn't illegal if it his own money that paid it off.

Did you read this claim?

“I mentioned it yesterday, I think, when Bob Costello got into that grand jury room and told them, ‘Wait a minute — you don’t have the hundreds of pages I handed over to Alvin Bragg over here? You only have six cherry-picked documents?’ You know, hiding from grand juries exculpatory information is reprehensible and unconscionable,” Jarrett said Tuesday night.“

This needs to be addressed if this is true or not. ;)

The Gand Jury is taking a long time..............., Snicker..........
The problem is that Stormy Daniel Lied about having sex as she admitted it NEVER happened, and paying hush money isn't illegal if it his own money that paid it off.

Did you read this claim?

“I mentioned it yesterday, I think, when Bob Costello got into that grand jury room and told them, ‘Wait a minute — you don’t have the hundreds of pages I handed over to Alvin Bragg over here? You only have six cherry-picked documents?’ You know, hiding from grand juries exculpatory information is reprehensible and unconscionable,” Jarrett said Tuesday night.“

This needs to be addressed if this is true or not. ;)

The Gand Jury is taking a long time..............., Snicker..........
Stormy and Michael lied about it.

Shouldn't you try to research it, for the reason why they both lied in 2018 before you come to speculate. (Cohen was being paid to lie by trump, or Stormy's child was in danger and physically threaten by a goon that didn't want her to talk)

Do you think a grand jury did not know Cohen lied for Trump, before he came clean and confessed in 2019?

If the grand jury and AG believe they need to spend more time after Costello visit to the grand jury to double check newly learned things, then they should do so.
Stormy and Michael lied about it.

Shouldn't you try to research it, for the reason why they both lied in 2018 before you come to speculate. (Cohen was being paid to lie by trump, or Stormy's child was in danger and physically threaten by a goon that didn't want her to talk)

Do you think a grand jury did not know Cohen lied for Trump, before he came clean and confessed in 2019?

If the grand jury and AG believe they need to spend more time after Costello visit to the grand jury to double check newly learned things, then they should do so.

No evidence that Trump broke the law.......

You completely ignored this part:

“I mentioned it yesterday, I think, when Bob Costello got into that grand jury room and told them, ‘Wait a minute — you don’t have the hundreds of pages I handed over to Alvin Bragg over here? You only have six cherry-picked documents?’ You know, hiding from grand juries exculpatory information is reprehensible and unconscionable,” Jarrett said Tuesday night.“

This needs to be addressed if this is true or not."

No evidence that Trump broke the law.......

You completely ignored this part:

“I mentioned it yesterday, I think, when Bob Costello got into that grand jury room and told them, ‘Wait a minute — you don’t have the hundreds of pages I handed over to Alvin Bragg over here? You only have six cherry-picked documents?’ You know, hiding from grand juries exculpatory information is reprehensible and unconscionable,” Jarrett said Tuesday night.“

This needs to be addressed if this is true or not."

I'm certain the grand jury and DA are crossing their tees and dotting their eyes... this is being watched closely and the DA knows what is at stake.... his jjob.

Costello can say what he wants and can make any claims he wants.... outside of the jury room....including lies, exaggerations, speculations, opinions etc.

I personally see no value, zero, zip to what Costello claims he brought forward, to the case itself.. ....what Cohen felt, or said or did when he was under duress or when being paid to lie for Trump, before he came clean....really isn't meaningful imo..

The GJ is not relying on Cohen's word, they know he is not a good witness due to being a liar for Trump for ten years of employment.... That is why they need documented proof,to back him up, or other witnesses to back him up, or audio tapes to back him up..
I'm certain the grand jury and DA are crossing their tees and dotting their eyes... this is being watched closely and the DA knows what is at stake.... his jjob.

Costello can say what he wants and can make any claims he wants.... outside of the jury room....including lies, exaggerations, speculations, opinions etc.

I personally see no value, zero, zip to what Costello claims he brought forward, to the case itself.. ....what Cohen felt, or said or did when he was under duress or when being paid to lie for Trump, before he came clean....really isn't meaningful imo..

The GJ is not relying on Cohen's word, they know he is not a good witness due to being a liar for Trump for ten years of employment.... That is why they need documented proof,to back him up, or other witnesses to back him up, or audio tapes to back him up..

Behold a woman sucking up all the propaganda and spewing it forth like a firehose
The problem is that Stormy Daniel Lied about having sex as she admitted it NEVER happened, and paying hush money isn't illegal if it his own money that paid it off.

Did you read this claim?

“I mentioned it yesterday, I think, when Bob Costello got into that grand jury room and told them, ‘Wait a minute — you don’t have the hundreds of pages I handed over to Alvin Bragg over here? You only have six cherry-picked documents?’ You know, hiding from grand juries exculpatory information is reprehensible and unconscionable,” Jarrett said Tuesday night.“

This needs to be addressed if this is true or not. ;)

The Gand Jury is taking a long time..............., Snicker..........
She was paid $130,000 in 2016 to deny the sexual encounter.....
She was paid $130,000 in 2016 to deny the sexual encounter.....

You have moments of lucidity but on this issue have completely lost the plot.

Bragg is a charlatan and the Democrats have stepped on a thousand rakes with this one. Just for starters, no STATE prosecutor has any business messing with FEDERAL election charges that FEDERAL judges have already passed up.

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