Bolsonaro, an evangelical mysogynist racist alt right is now the Potus of


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Brazil. Trump called him to congratulate him, birds of a feather flock together.

. The candidate has even faced charges for his discriminatory comments. Here’s a sampling of some of the things he’s said:

· He disparaged indigenous and Quilombolas communities, who are descendants of Afro-Brazilian slaves, implying, among other things, that they were lazy. “I think they don’t even manage to procreate anymore,” the candidate said.

· He said that if he had a gay son, he would be unable to love him and would “prefer that he die in an accident.”

· He said a fellow lawmaker in congress wasn’t attractive enough to be raped because she was ugly. “She’s not my type. I would never rape her. I’m not a rapist, but if I were, I wouldn’t rape her because she doesn’t deserve it,” Bolsonaro said in 2014.

· Bolsonaro responded to a question in 2011 about what he would do if his son fell in love with a black woman by saying, “I don’t run that risk because my sons were very well educated.”


In May 2016, the same month Dilma was impeached, Bolsonaro was in Jordan. On May 12, Pastor Everaldo, a prominent leader of the Assembly of God and the head of the Christian Social Party, baptized Bolsonaro in the Jordan River. This was his most important act in formalizing his relationship with Evangelicals that he spent the early part of this decade cultivating. And even though Bolsonaro hasn’t renounced his Catholicism—he calls himself a Catholic who, for 10 years, attended the Baptist church—evangelical leaders like Silas Malafaia are ready to offer him their support as someone who can put the country back on track. Bolsonaro’s wife and son are evangelical, which so far has given him just enough credibility to navigate the evangelical community. With Catholics projected to become a religious minority by 2030, and evangelicals making up 22 percent of the electorate, Bolsonaro has placed his political fortunes in the hands of the evangelicals.

The Rise of the Brazilian Evangelicals - The Atlantic
No, he is not a Catholic.

The MP is facing resistance for saying that same-sex marriage is reprehensible and saying that Africans are victims of a curse from biblical times. The case pointed the spotlight for the work of the evangelical bench in parliament. Partly because of their own shortcomings, partly because of incomprehension of political opponents, these parliamentarians have gained increasing space in the national political debate. And the signs are that they came to stay.

The evangelical bench also does not escape the rule of the National Congress when the subject is denunciations of corruption. Of the 73 members in the Chamber, 23 respond to a lawsuit in the Federal Supreme Court (STF). There are accused of corruption, embezzlement (deviance practiced by public servants), electoral crime, use of false documents, money laundering and stelionato. There is even a prisoner who can go to jail shortly: Natan Donadon , who is serving 13 years and four months to serve.

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Religious zealot fruitcakes are the most racist pigs.
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For those who want to comment on my headline, I'm sorry, Potus is not right, he is President of Brazil, but he is like the Potus.

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