Boehner cannot sue the President

LMFAO!!!!! In the story:

But Boehner may not be able to do so. According to Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of the University of California, Irvine Law School

Who the fuck is Erwin????? Because "ERWIN" said so????
oh pull your panties dear leader will be safe

Boehner is playing you/us as much Obama does constantly, but for you the more important thing is:

LMFAO!!!!! In the story:

But Boehner may not be able to do so. According to Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of the University of California, Irvine Law School

Who the fuck is Erwin????? Because "ERWIN" said so????

Just some guy who graduated from Harvard Law before becoming Dean of the prominently ranked University of California Irvine law school. Where did you go to school?

Dean Erwin Chemerinsky
Erwin Chemerinsky is the founding Dean and Distinguished Professor of Law, and Raymond Pryke Professor of First Amendment Law, at UC Irvine School of Law, with a joint appointment in Political Science.

Prior to assuming this position in 2008, he was the Alston and Bird Professor of Law and Political Science at Duke University from 2004-2008, and before that was a professor at the University of Southern California Law School from 1983-2004, including as the Sydney M. Irmas Professor of Public Interest Law, Legal Ethics, and Political Science.

He is the author of eight books, including The Case Against the Supreme Court to be published by Viking in 2014, and more than 200 law review articles. He frequently argues appellate cases, including in the United States Supreme Court. In January 2014, National Jurist magazine named Dean Chemerinsky as the most influential person in legal education in the United States. Dean Chemerinsky is a graduate of Northwestern University and Harvard Law School.
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LMFAO!!!!! In the story:

But Boehner may not be able to do so. According to Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of the University of California, Irvine Law School

Who the fuck is Erwin????? Because "ERWIN" said so????

He is the nobody "expert" of the moment who says a bunch of gobbledygook to appease the faithful

Are there enough conservatives who, if they're fired up by the kind of thing, would be able to out-vote everyone who is turned off by this kind of thing?

I'm assuming the Tea Party feels the answer is "yes", right?


what are you assuming?
what's the tea party have to do with this?
I couldn't make sense of your post
Why Boehner Can?t Sue Obama

Boehner is just throwing red meet to the RW loons. They will eventually stop drooling over this GOP wet dream.

When you can't attack the message.....

Even Neil Cavuto had to publicly spank Michelle Bachmann on his show a couple of days ago when she endorsed this stupid idea. He accused her and Boehner of just wasting people's time.

And posts like YOURS does too.

Are there enough conservatives who, if they're fired up by the kind of thing, would be able to out-vote everyone who is turned off by this kind of thing?

I'm assuming the Tea Party feels the answer is "yes", right?


what are you assuming?
what's the tea party have to do with this?
I couldn't make sense of your post

I think most of the people who are driving this kind of behavior can be found in the Tea Party, from street level to radio hosts like Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin, all passionate Tea Party sympathizers.

You can substitute any word for that, conservatives, constitutionalists, whatever. What I wonder is if those who support this behavior think it will be helpful at the ballot box, or whether they care.

LMFAO!!!!! In the story:

But Boehner may not be able to do so. According to Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of the University of California, Irvine Law School

Who the fuck is Erwin????? Because "ERWIN" said so????

Just some guy who graduated from Harvard Law before becoming Dean of the prominently ranked University of California Irvine law school. Where did you go to school?

Dean Erwin Chemerinsky
Erwin Chemerinsky is the founding Dean and Distinguished Professor of Law, and Raymond Pryke Professor of First Amendment Law, at UC Irvine School of Law, with a joint appointment in Political Science.

Prior to assuming this position in 2008, he was the Alston and Bird Professor of Law and Political Science at Duke University from 2004-2008, and before that was a professor at the University of Southern California Law School from 1983-2004, including as the Sydney M. Irmas Professor of Public Interest Law, Legal Ethics, and Political Science.

He is the author of eight books, including The Case Against the Supreme Court to be published by Viking in 2014, and more than 200 law review articles. He frequently argues appellate cases, including in the United States Supreme Court. In January 2014, National Jurist magazine named Dean Chemerinsky as the most influential person in legal education in the United States. Dean Chemerinsky is a graduate of Northwestern University and Harvard Law School.

Who fucking cares ?? Odumbo was a so called "Professor" at Harvard and he's a walking Clusterfuck..

Are there enough conservatives who, if they're fired up by the kind of thing, would be able to out-vote everyone who is turned off by this kind of thing?

I'm assuming the Tea Party feels the answer is "yes", right?


what are you assuming?
what's the tea party have to do with this?
I couldn't make sense of your post

I think most of the people who are driving this kind of behavior can be found in the Tea Party, from street level to radio hosts like Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin, all passionate Tea Party sympathizers.

You can substitute any word for that, conservatives, constitutionalists, whatever. What I wonder is if those who support this behavior think it will be helpful at the ballot box, or whether they care.


Behavior?? Reigning in tyranny is a behavior? Having the courts take up Separation of Powers in order to remind this President who thinks he's a King that he cannot legislate from the Execute office with his mighty pen.. That is NOT a behavior.. that is democracy in action.
LMFAO!!!!! In the story:

But Boehner may not be able to do so. According to Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of the University of California, Irvine Law School

Who the fuck is Erwin????? Because "ERWIN" said so????

Just some guy who graduated from Harvard Law before becoming Dean of the prominently ranked University of California Irvine law school. Where did you go to school?

Dean Erwin Chemerinsky
Erwin Chemerinsky is the founding Dean and Distinguished Professor of Law, and Raymond Pryke Professor of First Amendment Law, at UC Irvine School of Law, with a joint appointment in Political Science.

Prior to assuming this position in 2008, he was the Alston and Bird Professor of Law and Political Science at Duke University from 2004-2008, and before that was a professor at the University of Southern California Law School from 1983-2004, including as the Sydney M. Irmas Professor of Public Interest Law, Legal Ethics, and Political Science.

He is the author of eight books, including The Case Against the Supreme Court to be published by Viking in 2014, and more than 200 law review articles. He frequently argues appellate cases, including in the United States Supreme Court. In January 2014, National Jurist magazine named Dean Chemerinsky as the most influential person in legal education in the United States. Dean Chemerinsky is a graduate of Northwestern University and Harvard Law School.

Who fucking cares ?? Odumbo was a so called "Professor" at Harvard and he's a walking Clusterfuck..

You must because you posted about him.

Obama taught at the University of Chicago Law School. His undergrad degree is from Columbia U (Ivy League) and his law degree is from Harvard where he was the editor of the Law Review. That may not sound like much to you, but to those who understand, it is the highest level of achievement one can obtain in law school. Just being ON the law review gets you jobs at the top ranking law firms in the country.

Go ahead and sneeze, but I suspect you barely made it through high school after reading your posts.
Just some guy who graduated from Harvard Law before becoming Dean of the prominently ranked University of California Irvine law school. Where did you go to school?

Dean Erwin Chemerinsky
Erwin Chemerinsky is the founding Dean and Distinguished Professor of Law, and Raymond Pryke Professor of First Amendment Law, at UC Irvine School of Law, with a joint appointment in Political Science.

Prior to assuming this position in 2008, he was the Alston and Bird Professor of Law and Political Science at Duke University from 2004-2008, and before that was a professor at the University of Southern California Law School from 1983-2004, including as the Sydney M. Irmas Professor of Public Interest Law, Legal Ethics, and Political Science.

He is the author of eight books, including The Case Against the Supreme Court to be published by Viking in 2014, and more than 200 law review articles. He frequently argues appellate cases, including in the United States Supreme Court. In January 2014, National Jurist magazine named Dean Chemerinsky as the most influential person in legal education in the United States. Dean Chemerinsky is a graduate of Northwestern University and Harvard Law School.

Who fucking cares ?? Odumbo was a so called "Professor" at Harvard and he's a walking Clusterfuck..

You must because you posted about him.

Obama taught at the University of Chicago Law School. His undergrad degree is from Columbia U (Ivy League) and his law degree is from Harvard where he was the editor of the Law Review. That may not sound like much to you, but to those who understand, it is the highest level of achievement one can obtain in law school. Just being ON the law review gets you jobs at the top ranking law firms in the country.

Go ahead and sneeze, but I suspect you barely made it through high school after reading your posts.

So does that mean when you post in a Tea Party thread you care about them? LOL
Irkle from Harvard said no one is allowed to sue da President.. We must now all stop and get out our prayer rugs and pay homage to the Mighty Irkle of leftist lala land.
Why Boehner Can?t Sue Obama

Boehner is just throwing red meet to the RW loons. They will eventually stop drooling over this GOP wet dream.

When you can't attack the message.....

Even Neil Cavuto had to publicly spank Michelle Bachmann on his show a couple of days ago when she endorsed this stupid idea. He accused her and Boehner of just wasting people's time.

And posts like YOURS does too.

Really? You talk about wasting people's time? Have you read your own posts?

And to the topic...

Yeah, while it may or may not be a dumb idea, it is certainly a waste of time, money, and resources.

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