Body Piercings

Well they definitely are better on men than on women

Though I suppose everyone has their own ideas
I dated a woman that had a small tattoo of a butterfly below her navel.

Saw a dude once who had the big holes in his ear lobes, but instead of hoops he had old school car cigarette lighters in the holes.
Looked like freaking Frankenstein.

There is something called Going Overboard with a fad. This is where we are.
My daughter years ago when she turned 18, got one of those stupid tongue studs.
I didn't say a word because I knew that sucker would be gone within six months.

I took only 3 months before she gave up the miserable device. :laugh:

Dad knows things, because he has stupid friends that already tried it.
I find it a bit strange when I go to a wedding and one of the Bride's Maids is wearing a formal dress which does not cover her tattoo of a skull with a cobra coming out of it's mouth.
Sad to see so many otherwise beautiful women covered in ink

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