Bo Bo Boebert, Banana Fana Foefert... Boebert Wins Re-election...

...and liberals' heads explode as they have to 'eat their words'.


Maybe. Might officially nail it down on Nov., if not, definitely by Dec 15th, the way I understand it.
Republicans elect another Jerry Springer Republican

Loud, obnoxious Trailer Trash

How embarrassing
Jerry Springer was the democrat mayor of Cincinnati that was relegated to amusing unemployable, slack-jawed shitlibs after being busted for writing a bad check to a porn star. He's literally the consummate shitlib in every way imaginable.

Great reference!
Does it bother you at all that election DAY has been turned into election MONTH?
Not really, only annoying. For years, probably ever since I can remember, at least, there have always been timetables by the states and the US Constitution for finalizing the official results, each side or all sides having certain rights to challenge, recount or just plain canvassing by election boards. Difference is, it was partisan interest, but not hyper partisan interest. The result often back in the day call (predicted) by AP or somebody and most of the time right and somebody gave a concession speech acknowledging the loss, usually on election night if not before noon, next day. Now it definitely hype partisan and there are gobs more absentee and contested ballots, as we try to make sure everyone's vote counts (or in some cases everyone's vote for our candidate count and yours don't, if we can find any way to have your discounted or nullified. The voting is complex, the counts are complex, the poll watchers on both sides are many. Would you want your race to be called by MSNBC and your candidate to publicly concede defeat, just because a new service called it. Eh, NO. I am a realist. I can live with it. We usually have a pretty good idea where it's going by at least the wee hours of the morning if not night of, but it ain't over til the fat lady sings, which I don't really lament either way, just wish they would hurry the fk up, but know the timelines are for good reason. As for the "News People", we saw a few years ago, them calling race result from the east coast affecting the vote on the west coast. They fkd up and will again. Insuring every valid vote counted challenging the validity of the vote (to within legal limits and mandated timelines) is every single candidate's right. I like to see concession speeches as a mark of maturity or immaturity of candidates that lose, but might be seen again, but to do so early, on the preliminary result in a close race, based on the news media is foolish.

This Boebert race is a good example. You like her. I don't. But, I look at it as not my problem, as I don't live there, and it is their problem, not mine. If you live there, more power to ya, a lovely state, I love to visit and play in (I'm going back in January to play). If you don't live there, it could just be partisan ramblings. I don't remember looking you up.


I was pondering this morning what to call-up a dem with.....I found it!
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Jerry Springer was the democrat mayor of Cincinnati that was relegated to amusing unemployable, slack-jawed shitlibs after being busted for writing a bad check to a porn star. He's literally the consummate shitlib in every way imaginable.

Great reference!
Charisma Chameleon

There is a recording of one of his speeches back then. Incredibly, the phony lowlife makes himself sound exactly like Bobby Kennedy. David Frye and Rich Little couldn't have done a better impersonation.

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