'Blustery coward who plays the tough guy': Tucker Carlson and Chris Christie trade barbs

Biden accepted a $5 million bribe from China!

Biden accepted a $5 million bribe from Burisma!

The 2020 election was stolen!

The Arizona election was stolen!

The January 6 insurrection was an FBI operation.

The Democrats laundered money from Ukraine through FTX.

Paul Pelosi was involved in a lover's quarrel with his gay prostitute.

Americans are dropping like flies after taking the Kung Flu vaccine.

The Covid vaccine alters your DNA.

The Covid vaccine makes you magnetic.

Covid is no worse than the flu.

Covid is a hoax.

“Cheese pizza” is Democrat code for child pornography.

Jewish space lasers started the fires in California.

The 9/11 attacks were a US government operation.

The Parkland school shooting was staged.

Joe Biden had SEAL Team 6 killed.

Hillary Clinton and her aide Huma Abedin sexually assaulted and murdered a child, drank their blood, cut its face off and wore it as a mask.

Hillary Clinton sold 20 percent of America's uranium to Russia.

As of September 2015, Crooked Hillary had only six months to live.


Sleepy Joe Biden will be determined to be too far mentally gone to continue in office within his first six months in the White House and Phony Kamala Harris will take over.

The Italian defense, security and aerospace company Leonardo SpA used military satellites to change votes for Trump to votes for Biden.

Deceased Venezuelan Marxist Hugo Chavez rigged Dominion voting machines to change Trump votes to Biden votes.

Donald Trump will be reinstated in the White House in August 2021.

The DNC servers are in Ukraine.

Windmill noise causes cancer.

ObaMao is a Muslim. We know this because he attended the Trinity United Church of Christ for decades and killed more Muslims than any other president, including the Muslim responsible for the greatest attack on America since Pearl Harbor.

President Trump is facing down a shadowy cabal of Democratic pedophiles, including Crooked Hillary, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, John Podesta, and other high-ranking Democrats.

Barack Obama was born in Kenya. We know this because there is zero evidence his mother ever visited there.

Deep State! Deep State!

Jeffrey Epstein was killed by Bill Clinton.

Lyin’ Ted Cruz's dad was complicit in the assassination of JFK.

Deep State! Deep State!

Donald Trump will repeal and replace Obamacare.

Donald Trump will pay off the federal debt in eight years.

Anyone who lies has no credibility. Except Trump.

It is everyone’s job to meekly fall in line with Trump’s claim Saddam never had WMDs, after you spent 12 years claiming Saddam did have WMDs.

It’s okay to still vote for Trump if he commits murder on Fifth Avenue. What the hell, he’s broken all the other Commandments thousands of times, what’s one more?

Obummer used a “Muslim prayer curtain” as a backdrop in the East Room for public appearances.

...Fox News said there was a "stand down order", and there was no stand down order…

The Blaze said a Mexican was stuffing an Arizona ballot box, and that Mexican was NOT stuffing an Arizona ballot box…

Breitbart said Chuck Hagel met with Friends of Hamas, and there is no such thing as the Friends of Hamas.

Bill O'Reilly said he was in combat, when he was a thousand miles from combat...

Fox News said the Marines guarding our embassy in Egypt were denied live ammo, and our Marines were NOT denied live ammo…

The right wing media hacks said 93 million people will lose their employer health insurance by the end of 2014, and 93 million people have NOT lost their health insurance…

Laura Ingraham said Obama was going to be impeached within three weeks, and Obama was NOT impeached…

Fox News said you can print ballots at home in Colorado, and you CANNOT print ballots at home in Colorado…

The credulous were told Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Warren had deleted Hillary from their Twitter accounts, and they did NOT delete Hillary from their Twitter accounts…

The rubes were told Obama demanded to be sworn in on the Koran, and Obama did NOT demand to be sworn in on the Koran…

The credulous were told Obama banned Christmas cards on Military Bases, and Obama did NOT ban Christmas cards on military bases…

Fox News reported Obama banned Nativity scenes by Executive Order, and Obama did NOT ban Nativity scenes…

The credulous were told Obama cut God out of his Thanksgiving addresses every year, and believed it without even…you know…LOOKING to see if that was true, and Obama did NOT leave God out of any of his Thanksgiving or Christmas messages…

Fox News reported Obama used his own money to keep a Muslim museum open during a government shutdown, and Obama did NOT use his own money to keep a Muslim museum open during the shutdown…

World News Daily reported Obama wears a Muslim ring which says “There Is No God But Allah”, and Obama does NOT wear a Muslim ring which says “There Is No God But Allah”…

Fox News reported “far more children died last year drowning in their bath tubs than were accidentally killed by guns”, and far more children died from accidental gun deaths…

Fox News reported the Texas School Board of Education is considering banning references to Christmas and the Constitution, and the Texas School Board of Education is NOT considering banning references to Christmas and the Constitution…

The credulous bleeved Operation Jade Helm was a joint UN/US government takeover of the American southwest…

The credulous fell for a hoax that said Obama has banned the Pledge of Allegiance

The credulous fell for a hoax about a Bill Clinton rape video

The credulous fell for a hoax that Yoko Ono had an affair with Hillary Clinton

The credulous fell for a hoax about a postal worker destroying Trump ballots

The credulous fell for a hoax that Clinton’s campaign chairman wrote a racist screed that was actually written by a Netherlands nazi…

Donald Trump and millions of his Chumps fell for a hoax that John Podesta wrote something about Benghazi that a Newsweek reporter actually wrote…

The credulous fell for a hoax the Oregon mass shooter was on a Russian terror watch list which Obama refused to take…

The credulous fell for a hoax that the Pope said there is no true religion and there is no hell

The credulous fell for a hoax about a Hillary body double on 9/11

The credulous fell for a hoax video about Democratic primary voting fraud which was actually a video of Russian voting fraud which had been deliberately manipulated…

The credulous parroted a lie that Obama was trying to get us all killed by Ebola, and that Ebola was going to kill millions of American that year…

The credulous fell for a hoax about Obama being snubbed for handshakes

The credulous fell for the “death panels” hoax…

The credulous fell for a hoax that 70 Congressional Democrats are members of the Communist party

The credulous fell for a hoax that DHS had bought 1.6 billion rounds of ammo…

I lived through and posted against every one of those Right wing media and Republican lies, while they wrongly shouted how CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC, RUETERS, WASHINGTON POST, THE NY TIMES etc etc etc were all fake news....

It's like we are living through a (ground hog day) episode from THE TWILIGHT ZONE!

WHAT is wrong is now right. What is up is now down, what is truth is now fake news and fake news is now truth....!!! It's mind blowing!

I lived through and posted against every one of those Right wing media and Republican lies, while they wrongly shouted how CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC, RUETERS, WASHINGTON POST, THE NY TIMES etc etc etc were all fake news....

It's like we are living through a (ground hog day) episode from THE TWILIGHT ZONE!

WHAT is wrong is now right. What is up is now down, what is truth is now fake news and fake news is now truth....!!! It's mind blowing!

The Twilight Zone is what we see today that is the reality. Those accusations are not different than the accusations against Republicans. Especially Trump. If Trump could be impeached so could a lot of Progs including Joe. Christie was the one Republican who could give snide responses back as compared to others. Then Trump arrived for the 2016 election. Progs have endless people with snide remarks.
Who really gives a shit about Tucker Carlson? He's a loser and well-known as a liar.

He turned a religious forum into an opportunity to worship Satan Putin instead.

Carlson has made it very clear he hopes Putin wins in Ukraine.

Fuck him.
No he hasn’t you idiot.

Why is it dumb Americans like you, and there are many, think opposition to yet another war to enrich the oligarchy means you’re a traitor?

Still,.Tucker must be really stresed because he is intelligent enough to know better but is always on the offensive ...... so many reasons to NOT enjoy humanity, or at least be more happy. Bill O Reilly was the same.
Well, I can't speak for the super wealthy, but in my opinion, Carlson and O'Reilly did their angry misanthrope schtick because they found an audience for it. The same audience that Rush Limbaugh discovered, nurtured, and grew. Those ne'er-do-well Americans who could not, or at any rate, did not achieve the level of the American Dream they thought they are entitled to. And they are pissed about that failure and want to blame someone. Tucker, O'Reilly, Rush.....created some entity for them to blame.
So Rush, and Tucker and O'Reilly....stoked America's loser class. For money. Lotsa money. THAT is, in my opinion, the underlaying basis for those talking heads doing what they are doing in the manner they are doing it.

ps.....have you noticed that all three of those men have had sexual harassment claims against them or their organizations? And were known for creating a disgraceful misogynistic environment in their workplaces. I find that curious given their common audience.

Rhody Patriot:
In 1776, you'd be one of the blokes defending King George.
But let it be known that I want historically accurate context.

Historical context?
Rhody Patriot wants 'historically accurate context'!
OK, how 'bout this from Don Trump, speaking about the American War for Independence:

"“Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory,...."

(PS.....for context ---No British airports were operating in 1776. In fact, nobody's airports were. Airplanes hadn't been yet developed. And Fort McHenry was an 1812 battle, not the Revolutionary War. So much for historically accurate context?

Why would Christie submit to an interview with a Putin asseater who was fired from a multi million dollar job as an asshole talking head on Faux News?
Honestly, why is Christie running?

Chris Christie is a picador.
His self appointed....tho widely welcomed......role is to stick it to the Bullmerde'.
He's the kid telling the king he has no clothes on.
Christie is the pushback. The fact-checker. The lie deflator. The 'hold-him-accountable' town crier. He's the, ummm, 'counterweight' for a fat-guy face-off.

And for that, all Americans can be grateful to Chris Christie that he is providing a needed public service.

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Do these candidates get to keep any unspent funds they raise? If so, that could be a motivation for some of them.
whether legal or not, you can bet your ass somehow, some way, they benefit financially from running. Its the ONLY explanation for these complete losers who have zero chance being in the race.
Well, I can't speak for the super wealthy, but in my opinion, Carlson and O'Reilly did their angry misanthrope schtick because they found an audience for it.

Except Tucker doesn't strike me as either angry or misanthropic.

Just a guy with common sense making observations about how insane the World has become.
OK, present your thesis.

But let it be known that I want historically accurate context.

I'm guessing there's about to be a major shortfall revealed when it comes to what you claim, and what you can prove.

Esp. considering it was a fucking joke.

The Woke aren't big on humor, huh?
Well, it begins with the "it doesn't taste good" part. Let me start at the beginning, The East India Tea Company had damn warehouses slammed full of rotting ass tea. And that was bad thing for members of the House of Lords, and the King himself. Most of them were stockholders.

I mean I know it was a long time ago. No one still around that actually remembers what happened, or why, and I believe you will agree, our education system is not the best in the world at providing the real deal. Most people, I bet including you, believe the whole Boston Tea Party was about the tea tax. It wasn't, and as a matter of fact, the tax on all 342 chests of tea tossed into the Boston harbor was PAID.

Nope, what had the colonists all in an uproar was the subsidies and special privileges granted to the East India Company. First, the East India Company was granted a monopoly for all tea imported to the colonies. Second, they were granted an exemption on the export tax. Hell, if anything it wasn't about the tax the colonists were paying, it was about the tax the East India Company wasn't paying. But third, and my opinion the worse transgression of the crown, the East India Company was granted a "drawback", it was granted a refund on the duties paid on their excess inventory.

I mean how ironic is it, the "Tea Party movement" was a backlash against paying taxes. But the Boston Tea Party was all about a company NOT paying their taxes. And the end result in the actions of the crown, TEA WAS CHEAP. Yeah, it tasted pretty damn bad, but it was cheap as hell. And while all the taxes implemented by the Townshend Acts of 1767, on things like paper, paint, oil, and glass, were all rescinded by 1770, the tax on tea remained. The Sons of Liberty saw that as kind of backdoor means of getting the people of the colonies used to paying taxes, taxation without representation. Because even with the taxes, the tea was still CHEAPER.

Now look, many of the founders, the Sons of Liberty, they were smugglers. They smuggled rum, and they smuggled tea. Sure, the tea was more expensive, but damn, it actually tasted good because it wasn't old rotting ass tea from China. And you got to respect the colonists. When they learned about the tea act and the subsidies granted to the East India Company, they canceled orders and refused to take shipment from the East India Company. I mean imagine that today, a company actually refusing cheaper goods on principle. Not happening. Or even better, consumers refusing to buy cheaper goods, or cheaper services, on principle, LMAO. Not going to happen today. Can you say "Walmart".

But that is exactly what happened in 1773. Merchants throughout the colonies refused to take shipments of tea from the East India Company. Except for Boston, where the provincial governor's son actually owned the ships that were delivering that nasty ass tea. The merchants didn't want the shit, but the governor had ships from the Royal Navy standing by and said they would take those shipments or face cannon fire from the ships. And he was scheduled to fire those cannons the very next day, prior to the Boston Tea Party.

I mean when you really understand what was going on, the sheer bravado, and patriotism, of the patriots that donned their Indian suits on that fateful evening in the winter of 1773, really comes to light. And here is another thing few people know. There were some residents of Boston that ran to the harbor to attempt and retrieve that tea. Come on, free tea, even if it is waterlogged. Imagine an armored car wrecking on the interstate and cash flying everywhere. Those patriots hunted them down, flogged them, and took their ill gotten gains. That armored car crashes today, there will be tweets and Facebook posts encouraging everyone to grab what they can get. It is really sad how far the American people have descended, and how none of us holds a candle to those that founded this nation.

And no, I am not going to provide any links, any documentation, because quite honestly, it is first, insulting to my own intelligence and my own background to have to do so. But second, if you actually took the time to look into it, you will find that every single thing I stated is TRUE. And that is the thing, when it comes to American History between 1600 to 1850, that is kind of my wheelhouse. I have donned the white gloves, I have dug through the historical records, I have been to countless historical document repositories, rather it is the county courthouse or the historical documents section of an Ivy League school.

But maybe, more importantly, I don't need damn Google to present my case. I mean hell, it was Benjamin Franklin that insisted that the taxes be paid on the tea that was dumped into the harbor. Can you google that? Nope, not really. The fact that the provincial governor of Massachusetts son owned the ships with that tea, that is going to be hard to nail down.
Well, it begins with the "it doesn't taste good" part. Let me start at the beginning, The East India Tea Company had damn warehouses slammed full of rotting ass tea. And that was bad thing for members of the House of Lords, and the King himself. Most of them were stockholders.

I mean I know it was a long time ago. No one still around that actually remembers what happened, or why, and I believe you will agree, our education system is not the best in the world at providing the real deal. Most people, I bet including you, believe the whole Boston Tea Party was about the tea tax. It wasn't, and as a matter of fact, the tax on all 342 chests of tea tossed into the Boston harbor was PAID.

Nope, what had the colonists all in an uproar was the subsidies and special privileges granted to the East India Company. First, the East India Company was granted a monopoly for all tea imported to the colonies. Second, they were granted an exemption on the export tax. Hell, if anything it wasn't about the tax the colonists were paying, it was about the tax the East India Company wasn't paying. But third, and my opinion the worse transgression of the crown, the East India Company was granted a "drawback", it was granted a refund on the duties paid on their excess inventory.

I mean how ironic is it, the "Tea Party movement" was a backlash against paying taxes. But the Boston Tea Party was all about a company NOT paying their taxes. And the end result in the actions of the crown, TEA WAS CHEAP. Yeah, it tasted pretty damn bad, but it was cheap as hell. And while all the taxes implemented by the Townshend Acts of 1767, on things like paper, paint, oil, and glass, were all rescinded by 1770, the tax on tea remained. The Sons of Liberty saw that as kind of backdoor means of getting the people of the colonies used to paying taxes, taxation without representation. Because even with the taxes, the tea was still CHEAPER.

Now look, many of the founders, the Sons of Liberty, they were smugglers. They smuggled rum, and they smuggled tea. Sure, the tea was more expensive, but damn, it actually tasted good because it wasn't old rotting ass tea from China. And you got to respect the colonists. When they learned about the tea act and the subsidies granted to the East India Company, they canceled orders and refused to take shipment from the East India Company. I mean imagine that today, a company actually refusing cheaper goods on principle. Not happening. Or even better, consumers refusing to buy cheaper goods, or cheaper services, on principle, LMAO. Not going to happen today. Can you say "Walmart".

But that is exactly what happened in 1773. Merchants throughout the colonies refused to take shipments of tea from the East India Company. Except for Boston, where the provincial governor's son actually owned the ships that were delivering that nasty ass tea. The merchants didn't want the shit, but the governor had ships from the Royal Navy standing by and said they would take those shipments or face cannon fire from the ships. And he was scheduled to fire those cannons the very next day, prior to the Boston Tea Party.

I mean when you really understand what was going on, the sheer bravado, and patriotism, of the patriots that donned their Indian suits on that fateful evening in the winter of 1773, really comes to light. And here is another thing few people know. There were some residents of Boston that ran to the harbor to attempt and retrieve that tea. Come on, free tea, even if it is waterlogged. Imagine an armored car wrecking on the interstate and cash flying everywhere. Those patriots hunted them down, flogged them, and took their ill gotten gains. That armored car crashes today, there will be tweets and Facebook posts encouraging everyone to grab what they can get. It is really sad how far the American people have descended, and how none of us holds a candle to those that founded this nation.

And no, I am not going to provide any links, any documentation, because quite honestly, it is first, insulting to my own intelligence and my own background to have to do so. But second, if you actually took the time to look into it, you will find that every single thing I stated is TRUE. And that is the thing, when it comes to American History between 1600 to 1850, that is kind of my wheelhouse. I have donned the white gloves, I have dug through the historical records, I have been to countless historical document repositories, rather it is the county courthouse or the historical documents section of an Ivy League school.

But maybe, more importantly, I don't need damn Google to present my case. I mean hell, it was Benjamin Franklin that insisted that the taxes be paid on the tea that was dumped into the harbor. Can you google that? Nope, not really. The fact that the provincial governor of Massachusetts son owned the ships with that tea, that is going to be hard to nail down.


Ask and ye shall receive ;)
I don't think it's going out on a limb to pronounce Tucker the clear victor here.

You be the judge:

Honestly, why is Christie running?

He'll never take out Trump, which is his self-espoused Bogus Operandi.

So why even bother?

Is he getting paid in Jersey Mike's?

Man, our Establishment politicians come cheap.

Oh, BTW: Did I mention he's really fuckin' fat?
Carlson, I believe, did what he sat out to do...
Pulled the weeds.
The Twilight Zone is what we see today that is the reality. Those accusations are not different than the accusations against Republicans. Especially Trump. If Trump could be impeached so could a lot of Progs including Joe. Christie was the one Republican who could give snide responses back as compared to others. Then Trump arrived for the 2016 election. Progs have endless people with snide remarks.
The abandonment of reality for wishes and feelings which began 5 years ago IS The Twilight Zone
Who really gives a shit about Tucker Carlson? He's a loser and well-known as a liar.

He turned a religious forum into an opportunity to worship Satan Putin instead.

Carlson has made it very clear he hopes Putin wins in Ukraine.

Fuck him.
We know that Putin is not the real enemy. Nationalism has been turned into a nasty thing from the propagandists.
Then, Putin's a friend?

And, if Putin is not an enemy who is?
Who is vis-a-vis this Ukraine dust-up?
No. He is a competitor. He has his sphere of influence and always has. That means we do not pay for that. You have seen what we have paid in the middle east since we entered there with great fanfare with George bush senior. Endless trillions of dollars. NATO has expanded even more. Europe ain't paying for a lot of it. We are. And we are paying the higher percentage for Ukraine. Some of these Eastern Euro nations are landmines for us. Massive expenses are possible. They are a tough people over there. And we are more and more tapped out over here.
Christie is a dead political whale. Does he even realize that he is being used by the left wing media? My guess is that he is promised a (fat) pun intended contract as a CNN contributor.

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