Blue Jays pitcher is a coward & hypocrite

Well right now it's your political hypocrisy.
wherres the hypocrisy??

if theres any its from dipshits on the left that hate anyone that disagrees with them and forcing them into re-education just like the tyrants of old,,,
they call people fascist when theyre using the fascist playbook to the letter,,,
In the case of Bass it was an unfoced error

But I can foresee the groomer lobby putting sports figures in situations where they have to endorse gays and trannies or face the homo Inquisition
Yeah, the media has to stir up shit to stay in business.
wherres the hypocrisy??

if theres any its from dipshits on the left that hate anyone that disagrees with them and forcing them into re-education just like the tyrants of old,,,
they call people fascist when theyre using the fascist playbook to the letter,,,

Drinking early this Friday I see.
you would have done better to prove me wrong,,
instead all you did was prove me right,,,

why did you spin what I said earlier to make it sound like I said you hated them???

I asked where I stated I hated anyone. No one answered. You just mindlessly rambled about something or another.
Yeah, the media has to stir up shit to stay in business.
The lib media will pile on but the main provocateurs are twisted sex freaks who travel in packs

Bass was no doubt under the mistaken impression that he was entitled to free speech and was not prepared for the firestorm that engulfed him
He made a post......his friends asked him why was it that he was so caused him to consider their question and he apologized.
DO you have a link to the text of his posts that you think were "hateful?"
He made a post......his friends asked him why was it that he was so caused him to consider their question and he apologized.
I've never considered boycotting pedophilia, child trafficking, child porn, and the rainbow coalition as being hateful. It's actually a good way to show how much you love your moral and straight neighbors.
DO you have a link to the text of his posts that you think were "hateful?"

Sorry, I used the wrong word.

“I recognize yesterday I made a post that was hurtful to the Pride community, which includes friends of mine and close family members of mine,” Bass said. “I am truly sorry for that.”

I should have said "hurtful".
I've never considered boycotting pedophilia, child trafficking, child porn, and the rainbow coalition as being hateful. It's actually a good way to show how much you love your moral and straight neighbors.

Yes well, when those are the topics we can address all of that.

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