Number Of Migrants Crossing Southern Border Hits Lowest Point Since Biden Took Office


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The number of migrants illegally crossing the southwest U.S. border is at its lowest point since the start of the Biden administration, with just over 3,000 migrants stopped by Border Patrol each day. The number has plummeted from more than 10,000 daily just three weeks ago, despite widespread predictions of a surge after the end of the Title 42 Covid ban on May 11.

Which is amazing considering the fact the Fox Liar News stories have increased.
Just what in the hell will the Repubs use as a scare tactic now? Well, there are the transgender monsters they have created.
The number of migrants illegally crossing the southwest U.S. border is at its lowest point since the start of the Biden administration, with just over 3,000 migrants stopped by Border Patrol each day. The number has plummeted from more than 10,000 daily just three weeks ago, despite widespread predictions of a surge after the end of the Title 42 Covid ban on May 11.

Which is amazing considering the fact the Fox Liar News stories have increased.
Maybe with all the cartel members who have fled for America over the years regular Mexican citizens finally feel safe at home...
The number of migrants illegally crossing the southwest U.S. border is at its lowest point since the start of the Biden administration, with just over 3,000 migrants stopped by Border Patrol each day. The number has plummeted from more than 10,000 daily just three weeks ago, despite widespread predictions of a surge after the end of the Title 42 Covid ban on May 11.

Which is amazing considering the fact the Fox Liar News stories have increased.

The northern border is seeing record number of illegals crossing it.

So if there is a decrease at the southern border but an increase at the northern border does that really mean less illegals?

And it's easy to say illegals have decreased when all you need to do is stop reporting as many illegals
The number is low because the Biden admin is no longer stopping these illegal scumbags from entering our pure Aryan nation.....I am also hearing reports that Biden and drug cartels tore down Trump's wall because of how effective it was
The number of migrants illegally crossing the southwest U.S. border is at its lowest point since the start of the Biden administration, with just over 3,000 migrants stopped by Border Patrol each day. The number has plummeted from more than 10,000 daily just three weeks ago, despite widespread predictions of a surge after the end of the Title 42 Covid ban on May 11.

Which is amazing considering the fact the Fox Liar News stories have increased.
LOL, like 3,000 per DAY isn’t an enormous amount. Plus when are we going to get rid of the millions already here that are doing nothing but sucking up resources and committing other crimes?
According to my BP contact the states sending personnel to the border really helps with freeing-up BP agents to do their job with the "got-aways".

The cartels were using the illegals to bum rush and tie-up BP personnel with processing allowing the criminal element to cross pretty much unhindered.....That's where the real money is.

OP would be more accurate to thank the governors of the red states helping the BP.
The number of migrants illegally crossing the southwest U.S. border is at its lowest point since the start of the Biden administration, with just over 3,000 migrants stopped by Border Patrol each day. The number has plummeted from more than 10,000 daily just three weeks ago, despite widespread predictions of a surge after the end of the Title 42 Covid ban on May 11.

Which is amazing considering the fact the Fox Liar News stories have increased.
That's not saying much. So, it's dropped down from one million to a half million. So what?
The number of migrants illegally crossing the southwest U.S. border is at its lowest point since the start of the Biden administration, with just over 3,000 migrants stopped by Border Patrol each day. The number has plummeted from more than 10,000 daily just three weeks ago, despite widespread predictions of a surge after the end of the Title 42 Covid ban on May 11.

Which is amazing considering the fact the Fox Liar News stories have increased.
Ha ha. That has as much relevance as being the fastest reader in the slow group.
The number of migrants illegally crossing the southwest U.S. border is at its lowest point since the start of the Biden administration, with just over 3,000 migrants stopped by Border Patrol each day. The number has plummeted from more than 10,000 daily just three weeks ago, despite widespread predictions of a surge after the end of the Title 42 Covid ban on May 11.

Which is amazing considering the fact the Fox Liar News stories have increased.
Now if Biden only had a plan for the 5 million or so illegal aliens who are already here.
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The number of migrants illegally crossing the southwest U.S. border is at its lowest point since the start of the Biden administration, with just over 3,000 migrants stopped by Border Patrol each day. The number has plummeted from more than 10,000 daily just three weeks ago, despite widespread predictions of a surge after the end of the Title 42 Covid ban on May 11.

Which is amazing considering the fact the Fox Liar News stories have increased.
And gas has gone down from $6 a gallon to its lowest point in the Biden Administration at $4.50 a gallon....
Except it was $1.85 a gallon before Poopeypants ruined it.
The number of migrants illegally crossing the southwest U.S. border is at its lowest point since the start of the Biden administration, with just over 3,000 migrants stopped by Border Patrol each day. The number has plummeted from more than 10,000 daily just three weeks ago, despite widespread predictions of a surge after the end of the Title 42 Covid ban on May 11.

Which is amazing considering the fact the Fox Liar News stories have increased.
Texas wasnt allowed to build a wall, so they got clever and used concertina wire instead. The crossings plummeted literally just hours later.
LOL, like 3,000 per DAY isn’t an enormous amount. Plus when are we going to get rid of the millions already here that are doing nothing but sucking up resources and committing other crimes?
I'll do the math: 3,000 x 365 = 1,095,000

Found this online a few minutes ago: Migrants crossing the border illegally has slowed, but there are still issues

Border Crossings June 5, 2023


Published June 5, 2023 at 6:24 AM CDT
LISTEN • 5:01
The Border Patrol says the number of people intercepted while trying to cross from Mexico into the U.S. without authorization has dropped by as much as 70% since the end of the pandemic-era restrictions known as Title 42. That means the policy reverted back to earlier rules, Title 8, so migrants deported after crossing the border are banned for five years from entering the U.S. again. And the Biden administration imposed new rules denying asylum to people who don't apply for protection in another country first. Democratic Representative Veronica Escobar's district, which includes El Paso, Texas, is on the front lines of this. So we called her to get her perspective on how things are going now.
Congresswoman, thanks so much for joining us.
VERONICA ESCOBAR: Good morning, Michel. Thank you so much for the opportunity.
MARTIN: So you and other officials have made it clear that it has been a struggle to accommodate all the people coming across the border. So I know you've just been back home. What's the situation like in El Paso right now? Are there enough shelters and other resources?
ESCOBAR: We do - we are doing well right now in El Paso. We are - the - as you mentioned, the numbers of migrants who are turning themselves into Border Patrol - those numbers are way down. But in a different part of the sector, which is in New Mexico, those folks - folks in that area are still seeing apprehensions. And in El Paso, we - what we do is we help facilitate movement to other communities. We find out where the migrants want to go, where their sponsors live, and we help them get to those final destinations. In the final destinations in communities like New York City, like Chicago, other areas, that is the landing spot. And so those communities really are shouldering that latter part of the burden, which is receiving them permanently.
MARTIN: So about that, I wanted to ask you about something. We keep learning about people being transported from southern border crossings and dropped other places. Like, for example, there are 16 people from Venezuela and Colombia who were flown to California by chartered plane, and they were dropped off on Friday outside a church in Sacramento. Like, what's your take on this? Is that part of that sort of planned process you're talking about, or is that something else?
ESCOBAR: No. That's not part of the community hospitality that communities like El Paso, Brownsville and other communities work on with receiving communities and receiving NGOs. This is something completely different. I suspect it's one of the red state mayors - whether it is Greg Abbott, whether it is Ron DeSantis or whether it is an unknown entity right now...
ESCOBAR: ...But these migrants - obviously, the 16 you're referencing - are victims of someone who is trying to use them as a...
ESCOBAR: ...Political tool.
MARTIN: OK. Those would be governors. So the Biden administration's new measures require non-Mexican asylum seekers to show proof that they were denied asylum in another country first. It's being challenged in court by the ACLU. Where do you stand on this so-called third-country asylum?
ESCOBAR: Well, I'm not a fan. But what I recognize as a member of Congress is that the administration is using very limited, very few tools at its disposal in order to try to manage a process that should be managed by Congress, by legislative action. So it really is on Congress to do something, especially those of us who are not happy with some of the proposals that we've seen recently or in the past.
MARTIN: We'll talk about that then for a minute. You led a bipartisan group in February to El Paso. What progress are you making toward developing a bipartisan approach to some kind of long-term solution, which is clearly what you're talking about here?
ESCOBAR: You're right. I have been leading members to Congress - from Congress to El Paso really since 2019, since I was first elected. But we recently had a wonderful breakthrough. We - my colleague, Maria Elvira Salazar from Florida - she and I introduced a bipartisan bill, the Dignity Act, for Republicans, for Democrats, and it is a real compromise. It is a solution to many of the challenges that we've been seeing not just on the border, but in communities like New York and in countries south of us. It offers regularized status and opens up legal pathways and just really reforms an outdated system. I'm very proud of the work. And what we're trying to do now is really get more co-sponsors.
MARTIN: Before we let you go, as briefly as you can, a judge in your state of Texas is challenging the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program, DACA. You know, hundreds of thousands of people who were brought to this country as children are at risk of having their deferred status revoked. Does your plan include protections for them?
ESCOBAR: It does.
MARTIN: That is Congresswoman Veronica Escobar of Texas. She's a Democrat.
Thank you so much for talking to us.
ESCOBAR: Thank you.
When you're last in your class, the only way you can go is up. The Democrat immigration crisis is a disgrace.

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