Blow Up vs Cover Up..the liberal media...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
After 6 years of being fully invested in "Covering up" for Obama the liberal Democrat Media can finally fabricate, play at being outraged and "Blow up" the story on Chris Christie.

Funny how that works..deaf, dumb and blind to all of Obama/Democrat plethora of failures and lies then back to imagining they actually have scruples, integrity and the trust of the patriotic side of the American people.
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Someday, the pendulum will swing back to conservative principles, and the lying communists currently in power will be neutered by Americans who wake up and smell the coffee. ;)
I will just say that Fox News is all over this story...they have not diminished or gave favorable spin to Christie whatsoever.
So who is the propaganda machine...and who not so much?
Anyone who expected the type of media coverage generally accorded to this administration is a fool.

Why? The media has supported if not actively perpetuated the propaganda of this administration from its inception and even before.

Exactly. They've aided and abetted the propaganda rather than asking tough questions about the various issues.
Anyone who expected the type of media coverage generally accorded to this administration is a fool.

Why? The media has supported if not actively perpetuated the propaganda of this administration from its inception and even before.

Exactly. They've aided and abetted the propaganda rather than asking tough questions about the various issues.

Not only that but they're outraged by the fact that others do..
After 6 years of being fully invested in "Covering up" for Obama the liberal Democrat Media can finally fabricate, play at being outraged and "Blow up" the story on Chris Christie.

Funny how that works..deaf, dumb and blind to all of Obama/Democrat plethora of failures and lies then back to imagining they actually have scruples, integrity and the trust of the patriotic side of the American people.

It's a great thing that not as many people are listening....:clap2: They have wised up to O and the media...
After 6 years of being fully invested in "Covering up" for Obama the liberal Democrat Media can finally fabricate, play at being outraged and "Blow up" the story on Chris Christie.

Funny how that works..deaf, dumb and blind to all of Obama/Democrat plethora of failures and lies then back to imagining they actually have scruples, integrity and the trust of the patriotic side of the American people.

It's a great thing that not as many people are listening....:clap2: They have wised up to O and the media...

There's still some puppets and parrots hanging around..:lol:
After 6 years of being fully invested in "Covering up" for Obama the liberal Democrat Media can finally fabricate, play at being outraged and "Blow up" the story on Chris Christie.

Funny how that works..deaf, dumb and blind to all of Obama/Democrat plethora of failures and lies then back to imagining they actually have scruples, integrity and the trust of the patriotic side of the American people.

Liberal media? There hasn't been one since Watergate. Obama is a centrist democrat that leans right quite often. Look at his appoinments to positions of power. No liberals that's for sure.
After 6 years of being fully invested in "Covering up" for Obama the liberal Democrat Media can finally fabricate, play at being outraged and "Blow up" the story on Chris Christie.

Funny how that works..deaf, dumb and blind to all of Obama/Democrat plethora of failures and lies then back to imagining they actually have scruples, integrity and the trust of the patriotic side of the American people.

Liberal media? There hasn't been one since Watergate. Obama is a centrist democrat that leans right quite often. Look at his appoinments to positions of power. No liberals that's for sure.

I should have said Liberal Democratic Party Media.. oh well
I will just say that Fox News is all over this story...they have not diminished or gave favorable spin to Christie whatsoever.
So who is the propaganda machine...and who not so much?

I assume that all the stock footage playing in the background is him walking with the president?
Anyone who expected the type of media coverage generally accorded to this administration is a fool.

Why? The media has supported if not actively perpetuated the propaganda of this administration from its inception and even before.

And who controls the Media ?
Know who the enemy is

The Daily Caller in 2012 published an expose that revealed the extent to which "Media Matters" had become engaged in dictating the content of media reports. Newspapers such as the NY Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times all took dictation from Media Matters . The Caller reported that by 2008, "Media Matters staff had the direct line of MSNBC president Phil Griffin, and used it. Griffin took their calls [and orders]" We were pretty much writing [MSNBC's] prime time,... But then, virtually all the mainstream media was using our stuff stated one former Media Matters employee. -Daily Caller Article

MMfA Dictates the content of many mainstream media reports

MMfA Engages in underhanded mud-slinging tactics against conservatives attempting to label them as liars and racists

MMfA attempts to create the illusion that conservatives dominate the mainstream media

MMfA Had regular contact and strategy sessions with political operatives within the Obama Regime

MMfA conspired with Attorney General Eric Holder's office in an effort to discredit and suppress news stories about scandals plaguing the Justice Department

>>>Media Matters for America<<<
After 6 years of being fully invested in "Covering up" for Obama the liberal Democrat Media can finally fabricate, play at being outraged and "Blow up" the story on Chris Christie.

Funny how that works..deaf, dumb and blind to all of Obama/Democrat plethora of failures and lies then back to imagining they actually have scruples, integrity and the trust of the patriotic side of the American people.

Guy, you have had Talk Radio and Faux News talking about Benghazi, IRS targetting and whatever else you are bent out of shape about for years.

And at the end of the day, no one outside the right wing bubble cares.

Mostly because sensible people know the Middle East is dangerous and really don't think Teabaggers are running "Social Welfare" agencies.

But closing off traffic to fuck with people and then snarking that 'Hey, they're voting for the other guy", that probably hits home with a lot of folks.

Sadly, Christy was probably one of the few sane Republicans we had, and he imploded.
After 6 years of being fully invested in "Covering up" for Obama the liberal Democrat Media can finally fabricate, play at being outraged and "Blow up" the story on Chris Christie.

Funny how that works..deaf, dumb and blind to all of Obama/Democrat plethora of failures and lies then back to imagining they actually have scruples, integrity and the trust of the patriotic side of the American people.

Guy, you have had Talk Radio and Faux News talking about Benghazi, IRS targetting and whatever else you are bent out of shape about for years.

And at the end of the day, no one outside the right wing bubble cares.

Mostly because sensible people know the Middle East is dangerous and really don't think Teabaggers are running "Social Welfare" agencies.

But closing off traffic to fuck with people and then snarking that 'Hey, they're voting for the other guy", that probably hits home with a lot of folks.

Sadly, Christy was probably one of the few sane Republicans we had, and he imploded.

I accept that Democrats care little for what happened in Benghazi, with the IRS, NSA, FBI or the several other normally serious examples of political corruption and ineptitude..
It's getting old…

The Cry Baby "Liberal Media" bullshit.

Man up and run some candidates that aren't retarded bigots.


I accept that Democrats care little for what happened in Benghazi, with the IRS, NSA, FBI or the several other normally serious examples of political corruption and ineptitude..

well, no, you see, first you have to convince a reasonable person that corruption or ineptitude was involved.

:lol:.. In other words, don't even try to convince you...
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I accept that Democrats care little for what happened in Benghazi, with the IRS, NSA, FBI or the several other normally serious examples of political corruption and ineptitude..

well, no, you see, first you have to convince a reasonable person that corruption or ineptitude was involved.

:lol:.. In other words, don't even try to convince you...

Well, obviously, you haven't been able to. You guys have been banging on the Benghazi drum for a year or more now, and you just look ghoulish doing it.

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