Bloomberg To Force Flu Vaccines For All NYC Children...

Good grief.

Anyway, get your flu shots. They don't cause the flu, they don't cure world hunger, they are not some sort of conspiracy to implant your children with little spaceships manned by tiny shrunken scientists or to make you vote Democrat. Influenza is a terribly dangerous disease, there are many strains of it, and you should vaccinate against the ones you can, to protect those among us who are most vulnerable and who can't necessarily be vaccinated...young children.

I would say yes, get your vaccinations.

They've come a long way and have been vastly improved.

But to deny that there is an inherent risk is worse than ignorant, it is dishonest in the extreme.

There is risk in everything we do. We wake up in the morning without thinking about the risk of breaking our leg getting out of bed or slipping in the shower and breaking our necks.

But that doesn't negate the risk. The risk is there whether we think about it or not.

The question is: Does reward outweigh the risk? Today, IMO yes.

When I was raising my kids (44 and 34) not so much.

But there is still risk. Always, there is risk.

Like I said, not as much today as there used to be in the vaccines. But you still gotta use common sense. YOU are the one who will pay the price of a mistake.

Or worse, your kids.
Typhoid Mary is certainly considered a thoughtful and considerate person, I know.....

After all, she wasn't sick! Why should she care about the other people?

Typhoid Mary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mary Mallon (September 23, 1869 – November 11, 1938), better known as Typhoid Mary, was the first person in the United States identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen associated with typhoid fever. She was presumed to have infected some 50 people, three of whom died, over the course of her career as a cook.[1] She was forcibly isolated twice by public health authorities and died after a total of nearly three decades in isolation."

Was the government overthrown as a result, I wonder?

Oh, wait. No. It wasn't.

Did you get your Typhoid vaccination yet?

Make sure you run to your Doctor and get one.

While you're at it, make sure and get your Bubonic and Pneumonic Plague vaccinations.
23 million and some change died from the Spanish flu. Most virii are spun from the virus which originated in Kansas and should have been called the American flu. The human species since then has developed a much better resistance. This is just an anecdote.

Martial law to save 105 kids or even a 1000? Not if I have anything to do with it. They'll stick me with that shit in my corpse and anyone who tries to poke my daughter without my permission will be lying in a ditch with something sticking in them. Just saying. There are millions more like me who no longer trust the shot.
Call me a "Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist", but i predict someday Big Brother will use the fear of 'Spreading Disease' to put American Citizens on Lockdown for good. Fear will always be Big Brother's most powerful weapon.
Individuals do not have a right to shoot their firearms towards me nor to infect me with a disease.


Hate to tell you, but a flu vaccine is not going to prevent that 100%. With the number of different types of flu viruses, and that fact that the vaccine can only prevent so many, you could still catch the flu from someone that's been vaccinated after you've been vaccinated.

I have a right to prevent you from infecting me either via vaccines or quarantine.


Are you the weirdo walking around with a respirator all the time?
When we are in danger of epidemic, then you take drastic measures. Epidemic is one of the surest ways to bring martial law down upon one's community. If you don't like martial law, I suggest you get your vaccines, or move to an area where you are not putting other people at risk by your refusal to do so.

Your *rights* only extend to the point where they aren't infringing upon the rights of others. YOU may not be at risk of dying from the flu..but my 5 week old grandson definitely is. Get your fucking flu shots and stop being a baby.

Considering the horrible results of my last flu shot...honestly, I would consider suicide before getting another one.
When we are in danger of epidemic, then you take drastic measures. Epidemic is one of the surest ways to bring martial law down upon one's community. If you don't like martial law, I suggest you get your vaccines, or move to an area where you are not putting other people at risk by your refusal to do so.

Your *rights* only extend to the point where they aren't infringing upon the rights of others. YOU may not be at risk of dying from the flu..but my 5 week old grandson definitely is. Get your fucking flu shots and stop being a baby.

Like i said earlier, that mentality leads to a very dangerous Slippery Slope.

No, it really doesn't. Communities have always enlisted extreme measures to prevent/contain epidemic. Read up on it, educate yourself.

The smallpox vaccine was visited upon NYC by policemen, who did literally drag children out of their homes over the protestations of their irate and terrified parents. During the plague, there were varieties of actions taken to prevent the spread of disease that quite did away with any *rights* that those affected had.

It's the way it works. Like I said, if you don't like it I suggest you move to an extremely sparsely populated rural area, where not only are you unlikely to be exposed to most viruses, you are also unlikely to be able to spread them, and thus not likely to be required to get a shot.

Nice to see that the closet fascist has come out of the closet!

And hey: anyone trying to equate smallpox with the flu is either dishonest or stupid. Which one are you?
I'm in my late 40's and never got a flu shot until this year, because last year I got the flu and was more ill than I have ever been in my life. It was nightmarish and I probably should have been hospitalized at one point because my kidneys felt like they had been beaten with sledge hammers.

If this story was Giuliani and not Bloomberg, I think a lot less people would take issue.

I take issue with any and all mandates the government makes.

I take issue with any politician who believes he knows what's better for me and my family than I do.

I take issue with anyone attempting to take my freedoms away.

SO in 40 years you have never had a flu shot and exhibited good health. The one time you get the flu you immediately forget the past 40 years of good health and rely on a vaccine that will not prevent you from getting the flu again. Where is the logic?

The logic is weighing the choices- take a flu shot and likely bypass 5 days in bed and possible death, or keep taking my chances.

Seems pretty logical to me.

My last flu shot hit me worse than any case of the flu I have ever had.
No, it doesn't. It is done in times of epidemic, has been done forever. You're missing the point, which is that this is the one instance when martial law can, and should, be applied.

Nobody would give a shit if you are only affecting your own family. But this is not the case. As you know, your rights only extend to the point where you are violating the rights of others. And if you live among people and you refuse to take proper and reasonable precautions against the outbreak of disease, then your rights are going to be terminated until you comply.

That's the way it works. That's the way it always has worked. There are always nutty hold-outs against medical precautions, there are always a few who think they have the right to put others at risk because they believe whatever stupid things they believe (incorrectly) about the science of vaccination.

The long and short of are wrong, and you don't have the right to be wrong if your wrongness has the potential to make other people sick. So get the fuck over it. There's no slippery slope. This isn't abortion, or sterilization, or gadget implantation. It's basic medicine.

At this point, I honestly wonder if you are TRYING to suppress the immune system of a generation. I'm not sure if you are honestly misguided, a petty tyrant...or evil on the level of Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot combined.
The Tyee ? More Evidence Against Forced Flu Shots

Shots are safe? Questionable...

The veteran researcher also warns that claims flu shots are completely safe have been questioned by new research. Cassels points to a study by Dr. Danuta Skowronski of the B.C. Centre for Disease Control and colleagues that discovered increased rates of people contracting the pandemic H1N1 influenza in 2009 after they received regular flu shots, called the trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV).

Skowronski's study in the Oxford Journals states: "Specifically, outbreak investigation conducted during the early stages of the pandemic in a northern B.C. community identified that participants reporting pH1N1-related ILI during the period 1 April through 5 June 2009 were more than twice as likely to report having previously received seasonal influenza vaccine."

"Conclusions. An outbreak investigation in British Columbia during the late spring of 2009 provided the first indication of an unexpected association between receipt of TIV and pH1N1 illness. This led to five additional studies through the summer 2009 in Canada, each of which corroborated these initial findings."

While Skowronski outlines "several limitations to this study warranting cautious interpretation of the results," it nevertheless gives Cassels concern that the seasonal flu shot may be negatively affecting people's natural immunity to more serious illnesses like H1N1.

Cassels also refers to The National Vaccine Information Center, a U.S. non-profit organization that gives clear information about potential negative consequences from flu shots:

"Reported moderate reactions to influenza vaccine include fever, local reactions (pain, redness, swelling at the site of the injection), headache, fatigue, sore throat, nasal congestion, cough, joint and muscle pain, and nausea. Reported serious complications include brain inflammation, convulsions, Bell's palsy, limb paralysis, neuropathy, shock, wheezing/asthma and other breathing problems.

"Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) is a disabling neurological disorder that involves temporary or permanent paralysis that can lead to death and has been causally related to influenza vaccinations.

"As of Nov. 2013, there have been more than 93,000 reports of reactions, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following influenza vaccinations made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), including 1,080 related deaths, 8,888 hospitalizations, 1,801 related disabilities and over 1,700 cases of GBS."

But I'm ignorant....... :lol:

And those are the ones that were REPORTED! When I wound up in the ER, I'm not sure they knew I had just had a damned flu shot! (I don't know if my wife told them, she doesn't remember, and I was pretty much out of it.) How many people get sick and don't make the connection?
Hate to tell you, but a flu vaccine is not going to prevent that 100%. With the number of different types of flu viruses, and that fact that the vaccine can only prevent so many, you could still catch the flu from someone that's been vaccinated after you've been vaccinated.

I have a right to prevent you from infecting me either via vaccines or quarantine.


Are you the weirdo walking around with a respirator all the time?


Do you mean this?


No, it doesn't. It is done in times of epidemic, has been done forever. You're missing the point, which is that this is the one instance when martial law can, and should, be applied.

Nobody would give a shit if you are only affecting your own family. But this is not the case. As you know, your rights only extend to the point where you are violating the rights of others. And if you live among people and you refuse to take proper and reasonable precautions against the outbreak of disease, then your rights are going to be terminated until you comply.

That's the way it works. That's the way it always has worked. There are always nutty hold-outs against medical precautions, there are always a few who think they have the right to put others at risk because they believe whatever stupid things they believe (incorrectly) about the science of vaccination.

The long and short of are wrong, and you don't have the right to be wrong if your wrongness has the potential to make other people sick. So get the fuck over it. There's no slippery slope. This isn't abortion, or sterilization, or gadget implantation. It's basic medicine.

At this point, I honestly wonder if you are TRYING to suppress the immune system of a generation. I'm not sure if you are honestly misguided, a petty tyrant...or evil on the level of Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot combined.

What utter drivel.
The Tyee ? More Evidence Against Forced Flu Shots

Shots are safe? Questionable...

The veteran researcher also warns that claims flu shots are completely safe have been questioned by new research. Cassels points to a study by Dr. Danuta Skowronski of the B.C. Centre for Disease Control and colleagues that discovered increased rates of people contracting the pandemic H1N1 influenza in 2009 after they received regular flu shots, called the trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV).

Skowronski's study in the Oxford Journals states: "Specifically, outbreak investigation conducted during the early stages of the pandemic in a northern B.C. community identified that participants reporting pH1N1-related ILI during the period 1 April through 5 June 2009 were more than twice as likely to report having previously received seasonal influenza vaccine."

"Conclusions. An outbreak investigation in British Columbia during the late spring of 2009 provided the first indication of an unexpected association between receipt of TIV and pH1N1 illness. This led to five additional studies through the summer 2009 in Canada, each of which corroborated these initial findings."

While Skowronski outlines "several limitations to this study warranting cautious interpretation of the results," it nevertheless gives Cassels concern that the seasonal flu shot may be negatively affecting people's natural immunity to more serious illnesses like H1N1.

Cassels also refers to The National Vaccine Information Center, a U.S. non-profit organization that gives clear information about potential negative consequences from flu shots:

"Reported moderate reactions to influenza vaccine include fever, local reactions (pain, redness, swelling at the site of the injection), headache, fatigue, sore throat, nasal congestion, cough, joint and muscle pain, and nausea. Reported serious complications include brain inflammation, convulsions, Bell's palsy, limb paralysis, neuropathy, shock, wheezing/asthma and other breathing problems.

"Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) is a disabling neurological disorder that involves temporary or permanent paralysis that can lead to death and has been causally related to influenza vaccinations.

"As of Nov. 2013, there have been more than 93,000 reports of reactions, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following influenza vaccinations made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), including 1,080 related deaths, 8,888 hospitalizations, 1,801 related disabilities and over 1,700 cases of GBS."

But I'm ignorant....... :lol:

And those are the ones that were REPORTED! When I wound up in the ER, I'm not sure they knew I had just had a damned flu shot! (I don't know if my wife told them, she doesn't remember, and I was pretty much out of it.) How many people get sick and don't make the connection?

There is no connection. You don't catch the flu from the influenza vaccine, and it doesn't give you autism, or GBS.

And fewer people die of that than of influenza. So if we're talking about panicking over a ridiculously minute likelihood of something...looks like you're even more hysterical than I am.

At least there's actual proof that immunization prevents disease.

And those are the ones that were REPORTED! When I wound up in the ER, I'm not sure they knew I had just had a damned flu shot! (I don't know if my wife told them, she doesn't remember, and I was pretty much out of it.) How many people get sick and don't make the connection?

There is no connection. You don't catch the flu from the influenza vaccine, and it doesn't give you autism, or GBS.

And fewer people die of that than of influenza. So if we're talking about panicking over a ridiculously minute likelihood of something...looks like you're even more hysterical than I am.

At least there's actual proof that immunization prevents disease.

I had two flu shots. My first made me sick, my second damn near killed me.
Except for the fact that unvaccinated children then infect children who are TOO YOUNG to be vaccinated.

Your freedom only extends to the point where you are infringing upon the freedom and well being of others. Get it through your heads. You don't have the right to arbitrarily reject immunization when there's a risk of epidemic based on your assumption that you'll be fine. It's not about you. Get over it.

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