Bloomberg Attacks Liberals!

From what I know of Bloomberg I only have two "beefs" with him. The first is pretty minor and has to do with his attempt to legislate what size and type of beverage a person could consume.

While the size of drinks in itself may be minor, the belief that's a legitimate use of government force to dictate drink sizes is not minor at all. What would someone who believes that believe is not a power of government?
1." CAMBRIDGE — Michael R. Bloomberg implored Harvard University graduates Thursday to ardently defend the rights of others, citing what he described as growing intolerance for different religions, political ideas, and even college commencement speakers.

2. “Tolerance for other people’s ideas and the freedom to express your own are . . . perpetually vulnerable to the tyrannical tendencies of monarchs, mobs, and majorities, and lately we’ve seen those tendencies manifest themselves too often, both on college campuses and in our society,”....

3. Bloomberg also condemned how, he said, college campuses seem to increasingly profess only liberal viewpoints and refuse to listen to conservative ideas. “

a. "A liberal arts education must not be the art of liberalism,” he said.

4. ....he was disturbed by how numerous commencement speakers either had invitations rescinded or decided themselves to cancel appearances amid protests over their views or actions.

While he may not have any limit of what government can use force to do, at least he wants differing viewpoints of what that force should be used for to be heard. That puts him well ahead of most other liberals.
From what I know of Bloomberg I only have two "beefs" with him. The first is pretty minor and has to do with his attempt to legislate what size and type of beverage a person could consume.

While the size of drinks in itself may be minor, the belief that's a legitimate use of government force to dictate drink sizes is not minor at all. What would someone who believes that believe is not a power of government?

whether i agreed or not, i thought the insanity over it from the right was bizarre from people who think government should interfere with the most personal decisions of individuals.
Democrats have been at war with freedom of speech for decades. The ironically named "fairness doctrine" aka "hush rush" is a prime example. According to former 60's radical turned conservative author, David Horowitz, every high profile conservative speaker has been the victim of assault on a college campus sometime in their career. Racist left wingers threatened Dr. Condie Rice with bodily harm if she spoke at Princeton so she was forced to cancel.
From what I know of Bloomberg I only have two "beefs" with him. The first is pretty minor and has to do with his attempt to legislate what size and type of beverage a person could consume.

While the size of drinks in itself may be minor, the belief that's a legitimate use of government force to dictate drink sizes is not minor at all. What would someone who believes that believe is not a power of government?

whether i agreed or not, i thought the insanity over it from the right was bizarre from people who think government should interfere with the most personal decisions of individuals.

Who wants to interfere with a person's "personal decisions?" I'm fully opposed to that. Now redefining words and norms as a means to cater to a fringe, special interest group is certainly going too far. If my "personal decision" is to avoid a fringe, special interest group then nobody should attack my "personal decision." Right?
Bloomberg LOVES Illegals and Business Visas.
Bloomberg LOVES Bloomberg.
He is an Authoritarian who makes Chris Christie seem Polite.
He made one speech because somewhere he will make a buck.
From what I know of Bloomberg I only have two "beefs" with him. The first is pretty minor and has to do with his attempt to legislate what size and type of beverage a person could consume.

While the size of drinks in itself may be minor, the belief that's a legitimate use of government force to dictate drink sizes is not minor at all. What would someone who believes that believe is not a power of government?

locally those things happen by the people for the people...

iirc in nyc the local board of health recommended protecting the public from their ignorance of health hazards in gulping tons of sugar on a daily basis.

still, no one is stopping new yorkers form buying ten small gulps if that's what they really want...we don't have a 'right' to big gulps so bfd.
From what I know of Bloomberg I only have two "beefs" with him. The first is pretty minor and has to do with his attempt to legislate what size and type of beverage a person could consume.

While the size of drinks in itself may be minor, the belief that's a legitimate use of government force to dictate drink sizes is not minor at all. What would someone who believes that believe is not a power of government?

locally those things happen by the people for the people...

iirc in nyc the local board of health recommended protecting the public from their ignorance of health hazards in gulping tons of sugar on a daily basis.

still, no one is stopping new yorkers form buying ten small gulps if that's what they really want...we don't have a 'right' to big gulps so bfd.

No, telling people what food they can buy is not a normal board of health power. One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. While they are a pain in the ass and jerks about inspections, their regulations all go to the safety of the food. Things like making sure you don't end up with floor cleaner in them or meat that can make you sick. There was nothing about serving sizes and I am not aware of such regulations being common at all.

Furthermore, it's Democrats who push crossing the line of making our choices for us in business. If he's trying to appeal across the aisle, that's an issue that should be greatly remembered.
Bloomberg, the richest man in NYC support, repeats, exactly what I've been saying about our Liberal universities as indoctrination centers!

8. "Bloomberg: Universities becoming bastions of intolerance... criticized what he described as a disturbing trend of liberals silencing voices "deemed politically objectionable."

9. "This spring, it has been disturbing to see a number of college commencement speakers withdraw -- or have their invitations rescinded -- after protests from students and -- to me, shockingly -- from senior faculty and administrators who should know better," Bloomberg said.

a. .... cited an October speech during which his ex-police commissioner, Ray Kelly, was shouted down by students at Brown University.
The university canceled Kelly's speech when protesters opposed to the police department's stop-and-frisk policy shouted down and interrupted Kelly.

b. He pointed to Rutgers, where former U.S. Secretary of StateCondoleezza Rice withdrew amid protests, and Smith College, where International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde withdrew after a student petition.

Bulletin to Synthaholic:

"No students shut down any commencement speeches. Some students protested speakers, but none of the potential speakers were denied their first amendment right to free speech.

This is fact, and it is undeniable."

Turns out it is more than is utterly false.

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
― Ronald Reagan

10. "In each case, liberals silenced a voice -- and denied an honorary degree -- to individuals they deemed politically objectionable. This is an outrage,"

a. "Today, on many college campuses, it is liberals trying to repress conservative ideas, even as conservative faculty members are at risk of becoming an endangered species," he said."
Michael Bloomberg: Universities becoming bastions of intolerance -

So....what is the difference between Liberals and Fascists??

........wait....wait........give me a minute.......

Jeezz....I'm really startin' to miss Bloomberg!

Since when did signing petitions become fascism?
The reason you rarely hear of conservatives protesting a speaker at a conservative college is that conservative colleges rarely invite people of diverse opinions in the first place.
Stalin didn't like Hitler either and wanted to chop off his head. With Statists, there can be only one.
Neither Bloomberg nor any other conservative has provided any objective, documented evidence that conservative dogma is being ‘repressed’ in any college or university, or that ‘protesters’ at any college or universities are ‘liberals.’

This is nothing more than subjective inference, speculation, and perception.

Bloomberg is at least consistent at being wrong – he’s wrong about the myth of ‘liberal intolerance’ in colleges and universities just as he’s wrong about certain gun control measures.
The reason you rarely hear of conservatives protesting a speaker at a conservative college is that conservative colleges rarely invite people of diverse opinions in the first place.

Links? Documentation? How many conservative colleges actually exist? Got a number? Do you keep track of every speaker invited to every college?

Or are you simply stating an unsubstantiated opinion?
The reason you rarely hear of conservatives protesting a speaker at a conservative college is that conservative colleges rarely invite people of diverse opinions in the first place.

Why would they, conservatives don't support diversity, it gets it the way of dogma.

Diversity? You're all about diversity today? How many Universities allow the teaching of Intelligent Design as a counter to the Theory of Evolution? Let's see just how "diverse" you remain.
The reason you rarely hear of conservatives protesting a speaker at a conservative college is that conservative colleges rarely invite people of diverse opinions in the first place.

Why would they, conservatives don't support diversity, it gets it the way of dogma.

Diversity? You're all about diversity today? How many Universities allow the teaching of Intelligent Design as a counter to the Theory of Evolution? Let's see just how "diverse" you remain.

They do teach it. They bring it up, correctly dismiss it as without substantive scientific merit,

and then they move on.
The reason you rarely hear of conservatives protesting a speaker at a conservative college is that conservative colleges rarely invite people of diverse opinions in the first place.

Links? Documentation? How many conservative colleges actually exist? Got a number? Do you keep track of every speaker invited to every college?

Or are you simply stating an unsubstantiated opinion?

I intelligently designed that opinion.
The reason you rarely hear of conservatives protesting a speaker at a conservative college is that conservative colleges rarely invite people of diverse opinions in the first place.

Links? Documentation? How many conservative colleges actually exist? Got a number? Do you keep track of every speaker invited to every college?

Or are you simply stating an unsubstantiated opinion?

You should welcome the opportunity to prove that my opinion is not supported by the facts.

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