Blood Diamond


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a fun James Bond inspired homemade espionage comic book fan-fiction loosely using research and info presented in the modern provocative film Blood Diamond. Enjoy (and thanks so much for reading)!


Isaac was sent by the CIA to investigate blood diamond circulation in Johannesburg. He was skilled at photography, espionage, and infiltration. Isaac, aka 'Shadow', prowled Johannesburg to find the right network leaders of this underground black market linked to terrorist groups and political fascists seeking to create dictatorships all around Eastern Europe and Africa based on bloody ABCD!


JOHANNESBURG TIMES: "Blood diamonds in this city have become synonymous with an aura of modern darkness."


Nevertheless, Isaac, ('Shadow') considered himself the ideal diplomat for this very dangerous CIA mission in Johannesburg. He circulated selfies all around the city, presenting himself as a black market journalist seeking interviewees who wanted to talk about the general darkness of new age capitalism in covert sectors of modern cities. Isaac/Shadow quickly became known in the city as the Blood Diamond quiz-master!


CIA/INTERPOL: "Make no mistake, the blood diamond market threatens to turn the capitalism bedrock into a productive hell."


ISAAC: I want to find the leaders of this ring in Jo-Burg.
CIA: How'd you know if there're any leaders at all in this anarchy, Shadow?
ISAAC: That's the question --- if there are leaders, there's deliberation.
CIA: Aha, reaching to the highest levels.
ISAAC: This is pirate-hour, boss.


Isaac/Shadow used his mad scientist friend in Jo-Burg to create a rather fancy diamond-cutting laser-pen light device which was impressive to many underground blood market ghouls. Isaac/Shadow used this nifty gadget to rise up the ranks as a resourceful 'toy merchant' in the blood diamond market by night and capitalism cartoon journalist by day. This toy helped Isaac/Shadow gain insights into the hierarchy of underground prestige and humor!


ISAAC/SHADOW: "I consider myself a public servant of the modern civilization, interested in using light to fight disasters."


Now underground piracy in the world of infiltrating capitalism was nothing new and could be wed to the days of colonialism!


Isaac/Shadow discovered the leader of the Jo-Burg black market hellfire was Max Zorin, a profiteer in Holland!


Unfortunately, an old associate of Isaac/Shadow, a girl he met during a Harvard summer school program, exposed in the press that Isaac was a reputed exam cheater so when it was reported in the American press that he was working for the CIA in the blood diamond world in Johannesburg, this media scandal revealed there were real world critics of Isaac's person!


Fortunately, Isaac/Shadow had some new and more advanced espionage tools and toys and devices for his underground blood market in Jo-Burg, including a transforming espionage geared mecha-toy which he used to record conversations of a city bank manager while he himself was lifting blood diamonds from safe-box #445, belonging to a corrupt Dutch senator tied to Max Zorin.


ISAAC/SHADOW: "I just want to sit at home in peace during my off-hours to enjoy Nigella cooking shows on cable."


CIA/INTERPOL: We simply can't deliver modern amenities like cable and t-trains without attention to black market diseases.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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