Blood Diamond II


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Just one more crusading heist vignette inspired by Blood Diamond. Thanks so much for reading,


The City of Angels (LA) was the home of a ninja-thief named Isaac Satan (aka, 'Shadow'). This unusual master-thief was planning a crafty heist of some blood diamonds from safe-box #445 in the LPL Financial Bank in LA, belonging to corrupt Saudi prince Ali Fahd, rumored to be linked to Tijuana cartels and the blood diamond highway stretching to South Africa. However, Isaac/Shadow only cared about the movement of the blood diamonds into his Swiss bank account and made the City of Angels his private playground.


ISAAC/SHADOW: What I care about is the quality of the diamonds and the value of the theft for asset motions in America.


Now, blood diamonds are very rare and very dangerous. The blood diamond traffic in South Africa stretches to Europe and involves the nefarious activities of terrorism and martial violence employed by warlords who seek to exploit the gems for special underground markets. This new black market has created pure panic in the diamond industry, and Isaac/Shadow is still considering his simple if crafty blood diamond heist of Ali Fahd's gems from South Africa in the LA bank this year a matter of theft...not inventive politics perhaps correlated to Interpol or other governing bodies. Isaac's just a thief!


Enter LAPD officer Laura Marshal. She's not a normal detective. She goes undercover, often seeking extreme measures to make sure that she's infiltrating the deadliest of ganglords and nasty masterminds in the dirty City of Angels. Officer Marshal may use the identity of an underworld harlot even to gain access into the lairs of LA's worst criminal ghouls, such as Penguin and Pablo Richie. In other words, LAPD has a real siren in the form of the dirty undercover Officer Marshal!


LAURA MARSHAL: I'm not a Woman of Babylon; I employ tactics that make criminal detection a modern thing of raw masquerade.


That's why the LAPD has assigned Officer Marshal to track and arrest the wily thief Isaac Satan (aka, 'Shadow'). While Isaac/Shadow plans his heist of blood diamonds from Ali Fahd in LA, the underground group Leviathan-Cobra, linked to Interpol, seeks to perhaps enlist Isaac's help in the interference of the blood diamond traffic in the City of Angels, However, Leviathan-Cobra has no idea that LAPD Officer Marshal's involved in this case involving the tracking of Isaac/Shadow. Paths may intersect here, so what'll be the fate of the dark and evil blood diamond highway in North America?


ISAAC/SHADOW: "I walk into the bank on a Friday afternoon claiming to be a Middle Eastern investor linked to Prince Fahd and carry in my bag some fake diamonds I seek to deposit into safe-box #445 belonging to Fahd, showing the bank manager my forged signatures and papers indicating I'm working alongside Fahd as a North American diamond merchant and appraising expert, and when I'm inside the safe-box room, I show the bank rep and the escorting guard my concealed water-gun which is filled with corrosive acid, indicating that I intend to swap some diamonds from Fahd's box on behalf of Interpol, and the bank rep quickly deduces, obviously incorrectly, that I must be some undercover infiltrating government agent working for Leviathan-Cobra, but it's just me...the Shadow!"


After Isaac/Shadow walks out of the bank in LA that afternoon with $20 million worth of blood diamonds from Ali Fahd's safe-box, he moves the gems to the underground lab of Dr. Leo Spitzer who's evaluating the imagined value of extracted nefarious blood diamonds from the international market for the study of prismatic crystalline-derived red lasers, to simply vanish the hateful gems and transpose them onto a more scientific nexus. When Leviathan-Cobra gets wind of Isaac's bond to Dr. Spitzer, they're able to communicate with Isaac/Shadow and recruit him to help them work some underground anti-terrorism magic against the corrupt Ali Fahd in the City of Angels. It's a laser show.


LAPD OFFICER MARSHAL: I don't give a damn what Leviathan-Cobra wants; I want Isaac/Shadow for his role in gem hijacking.


ISAAC/SHADOW: I don't work for Leviathan-Cobra, ma'am.
MARSHAL: I know you took Fahd's blood diamonds for pure profit.
ISAAC/SHADOW: The only thing I know is that those gems are in a lab with laser dollars.
MARSHAL: You're a snake, Shadow.
ISAAC/SHADOW: Just call me Isaac, for goodness sake!


Isaac/Shadow manages to evade the clutches of Officer Marshal and instead plots a social disreputation campaign against the underworld dominion prestige of Prince Fahd. Ironically, this master-thief is suddenly transformed into a Leviathan-Cobra dog.


LEVIATHAN-COBRA: We've converted the Shadow into our crime-world eraser, renamed Storm-Shadow.


Isaac/Shadow eventually retires to Zurich where he spends his days painting grapes and reading Hardy Boys novels. Good talks.


VANITY FAIR: Is modern politics all about flair...and diaries?


LEVIATHAN-COBRA: We'll not rest until blood diamonds are equated with poaching for ivory in Africa.


SPECIAL NOTE: Inform your local Congressman you're interested in blood diamond news and how you'd research vigilance.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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