BLM Militants Draw AR-15s And AK-47s On Portland Motorists; No Police On Scene As Reign Of Terror Continues

At the :58 point in the first video, you can see some BLM thug with an AR-15. Stupid fuck doesn't even have a magazine in it...

Yeah but those nails are sharp!

BLM Militants Draw AR-15s And AK-47s On Portland Motorists;​

No Police On Scene As Reign Of Terror Continues​

6 May 2021 ~~ By Brock Simmons
Black Lives Matter militants took to the streets of North Portland on Thursday, in a march for Patrick Kimmons, who was shot by police in 2018 after a gang shootout on the streets late at night.
During Thursday’s event the protesters began marching in the streets, with a couple of support vehicles leading the way. At two separate points multiple participants pulled AR-15s, AK-47s, pistols, and possibly a shotgun and/or Keltec Sub 2000 on motorists who happened be driving along.
The incidents were caught on video. In these shocking videos you can clearly see multiple terrorists surrounding the vehicles, yelling and shouting obscenities and threats at the drivers. Though the videos are shaky, you can clearly see multiple guns being leveled and drawn, as the terrorists order drivers to stop. One minivan’s tires were flattened, had its back window busted out, and at least one mirror broken. Another guy was in a big pickup truck, and he was apparently drawing his own gun. In an incident that was similar to the Marquise Love headpunt altercation from last fall, he later decided to get out of his truck, where he was assaulted, tackled to the ground, and the terrorists stole his gun while holding him on the ground, ironically calling for the police.
You can hear all sorts of shouting, rifles and pistols being charged, cocked, and racked, glass shattering, and other alarming content. The protesters claim that the drivers tried to run them over, though you can’t see that in the videos.
Through it all not a single police officer is seen. The gangs know they run the streets of Portland, and the police are powerless to stop them. The citizens should know by now to obey the gangs, and if they dare defy the gangs, they could very well end up getting shot and killed. This has essentially become state sanctioned vigilante terrorism.
These are apparently the only videos from the incidents, and they look to be screengrabbed from someone’s live feed who goes by the name “PDXNinja”(?).


If you notice this was not taking place in the city, more outskirts. This means the BLM/Antifa are spreading out beyond Mayor Wheeler's authority.
Thes insurrectional terrorists are pushing the envelope.
Of course the local PD arrived well after the attack on the driver. He's probably the guy going to the hospital after that coward attacked him from behind. A lot of good that pistol was to him... Now it's stolen.
It certainly sounds like the tales from the "Turner Diaries" coming true in the State of Oregon and coming soon to cities where you live.
But don't forget what Chyna Joey Xi, Christopher Wray and the Quisling Media continue to tell us... It's those "White Supremacists" that are the real criminals....
If the 'Proud Boys' did this the entire DOJ, FBI, IRS, CIA would descend upon them.

Fake news.

"These are apparently the only videos from the incidents, and they look to be screengrabbed from....."

So, don't know where they came from. Don't know who took them. Don' know.......

So let's just make it up.

BLM Militants Draw AR-15s And AK-47s On Portland Motorists;​

No Police On Scene As Reign Of Terror Continues​

6 May 2021 ~~ By Brock Simmons
Black Lives Matter militants took to the streets of North Portland on Thursday, in a march for Patrick Kimmons, who was shot by police in 2018 after a gang shootout on the streets late at night.
During Thursday’s event the protesters began marching in the streets, with a couple of support vehicles leading the way. At two separate points multiple participants pulled AR-15s, AK-47s, pistols, and possibly a shotgun and/or Keltec Sub 2000 on motorists who happened be driving along.
The incidents were caught on video. In these shocking videos you can clearly see multiple terrorists surrounding the vehicles, yelling and shouting obscenities and threats at the drivers. Though the videos are shaky, you can clearly see multiple guns being leveled and drawn, as the terrorists order drivers to stop. One minivan’s tires were flattened, had its back window busted out, and at least one mirror broken. Another guy was in a big pickup truck, and he was apparently drawing his own gun. In an incident that was similar to the Marquise Love headpunt altercation from last fall, he later decided to get out of his truck, where he was assaulted, tackled to the ground, and the terrorists stole his gun while holding him on the ground, ironically calling for the police.
You can hear all sorts of shouting, rifles and pistols being charged, cocked, and racked, glass shattering, and other alarming content. The protesters claim that the drivers tried to run them over, though you can’t see that in the videos.
Through it all not a single police officer is seen. The gangs know they run the streets of Portland, and the police are powerless to stop them. The citizens should know by now to obey the gangs, and if they dare defy the gangs, they could very well end up getting shot and killed. This has essentially become state sanctioned vigilante terrorism.
These are apparently the only videos from the incidents, and they look to be screengrabbed from someone’s live feed who goes by the name “PDXNinja”(?).


If you notice this was not taking place in the city, more outskirts. This means the BLM/Antifa are spreading out beyond Mayor Wheeler's authority.
Thes insurrectional terrorists are pushing the envelope.
Of course the local PD arrived well after the attack on the driver. He's probably the guy going to the hospital after that coward attacked him from behind. A lot of good that pistol was to him... Now it's stolen.
It certainly sounds like the tales from the "Turner Diaries" coming true in the State of Oregon and coming soon to cities where you live.
But don't forget what Chyna Joey Xi, Christopher Wray and the Quisling Media continue to tell us... It's those "White Supremacists" that are the real criminals....
If the 'Proud Boys' did this the entire DOJ, FBI, IRS, CIA would descend upon them.

The Black Lives Matter protesters are just as entitled to carry their A.R. 15’s and other weapons to their protests as the Proud Boys. You thought it was great when the Proud Boys were showing up at the protests with their weapons to intimidate the marchers.

When states are passing laws making it legal for motorists to run down protesters who are blocking the streets, the logical response to that is for protesters to start carrying weapons to shoot people who are going to run them down in the streets.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You thought all of these things were great ideas when right wingers were doing them. Suddenly now that the left is using the same tactics, you’re frightened.

When states are passing laws making it legal for motorists to run down protesters who are blocking the streets, the logical response to that is for protesters to start carrying weapons to shoot people who are going to run them down in the streets.

I have no problem with protesters. I don't even have much of a problem with protesters closing down streets.

But when protesters start attacking people who just happen to be driving by, they're no longer protesters. They're criminals.

You can talk about a "logical response" all you want, but the fact of the matter is that it isn't. Not stopping for protesters is legal. If you happen to run one over, tough shit on them, they should've gotten the fuck out of the way. But if someone pulls out a gun and starts firing at you to stop you, that's an illegal act, and not condoned in any way, shape or fashion. The bottom line here is that the legal act of running someone down when you feel threatened is a direct and LEGAL result of monkey thugs attacking innocent people...

When states are passing laws making it legal for motorists to run down protesters who are blocking the streets, the logical response to that is for protesters to start carrying weapons to shoot people who are going to run them down in the streets.

I have no problem with protesters. I don't even have much of a problem with protesters closing down streets.

But when protesters start attacking people who just happen to be driving by, they're no longer protesters. They're criminals.

You can talk about a "logical response" all you want, but the fact of the matter is that it isn't. Not stopping for protesters is legal. If you happen to run one over, tough shit on them, they should've gotten the fuck out of the way. But if someone pulls out a gun and starts firing at you to stop you, that's an illegal act, and not condoned in any way, shape or fashion. The bottom line here is that the legal act of running someone down when you feel threatened is a direct and LEGAL result of monkey thugs attacking innocent people...

I have no problem with motorists. I don't even have much of a problem with motorists block the road for protestors.

But when motorists start driving into people because they don't like their politics, they're no longer protestors, they're murderers.

As long as "not stopping for protestors" is legal, and open carry is legal, you're going to have protestors protecting themselves from being run down by motorists, one way or the other. The bald fact is the "legal" act of running down protestors in the street is going to be met with "stand your ground" resistance.

"I feared for my life. I have the Constitutional right to protest. The guy in the car was threatening me". All of which is legal self defence.

Just amazing, all of these "right to lifers" are denying protestors the right to defend their lives from motorists legally running them down.

When you pass "Purge" laws allowing some citizens to murder others, you're get other citizens defending their lives just as vigorously. And the law allows you to defend yourself.
BLM should be shot on sight as domestic terrorists.

It's a shame only the dumb ass radicals go to extreme measures. And get away with it while average americans sit around and take it.
Don;t give the police a pass on this.. They failed to do their job! In fact they failed to even show up til long afterwards. The victims should sue the police for failing to do their job.
I have no problem with motorists. I don't even have much of a problem with motorists block the road for protestors.

But when motorists start driving into people because they don't like their politics, they're no longer protestors, they're murderers.

As long as "not stopping for protestors" is legal, and open carry is legal, you're going to have protestors protecting themselves from being run down by motorists, one way or the other. The bald fact is the "legal" act of running down protestors in the street is going to be met with "stand your ground" resistance.

"I feared for my life. I have the Constitutional right to protest. The guy in the car was threatening me". All of which is legal self defence.

Just amazing, all of these "right to lifers" are denying protestors the right to defend their lives from motorists legally running them down.

When you pass "Purge" laws allowing some citizens to murder others, you're get other citizens defending their lives just as vigorously. And the law allows you to defend yourself.
If some fool starts shooting at me, it might be a bad idea to be standing in front of my pickup truck blocking it.

Once again I am glad to be living in the Free State of Florida.

Who ever was in that car was in fear of their life. In Arizona he would have drawn a weapon and taken care of the threat. He wouldn't have been charged with a crime, wouldn't of paid a dime to bury them, and would sleep in his own bed tonight. In the morning he would shop for a full size 4 x 4 that used I-beam steel bumpers insuring a larger body count next time. Are you Black Americans proud of these complete wastes of dirt. Do you know what the Blacks I know call these bitches? democRats.
As soon as one of these ANTIFA dudes points a weapon at you, you should instantly shoot them. Execution on the spot for trying to be a tough guy.
Don;t give the police a pass on this.. They failed to do their job! In fact they failed to even show up til long afterwards. The victims should sue the police for failing to do their job.
The police are worthless in many cases.
Send in the National Guard to shoot anyone raising a firearm toward them, no matter what type firearm they have. If they see some fool with a firearm point it at a car they stop, shoot them as well.
Further, force Mayor Wheeler and the Governor out of office for incompetency.

You mean treason.
Don;t give the police a pass on this.. They failed to do their job! In fact they failed to even show up til long afterwards. The victims should sue the police for failing to do their job.

Their ELECTED bosses are on the side of the mobs. The cops can't do much other than quit and leave and more of them should.
The Black Lives Matter protesters are just as entitled to carry their A.R. 15’s and other weapons to their protests as the Proud Boys. You thought it was great when the Proud Boys were showing up at the protests with their weapons to intimidate the marchers.

The Proud Boy didn't do that. They marched and defended themselves when attacked.

That you defend this, is you defending barbarism.

People are going to die, more and more as people like you allow and encourage this shit.
The Proud Boy didn't do that. They marched and defended themselves when attacked.

That you defend this, is you defending barbarism.

People are going to die, more and more as people like you allow and encourage this shit.

The Proud Boys most certainly did that at every single demonstration.

I guess you've forgotton that Kyle Rittenhouse was walking around that BLM demonstration with his AR15 when he shot 3 people and killed 2 people.

I guess you've forgotten about the Michigan anti-mask demonstrations. You didn't call THIS terrorism. You cheered these protestors as righteous Americans.

I guess, in your eyes, white people with guns are patriots but black people with guns are terrorists. Is that what you're saying, Skippy?


  • michigan_whitmer_protest.jpeg
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The Proud Boys most certainly did that at every single demonstration.

No, they didn't.

I guess you've forgotton that Kyle Rittenhouse was walking around that BLM demonstration with his AR15 when he shot 3 people and killed 2 people.

Rittenhouse wasn't a Proud Boy. He was not even a member of the group he was standing with that night, who were also not Proud Boys.

I guess you've forgotten about the Michigan anti-mask demonstrations. You didn't call THIS terrorism. You cheered these protestors as righteous Americans.

I don't believe those were Proud Boys either.

I guess, in your eyes, white people with guns are patriots but black people with guns are terrorists. Is that what you're saying, Skippy?

No, I would say that people that use guns to terrorize random civilians, are terrorists. And in Portland the rioters are mostly white, btw. So, shove your race baiting, back where you pulled it from.

That you can support this is beyond belief. It will not be long before the new normal is people dying in these situations. That is where they are working themselves up to.

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