BLM Militants Draw AR-15s And AK-47s On Portland Motorists; No Police On Scene As Reign Of Terror Continues


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

BLM Militants Draw AR-15s And AK-47s On Portland Motorists;​

No Police On Scene As Reign Of Terror Continues​

6 May 2021 ~~ By Brock Simmons
Black Lives Matter militants took to the streets of North Portland on Thursday, in a march for Patrick Kimmons, who was shot by police in 2018 after a gang shootout on the streets late at night.
During Thursday’s event the protesters began marching in the streets, with a couple of support vehicles leading the way. At two separate points multiple participants pulled AR-15s, AK-47s, pistols, and possibly a shotgun and/or Keltec Sub 2000 on motorists who happened be driving along.
The incidents were caught on video. In these shocking videos you can clearly see multiple terrorists surrounding the vehicles, yelling and shouting obscenities and threats at the drivers. Though the videos are shaky, you can clearly see multiple guns being leveled and drawn, as the terrorists order drivers to stop. One minivan’s tires were flattened, had its back window busted out, and at least one mirror broken. Another guy was in a big pickup truck, and he was apparently drawing his own gun. In an incident that was similar to the Marquise Love headpunt altercation from last fall, he later decided to get out of his truck, where he was assaulted, tackled to the ground, and the terrorists stole his gun while holding him on the ground, ironically calling for the police.
You can hear all sorts of shouting, rifles and pistols being charged, cocked, and racked, glass shattering, and other alarming content. The protesters claim that the drivers tried to run them over, though you can’t see that in the videos.
Through it all not a single police officer is seen. The gangs know they run the streets of Portland, and the police are powerless to stop them. The citizens should know by now to obey the gangs, and if they dare defy the gangs, they could very well end up getting shot and killed. This has essentially become state sanctioned vigilante terrorism.
These are apparently the only videos from the incidents, and they look to be screengrabbed from someone’s live feed who goes by the name “PDXNinja”(?).


If you notice this was not taking place in the city, more outskirts. This means the BLM/Antifa are spreading out beyond Mayor Wheeler's authority.
Thes insurrectional terrorists are pushing the envelope.
Of course the local PD arrived well after the attack on the driver. He's probably the guy going to the hospital after that coward attacked him from behind. A lot of good that pistol was to him... Now it's stolen.
It certainly sounds like the tales from the "Turner Diaries" coming true in the State of Oregon and coming soon to cities where you live.
But don't forget what Chyna Joey Xi, Christopher Wray and the Quisling Media continue to tell us... It's those "White Supremacists" that are the real criminals....
If the 'Proud Boys' did this the entire DOJ, FBI, IRS, CIA would descend upon them.
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Governor Kate Brown should be impeached and the National Guard deployed.

There have already been murders committed by BLM/Antifa in Portland and its surroundings.
Unless the citizens have completely been cowered and scared things may surely blow up in the faces of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats.
But don't forget it those Neanderthal White Suptemacists that are the terrorists. According to Xiden and Wray...
Send in the National Guard to shoot anyone raising a firearm toward them, no matter what type firearm they have. If they see some fool with a firearm point it at a car they stop, shoot them as well.
Further, force Mayor Wheeler and the Governor out of office for incompetency.

BLM Militants Draw AR-15s And AK-47s On Portland Motorists;​

No Police On Scene As Reign Of Terror Continues​

6 May 2021 ~~ By Brock Simmons
Black Lives Matter militants took to the streets of North Portland on Thursday, in a march for Patrick Kimmons, who was shot by police in 2018 after a gang shootout on the streets late at night.
During Thursday’s event the protesters began marching in the streets, with a couple of support vehicles leading the way. At two separate points multiple participants pulled AR-15s, AK-47s, pistols, and possibly a shotgun and/or Keltec Sub 2000 on motorists who happened be driving along.
The incidents were caught on video. In these shocking videos you can clearly see multiple terrorists surrounding the vehicles, yelling and shouting obscenities and threats at the drivers. Though the videos are shaky, you can clearly see multiple guns being leveled and drawn, as the terrorists order drivers to stop. One minivan’s tires were flattened, had its back window busted out, and at least one mirror broken. Another guy was in a big pickup truck, and he was apparently drawing his own gun. In an incident that was similar to the Marquise Love headpunt altercation from last fall, he later decided to get out of his truck, where he was assaulted, tackled to the ground, and the terrorists stole his gun while holding him on the ground, ironically calling for the police.
You can hear all sorts of shouting, rifles and pistols being charged, cocked, and racked, glass shattering, and other alarming content. The protesters claim that the drivers tried to run them over, though you can’t see that in the videos.
Through it all not a single police officer is seen. The gangs know they run the streets of Portland, and the police are powerless to stop them. The citizens should know by now to obey the gangs, and if they dare defy the gangs, they could very well end up getting shot and killed. This has essentially become state sanctioned vigilante terrorism.
These are apparently the only videos from the incidents, and they look to be screengrabbed from someone’s live feed who goes by the name “PDXNinja”(?).


If you notice this was not taking place in the city, more outskirts. This means the BLM/Antifa are spreading out beyond Mayor Wheeler's authority.
Thes insurrectional terrorists are pushing the envelope.
Of course the local PD arrived well after the attack on the driver. He's probably the guy going to the hospital after that coward attacked him from behind. A lot of good that pistol was to him... Now it's stolen.
It certainly sounds like the tales from the "Turner Diaries" coming true in the State of Oregon and coming soon to cities where you live.
But don't forget what Chyna Joey Xi, Christopher Wray and the Quisling Media continue to tell us... It's those "White Supremacists" that are the real criminals....
If the 'Proud Boys' did this the entire DOJ, FBI, IRS, CIA would descend upon them.

Much to do about nothing.

BLM Militants Draw AR-15s And AK-47s On Portland Motorists;​

No Police On Scene As Reign Of Terror Continues​

6 May 2021 ~~ By Brock Simmons
Black Lives Matter militants took to the streets of North Portland on Thursday, in a march for Patrick Kimmons, who was shot by police in 2018 after a gang shootout on the streets late at night.
During Thursday’s event the protesters began marching in the streets, with a couple of support vehicles leading the way. At two separate points multiple participants pulled AR-15s, AK-47s, pistols, and possibly a shotgun and/or Keltec Sub 2000 on motorists who happened be driving along.
The incidents were caught on video. In these shocking videos you can clearly see multiple terrorists surrounding the vehicles, yelling and shouting obscenities and threats at the drivers. Though the videos are shaky, you can clearly see multiple guns being leveled and drawn, as the terrorists order drivers to stop. One minivan’s tires were flattened, had its back window busted out, and at least one mirror broken. Another guy was in a big pickup truck, and he was apparently drawing his own gun. In an incident that was similar to the Marquise Love headpunt altercation from last fall, he later decided to get out of his truck, where he was assaulted, tackled to the ground, and the terrorists stole his gun while holding him on the ground, ironically calling for the police.
You can hear all sorts of shouting, rifles and pistols being charged, cocked, and racked, glass shattering, and other alarming content. The protesters claim that the drivers tried to run them over, though you can’t see that in the videos.
Through it all not a single police officer is seen. The gangs know they run the streets of Portland, and the police are powerless to stop them. The citizens should know by now to obey the gangs, and if they dare defy the gangs, they could very well end up getting shot and killed. This has essentially become state sanctioned vigilante terrorism.
These are apparently the only videos from the incidents, and they look to be screengrabbed from someone’s live feed who goes by the name “PDXNinja”(?).


If you notice this was not taking place in the city, more outskirts. This means the BLM/Antifa are spreading out beyond Mayor Wheeler's authority.
Thes insurrectional terrorists are pushing the envelope.
Of course the local PD arrived well after the attack on the driver. He's probably the guy going to the hospital after that coward attacked him from behind. A lot of good that pistol was to him... Now it's stolen.
It certainly sounds like the tales from the "Turner Diaries" coming true in the State of Oregon and coming soon to cities where you live.
But don't forget what Chyna Joey Xi, Christopher Wray and the Quisling Media continue to tell us... It's those "White Supremacists" that are the real criminals....
If the 'Proud Boys' did this the entire DOJ, FBI, IRS, CIA would descend upon them.

Much to do about nothing.

Assault with a deadly weapon. Attempted murder. Unlawfully firing a weapon in city limits.

Yeah. Nothing to see here.
Blacks will never 'fit' into any of the more advanced societies. All they know how to do is cause problems.

They have to be 'helped' back to their home, in Africa.

BLM Militants Draw AR-15s And AK-47s On Portland Motorists;​

No Police On Scene As Reign Of Terror Continues​

6 May 2021 ~~ By Brock Simmons
Black Lives Matter militants took to the streets of North Portland on Thursday, in a march for Patrick Kimmons, who was shot by police in 2018 after a gang shootout on the streets late at night.
During Thursday’s event the protesters began marching in the streets, with a couple of support vehicles leading the way. At two separate points multiple participants pulled AR-15s, AK-47s, pistols, and possibly a shotgun and/or Keltec Sub 2000 on motorists who happened be driving along.
The incidents were caught on video. In these shocking videos you can clearly see multiple terrorists surrounding the vehicles, yelling and shouting obscenities and threats at the drivers. Though the videos are shaky, you can clearly see multiple guns being leveled and drawn, as the terrorists order drivers to stop. One minivan’s tires were flattened, had its back window busted out, and at least one mirror broken. Another guy was in a big pickup truck, and he was apparently drawing his own gun. In an incident that was similar to the Marquise Love headpunt altercation from last fall, he later decided to get out of his truck, where he was assaulted, tackled to the ground, and the terrorists stole his gun while holding him on the ground, ironically calling for the police.
You can hear all sorts of shouting, rifles and pistols being charged, cocked, and racked, glass shattering, and other alarming content. The protesters claim that the drivers tried to run them over, though you can’t see that in the videos.
Through it all not a single police officer is seen. The gangs know they run the streets of Portland, and the police are powerless to stop them. The citizens should know by now to obey the gangs, and if they dare defy the gangs, they could very well end up getting shot and killed. This has essentially become state sanctioned vigilante terrorism.
These are apparently the only videos from the incidents, and they look to be screengrabbed from someone’s live feed who goes by the name “PDXNinja”(?).


If you notice this was not taking place in the city, more outskirts. This means the BLM/Antifa are spreading out beyond Mayor Wheeler's authority.
Thes insurrectional terrorists are pushing the envelope.
Of course the local PD arrived well after the attack on the driver. He's probably the guy going to the hospital after that coward attacked him from behind. A lot of good that pistol was to him... Now it's stolen.
It certainly sounds like the tales from the "Turner Diaries" coming true in the State of Oregon and coming soon to cities where you live.
But don't forget what Chyna Joey Xi, Christopher Wray and the Quisling Media continue to tell us... It's those "White Supremacists" that are the real criminals....
If the 'Proud Boys' did this the entire DOJ, FBI, IRS, CIA would descend upon them.

Who ever was in that car was in fear of their life. In Arizona he would have drawn a weapon and taken care of the threat. He wouldn't have been charged with a crime, wouldn't of paid a dime to bury them, and would sleep in his own bed tonight. In the morning he would shop for a full size 4 x 4 that used I-beam steel bumpers insuring a larger body count next time. Are you Black Americans proud of these complete wastes of dirt. Do you know what the Blacks I know call these bitches? democRats.
Don;t give the police a pass on this.. They failed to do their job! In fact they failed to even show up til long afterwards. The victims should sue the police for failing to do their job.
Don;t give the police a pass on this.. They failed to do their job! In fact they failed to even show up til long afterwards. The victims should sue the police for failing to do their job.
The Police are afraid to do their jobs,'s why crime is spiking in cities all across the country. Every time an officer gets out of his or her cruiser these days there is a chance that something will happen that will land them in prison for years. Who would want that job?
Don;t give the police a pass on this.. They failed to do their job! In fact they failed to even show up til long afterwards. The victims should sue the police for failing to do their job.

Then stop threatening them and let them do their job upholding the law.
Don;t give the police a pass on this.. They failed to do their job! In fact they failed to even show up til long afterwards. The victims should sue the police for failing to do their job.
I don’t blame the police. The city obviously doesn’t back them up. If a cop kills a black protestor even if everything he did was legal and by the book he likely will be prosecuted and sent to prison. It makes good sense for the cops in many cities to turn reactive rather than proactive. Just show up in time to put crime scene tape out, collect evidence and interview witnesses.

In many cities cops have retired or quit and there is a serious shortage of police to respond to calls. Plus most of the police may be trying to control riots And dodge bricks thrown at them by protestors.
I am a bit surprised that some yahoos don't take a drive through and shoot everything that moves.
I am a bit surprised that some yahoos don't take a drive through and shoot everything that moves.
Biden is trying to convince us that the most dangerous people in our country are white supremacists. You would think that if he was right by now some white supremacists would have done just what you suggested.

Eventually the BLM rioters may invade predominately white suburban neighborhoods. If they start looting and burning the white residents may decide to defend their property.

Of course the liberal media will portray the white people as the bad guys because they wouldn’t let the oppressed BLM rioters steal all their stuff and burn their houses to the ground. Probably the white people will be arrested and prosecuted.

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