BLM forgets Jews fought for civil right too!

of course they do. what do you expect for racism, ignorance and hate.
Black folks also fought to free Jewish folks from Nazi Germany, only to return home and be denied the same rights white folks enjoyed.

of course they do. what do you expect for racism, ignorance and hate.
BLM isn’t a civil rights group, they are brownshirts for then demafasict party
BLM is a Marxist, antisemitic hate group.
I doubt anyone in Black Lives Matter read anything by Karl Marx. It has too many big words, and no pictures.

Once I took a fascinating seminar on Das Kapital given by the Aemrican Communist Party. I already owned most of the books on the reading list, including all three volumes of Das Kaptial, printed in Moscow by Progress Publishers.

In the basis of my fairly extensive study of Marx I think he had two valid insights, and was mistaken about everything else. He would have opposed Vladimir Lenin.
Wiki? Roflmao... really

To your point about using the wiki?

I thought we’re no supposed to say colored people.
I say it a lot, and I will keep on doing it. :cool:

I have even been told not to use the word "Negro." That is another word I use frequently.

There is a spreading convention that irritates me. That is the convention of referring to a man's slaves as the people he enslaved. One will not say, "Thomas Jefferson owned nearly one hundred slaves." The politically correct way is to say, "Thomas Jefferson enslaved nearly one hundred African Americans."

Calling a man's slaves the people he enslaved is a way of concealing the role colored people in Africa played in the slave trade. Slaves were not enslaved by whites. They were enslaved by other Negroes and sold to white slave traders. Until modern medicines were invented it was dangerous for whites to enter the interior of sub Saharan Africa because whites lacked resistances to African diseases.

So, Thomas Jefferson did not enslave anyone. He inherited some of his slaves; he bought others; the remaining slaves were born on his plantation.
sad thinking is blmn dosent realize a lot jewish people in isreal are also black. ignorance.

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