Blm and Antifa are the precursors to the Nazis


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
If they had the power and weapons they would try to exterminate every white and Jew in the USA !!
Not even Zuckerberg and Benzo would survive
They must be killed in every street !!

Oddly Vegas ( gutter rat city ) has few of them
More accurately, it would be more like Stalin's old Soviet Union, where millions died in the name of Communism.
If they had the power and weapons they would try to exterminate every white and Jew in the USA !!
Not even Zuckerberg and Benzo would survive
They must be killed in every street !!

Oddly Vegas ( gutter rat city ) has few of them

They are the brown shirts of the democrat party....doing the same things the brown shirts in Germany did in the 1930s.
Actually, the Antifa idiots and BLM bozo's are more like Chairman Mao's hoards of radical Marxist students called the Red Guards.
They hated history and went all over China tearing down statues and buildings that had anything to with China's past.
Any person that was educated, owned a business, or had worked in government, was arrested, and either put in a work camp or executed. ... :cool:
If they had the power and weapons they would try to exterminate every white and Jew in the USA !!
Not even Zuckerberg and Benzo would survive
They must be killed in every street !!

Oddly Vegas ( gutter rat city ) has few of them

They are the brown shirts of the democrat party....doing the same things the brown shirts in Germany did in the 1930s.
Don’t forget the Italian black shirts under Mussolini
Actually, the Antifa idiots and BLM bozo's are more like Chairman Mao's hoards of radical Marxist students called the Red Guards.
They hated history and went all over China tearing down statues and buildings that had anything to with China's past.
Any person that was educated, owned a business, or had worked in government, was arrested, and either put in a work camp or executed. ... :cool:
Whenever you see such radical groups ..there is always “ hidden Jews “ that run the show
I would go with the Brownshirts of Hitler as they Are Into the signature modus operandi of the NAZIS, Racial Identity Politics,

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