*Blasting Off The New Year: Muslim Style!*

*Are You sick of islam as I am?*

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The info I provided are either VERBATIM staments from the KORAN, or Islam's Most Sacred Book after the KORAN, The HADITH.
Incorrect nitwit

Only the Quran is considered sacred.

The Hadiths are recorded in several books and are not considered sacred.


Name the SECOND most SACRED....and I mean SACRED Book(s) in ISLAM after the KORAN.

And don't try to wiggle out with your usual "smoke & mirrors" BULLSHIT.

C'mon arsehole......let's hear it.
The info I provided are either VERBATIM staments from the KORAN, or Islam's Most Sacred Book after the KORAN, The HADITH.
Incorrect nitwit

Only the Quran is considered sacred.

The Hadiths are recorded in several books and are not considered sacred.


Name the SECOND most SACRED....and I mean SACRED Book(s) in ISLAM after the KORAN.

And don't try to wiggle out with your usual "smoke & mirrors" BULLSHIT.

C'mon arsehole......let's hear it.
Again, only the Quran is considered sacred and the word of God in Islam.

There is No second sacred book in Islam.

The Hadiths are a collection of the sayings of the Prophet; but are not considered sacred. :cool:
That's simply extreme. To look at the books, one must needs look at the times in which the books were birthed.

When I look to the ancient Hebrew Torah and use pilpul to study Talmud with many other who are more learned than I, there is a marked difference in the approach of ancient Judaism then and how it is practiced today.

The difference, as I said, is interpretive. I know you will not accept this, so I will just agree to disagree with you.


You are correct in that I will OBVIOUSLY disagree with you.

Could be because you are STILL missing my point.

I get the impression that we are in the apple/orange stage.

I am talking about apples.....you responding by talking about oranges.

I agree with you that when we talk about statements by people, when interpreting what they say you must consider the context, and obviously the "times" when that made some things culturally acceptable and others not....example a hottie wearing a bikini.....where here it's not only whether this is in the 50's or today.....but location as well (i.e. Saudi Arabia vs Fort Lauterdale).

But, this should occur when we "INTERPRET" the statement and pronounce judgment on the whole statement !


That's a DOCUMENTED FACT. You may "INTERPRET" the statement from all perspectives: Context, Age, Place, etc....BUT YOU CANNOT CHANGE or "MISINTERPRET" THE ACTUAL WORDS INVOLVED in the sentence by Psycho Mohammed.

You can "INTERPRET" Mohammed's statement by saying "that's par for the course". That was a "good" or "bad" thing. Or, it is a "good" or "bad" thing in that period of History..........BUT YOU CANNOT DO ANY "INTERPRETATION" of the fact that Psycho Mohammed actually said the words: "KILL THE MISHRAKUN !!!"


And, that my confused friend is what I am stating in my post:

I state the INVIOLATE WORDS of Mohammed, or the people in the HADITH that have given the FINALLY APPROVED ISLAMIC VERSION that has the same INVIOLABILITY as the KORAN'S WORDS........and then......ONLY THEN...... I make my judgment......

And, in most cases I don't even have to "INTERPRET" or make my judgment.

The very words and actions of the PSYCHO Mohammed are so fucking REPULSIVE that NO INTERPRETATION IS NECESSARY.

When I repeatedly state that the PSYCHO Mohammed is a Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, PEDOPHILIC RAPIST........Each one of these epithets IS A DOCUMENTED FACT USING THE INVIOLATE WORDS OF THE KORAN and/or THE HADITH !!!

Yes, my conclusion is an "INTERPRETATION". However, if in the Koran or Hadith, the Psycho Mohammed is stated as saying that he actually robbed caravans.....and those words are INVIOLATE then my "INTERPRETATION" of the TRUTH of the subject should be, by all that's sacred in LOGIC, that Psycho Mohammed was a THIEF.

I get the distinct impression that you are confused and doing some "double-talk" to cover up your confusion.

You've been hanging around idiots and haters. Look at your Caps and Bolds and outrage. Online?

That's not the language or method of those who truly want to discuss.

That's the language of one who wants to demand, and from those kinds of demands springs hate.

Regardless of any book. I could refute all of what you say, but that would change nothing in your mind, so why would I even try.

Go with yours as I go with mine.


I doubt if anyone of us really change another's mind on anything. The best we can do is to be informative and hopefully learn thisa or thata that we might not have come across before.

You seemed to be well versed in religion and I was surprised, actually amazed that you were obviously missing the point with your confused double-talk. And, I was hoping that I was wrong....and YOU would set me right.

Instead, I find out that you can't back up your bullshit, or double-talk......and have to resort to insulting my method of presentation that delineates in a more compelling manner what I consider the important points....or more accurately clarifies others.....so, all I will say is: fuck you, and stick your torah up your arse.

I hope the torah's new location will be more productive in educating you than it did in the previous location.

And, FYI, I can live with that.
Incorrect nitwit

Only the Quran is considered sacred.

The Hadiths are recorded in several books and are not considered sacred.


Name the SECOND most SACRED....and I mean SACRED Book(s) in ISLAM after the KORAN.

And don't try to wiggle out with your usual "smoke & mirrors" BULLSHIT.

C'mon arsehole......let's hear it.
Again, only the Quran is considered sacred and the word of God in Islam.

There is No second sacred book in Islam.

The Hadiths are a collection of the sayings of the Prophet; but are not considered sacred. :cool:


I am not going to pour thru volumes of books, magazines, and scholarly journals to document the fact that you're full of shit as EVERY ONE of your previous posts were or seem to be.

But I distinctly recall descriptions of the HADITH being considered ISLAM'S SECOND MOST SACRED Book(s) after the Koran on NUMEROUS occasions.
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Ropey-Dopey,so, all I will say is: fuck you, and stick your torah up your arse.

I hope the torah's new location will be more productive in educating you than it did in the previous location.

And, FYI, I can live with that.

You will have to. Very few people who are enlightened will discuss with one who uses the above method of discussion.

Why would I waste my time? Well, I am enlightened so I try, but you must indeed find your own way from what you think.

Not from what I say. And the door to enlightenment?

Is locked to hate. It's the wrong path. Someday you may find the correct one instead of vainly thrashing against what you have no control over. The above words you post show the state of your soul.

You are locked to seeing this, but any human that has the enlightened thinking (and many do) would do what I do which is simply to shirk from your state.

Which is what I do, whilst I pray that you find that which is lost to you. The door is inside of you, not outside.

You search outside. You demand action outside. If the action is not to your liking then you become angry. With that anger you accelerate your distaste for what is happening. The distaste, when accelerated moves closer and closer to hate which is then more than a demand, it is an ultimatum to damage and hurt.

You don't see that, but many others who read this page, will see my words and your responses to my words and understand how hate is birthed.

It's a simple equation.

Here's the thing. Just because you don't like what I have to say, you think you have a right to treat another with disrespect. You propose damage on another simply because you can't accept that that persons view is different than yours. Now, since you can't damage me physically you turn it into a what? Curse? Think now. Stop for one minute and


You curse me and wish me harm, for what?

My view?

And you don't think that's hatred?

Disagreement is seemingly not enough for you. And I should attempt to enlighten you? How? Impossible.

First you would need to perform a spiritual journey where you can search for that which has been lost. Or possibly never had. Without that respect for humanity, you can not even begin that path.
You curse me and wish me harm, for what?

My view?

And you don't think that's hatred?

Look who's talking:eusa_whistle:

Yes, the one who held you to task for your Avatar:

You make my point. In a discussion with one side angry, you jump in to see if you can also create more anger. This is the main basis for your posts. And always against that side that has the star on your toilet paper. Do you remember your Avatar before this one?

You make my point.
Ropey-Dopey,so, all I will say is: fuck you, and stick your torah up your arse.

I hope the torah's new location will be more productive in educating you than it did in the previous location.

And, FYI, I can live with that.

You will have to. Very few people who are enlightened will discuss with one who uses the above method of discussion.

Why would I waste my time? Well, I am enlightened so I try, but you must indeed find your own way from what you think.

Not from what I say. And the door to enlightenment?

Is locked to hate. It's the wrong path. Someday you may find the correct one instead of vainly thrashing against what you have no control over. The above words you post show the state of your soul.

You are locked to seeing this, but any human that has the enlightened thinking (and many do) would do what I do which is simply to shirk from your state.

Which is what I do, whilst I pray that you find that which is lost to you. The door is inside of you, not outside.

You search outside. You demand action outside. If the action is not to your liking then you become angry. With that anger you accelerate your distaste for what is happening. The distaste, when accelerated moves closer and closer to hate which is then more than a demand, it is an ultimatum to damage and hurt.

You don't see that, but many others who read this page, will see my words and your responses to my words and understand how hate is birthed.

It's a simple equation.

Here's the thing. Just because you don't like what I have to say, you think you have a right to treat another with disrespect. You propose damage on another simply because you can't accept that that persons view is different than yours. Now, since you can't damage me physically you turn it into a what? Curse? Think now. Stop for one minute and


You curse me and wish me harm, for what?

My view?

And you don't think that's hatred?

Disagreement is seemingly not enough for you. And I should attempt to enlighten you? How? Impossible.

First you would need to perform a spiritual journey where you can search for that which has been lost. Or possibly never had. Without that respect for humanity, you can not even begin that path.


I know all about "hate eating a person up"......and all that unstoppable verbiage that usually flows from that bromide.

And, don't get me wrong, bromides are usually repositories of centuries of learning and experience.

It's just that I don't hate you. I consider you a supercilious oaf who chose the scholarly way of life probably because of a modicum of interest in religion.....but mainly because average and above average jew-boys are invariably pointed into the direction of rabbinic studies especially if they are talentless in the competitive World.

Plus, Mama & Papa will never berate you, or throw your inadequacy in your face as a competitor in the REAL WORLD while you enjoy a life of average, or below average income and the respect due to a "saintly" man......no matter how much of an imposter you actually are.

Unfortunately, your "saintly" philosophical blatherings have more than an apparent tinge of an ego the size of a dinasaur's arse. You submerge your frustration, and repressed rage and are palpably eager to RETALIATE ....... masquerading your own HATE in pious babble that wouldn't fool a lobotomized paramecium.

And so, my pompously pious phoney......don't be too eager to yank the torah outa your arse. After all, a boobala with a torah is better than one without.

"without"....geddit ?

That's gratuitous, but I couldn't help it. That's the kind of a guy I am.

PS: Don't forget to thank me.
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The Lavon Affair refers to a failed Israeli covert operation, code named Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence for plans to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American and British-owned targets. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents" or "local nationalists" with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal zone.[1] The operation caused no casualties, except for the members of the cell who committed suicide after being captured.

The operation became known as the Lavon Affair after the Israeli defense minister Pinhas Lavon, who was forced to resign because of the incident, or euphemistically as the Unfortunate Affair or The Bad Business (Hebrew: העסק ביש*, HaEsek Bish or העסק הביש, HaEsek HaBish). After being denied for 51 years, the surviving agents were in 2005 officially honored with a certificate of appreciation by the Israeli President Moshe Katzav.
Lavon Affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sorry bout that,

1. I like Ropey a lot, but his way of dealing with reality is off the hook strange to me.:eek:
2. He thinks humanity is some river, where humanity just goes along to get along, in it with everyone else, not able to change course, where we blindly crash into each other, and obstcales, over water falls, through rapids, and out to some unknown sea.
3. Good or bad, whatever comes to any of us, he thinks its Gods will, which I think thats a fatalest way of looking at God, God doesn't want bad things to happen to him or me, those who worship the real God, he wants us to prosper, not suffer, and live a blessed life, then come unto him after we're gone from this world.
4. I do understand he is in bed with Islam day in day out in Israel, which can screw your mind on the details of reality, and being PC is his best way to protect him and his, if anyone were to find out who he is, and he may be well known in Israel, which would bring even more attention to him, if he didn't use PC towards Islam.
5. Death is a product of sin, its in the human nature, bond by blood, everyone is in sin, wether we like it or not, this sin came from bowing down to another god, which was no God, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ in order to set things straight, to be a payment for sin, he died on a cross, which indeed His cross is humankinds cross road, either you select the cross, or you abandon all the forgiveness available to you, the propition earned by Jesus Christ is given as a gift to all those who would look to him, and trust in his sacrifice being raised up on the cross as Moses raised up the staff with the snake on the end of it, that allowed those who did to not die from the attacks of Satan.
6. So God used a snake for the Jews to escape death when Moses led them out of the dessert, the very thing that harmed mankind, Satan was given the title of a slithering snake, after Satan tricked Adam and Eve into eating of the forbiden fruit, later Jesus Christs arival mirrors what Moses did, the Jews consiidered Jesus a snake, and had him murdered on a cross, being lifted up, just like what Moses did, these two events are to instruct the Jews and the whole world, to show the Jews and Gentiles that indeed, death can be avoided, and the penality of death can and will be destroyed, when Satan is taken out of the way, then and only then, will mankind be totally with God, and be like unto him, but to only his true believers, Jesus Christ didn't have to die, being the son of God, but he did it as a favor to his followers, the favor was laying down his life to those who love him, and if you do indeed love Jesus, you will not have to suffer death, for death here is life there, one day death will be no more, thats when Satan will be taken away, and one day it will it will be forever, thats when Gods world will start anew and be reborn.
7. Its not just a stream of humanity returning to God, uncontroablly doing whatever they do, wether its murder, rape, theft, its *ALL* okay, being good, just get to God and you will be fine, thats a joke, and Gods not laughing, either.

SOrry bout that,

Jesus spoke the truth; the worship of "One" god.

Then Paul came along and invented the cult known as Christianity.

And turned Jesus into a God. :doubt:

1. Paul did not, Jesus Christ was already God.
2. One thing I always marvel at is when Jesus said to the Jews, "Before Abraham I am."
3. I love that quote.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Paul did not, Jesus Christ was already God.

Jesus never said he was God.

Others claimed he was.

Now that belief is part of the cult known as Christianity. :doubt:

1. You claim to have been a Christian before, and was even taught to be a Jew.
2. Where did you receive seed at?
3. Amongst the thorns?
4. Sad that.

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Anyone know what the fuck happened in Egypt this past weekend? 10 years ago I talked to a few Egyptians who told me that Christians in Egypt were protected and safe, it looks like that is no longer the case.
Sorry bout that,

1. You claim to have been a Christian before, and was even taught to be a Jew.
Yes, I was a Christian for many years.

No, I wasn't taught to be a Jew.

I studied with the Jews in order to understand the Old Testament better. (Torah and Tanakh) :cool:

1. I may be sorry I asked, but were you a Muslim before you were a Christian, then went back to being a Muslim, because you were going to be killed?


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