Blast from the past-Problems in Atheism living in the now


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
I found an old response of mine to a good conversation with a fellow spiritualist that makes a great topic matter and lesson.

Date : 4 / 30 / 2003
Time : 1 :54 : 48 PM
Comments from Afar
>>> Couldn' t your criticism of the other place -reward thinking suggest that "here and now focus " would be strongest in atheists ?

My Reply:
Depends how you are perceiving the here and now focus , if you perceive it to mean only caring about the present without care for the creations future then : Yes because atheists dont generally believe there is a reward or price to pay for the actions you do so they live for the present without care of future consequences. They dont believe in defining the creation and its source in order to better understand our place within creations process to know whats in line and in tune with life and whats opposition to it and this is why you see secular regimes like Saddam do damage to life and nature, because the creation and future is not important to Atheists.
The ego(all about me me me ) ends up being their focus and the future is thus sacrificed for the pleasures of now.
But if you see here and now focus as meaning earth focus then you forget the difference in atheists living for life and themselves present and spiritual people living for a better life now and in the distant future for them and their offspring and their brethren .
I can't imagine the personality that would find rebuilding such flimsy strawmen to be rewarding. Apart from it being a batshit crazy Semitic religionionist, but that goes without saying.
I found an old response of mine to a good conversation with a fellow spiritualist that makes a great topic matter and lesson.

Date : 4 / 30 / 2003
Time : 1 :54 : 48 PM
Comments from Afar
>>> Couldn' t your criticism of the other place -reward thinking suggest that "here and now focus " would be strongest in atheists ?

My Reply:
Depends how you are perceiving the here and now focus , if you perceive it to mean only caring about the present without care for the creations future then : Yes because atheists dont generally believe there is a reward or price to pay for the actions you do so they live for the present without care of future consequences. They dont believe in defining the creation and its source in order to better understand our place within creations process to know whats in line and in tune with life and whats opposition to it and this is why you see secular regimes like Saddam do damage to life and nature, because the creation and future is not important to Atheists.
The ego(all about me me me ) ends up being their focus and the future is thus sacrificed for the pleasures of now.
But if you see here and now focus as meaning earth focus then you forget the difference in atheists living for life and themselves present and spiritual people living for a better life now and in the distant future for them and their offspring and their brethren .
Saddam was a Sunni muslim
I've always found it fascinating that people must characterize the other as a means of propping up their own values and ideas.

"Morality is doing what is right, no matter what you are told. Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right." H. L. Mencken

"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones." Marcus Aurelius
I've always found it fascinating that people must characterize the other as a means of propping up their own values and ideas.

"Morality is doing what is right, no matter what you are told. Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right." H. L. Mencken

"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones." Marcus Aurelius
If you do your best live a righteous life you win either way.
I found an old response of mine to a good conversation with a fellow spiritualist that makes a great topic matter and lesson.

Date : 4 / 30 / 2003
Time : 1 :54 : 48 PM
Comments from Afar
>>> Couldn' t your criticism of the other place -reward thinking suggest that "here and now focus " would be strongest in atheists ?

My Reply:
Depends how you are perceiving the here and now focus , if you perceive it to mean only caring about the present without care for the creations future then : Yes because atheists dont generally believe there is a reward or price to pay for the actions you do so they live for the present without care of future consequences. They dont believe in defining the creation and its source in order to better understand our place within creations process to know whats in line and in tune with life and whats opposition to it and this is why you see secular regimes like Saddam do damage to life and nature, because the creation and future is not important to Atheists.
The ego(all about me me me ) ends up being their focus and the future is thus sacrificed for the pleasures of now.
But if you see here and now focus as meaning earth focus then you forget the difference in atheists living for life and themselves present and spiritual people living for a better life now and in the distant future for them and their offspring and their brethren .
Saddam was a Sunni muslim
Many people use titles by birth, but are actually secular in lifestyle and true non- belief.
Saddam was a Baath party Sunni, and yes there is a difference.
I've always found it fascinating that people must characterize the other as a means of propping up their own values and ideas.

"Morality is doing what is right, no matter what you are told. Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right." H. L. Mencken

"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones." Marcus Aurelius

Yea I have a post on that regarding morality, but this context was regarding beliefs and differences in afterlife in death(Christian teachings), resurrecting back into life as a reward (Judaic Teachings), and those who live in the now(secular society).
Last edited:
I found an old response of mine to a good conversation with a fellow spiritualist that makes a great topic matter and lesson.

Date : 4 / 30 / 2003
Time : 1 :54 : 48 PM
Comments from Afar
>>> Couldn' t your criticism of the other place -reward thinking suggest that "here and now focus " would be strongest in atheists ?

My Reply:
Depends how you are perceiving the here and now focus , if you perceive it to mean only caring about the present without care for the creations future then : Yes because atheists dont generally believe there is a reward or price to pay for the actions you do so they live for the present without care of future consequences. They dont believe in defining the creation and its source in order to better understand our place within creations process to know whats in line and in tune with life and whats opposition to it and this is why you see secular regimes like Saddam do damage to life and nature, because the creation and future is not important to Atheists.
The ego(all about me me me ) ends up being their focus and the future is thus sacrificed for the pleasures of now.
But if you see here and now focus as meaning earth focus then you forget the difference in atheists living for life and themselves present and spiritual people living for a better life now and in the distant future for them and their offspring and their brethren .
Saddam was a Sunni muslim
Many people use titles by birth, but are actually secular in lifestyle and true non- belief.
Saddam was a Baath party Sunni, and yes there is a difference.
What percent of Muslims aren't really? Iran is a Muslim nation but lots of non believers.

Was Obama a real christian?
I found an old response of mine to a good conversation with a fellow spiritualist that makes a great topic matter and lesson.

Date : 4 / 30 / 2003
Time : 1 :54 : 48 PM
Comments from Afar
>>> Couldn' t your criticism of the other place -reward thinking suggest that "here and now focus " would be strongest in atheists ?

My Reply:
Depends how you are perceiving the here and now focus , if you perceive it to mean only caring about the present without care for the creations future then : Yes because atheists dont generally believe there is a reward or price to pay for the actions you do so they live for the present without care of future consequences. They dont believe in defining the creation and its source in order to better understand our place within creations process to know whats in line and in tune with life and whats opposition to it and this is why you see secular regimes like Saddam do damage to life and nature, because the creation and future is not important to Atheists.
The ego(all about me me me ) ends up being their focus and the future is thus sacrificed for the pleasures of now.
But if you see here and now focus as meaning earth focus then you forget the difference in atheists living for life and themselves present and spiritual people living for a better life now and in the distant future for them and their offspring and their brethren .
Saddam was a Sunni muslim
Many people use titles by birth, but are actually secular in lifestyle and true non- belief.
Saddam was a Baath party Sunni, and yes there is a difference.
What percent of Muslims aren't really? Iran is a Muslim nation but lots of non believers.

Was Obama a real christian?
Exactly, many Presidents do the church thing for show, but if you ever watched Al Gores eyes roll sitting near dissinterested Bill Clinton listening to clergy speaches, you know Gore's intellectualism isn't buying the coolaid.

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