Blasphemy Convictions Intensify in Sisi’s Egypt


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Another islamic beast...
Blasphemy Convictions Intensify in Sisi’s Egypt
Sisi must start walking the walk and not just talking the talk.
April 7, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim

Originally published by the Gatestone Institute.

Despite Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s many pluralistic words and gestures—which have won him much praise from the nation’s Christians and moderates—he appeases the Islamist agenda in one very clear way: by allowing the controversial defamation of religions law, colloquially known as the “blasphemy law,” to target Christians and moderates in ways arguably worse than under the Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi.

Late last February, three Christian teenagers were jailed for five years for breaking the defamation of religions law. A fourth defendant, 15, was handed a juvenile detention for an indefinite period. Earlier they were detained for 45 days and subjected to “ill-treatment” said a human rights group.

Their crime is to have made a 20-second video on a mobile phone mocking the Islamic State—which has been interpreted as mocking Islam. In the video, the boys appear laughing and joking, as they pretend to be ISIS members praying and slitting throats. The Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms, an independent rights group, confirmed that the four teenagers were performing scenes “imitating slaughter carried out by terrorist groups.” Even so, according to their defense lawyer, Maher Naguib, the Christian youth “have been sentenced for contempt of Islam and inciting sectarian strife…. The judge didn’t show any mercy. He handed down the maximum punishment.”

Considering that even Al Azhar—the Islamic world’s most prestigious university located in Egypt—refuses to denounce the Islamic State as being un-Islamic, it is unsurprising that mockery of ISIS is being conflated with mockery of Islam.

The Christian youth made the brief video back in January 2015, when three of them were aged 17 and one 15. It is believed that the court kept delaying their case till the three 17-year-olds became 18, so they could receive the full penalty. Their teacher who also appeared in the video had earlier been sentenced to three years in jail.

Several other Christians have been prosecuted for insulting Islam and Muslims under Sisi’s tenure. One young Christian man was sentenced to six years for “liking” an Arabic-language Facebook page administered by Muslim converts to Christianity. A female Christian teacher was imprisoned for six months after Muslim parents accused her of insulting Islam and evangelizing. Bishoy Armia Boulous, a Muslim convert to Christianity, remains behind bars on, according to his lawyer, trumped up charges of blasphemy.

While Christian minorities are the most prone to being targeted by the blasphemy law, secular Muslim thinkers and writers are also on the hit list. Late last January, female Muslim writer Fatima Naoot was sentenced to three years in prison after she criticized the sadistic slaughter of animals that takes place during the Islamic festival, Eid al-Adha. The month before that, in December, television host Islam al-Behairy was sentenced to one year in prison for questioning the validity of some of the sayings (hadiths) attributed to Muslim prophet Muhammad.


Blasphemy Convictions Intensify in Sisi’s Egypt
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... beheading of 49 Egyptian and Ethiopian Coptic Christians in 2015. ... These laws serve as a means to justify and prosecute religious and ... (The United States still has a few unenforceable blasphemy laws left on the books.).


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Come back Morsi, all is forgiven? You do know that Sisi was appointed by Morsi as much for his strong religious beliefs as any military experience, that's one reason the Saudis support him; he's a Wahabist at heart. Another own goal for Western "regime change" strategy.
Come back Morsi, all is forgiven? You do know that Sisi was appointed by Morsi as much for his strong religious beliefs as any military experience, that's one reason the Saudis support him; he's a Wahabist at heart. Another own goal for Western "regime change" strategy.

You just have to blame the west and/or Israel for everything the islamonazi's do when it is wrong don't you. Of course it is not the muslims fault they lost them wars in the past, it is the Zionists being stronger and better trained to blame. Why not just accept that your hero's are the bad apples in the barrel and you have supported the losing side again.

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