Blake Was Kidnapping Children at Knifepoint When Cops Shot Him


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The Left love kidnappings of children.

The Left live kidnappings of children.

Can BLM be any bigger a failure?
..these are really open and shut--common sense incidents..the blacks and MSM make them out to be something they are not
= the BIG deal:
RACE is NOT involved in any of these incidents -but the MSM/blacks want you to take it for GRANTED that it is!!!!!!!!!!
The Left live kidnappings of children.

Can BLM be any bigger a failure?
Biden Loves Marxists is working hard to destroy America.
When officers rendered aid they found no wounds to his back and a women is screaming he has my keys and kids so you have a kidnapping in progress.
When officers rendered aid they found no wounds to his back and a women is screaming he has my keys and kids so you have a kidnapping in progress.
The left likes to hide the FELONY KIDNAPPING that was in progress... They are protecting a criminal and a woman beater..
Officer who fired has an impeccable record and the officer behind him was also looking to fire but didnt have a clear line.
The riot first, ask questions later reflex is once again blown up in their face. Read the whole thing. Attorney: This is why Kenosha officer shot Jacob Blake
Tucker Carlson exposed this the other night and I am personally at a loss how anyone, with a functioning brain cell, can support this democrat/socialist/communist narrative. I have long time democrat friends that can no longer vote democrat because of stupid shit like BLM and ANTIFA. 4 of the 5 are going to vote for Trump but refuse to tell each other.. The more I hear the bigger the landslide to Trump it is going to be and no one is talking about it..
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When officers rendered aid they found no wounds to his back and a women is screaming he has my keys and kids so you have a kidnapping in progress.
The left likes to hide the FELONY KIDNAPPING that was in progress... They are protecting a criminal and a woman beater..
Officer who fired has an impeccable record and the officer behind him was also looking to fire but didnt have a clear line.
I read that. They were fully justified in their actions.

The left was hoping to keep this on the down low until after the election but the evidence is coming out despite their temper tantrums and hate driven entitlement syndrome.
The riot first, ask questions later reflex is once again blown up in their face. Read the whole thing. Attorney: This is why Kenosha officer shot Jacob Blake
Tucker Carlson exposed this the other night and I am personally at a lose how anyone, with a functioning brain cell, can support this democrat/socialist/communist narrative. I have long time democrat friends that can no longer vote democrat because of stupid shit like BLM and ANTIFA. 4 of the 5 are going to vote for Trump but refuse to tell each other.. The more I hear the bigger the landslide to Trump it s going to be and no one is talking about it..
How many votes against Trump did Beck cause last go round,,,,,,this time Beck is all all in. Local influential former radio host who does his show on podcast now the same. Clear line drawn between civilization and chaos.
These riots are driving democrats away... and they wont tell anyone out of fear for thier very safety.. Its going to be a very rude awaking for democrats on NOV 3. I fully expect Trump to take states outright the democrats think they own.
Only issue I have is that officer needs better training for wrangling thugs at close quarters.
Have you ever seen the extraordinary strength those on certain substances exhibit, such as pcp?


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