Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

Some white people are sad at the weekly mass murder of black people at the hands of black people in Chicago, but I'm sure they'll make an exception in your case.
White people don't give a crap about blk ppl. Now you're being stupid.
White people don't give a crap about blk ppl. Now you're being stupid.
As usual you’re wrong. Almost all white people care about all other people. Very few of us judge people by the color of their skin. People like you, Maryiam and IM2 are working very hard to change that with your constant streams of abuse, vituperation and hostility based upon things done in the past. Any minority willing to work can be as successful as any white. Latinos, Asians, American Indians and Immigrant Blacks prove it every day. The formula for success is very simple, get an adequate education, dress for success ( which basically means wear clean clothes, of moderate fashion without holes in them that fit reasonably well), work hard at your job giving your employer a honest day’s work for a honest day’s pay, live withIn your means and don’t have kids until you can afford to support them and their mother. Most of all, don’t give a rat’s behind about what other people say about you, or what they call you. Focus on the prize, which is living a decent life and not hurting other people.
Great Post IM2

Three people I'd add to that list is

2. Jean-Jacques Dessalines of Haiti.


I don't even know where to begin with Jean Jacques Dessaline

Haiti (San Domingo as was known by then) was the most profitable slave colony during the 1700's. Whites were making serious money from sugar.

But the white man (the Brits and French) came over to Haiti to put those uppity negroes in their place because of all the slave revolts.

But once the French and Brits thought that the Haitians could not be enslaved their mission was to exterminate Haitians and start over again with newly enslaved people from Africa.

In order to do this they turned ships into gas chambers. They had mass drowning. They imported thousands of dogs from Cuba that had been trained to eat people. Not to mention all the guns and canons that gives white supremacists confidence

None of this scared the Haitian, This is what the war of 1804 was about.

Dessaline chopped the heads of 100's white men and put them in rows off sticks, sfaffs and masts on the beaches when Euros landed and put them every where and when they saw that they got to running.


I bet Kamala Harris ancestor hate that guy trying to take his slaves from him
As usual you’re wrong. Almost all white people care about all other people.

Well that's what you are telling but show me the evidence

Very few of us judge people by the color of their skin.

Well that's what you are telling me but show me the evidence

People like you, Maryiam and IM2 are working very hard to change that with your constant streams of abuse, vituperation and hostility based upon things done in the past.

But you still get the job white man. You still get the loan. You still get the car. You still get the house. You kids don't get shot unarmed. So how is all this abuse affecting whites ?

White can can screw up on the job, run entire corporations into the ground, rip off the Savings and Loans to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, cut corners on occupational safety and health in the workplace, or scam millions from employee pension funds, without the rest of u you worry

When was the last time you felt the need to stand up and apologize for a crime committed by another white person?

I'll wait.

Better yet, when was the last time you felt the need to do this for fear that if you didn’t, your community would come to be viewed as violent and dangerous ?

I'll wait.

When was the last time someone suggested that your failure to openly condemn white criminals implicated U2 ?

I'll wait.

Any minority willing to work can be as successful as any white.

Minority. Women are minorities. There is no minority coalition. It's the world against black people.

The formula for success is very simple, get an adequate education, dress for success ( which basically means wear clean clothes, of moderate fashion without holes in them that fit reasonably well), work hard at your job giving your employer a honest day’s work for a honest day’s pay, live withIn your means and don’t have kids until you can afford to support them and their mother.

Barack Obama did all that. Harvard educated. Dressed smart. Worked hard and say what you want about his presidency there was not 1% of personal scandal on that guy.

But he got more death threats than any president ever, more racism than most black people can imagine.

The same dog that bites successful law abiding black people also bites unsuccessful non law abiding black people

You do realize when you see these lynching pictures ?



That the majority of these were black businessmen. Blacks who "Didn't know there place" and were uppity. So you can miss me with all that "formula for success" garbage

Most of all, don’t give a rat’s behind about what other people say about you, or what they call you.

I don't. I only care about what white supremacists do.
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You may be a racist, you may be stupid, and you may be a liar, but the mass murder in Chicago of black on black crime is a national disgrace that all people mourn.

If Chicago is so bad... Why doesn't white man Trump simply remove his hotel tower? Answer: Because the actual land in Chicago is EXTREMELY valuable for "future" Real Estate..

Get off your moral high horse because it was your people (white people) who got the crime ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone ? John Dillinger ? Pretty Boy Floyd ? Baby Face Nelson ? Events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre ? But those white people are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them.

Funny that eh ?

Chicago city and government are practicing genocide on black people The police are behind many of these shootings and blame it on gang violence.

Multiple people shot and killed and no one coming forward to say anything ?

Or are you so deeply soaked in a white supremacist way of thinking that you think “well, ya know, that’s what those blacks are like

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings r not keeping silent out of a silly ass no snitch code. No snitch code goes out the window when little children are being killed. U saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse informant, a convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

There is no way possible in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often without some dirty cops being involved.

City taxes pay for camera’s on every block but when a shooting takes place, no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

There are no places you can walk in Chicago or go without being on tape. None. It's probably the most heavily surveillanced city in the world.

So tell me about arrests made ? Charged made ? Leads they have ?

I've been to Rogers Park, North Side. Roscoe Village, Northwest Side. Portage Park (Portage Park, Six Corners), Central, Near North, and Near South Side.

Look at the so called shooting at a funeral in Chicago last year were 12 people were shot

Funerals are considered off limits when it comes to gang violence.

Cops in Chicago are some of the biggest thugs n that city. How many times have we heard about Black Op sites n straight up criminal behavior of the CPD ?
You may be a racist, you may be stupid, and you may be a liar, but the mass murder in Chicago of black on black crime is a national disgrace that all people mourn.

If Chicago is so bad... Why doesn't white man Trump simply remove his hotel tower? Answer: Because the actual land in Chicago is EXTREMELY valuable for "future" Real Estate..

Get off your moral high horse because it was your people (white people) who got the crime ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone ? John Dillinger ? Pretty Boy Floyd ? Baby Face Nelson ? Events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre ? But those white people are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them.

Funny that eh ?

Chicago city and government are practicing genocide on black people The police are behind many of these shootings and blame it on gang violence.

Multiple people shot and killed and no one coming forward to say anything ?

Or are you so deeply soaked in a white supremacist way of thinking that you think “well, ya know, that’s what those blacks are like

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings r not keeping silent out of a silly ass no snitch code. No snitch code goes out the window when little children are being killed. U saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse informant, a convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

There is no way possible in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often without some dirty cops being involved.

City taxes pay for camera’s on every block but when a shooting takes place, no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

There are no places you can walk in Chicago or go without being on tape. None. It's probably the most heavily surveillanced city in the world.

So tell me about arrests made ? Charged made ? Leads they have ?

I've been to Rogers Park, North Side. Roscoe Village, Northwest Side. Portage Park (Portage Park, Six Corners), Central, Near North, and Near South Side.

Look at the so called shooting at a funeral in Chicago last year were 12 people were shot

Funerals are considered off limits when it comes to gang violence.

Cops in Chicago are some of the biggest thugs n that city. How many times have we heard about Black Op sites n straight up criminal behavior of the CPD ?
There are black cops in Chicago too. There are good and bad cops everywhere, in all races. As far as crime in Chicago, how long has Capone and his ilk been dead?
White people don't give a crap about blk ppl. Now you're being stupid.
Just because you don’t give a shit about white people, it doesn’t mean white people don’t care about black people. I care about all people, unless they are criminals or assholes, regardless of skin color. I especially care about children and the elderly.
You may be a racist, you may be stupid, and you may be a liar, but the mass murder in Chicago of black on black crime is a national disgrace that all people mourn.

If Chicago is so bad... Why doesn't white man Trump simply remove his hotel tower? Answer: Because the actual land in Chicago is EXTREMELY valuable for "future" Real Estate..

Get off your moral high horse because it was your people (white people) who got the crime ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone ? John Dillinger ? Pretty Boy Floyd ? Baby Face Nelson ? Events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre ? But those white people are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them.

Funny that eh ?

Blacks kill more blacks every weekend than Dillinger killed in his entire career. America was shocked at the savagery of the bootleggers. The bootleggers were choirboys compared to the black gangs that run Chicago now. Beetlejuice has all of those murderers beat.

Chicago city and government are practicing genocide on black people The police are behind many of these shootings and blame it on gang violence.

Multiple people shot and killed and no one coming forward to say anything ?

Or are you so deeply soaked in a white supremacist way of thinking that you think “well, ya know, that’s what those blacks are like

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings r not keeping silent out of a silly ass no snitch code. No snitch code goes out the window when little children are being killed. U saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse informant, a convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

There is no way possible in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often without some dirty cops being involved.

City taxes pay for camera’s on every block but when a shooting takes place, no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

There are no places you can walk in Chicago or go without being on tape. None. It's probably the most heavily surveillanced city in the world.

So tell me about arrests made ? Charged made ? Leads they have ?

I've been to Rogers Park, North Side. Roscoe Village, Northwest Side. Portage Park (Portage Park, Six Corners), Central, Near North, and Near South Side.

Look at the so called shooting at a funeral in Chicago last year were 12 people were shot

Funerals are considered off limits when it comes to gang violence.

Cops in Chicago are some of the biggest thugs n that city. How many times have we heard about Black Op sites n straight up criminal behavior of the CPD ?


You need meds.
As usual you’re wrong. Almost all white people care about all other people.

Well that's what you are telling but show me the evidence

Very few of us judge people by the color of their skin.

Well that's what you are telling me but show me the evidence

People like you, Maryiam and IM2 are working very hard to change that with your constant streams of abuse, vituperation and hostility based upon things done in the past.

But you still get the job white man. You still get the loan. You still get the car. You still get the house. You kids don't get shot unarmed. So how is all this abuse affecting whites ?

White can can screw up on the job, run entire corporations into the ground, rip off the Savings and Loans to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, cut corners on occupational safety and health in the workplace, or scam millions from employee pension funds, without the rest of u you worry

When was the last time you felt the need to stand up and apologize for a crime committed by another white person?

I'll wait.

Better yet, when was the last time you felt the need to do this for fear that if you didn’t, your community would come to be viewed as violent and dangerous ?

I'll wait.

When was the last time someone suggested that your failure to openly condemn white criminals implicated U2 ?

I'll wait.

Any minority willing to work can be as successful as any white.

Minority. Women are minorities. There is no minority coalition. It's the world against black people.

The formula for success is very simple, get an adequate education, dress for success ( which basically means wear clean clothes, of moderate fashion without holes in them that fit reasonably well), work hard at your job giving your employer a honest day’s work for a honest day’s pay, live withIn your means and don’t have kids until you can afford to support them and their mother.

Barack Obama did all that. Harvard educated. Dressed smart. Worked hard and say what you want about his presidency there was not 1% of personal scandal on that guy.

But he got more death threats than any president ever, more racism than most black people can imagine.

The same dog that bites successful law abiding black people also bites unsuccessful non law abiding black people

You do realize when you see these lynching pictures ?



That the majority of these were black businessmen. Blacks who "Didn't know there place" and were uppity. So you can miss me with all that "formula for success" garbage

Most of all, don’t give a rat’s behind about what other people say about you, or what they call you.

I don't. I only care about what white supremacists do.
To you any white is a white supremicist
Every one of your points has been wrong.
You may be a racist, you may be stupid, and you may be a liar, but the mass murder in Chicago of black on black crime is a national disgrace that all people mourn.

If Chicago is so bad... Why doesn't white man Trump simply remove his hotel tower? Answer: Because the actual land in Chicago is EXTREMELY valuable for "future" Real Estate..

Get off your moral high horse because it was your people (white people) who got the crime ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone ? John Dillinger ? Pretty Boy Floyd ? Baby Face Nelson ? Events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre ? But those white people are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them.

Funny that eh ?

Chicago city and government are practicing genocide on black people The police are behind many of these shootings and blame it on gang violence.

Multiple people shot and killed and no one coming forward to say anything ?

Or are you so deeply soaked in a white supremacist way of thinking that you think “well, ya know, that’s what those blacks are like

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings r not keeping silent out of a silly ass no snitch code. No snitch code goes out the window when little children are being killed. U saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse informant, a convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

There is no way possible in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often without some dirty cops being involved.

City taxes pay for camera’s on every block but when a shooting takes place, no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

There are no places you can walk in Chicago or go without being on tape. None. It's probably the most heavily surveillanced city in the world.

So tell me about arrests made ? Charged made ? Leads they have ?

I've been to Rogers Park, North Side. Roscoe Village, Northwest Side. Portage Park (Portage Park, Six Corners), Central, Near North, and Near South Side.

Look at the so called shooting at a funeral in Chicago last year were 12 people were shot

Funerals are considered off limits when it comes to gang violence.

Cops in Chicago are some of the biggest thugs n that city. How many times have we heard about Black Op sites n straight up criminal behavior of the CPD ?
Like most cities, parts of Chicago are very nice. I understand the area along the lake Michigan Shore is wonderful and very expensive to live in. I understand the 'burbs like Skokie are nice as well. But the bad parts of Chicago are very dangerous places indeed.
I understand the area along the lake Michigan Shore is wonderful and very expensive to live in.

Which is a white part of town because we live in a system of racism - white supremacy.

understand the 'burbs like Skokie are nice as well. But the bad parts of Chicago are very dangerous places indeed.

And that's because we live in a system of racism - white supremacy
I understand the area along the lake Michigan Shore is wonderful and very expensive to live in.

Which is a white part of town because we live in a system of racism - white supremacy.

You claim that Blacks are vastly superior to the hated Whites, so why wouldn't the Black areas be nicer?

You're not suggesting that Black people turn neighborhoods into shitholes are you?

understand the 'burbs like Skokie are nice as well. But the bad parts of Chicago are very dangerous places indeed.

And that's because we live in a system of racism - white supremacy

Really? Out here in California there are plenty of Black people who live in the suburbs.

I suspect that you're lying - because you're a racist and a pile of shit.
You claim that Blacks are vastly superior to the hated Whites, so why wouldn't the Black areas be nicer?

What do you mean by nice ?

But it is true that white people have a system which makes sure that sizeable % of white people get access to more prosperous areas with the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets.

No white man think they are superior to a black man that's why you need system of injustice to compete with black men.

You're not suggesting that Black people turn neighborhoods into shitholes are you?

Part of white supremacy is to shit on people then laugh and mock them for being shitted that's fundamental part of white supremacist culture.

All black neigbourhoods are controlled by the white supremacists and they make city services are way worse in black areas. They make sure trash pick-up, ambulance service, street repair but, most of all, schools and police protection are worse too. They also make sure that the police are not interested in protecting the lives and property of poor black people.

Generations of housing discrimination created them, as did decade after decade of white riots against black people whenever we would move into white neighbourhoods.

When it comes to racism you don't need to throw a molly through a window when you can knock down the building using a bulldozer with public money. Zoning laws, redlining, predatory lending, stop-and-frisk: all are white violence, they are all white rioting.

And at the same time that black housing was being destroyed, millions of white families were getting government-guaranteed loans (through the FHA and VA loan programs) that were almost entirely off-limits to black people and which allowed whites to hustle it out to the suburbs where only they were allowed to go.

When you see buildings and houses falling apart what you do not know that it is hard to get a bank loan or insurance for property in a place like that. Because the banks and insurance companies redline black areas, refusing to put much money there. You might think they are just being hardheaded businessmen. That would be understandable. But no, it goes beyond that into racism.

Government policies after the Second World War made it easier to get money to build a house in the suburbs than to repair an old house in the city. That is part of why so much of America’s cities began to fall apart. And that was just when blacks began moving to the big cities like New York and Chicago in huge numbers. And just when most whites left those cities – white flight.

Nowadays whites create these “Neighborhood Improvement Associations” which are basically ways to keep blacks out, or banks that redlined entire communities, thereby depriving them of capital investment, or the predatory lenders who set up shop in the hood, and charge black borrowers 10 or 20 times the interest that a normal bank would.

And whites make sure black people are screwed as far as mortgages go by screwing over blk people have a good credit history
I understand the area along the lake Michigan Shore is wonderful and very expensive to live in.

Which is a white part of town because we live in a system of racism - white supremacy.

understand the 'burbs like Skokie are nice as well. But the bad parts of Chicago are very dangerous places indeed.

And that's because we live in a system of racism - white supremacy
Nope, it's a racially integrated part of town. The only segregation there is one of wealth. You have to be successful to afford to live on the lakeshore. Blacks killing other blacks in a life of crime has nothing to do with white supremacy; it has everything to do with many blacks choosing to live a life of crime. There are a lot of largely black areas across the country where people are as safe from violence as the areas populated by any other race, or mixed races.
You claim that Blacks are vastly superior to the hated Whites, so why wouldn't the Black areas be nicer?

You're not suggesting that Black people turn neighborhoods into shitholes are you?

Really? Out here in California there are plenty of Black people who live in the suburbs.

I suspect that you're lying - because you're a racist and a pile of shit.
Nope, Skokie is, or was when my wife lived there, a largely Jewish community surrounded by WASP and Roman Catholic 'burbs. That's why the American Nazi Party had their infamous march there. They were looking to incite the Jews to violence. Jews being smarter than Nazis, the plan didn't work.
Nope, it's a racially integrated part of town.

Well that's you are telling me.

The only segregation there is one of wealth. You have to be successful to afford to live on the lakeshore.

And wealth in the USA is controlled by the white supremacists.

The 10 wealthiest people in the world now own $1,231,500,000,000 in wealth.

All white dudes.


The wealth gap is still there


Blacks killing other blacks in a life of crime has nothing to do with white supremacy.

Black people were killing black people 100 years ago.

Did that justify lynchings and hangings from the Klan ?

It has everything to do with many blacks choosing to live a life of crime.

To be black is the crime. Whites in the police are the biggest criminals who make millions of black people

Isiah Kinloch called 911 when a robber broke a bottle over his head. When cops arrived they found an ounce of marijuana. They didn't confiscate it. But Kinloch was booked on charges of possession of drugs with intent to share. But the charges were eventually dropped

Instead they took his $1,800 cash and kept it.

Consequently Kinloch was kicked out of his apartment because he was unable to pay the following month's rent and is now homeless.



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Nope, Skokie is, or was when my wife lived there, a largely Jewish community surrounded by WASP and Roman Catholic 'burbs. That's why the American Nazi Party had their infamous march there. They were looking to incite the Jews to violence. Jews being smarter than Nazis, the plan didn't work.

That fails to address the issue. I don't doubt it's a white area. But moron Paul Essien demands that blacks are vastly superior to whites, so why wouldn't black neighborhoods be more affluent and safe than those of the inferior whites?
Nope, it's a racially integrated part of town.

Well that's you are telling me.

The only segregation there is one of wealth. You have to be successful to afford to live on the lakeshore.

And wealth in the USA is controlled by the white supremacists.

The 10 wealthiest people in the world now own $1,231,500,000,000 in wealth.

All white dudes.

View attachment 532810

The wealth gap is still there

View attachment 532813

Blacks killing other blacks in a life of crime has nothing to do with white supremacy.

Black people were killing black people 100 years ago.

Did that justify lynchings and hangings from the Klan ?

It has everything to do with many blacks choosing to live a life of crime.

To be black is the crime. Whites in the police are the biggest criminals who make millions of black people

Isiah Kinloch called 911 when a robber broke a bottle over his head. When cops arrived they found an ounce of marijuana. They didn't confiscate it. But Kinloch was booked on charges of possession of drugs with intent to share. But the charges were eventually dropped

Instead they took his $1,800 cash and kept it.

Consequently Kinloch was kicked out of his apartment because he was unable to pay the following month's rent and is now homeless.

Oh look, the hate filled racist is lying again.


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