Blacks really do believe that they are being discriminated against

Anyone that believes "discrimination" is holding them back, is living a self fulfilling prophesy.

As long as they can blame "discrimination" they will never have to examine their own decisions and actions.

Stop blaming other people for your life. Your life is your own responsibility. OWN IT!!

As long as someone has an excuse as to why something didn't happen, they'll never find a reason to make it happen.

“The trouble with excuses, however, is that they become inevitably difficult to believe after they’ve been used a couple of times.” - Scott Spencer .
How very racists. Just like Tommy Sotomayor said, if blacks made up 52 percent of anything they would expect pats on the back. But blacks committ 52 percent of the murders in the US and it isn't their fault.

Maybe white coaches are better than black coaches? Just like black running backs are usually better than white running backs?

How black does the NFL have to be before whites realize they are not welcomed and quit watching?

I can say the last Superbowl I watched was the last one. It seemed almost like the entire event was planned for an all black audience.
How very racists. Just like Tommy Sotomayor said, if blacks made up 52 percent of anything they would expect pats on the back. But blacks committ 52 percent of the murders in the US and it isn't their fault.

Maybe white coaches are better than black coaches? Just like black running backs are usually better than white running backs?

How black does the NFL have to be before whites realize they are not welcomed and quit watching?

I can say the last Superbowl I watched was the last one. It seemed almost like the entire event was planned for an all black audience.

Notice also that the proportion of blacks in television far exceeds their percentage in the population. The power of bitchin' for sure. Hispanics should represent more of the percentage than blacks, if percentage of the population is a measure. I have also noticed that apparently most marriages, at least in TV ads, are biracial. Seems that the advertisers are really working to cover themselves in regards to the 13 percent.
Notice also that the proportion of blacks in television far exceeds their percentage in the population. The power of bitchin' for sure. Hispanics should represent more of the percentage than blacks, if percentage of the population is a measure. I have also noticed that apparently most marriages, at least in TV ads, are biracial. Seems that the advertisers are really working to cover themselves in regards to the 13 percent.

I think the difference is Hispanics won't complain like the blacks do.

I remember shows that were attacked because they had no blacks in the cast. The old show Friends was one of them. Then they had to create a new part for a black character and yes, that included biracial relationships. The same thing with the show Married With Children.

It never occurred to these people that maybe one of the reasons these were hit shows is because it was an all white cast. White people like their white sitcoms just as blacks like theirs.
Then again, Hispanics have more TV stations than blacks. They don't need to bitch--just change the channel to Telemundo, Univision, Televise, Bravo..........

I just realized there are more Spanish stations than English stations in Miami
Then again, Hispanics have more TV stations than blacks. They don't need to bitch--just change the channel to Telemundo, Univision, Televise, Bravo..........

I just realized there are more Spanish stations than English stations in Miami

Correct, stations cater to specific audiences. That's okay by our standards as long as it's minority stations like BET, BET2 and so on. And even though most of the major stations have people of all races in their shows, just find one that doesn't have blacks and all hell breaks loose. That doesn't happen with Hispanics.

Back in the 70's they came out with all black shows such as Good Times and Sanford and Sons. The only white people on those shows where rolls of complete idiots.
Most of the trouble in the ghetto stems from racism by whites. Blacks were kept as slaves, denied the right to an education, denied the right to vote and basically shoved into ghettos. Whites can do a lot to fix the ghetto by providing reparations for slavery. Reparations will be 15% of your salary per month for three years or if retired you will pay 15% of your overall savings or take a loan against your property. White people living in states where slavery was allowed, will pay increased reparations of 30% of their salary for seven years. The other option is to implement a 25% tax on all new gun sales which will jump to 50% if you live in a state where slavery was allowed. This is going to happen sooner or later so you may want to start planning your budget around these future mandates.

Most of the trouble in the ghetto stems from racism by whites. Blacks were kept as slaves, denied the right to an education, denied the right to vote and basically shoved into ghettos. Whites can do a lot to fix the ghetto by providing reparations for slavery. Reparations will be 15% of your salary per month for three years or if retired you will pay 15% of your overall savings or take a loan against your property. White people living in states where slavery was allowed, will pay increased reparations of 30% of their salary for seven years. The other option is to implement a 25% tax on all new gun sales which will jump to 50% if you live in a state where slavery was allowed. This is going to happen sooner or later so you may want to start planning your budget around these future mandates.

Or you can actually get a job so you don't have to think of these schemes to get money from people.
Actually, it's money that white people OWE black people because of slavery. You are in debt. No one is asking for free stuff here.
I'm not arguing whether or not discrimination really does exist for them but I do think that they believe that this is true and is the reason for their poverty. Here is case that I thought of. It use to be that their were only white baseball players or white basketball players but the minute a black player was able to break through their were more black players who entered into those professions. Why don't they try in other areas? My thinking is that once they see that discrimination is removed and that they have a real chance of being successful in those areas they go out and pursue them. That is why I think you see so many black athletes in this country and why I think there was a wave of black golf players after tiger woods became famous.

I'm not arguing whether or not they are really being discriminated against but more saying that they might really believe that it does exist for them and is the reason why they don't do as well as other groups.
the absolute last mf on the planet I want explaining to me, discrimination and a white mf' Its like black ass trying to explain why you mf's vote for people like Trump and Christine Odonnell, the witch or Palin the dumb white bitch or why you get lice, why white women flock to dead beat niggas, why white boys lose their hair at 10.....ITS A WHITE THANG

Discrimination is a survival mechanism and racism no longer exists.
This is probably true if you're a crazy white guy holed up in a shed on the outskirts of town with an arsenal of weapons and scared shitless that dark skinned people are coming to getcha. Smoke sativa not indica and you may be able to lessen your paranoia

No paranoia here.

All 4 of my grandparents immigrated here in the early 1900s, so stick your reparations where the sun doesn't shine.

What the hell happened to all the fucking mules?
We can pick and choose based on when your ancestors got here. All white American citizens must pay
Anyone that believes "discrimination" is holding them back, is living a self fulfilling prophesy.

As long as they can blame "discrimination" they will never have to examine their own decisions and actions.

Stop blaming other people for your life. Your life is your own responsibility. OWN IT!!
when you read bull shit like this it just makes you feel sad that this person can be so ignorant...

You are an ignorant victim. You can be "sad" when you read my words, but that is your choice. It makes you sad because deep down, you know it is true.

I choose to be happy and take action. I own my life. I own my thoughts, my words, my actions.

Until you accept full responsibility for everything that happens in your life, and I mean EVERYTHING! All of it - the good the bad and the ugly (and even the stuff that is "out of your control") , your life will always be shitty.You'll always be a child, blaming some nebulous obstacle for your own failings.

Grow the fuck up and stop blaming others for YOUR life.
I'm not arguing whether or not discrimination really does exist for them but I do think that they believe that this is true and is the reason for their poverty. Here is case that I thought of. It use to be that their were only white baseball players or white basketball players but the minute a black player was able to break through their were more black players who entered into those professions. Why don't they try in other areas? My thinking is that once they see that discrimination is removed and that they have a real chance of being successful in those areas they go out and pursue them. That is why I think you see so many black athletes in this country and why I think there was a wave of black golf players after tiger woods became famous.

I'm not arguing whether or not they are really being discriminated against but more saying that they might really believe that it does exist for them and is the reason why they don't do as well as other groups.

Sports is one of the few areas people are hired on objective criteria . Unlike say ....coaches . Look at the NFL . Mostly white coaches even though most players are black !?

And they always come from the same families ??? Hmmm.

Why is it no one complains about discrimination when most of the jobs don't belong to white people? i"ve worked in places that hired almost all Hispanics and no one said a thing or raised any questions about it.

People like Timmy will argue that it's not discrimination when it comes to the majority of players in the NFL being black. He said that they are hired based on objective criteria, aka, qualifications. However, let blacks not get hired due to a lack of objective criteria an people like Timmy automatically go to the discrimination card. Apparently to him objective criteria only matters if he agrees with the results but is irrelevant when he doesn't agree.

This whole "best qualified " line is a bunch of bull. Keeping in the NFL, how many coaches are the sons of coaches . What a coincidence that they are "most qualified " !?

Most jobs are all about connections .
I'm not arguing whether or not discrimination really does exist for them but I do think that they believe that this is true and is the reason for their poverty. Here is case that I thought of. It use to be that their were only white baseball players or white basketball players but the minute a black player was able to break through their were more black players who entered into those professions. Why don't they try in other areas? My thinking is that once they see that discrimination is removed and that they have a real chance of being successful in those areas they go out and pursue them. That is why I think you see so many black athletes in this country and why I think there was a wave of black golf players after tiger woods became famous.

I'm not arguing whether or not they are really being discriminated against but more saying that they might really believe that it does exist for them and is the reason why they don't do as well as other groups.

Sports is one of the few areas people are hired on objective criteria . Unlike say ....coaches . Look at the NFL . Mostly white coaches even though most players are black !?

And they always come from the same families ??? Hmmm.

Why is it no one complains about discrimination when most of the jobs don't belong to white people? i"ve worked in places that hired almost all Hispanics and no one said a thing or raised any questions about it.

People like Timmy will argue that it's not discrimination when it comes to the majority of players in the NFL being black. He said that they are hired based on objective criteria, aka, qualifications. However, let blacks not get hired due to a lack of objective criteria an people like Timmy automatically go to the discrimination card. Apparently to him objective criteria only matters if he agrees with the results but is irrelevant when he doesn't agree.

This whole "best qualified " line is a bunch of bull. Keeping in the NFL, how many coaches are the sons of coaches . What a coincidence that they are "most qualified " !?

Most jobs are all about connections .

Yet Hillary supporters use that she was the wife of a President at part of what they say makes her qualified. Coincidence or qualification?

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