Blacks attack whites on school bus for being "rich and white"

Wow this thread has gotten to page 4, and no one's asked the really important questions, like; "what made these youths feel such hostility"? And "what, can we do as whites, to ease the angst of these youngsters?
You know the really important questions...

I get your point but why is up to whites to ease their angst? The first problem is they are coming from broken homes, the second is the left have them convinced whites are evil, full of privilege and they are entitled due to shit that happened centuries ago (and never to them personally) , stop coddling them and they have to understand they are not entitled they have to make their own way. The world doesn't owe them a damn thing
Perhaps not the world... But the parents of those girls owe them something... If it were my kid; they would definitely get what was owed them. With interest...
Wow this thread has gotten to page 4, and no one's asked the really important questions, like; "what made these youths feel such hostility"? And "what, can we do as whites, to ease the angst of these youngsters?
You know the really important questions...

I get your point but why is up to whites to ease their angst? The first problem is they are coming from broken homes, the second is the left have them convinced whites are evil, full of privilege and they are entitled due to shit that happened centuries ago (and never to them personally) , stop coddling them and they have to understand they are not entitled they have to make their own way. The world doesn't owe them a damn thing

You want to stop this shit? Get that dude Rachel Maddow off TV.
He's under contract unfortunately.
Wow this thread has gotten to page 4, and no one's asked the really important questions, like; "what made these youths feel such hostility"? And "what, can we do as whites, to ease the angst of these youngsters?
You know the really important questions...

I get your point but why is up to whites to ease their angst? The first problem is they are coming from broken homes, the second is the left have them convinced whites are evil, full of privilege and they are entitled due to shit that happened centuries ago (and never to them personally) , stop coddling them and they have to understand they are not entitled they have to make their own way. The world doesn't owe them a damn thing
Perhaps not the world... But the parents of those girls owe them something... If it were my kid; they would definitely get what was owed them. With interest...

If it were our children it would end badly for them, I can promise that.

I just don't understand why this happens, it's senseless
We often read about false news, is this real? It reminds me of how the liberal media pumps out Anti White anti cop crap before or even after its been disproved. Then we get riots and anti white hate backlash. But then they need an organ to create false new stories to make conservatives look like gullible fools. Right.
Fire the bus driver, expel the aggressors. Zero tolerance for this type of thing in schools

Why should the bus driver be fired? They did what was smart for their protection. As a teacher I will not break up any fight that any students are involved in. While at first this seems wrong-in my state a teacher literally grabbed a student and pulled them off of another student (who they had pinned on the floor and were bashing their face with punches). When the teacher did that, the student they grabbed (the aggressor) got a mark on their shoulder...parents sued...and WON. That teacher was left unemployed. I wont be putting myself in that situation anytime soon-sorry.

I actually don't blame the driver whatsoever.

Anyone working with children should be prepared to defend those children. If this incident had taken place at our oldest children's school where I am on the board the repercussions would be swift and severe towards any adult that didn't step in, the aggressors would be permanently expelled. That is the zero tolerance policy the school has adopted and adheres to
and if it were my daughters I would just run on over and kill the parents that raised the little animals involved in the attack. Then most likely put the rabid genetic plops out of their misery too.
now thats zero tolerance.
Fire the bus driver, expel the aggressors. Zero tolerance for this type of thing in schools

Why should the bus driver be fired? They did what was smart for their protection. As a teacher I will not break up any fight that any students are involved in. While at first this seems wrong-in my state a teacher literally grabbed a student and pulled them off of another student (who they had pinned on the floor and were bashing their face with punches). When the teacher did that, the student they grabbed (the aggressor) got a mark on their shoulder...parents sued...and WON. That teacher was left unemployed. I wont be putting myself in that situation anytime soon-sorry.

I actually don't blame the driver whatsoever.

Anyone working with children should be prepared to defend those children. If this incident had taken place at our oldest children's school where I am on the board the repercussions would be swift and severe towards any adult that didn't step in, the aggressors would be permanently expelled. That is the zero tolerance policy the school has adopted and adheres to
and if it were my daughters I would just run on over and kill the parents that raised the little animals involved in the attack. Then most likely put the rabid genetic plops out of their misery too.
now thats zero tolerance.'s never a good idea to mess with dad's daughters, nothing good is going to come of it.

Fire the bus driver, expel the aggressors. Zero tolerance for this type of thing in schools

Why should the bus driver be fired? They did what was smart for their protection. As a teacher I will not break up any fight that any students are involved in. While at first this seems wrong-in my state a teacher literally grabbed a student and pulled them off of another student (who they had pinned on the floor and were bashing their face with punches). When the teacher did that, the student they grabbed (the aggressor) got a mark on their shoulder...parents sued...and WON. That teacher was left unemployed. I wont be putting myself in that situation anytime soon-sorry.

I actually don't blame the driver whatsoever.

Anyone working with children should be prepared to defend those children. If this incident had taken place at our oldest children's school where I am on the board the repercussions would be swift and severe towards any adult that didn't step in, the aggressors would be permanently expelled. That is the zero tolerance policy the school has adopted and adheres to
and if it were my daughters I would just run on over and kill the parents that raised the little animals involved in the attack. Then most likely put the rabid genetic plops out of their misery too.
now thats zero tolerance.'s never a good idea to mess with dad's daughters, nothing good is going to come of it.

some people without daughters dont seem to understand this.
Wow this thread has gotten to page 4, and no one's asked the really important questions, like; "what made these youths feel such hostility"? And "what, can we do as whites, to ease the angst of these youngsters?
You know the really important questions...

The real important question is what do you know about living there? What do you know about the problems and issues? Why do you feel the onus is on "white" people. Lastly, what planet do you live on?
Fire the bus driver, expel the aggressors. Zero tolerance for this type of thing in schools

Why should the bus driver be fired? They did what was smart for their protection. As a teacher I will not break up any fight that any students are involved in. While at first this seems wrong-in my state a teacher literally grabbed a student and pulled them off of another student (who they had pinned on the floor and were bashing their face with punches). When the teacher did that, the student they grabbed (the aggressor) got a mark on their shoulder...parents sued...and WON. That teacher was left unemployed. I wont be putting myself in that situation anytime soon-sorry.

I actually don't blame the driver whatsoever.

Anyone working with children should be prepared to defend those children. If this incident had taken place at our oldest children's school where I am on the board the repercussions would be swift and severe towards any adult that didn't step in, the aggressors would be permanently expelled. That is the zero tolerance policy the school has adopted and adheres to
and if it were my daughters I would just run on over and kill the parents that raised the little animals involved in the attack. Then most likely put the rabid genetic plops out of their misery too.
now thats zero tolerance.'s never a good idea to mess with dad's daughters, nothing good is going to come of it.

some people without daughters dont seem to understand this.

We have four daughters and I can promise you anyone that harms any one of the four will quickly rue the day they do.
Wow this thread has gotten to page 4, and no one's asked the really important questions, like; "what made these youths feel such hostility"? And "what, can we do as whites, to ease the angst of these youngsters?
You know the really important questions...

The real important question is what do you know about living there? What do you know about the problems and issues? Why do you feel the onus is on "white" people. Lastly, what planet do you live on?

Uhh, I think (hope) it was sarcasm, as there is a thread in the Race Relations forum asking "What can white people do to end Racism".
Good -- city bus you can CCW.

School but you cannot.

Rule #1 -- never get onto a bus with more than 1 Negro male on it.

Otherwise you are outnumbered and also possibly outgunned too.

Just wait for the next bus.
Good -- city bus you can CCW.

School but you cannot.

Rule #1 -- never get onto a bus with more than 1 Negro male on it.

Otherwise you are outnumbered and also possibly outgunned too.

Just wait for the next bus.
in what city do you find any city bus with only one negro male on it?
Wow this thread has gotten to page 4, and no one's asked the really important questions, like; "what made these youths feel such hostility"? And "what, can we do as whites, to ease the angst of these youngsters?
You know the really important questions...

The real important question is what do you know about living there? What do you know about the problems and issues? Why do you feel the onus is on "white" people. Lastly, what planet do you live on?

Uhh, I think (hope) it was sarcasm, as there is a thread in the Race Relations forum asking "What can white people do to end Racism".
I did not ask the question
Uhh, I think (hope) it was sarcasm, as there is a thread in the Race Relations forum asking "What can white people do to end Racism".
I think before we can approach solving the conflict between Black and White Americans we need to arrive at a commonly accepted definition of exactly what the word "racism" means. Because it seems to mean different things to different people. And it seems to me there is far more animosity toward Whites issuing from Blacks than the reverse.
We often read about false news, is this real? It reminds me of how the liberal media pumps out Anti White anti cop crap before or even after its been disproved.

Did you even read the link? It's a direct link to the New York Post.
I grew up there, went to dances there and dated girls from there.

I got stabbed, beat up, road my bicycle there.

I was just there this past weekend and going back next week. have friends and family there.

The reason why it is not reported many times things are handled "in-house" when these things occur.

I love The Bronx.
I was born in Brooklyn in 1936. As I recall, the streets of Brooklyn and Bronx were, until the mid-1960s, as safe as any other place in America and safer than some. But then things changed.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 held that any American citizen could move from any state to any state of choice -- and, if need be, apply for and promptly receive public assistance (welfare). I am recalling pictures on the front page of the New York Daily News and The Post of thousands of migrant Blacks from the deep South arriving at Manhattan's mid-town Greyhound bus depot, many of them carrying suitcases, some tied with rope, and pillowcases stuffed with belongings. One such picture showed a line of these mostly unskilled, illiterate, impoverished refugees, descendants of slaves from the land of Jim Crow, extending from the doorway of the Eighth Avenue welfare office all the way down to Ninth Avenue, and around.

What happened next was a dramatic rise in street crime; burglary, assault and robbery (mugging), car theft and malicious assault. The rise was such that the ranks of the NYPD swelled from 23,500 in 1965 to over 40,000 by 1979. Nearly double.

While I will be denounced as a "racist" for what I've said above I am simply reporting some easily verifiable facts, the summary of which is the witnessed migration of hundreds of thousands of Southern Blacks from states where Jim Crow mandates forbade them to use the same public toilets as Whites and, in some extreme examples, forbade them to walk on a sidewalk used by Whites.

The topic school-bus incident may be called a continuing element of an apparently endless legacy. A payback in the North for things that happened in the South, long go.

Will it ever end? I don't think so. I believe the problem of racial hostility in America has become genetic.
. I have witnessed community after community turn bad, become unsafe, and basically start to crumble block by block including the community I grew up in. I remember being able to ride my bike anywhere or walk anywhere in the community safely, but definitely not the case today. When government started paying the rent for poor people to move into every house that went empty, the communities changed, became unsafe, and started falling down, so I know exactly what you are talking about. We went from a safe school to a school that was not safe, and where on the 1st day of 6th grade I had my wallet stolen, got beat up, and found out things I never thought I would ever know or give witness to in life. My co-worker had the same thing happen to him, where as he said he basically didn't learn hardly at all from the 6th grade to the 12th grade. Talk about getting caught in a meat grinder.. Good grief.. Then when you hear about this idea of reparations, well me and him just look at each other and say ok where is ours then ?? Through out all of this I still have the God given sense to not be a racist, because I know there are good and bad in everybody regardless of the color that people are. I feel sorry for the good blacks when the bad ones let them down, and it is something they have to deal with just like everyone else has something they have to deal with or struggle with in life.
Fire the bus driver, expel the aggressors. Zero tolerance for this type of thing in schools

Why should the bus driver be fired? They did what was smart for their protection. As a teacher I will not break up any fight that any students are involved in. While at first this seems wrong-in my state a teacher literally grabbed a student and pulled them off of another student (who they had pinned on the floor and were bashing their face with punches). When the teacher did that, the student they grabbed (the aggressor) got a mark on their shoulder...parents sued...and WON. That teacher was left unemployed. I wont be putting myself in that situation anytime soon-sorry.

I actually don't blame the driver whatsoever.
So, you'll chose your comfort and job over the safety of the children put in your care?

Good to know. Personally, I'll always do what is right over what it may cost Me every time.

You would risk your:

-Entire bank account
-Family's financial stability
-Criminal record
-Becoming injured yourself (which is NOT covered by our medical plan)


You'll have to excuse me if I call bullshit. You're either being a keyboard warrior, or are a very stupid individual.

Especially when the fight will be broken up in a matter of seconds regardless.
Fire the bus driver, expel the aggressors. Zero tolerance for this type of thing in schools

Why should the bus driver be fired? They did what was smart for their protection. As a teacher I will not break up any fight that any students are involved in. While at first this seems wrong-in my state a teacher literally grabbed a student and pulled them off of another student (who they had pinned on the floor and were bashing their face with punches). When the teacher did that, the student they grabbed (the aggressor) got a mark on their shoulder...parents sued...and WON. That teacher was left unemployed. I wont be putting myself in that situation anytime soon-sorry.

I actually don't blame the driver whatsoever.

Anyone working with children should be prepared to defend those children. If this incident had taken place at our oldest children's school where I am on the board the repercussions would be swift and severe towards any adult that didn't step in, the aggressors would be permanently expelled. That is the zero tolerance policy the school has adopted and adheres to

Legally in my district nothing can happen to me if I don't step in-but if I do step in I risk: being fired, being sued, being injured (with NO coverage), losing my employment, losing my family's financial stability, having criminal charges pressed against me.

If I was permitted to step in-I'd be the first one to do so. But if you're asking me to risk my professional life, the livelihood of my children, and my family's stability over a student fight-who's being selfish now?

Now if the fighter was an outsider and/or trespassing onto to school on I'm ready to throw down and defend my students with everything I've got. If a shooter breaks into my hallway-I'm willing to give my life for my students. I'm not willing to do so over a stupid high school fight (usually involving thugs on both sides).
Last edited:
Fire the bus driver, expel the aggressors. Zero tolerance for this type of thing in schools

Why should the bus driver be fired? They did what was smart for their protection. As a teacher I will not break up any fight that any students are involved in. While at first this seems wrong-in my state a teacher literally grabbed a student and pulled them off of another student (who they had pinned on the floor and were bashing their face with punches). When the teacher did that, the student they grabbed (the aggressor) got a mark on their shoulder...parents sued...and WON. That teacher was left unemployed. I wont be putting myself in that situation anytime soon-sorry.

I actually don't blame the driver whatsoever.

Anyone working with children should be prepared to defend those children. If this incident had taken place at our oldest children's school where I am on the board the repercussions would be swift and severe towards any adult that didn't step in, the aggressors would be permanently expelled. That is the zero tolerance policy the school has adopted and adheres to

Legally in my district nothing can happen to me if I don't step in-but if I do step in I risk: being fired, being sued, being injured (with NO coverage), losing my employment, losing my family's financial stability, having criminal charges pressed against me.

If I was permitted to step in-I'd be the first one to do so. But if you're asking me to risk my professional life, the livelihood of my children, and my family's stability over a student fight-who's being selfish now?

Now if the fighter was an outsider and/or trespassing onto to school on I'm ready to throw down and defend my students with everything I've got. If a shooter breaks into my hallway-I'm willing to give my life for my students. I'm not willing to do so over a stupid high school fight (usually involving thugs on both sides).
. Thugs..... They are simply pure evil. How this nation got to where it is with the tolerating of evilness around our children is simply amazing.. The liberals are pure poison.
Fire the bus driver, expel the aggressors. Zero tolerance for this type of thing in schools

Why should the bus driver be fired? They did what was smart for their protection. As a teacher I will not break up any fight that any students are involved in. While at first this seems wrong-in my state a teacher literally grabbed a student and pulled them off of another student (who they had pinned on the floor and were bashing their face with punches). When the teacher did that, the student they grabbed (the aggressor) got a mark on their shoulder...parents sued...and WON. That teacher was left unemployed. I wont be putting myself in that situation anytime soon-sorry.

I actually don't blame the driver whatsoever.

Anyone working with children should be prepared to defend those children. If this incident had taken place at our oldest children's school where I am on the board the repercussions would be swift and severe towards any adult that didn't step in, the aggressors would be permanently expelled. That is the zero tolerance policy the school has adopted and adheres to

Legally in my district nothing can happen to me if I don't step in-but if I do step in I risk: being fired, being sued, being injured (with NO coverage), losing my employment, losing my family's financial stability, having criminal charges pressed against me.

If I was permitted to step in-I'd be the first one to do so. But if you're asking me to risk my professional life, the livelihood of my children, and my family's stability over a student fight-who's being selfish now?

Now if the fighter was an outsider and/or trespassing onto to school on I'm ready to throw down and defend my students with everything I've got. If a shooter breaks into my hallway-I'm willing to give my life for my students. I'm not willing to do so over a stupid high school fight (usually involving thugs on both sides).
. Thugs..... They are simply pure evil. How this nation got to where it is with the tolerating of evilness around our children is simply amazing.. The liberals are pure poison.

Agreed, they're also way too tolerant of the "evil" things that students do. They get slapped on the wrists, and every kid deserve seven and eight "second" chances. The inmates run the asylum and they know it.

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