Blacks, Americans, And Mitch McConnell

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
McConnell has taken some heat recently for something he said that blacks and the left claim suggests that McConnell doesn't think that blacks are the same as Americans. BUT, I submit that blacks and the left have been implying for years that blacks are not Americans. They kneel during the American National Anthem because they refuse to acknowledge a country that suppresses them and has a long history of social injustice against them and they have their very own Black National Anthem, all as if blacks and the left don't consider blacks to be Americans and have their own separate country and anthem. In addition, we have a president (Biden) who has said that if you don't vote for him then you ain't black. Are blacks Americans or not?
McConnell has taken some heat recently for something he said that blacks and the left claim suggests that McConnell doesn't think that blacks are the same as Americans. BUT, I submit that blacks and the left have been implying for years that blacks are not Americans. They kneel during the American National Anthem because they refuse to acknowledge a country that suppresses them and has a long history of social injustice against them and they have their very own Black National Anthem, all as if blacks and the left don't consider blacks to be Americans and have their own separate country and anthem.
I'll always give him credit for saving us from the Kenyan's final SCOTUS pick and for ramming through Trump's third pick.
Blacks aren't the same as Americans.....but its nice that we still allow them to exist here tho....but maybe its time to rethink that too...

Just like the Dems planned

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