Black Teens gang rape white girl and feed her to alligators.

This thread showcase the lengths white trash racists will go to in order to excuse white criminality...including the murder of children.
As a reminder...dozens of pages and not one word of condemnation of the murderers of these poor children....


Again, not the thread topic.

Much like with other situations, you seem afraid to post an OP about white murderers. Are you scared that what you say whites won't do related to white murderers will be done and prove you're an idiot?
The Idiot and dishonest one is white trash racists like you.
How many "Black"crimes threads have you started or participated the same token how many "white" crime threads have you started or participated in...
Why haven't you posted a single post about the horrible deaths of white children or adults when the perp is white.
At least pretend to be intellectually honest.
You can stop now.
Again... You will have to start your own thread about white crime. You have not been permitted to divert this one
Nothings been diverted, more content has been introduced.
Content that shatters your false narrative, so I can understand your reluctance to address it...
Your addition has been considered and rejected. Stay on topic.
When you become a mod then you can "reject"information...until then just keep excusing white murderers, okay...
Today we have a black thug killing a man while playing the knockout game. A surgeon from Beverly Hills almost beaten to death. 487 murders by blacks in Chicago this month. 200 in Baltimore. Clearly we have wild animals on our streets that need to be put down.
This thread showcase the lengths white trash racists will go to in order to excuse white criminality...including the murder of children.
As a reminder...dozens of pages and not one word of condemnation of the murderers of these poor children....


Again, not the thread topic.

Much like with other situations, you seem afraid to post an OP about white murderers. Are you scared that what you say whites won't do related to white murderers will be done and prove you're an idiot?
The Idiot and dishonest one is white trash racists like you.
How many "Black"crimes threads have you started or participated the same token how many "white" crime threads have you started or participated in...
Why haven't you posted a single post about the horrible deaths of white children or adults when the perp is white.
At least pretend to be intellectually honest.
You can stop now.

This thread showcase the lengths white trash racists will go to in order to excuse white criminality...including the murder of children.
As a reminder...dozens of pages and not one word of condemnation of the murderers of these poor children....


Again, not the thread topic.

Much like with other situations, you seem afraid to post an OP about white murderers. Are you scared that what you say whites won't do related to white murderers will be done and prove you're an idiot?
The Idiot and dishonest one is white trash racists like you.
How many "Black"crimes threads have you started or participated the same token how many "white" crime threads have you started or participated in...
Why haven't you posted a single post about the horrible deaths of white children or adults when the perp is white.
At least pretend to be intellectually honest.
You can stop now.

Is it too hard for you to stay on the thread topic, boy?
Again... You will have to start your own thread about white crime. You have not been permitted to divert this one
Nothings been diverted, more content has been introduced.
Content that shatters your false narrative, so I can understand your reluctance to address it...
Your addition has been considered and rejected. Stay on topic.
When you become a mod then you can "reject"information...until then just keep excusing white murderers, okay...

Not true, boy.
Very troubling that savages involved in this case and many, many other savages like them are let loose by "liberal" prosecutors, judges and parole officers and do not pay for their savage crimes against humanity. And Crooked Hillary and other racists have the chutzpah to imply the criminal justice system is biased against savages like them.
Today we have a black thug killing a man while playing the knockout game. A surgeon from Beverly Hills almost beaten to death. 487 murders by blacks in Chicago this month. 200 in Baltimore. Clearly we have wild animals on our streets that need to be put down.
Yes, and many of them are seem to conveniently have overlooked that point....

Since that's not the thread topic, it isn't being overlooked. Are you scared to start a similar topic about whites?
This thread showcase the lengths white trash racists will go to in order to excuse white criminality...including the murder of children.
As a reminder...dozens of pages and not one word of condemnation of the murderers of these poor children....


Again, not the thread topic.

Much like with other situations, you seem afraid to post an OP about white murderers. Are you scared that what you say whites won't do related to white murderers will be done and prove you're an idiot?
The Idiot and dishonest one is white trash racists like you.
How many "Black"crimes threads have you started or participated the same token how many "white" crime threads have you started or participated in...
Why haven't you posted a single post about the horrible deaths of white children or adults when the perp is white.
At least pretend to be intellectually honest.
You can stop now.

This thread showcase the lengths white trash racists will go to in order to excuse white criminality...including the murder of children.
As a reminder...dozens of pages and not one word of condemnation of the murderers of these poor children....


Again, not the thread topic.

Much like with other situations, you seem afraid to post an OP about white murderers. Are you scared that what you say whites won't do related to white murderers will be done and prove you're an idiot?
The Idiot and dishonest one is white trash racists like you.
How many "Black"crimes threads have you started or participated the same token how many "white" crime threads have you started or participated in...
Why haven't you posted a single post about the horrible deaths of white children or adults when the perp is white.
At least pretend to be intellectually honest.
You can stop now.

Is it too hard for you to stay on the thread topic, boy?
The Idiot and dishonest one is white trash racists like you.
How many "Black"crimes threads have you started or participated the same token how many "white" crime threads have you started or participated in...
Why haven't you posted a single post about the horrible deaths of white children or adults when the perp is white.
At least pretend to be intellectually honest.
You can stop now.
Again... You will have to start your own thread about white crime. You have not been permitted to divert this one
Nothings been diverted, more content has been introduced.
Content that shatters your false narrative, so I can understand your reluctance to address it...
Your addition has been considered and rejected. Stay on topic.
When you become a mod then you can "reject"information...until then just keep excusing white murderers, okay...
No. Actually I can reject anything I want.
This thread showcase the lengths white trash racists will go to in order to excuse white criminality...including the murder of children.
As a reminder...dozens of pages and not one word of condemnation of the murderers of these poor children....


Again, not the thread topic.

Much like with other situations, you seem afraid to post an OP about white murderers. Are you scared that what you say whites won't do related to white murderers will be done and prove you're an idiot?
The Idiot and dishonest one is white trash racists like you.
How many "Black"crimes threads have you started or participated the same token how many "white" crime threads have you started or participated in...
Why haven't you posted a single post about the horrible deaths of white children or adults when the perp is white.
At least pretend to be intellectually honest.
You can stop now.

This thread showcase the lengths white trash racists will go to in order to excuse white criminality...including the murder of children.
As a reminder...dozens of pages and not one word of condemnation of the murderers of these poor children....


Again, not the thread topic.

Much like with other situations, you seem afraid to post an OP about white murderers. Are you scared that what you say whites won't do related to white murderers will be done and prove you're an idiot?
The Idiot and dishonest one is white trash racists like you.
How many "Black"crimes threads have you started or participated the same token how many "white" crime threads have you started or participated in...
Why haven't you posted a single post about the horrible deaths of white children or adults when the perp is white.
At least pretend to be intellectually honest.
You can stop now.

Is it too hard for you to stay on the thread topic, boy?
The Idiot and dishonest one is white trash racists like you.
How many "Black"crimes threads have you started or participated the same token how many "white" crime threads have you started or participated in...
Why haven't you posted a single post about the horrible deaths of white children or adults when the perp is white.
At least pretend to be intellectually honest.
You can stop now.

Look Here Chump...........No one has denied whites comitt some crimes...the intent of this thread is to demonstrate the fallacious politics of black victimhood, how a small percentage of blacks aka young black males(approx 5% of the total pop.) comitt over half of all violent crimes in America and how the media tries to cover it the media dupes morons like you into believing blacks are the victims...that is what needs to be dealt with.

Not even to mention the horrendous level of black on black crime in cities like chicago...while the media hypes at every opportunity those rare...very rare instances when a white kills a negro...who usually has a rap sheet as long as his arm and is out on probation.

Get real...quite being duped by the media.
Sad story and hits home especially for me because I have 3 daughters and they are being taught very early on if it ain't white it ain't right. Simple as that. We lived in enough places to see the negro act like the animal it is for them to come to their own conclusion about race and its turned them off from even wanting to be friends with the damn things. Fine with me. We do our best as parents can only hope what we teach sinks in.

Thank you for providing a great example of racism at it's best.
This thread showcase the lengths white trash racists will go to in order to excuse white criminality...including the murder of children.
As a reminder...dozens of pages and not one word of condemnation of the murderers of these poor children....


Again, not the thread topic.

Much like with other situations, you seem afraid to post an OP about white murderers. Are you scared that what you say whites won't do related to white murderers will be done and prove you're an idiot?
The Idiot and dishonest one is white trash racists like you.
How many "Black"crimes threads have you started or participated the same token how many "white" crime threads have you started or participated in...
Why haven't you posted a single post about the horrible deaths of white children or adults when the perp is white.
At least pretend to be intellectually honest.
You can stop now.

This thread showcase the lengths white trash racists will go to in order to excuse white criminality...including the murder of children.
As a reminder...dozens of pages and not one word of condemnation of the murderers of these poor children....


Again, not the thread topic.

Much like with other situations, you seem afraid to post an OP about white murderers. Are you scared that what you say whites won't do related to white murderers will be done and prove you're an idiot?

The intent of this thread is to demonize blacks - nothing more.
The Idiot and dishonest one is white trash racists like you.
How many "Black"crimes threads have you started or participated the same token how many "white" crime threads have you started or participated in...
Why haven't you posted a single post about the horrible deaths of white children or adults when the perp is white.
At least pretend to be intellectually honest.
You can stop now.

Is it too hard for you to stay on the thread topic, boy?
The Idiot and dishonest one is white trash racists like you.
How many "Black"crimes threads have you started or participated the same token how many "white" crime threads have you started or participated in...
Why haven't you posted a single post about the horrible deaths of white children or adults when the perp is white.
At least pretend to be intellectually honest.
You can stop now.

Look Here Chump...........No one has denied whites comitt some crimes...the intent of this thread is to demonstrate the fallacious politics of black victimhood, how a small percentage of blacks aka young black males(approx 5% of the total pop.) comitt over half of all violent crimes in America and how the media tries to cover it the media dupes morons like you into believing blacks are the victims...that is what needs to be dealt with.

Not even to mention the horrendous level of black on black crime in cities like chicago...while the media hypes at every opportunity those rare...very rare instances when a white kills a negro...who usually has a rap sheet as long as his arm and is out on probation.

Get real...quite being duped by the media.
Today we have a black thug killing a man while playing the knockout game. A surgeon from Beverly Hills almost beaten to death. 487 murders by blacks in Chicago this month. 200 in Baltimore. Clearly we have wild animals on our streets that need to be put down.
Yes, and many of them are seem to conveniently have overlooked that point....

Since that's not the thread topic, it isn't being overlooked. Are you scared to start a similar topic about whites?

I start the kind of threads I can do the same...if you want to see a thread about whites attacking blacks be my guest...that is if you can find any such cases...if you look real hard you might some...but they are very rare...still the media will hype them and they will be charged with a hate crime even though blacks comitt most of the hate crimes in America...they are very rarely, very rarelly charged with a hate crime...whas up wid dat chump?
Oh...I'm sure you did.......perhaps not in the way you think, tho.

Oh I believe I made her think...something her most likely man-hating-feminist-father divorcing-occasional lesbian-jungle-fevered-moron mother is quite happy to ignore trying to be her daughter's pal instead her of role-model.
Last edited:
Hey guys, White lives matter its just they either dont know about the crimes whites commit on each other or they know and

Ok, you're right, White lives only matter to them when its a black person who is the perp and their not racist or anything its just that they use racist names and ideas to show their anger. Sure some people might see that as racist but those people just dont understand the mind of a white shit bag
Sad story and hits home especially for me because I have 3 daughters and they are being taught very early on if it ain't white it ain't right. Simple as that. We lived in enough places to see the negro act like the animal it is for them to come to their own conclusion about race and its turned them off from even wanting to be friends with the damn things. Fine with me. We do our best as parents can only hope what we teach sinks in.

Thank you for providing a great example of racism at it's best.

Racism is a useless is just common sense to avoid blacks and if anyone cares anything at all about their children they should teach them to avoid blacks...too many crazy psychotic blacks out there...especially the young ones...not even to mention how many of them run around doped up doing all kinds of crazy crap...knockout games etc.

Older blacks are usually more sensible...but stay clear of the younger black males...potential trouble in way tooo many cases.

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