Black Teens gang rape white girl and feed her to alligators.

Hey guys, White lives matter its just they either dont know about the crimes whites commit on each other or they know and

Ok, you're right, White lives only matter to them when its a black person who is the perp and their not racist or anything its just that they use racist names and ideas to show their anger. Sure some people might see that as racist but those people just dont understand the mind of a white shit bag

According to FBI investigators, 17-year-old Brittanee Drexel was abducted, repeatedly gang-raped by blacks, shot dead and fed to the alligators in a swamp near McClellanville, South Carolina when her disappearance created too much media attention.

The shocking new details about Drexel’s disappearance came from a prison inmate who claims he witnessed the crime along with several other accounts from various witnesses, according to FBI agent Gerrick Munoz’s testimony to a federal court obtained by The Post and Courier.

Behavior of progressive socialists...
Sad story and hits home especially for me because I have 3 daughters and they are being taught very early on if it ain't white it ain't right. Simple as that. We lived in enough places to see the negro act like the animal it is for them to come to their own conclusion about race and its turned them off from even wanting to be friends with the damn things. Fine with me. We do our best as parents can only hope what we teach sinks in.

Thank you for providing a great example of racism at it's best.

Racism is a useless is just common sense to avoid blacks and if anyone cares anything at all about their children they should teach them to avoid blacks...too many crazy psychotic blacks out there...especially the young ones...not even to mention how many of them run around doped up doing all kinds of crazy crap...knockout games etc.

Older blacks are usually more sensible...but stay clear of the younger black males...potential trouble in way tooo many cases.

That applies to many young males....too damn much testosterone and too little brain maturity.
You see sometimes you mistake their silence on white on white crime as being supportive. Oh no sir...They're silent because that HELPS stop white crime but with black crimes you have to treat it differently with a mixture of super outrage and smatterings of the N word or even EXTREME punishments that they are unable to express with whites.
Of course you'll stick with your original comments making it about race AND of course you stick to the second point where you say it's not about race. You wouldn't be a liar if you had to admit that you're full of shit. You made it about race over and over then have the nerve to say you'd day the same if the roles were reversed.

You would call white guys feral knuckle daggers with low IQ savages? No, you just say everyone makes mistakes and then cry about anyone who says the races are treated differently.
Yet the racist bitch won't mumble a single word when another white person kills another white person, which they do over 80% of the time.
The other usual white trash won't mumble a word about white on white crime either....

Girl, 10, is drugged before being raped, dismembered and set on fire as her mum, stepdad and his cousin are arrested by cops

According to the criminal complaint, the mother told police Gonzales drugged the girl so he could calm her down and have sex with her.

She said Kelley held her hand over Victoria’s mouth and stabbed her in the stomach after Gonzales choked the child.

The complaint also states that the mother told investigators that Gonzales and Kelley dismembered Victoria.

One of the police officers who arrived at the apartment found the girl’s body in a bathroom, rolled up in a blanket that had been set on fire. The officer put it out.

Black Teens gang rape white girl and feed her to alligators.

This is just another example of a drug up interracial family....just shows you the nature of a lot of illegal mexicans.

Crap like this did not happen before we started with open borders and mollycoddling negroes and mexicans. Send them all for The Donald...if you want a wall built?
No. It's another example of failed liberal policies. First of all one of Victoria's murders should never have been let out of Prison. The scumbag helped rape a fellow inmate for god sake and she was set free??? Second... Where was CYFD? To let this child live with meth heads and convicted rapists?
So when whites act like animals it's "policies"and when minorities act like animals it's genetics...smh

Racists will tie themselves in knots to absolve criminality among whites, even if it means dismissing the death of children.
So you are using her as a prop. That's what I thought.
By Pete Papaherakles

Is the mainstream media deliberately fabricating a myth of white racism in America in order to cover up an epidemic of black-on-white violence? While most Americans are aware of the Trayvon Martin shooting in Sanford, Florida on February 26, 2012, very few know about the thousands of whites who have been brutally murdered, raped, beaten and robbed by blacks as the media keeps regurgitating lies about the Martin case. Are the lives of these innocent white Americans not important enough to report on, or is the media purposely inciting racial tensions for a reason?
Media Covers Up Black Hate Crimes Against Whites | American Free Press
This thread showcase the lengths white trash racists will go to in order to excuse white criminality...including the murder of children.
As a reminder...dozens of pages and not one word of condemnation of the murderers of these poor children....


They care man, I just think they're keyboards malfunctioned or its just a case of white people being the victim of poilitics and liberal policies that drive them to commit such crimes against each other. Its not personal responsibility....nuh uh, no way
It's the justification.

The murder of a little white boy by animalistic white parents entitles black animals to 253,000 deaths by knock out game.

White maniacs kill a little white girl. That's good enough for 25 million assaults, rapes and murders.
Except you know you are lying and can post no link to support your imagination but thanks for offering justification for white criminality and child murder...
I didn't offer any justification. I merely recognize that you use this as justification.

In a magnificent exhibition of hubris, black people actually expect compassion or sympathy for the mayhem they visit upon themselves. They really think white people should do something about the daily drive by killings of black four year olds. It's nothing but premature street justice by 8 years.
More justification...just admit that the murder of white children is acceptable to you as long as the perp is white...

That's the dumbest post made today. You're an idiot

It's what he needs to believe. Gives his small life meaning I suppose.
Sorry for Recon folks. He's this threads resident ADD stricken white guilt apologist. Every threads got one. But as a reminder this thread is about filthy sub human black animals who brutally raped and murdered a beautiful young white woman; then fed her remains to alligators.

The thing is I haven't heard anything about this on the news. Not even Fox. This violates the Liberal narrative. Brutal Black crimes don't get reported or shuffled to the back page. Of course if it was white rich college students it would all over the front page of the NYTimes.
Sad story and hits home especially for me because I have 3 daughters and they are being taught very early on if it ain't white it ain't right. Simple as that. We lived in enough places to see the negro act like the animal it is for them to come to their own conclusion about race and its turned them off from even wanting to be friends with the damn things. Fine with me. We do our best as parents can only hope what we teach sinks in.

Thank you for providing a great example of racism at it's best.
Cry about it. I TRULY do not give a shit. I have had my fill of you limp wristed sissies crying about every god damn thing. I swear if I didn't have a way to get my rage out I might have already snapped on some prius driving **** with hillary stickers on their car.
Is there a white person who would willingly live in a black neighborhood? Not me.
Is there a black person who would willingly live in a white neighborhood? Sure is.
Sad story and hits home especially for me because I have 3 daughters and they are being taught very early on if it ain't white it ain't right. Simple as that. We lived in enough places to see the negro act like the animal it is for them to come to their own conclusion about race and its turned them off from even wanting to be friends with the damn things. Fine with me. We do our best as parents can only hope what we teach sinks in.

Thank you for providing a great example of racism at it's best.
Cry about it. I TRULY do not give a shit. I have had my fill of you limp wristed sissies crying about every god damn thing. I swear if I didn't have a way to get my rage out I might have already snapped on some prius driving **** with hillary stickers on their car.

Who's crying?

Some of us are laughing. Even though we know it's wrong to laugh at the shortbus crew.

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