Black Teen Shot For Ringing The Wrong Door...What Was That In His Hand In Just Surfaced Video?

So, the moral of the story, don't randomly ring doorbells while holding a gun. Got it.

mudwhistle when doorbell rings.​

Is that a gun in his hand? Another Obama type mistake with the BLM and Antifa. And, was he really picking up his brother?
Police report says Ralph Yarl brothers were 1 street over. Yarl's prints & DNA not found on door handle. The old fart got trigger happy.
Police report says Ralph Yarl brothers were 1 street over. Yarl's prints & DNA not found on door handle. The old fart got trigger happy.
So, what was Ralphie doing at the wrong street? Who said he tried to enter by checking the door handle. He knocked or banged on the door with a gun in his hand. You libs are all the same with this stuff. Like the guy that got choked out on the subway, the media only talks about how he liked to be a Michael Jackson (pedophile) impersonator. No mention of the 44 other violent crimes he's committed including raping a 7 year old and knocking out an elderly woman. You people don't care about the homeless at all. You don't care about mental illness because you are mentally ill people. All you care about is causing contention to tear down America.
So, what was Ralphie doing at the wrong street? Who said he tried to enter by checking the door handle. He knocked or banged on the door with a gun in his hand. You libs are all the same with this stuff. Like the guy that got choked out on the subway, the media only talks about how he liked to be a Michael Jackson (pedophile) impersonator. No mention of the 44 other violent crimes he's committed including raping a 7 year old and knocking out an elderly woman. You people don't care about the homeless at all. You don't care about mental illness because you are mentally ill people. All you care about is causing contention to tear down America.

What lies. He didn't have a gun and he simply rang the doorbell.

So much for your religion. Lying through your teeth is not my idea of faith.

To kill a mentally ill person with your bare hands instead of restraining him???? Really??? What a nasty piece of work you are.
A black teen was shot for ringing the wrong doorbell.

Looks like he was carrying a weapon when he started banging on people's doors.

The media forgets to mention this.

"Shortly before 10 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, police were called to a residence in Clay County, Mo., in the northern part of Kansas City. They found that a teenager had been "shot in front of the residence by a homeowner," said Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves at a Sunday press conference."

So, what was Ralphie doing at the wrong street? Who said he tried to enter by checking the door handle. He knocked or banged on the door with a gun in his hand. You libs are all the same with this stuff. Like the guy that got choked out on the subway, the media only talks about how he liked to be a Michael Jackson (pedophile) impersonator. No mention of the 44 other violent crimes he's committed including raping a 7 year old and knocking out an elderly woman. You people don't care about the homeless at all. You don't care about mental illness because you are mentally ill people. All you care about is causing contention to tear down America.

The street names were nearly identical. That is what he was doing there. The right house number but on street instead of Trace.

The video that started this thread has been proven to be fake a dozen times. Let’s cover the highlights shall we? The shooting took place at ten pm. That is ten at night. Not broad daylight. All Blacks may look alike to you, but not to the rest of us. We can tell the difference.

So reign in your outrage at the left. You should be angry at the blithering idiot who started this thread and the idiot who started the hoax on Twitter. After that, get angry at yourself for falling for it.
I doubt that's him, but I'm sure they all look alike to you.

Here's a big hint. This was taken at daytime... He was shot at 10 PM at night.
Another of the OPs threads that belongs in con-spiracy theories.

I mean, how hard was it to figure out that that pic was taken during the day and the shooting happened at night?
The street names were nearly identical. That is what he was doing there. The right house number but on street instead of Trace.

The video that started this thread has been proven to be fake a dozen times. Let’s cover the highlights shall we? The shooting took place at ten pm. That is ten at night. Not broad daylight. All Blacks may look alike to you, but not to the rest of us. We can tell the difference.

So reign in your outrage at the left. You should be angry at the blithering idiot who started this thread and the idiot who started the hoax on Twitter. After that, get angry at yourself for falling for it.

The most interesting thing about this how easily the lie was started. And how eagerly it was swallowed. ANd worse, still....repeated again and again despite being debunked.

We've just watched the Right Wing cycle of batshit, from birth to recitation.
Actual proof is using your own eyes and your common-sense.
Something that seems to be in short supply on the left.

The left has tried this nonsense with Tryvon Martin. They floated old pictures of the kid when he was younger trying to pass him off as an innocent kid. But this time we have a recent video of him attempting home invasions.
I am using my own eyes and seeing that video taking place in broad daylight.
Different from what?
I didn't see a video of the actual shooting.

Let's face it folks....after seeing all of the blacks committing crimes in our cities, can you really blame old people for being afraid when some strange black kid shows up at their door?

This is simply a predictable side-effect of a society that refuses to enforce the law.
People should be terrified to knock on your are the epitome of the terrified old man with a gun.
That’s no excuse to shoot an unarmed kid who knocks on your door at 10pm.

He could have called the cops. He could have flashed his gun and told the kid to get the fuck out of his yard. He could have even fired a warning shot.

God forbid, but he could have even asked the kid who he was and found out the kid was given the wrong address.

But instead, by his own admission, he shot an unarmed person through the door without saying a word.

Stop trying to insert weird-ass conspiracy theories into every news story you see.
Every thing is an evil con-spiracy to that poster...what a sad sad old man.
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