Black students demand Berkeley to rename hall after cop killer.

Dont assume your experience with frustration is the same thing everyone else will experience. I'm not jerking anyones chain. As long as people dont turn into racists I wont call them a cave monkey. Once you cross that line in frustration then yes I will mock them as I must have done to you.

I wasn't talking to you ... Nor do I need your input Asslips.
I posted exactly what you just confirmed ... So shut the fuck up since you obviously agree.

Not really concerned if you were talking to me. Yes you need my input and regardless of if you want it or not you are going to get it. Its obvious you are suffering from long term butthurtitis but I cant remember what for.

Look ... We don't need you to convince us that your crusade is full of crap.
If you think your charade indicates buthurt on anyone else's part other than your own ... Well, I am not going to convince you otherwise.

Carry on with your little self if that gets your jollies off.

Thats great. I knew you would see it my way.
If white students felt as if they were not having their needs met due to racial problems I would not consider such a request racist. Racist means that you believe a certain race is superior or another inferior. Wanting to be around your own people is not racist unless that criteria is met. If the Black students were saying they didnt want to be around white people because they felt whites were beneath them then you would have a point.
And an all male list of demands wouldn't be sexist. Sure.

Semantics aside it is racial discrimination and what kind of special needs to blacks have? Somehow a whole lot of them managed without segregating themselves from other races. It's a stupid idea and should have just been laughed at when it was brought up.
Why would an all male list of demands be sexist?

No its not racial discrimination. The fact you have to ask what kind of special needs Blacks have is a great example of why they are asking for all Black support system. Its a brilliant idea that should be applauded and accommodated by the school.
The fact that you couldn't answer my question proves it's bullshit.
Yes your question was bullshit.
"... what kind of special needs to blacks have?

The fact that you couldn't answer my question proves it's bullshit."
Assata Shakur is a heroine and symbol of Black activism and former member of the Black Panthers who were formed in response to police brutality in the Black community. While I think its crazy they expect UC Berkeley to name anything after her, I have no problem with the effort.

Article written by Mos Def.

Assata Shakur The government s terrorist is our community s heroine Mo Def Assata Shakur Speaks

Thanks for giving us the illiterate rapper perspective.
Mos Def is more educated than you are. He is a graduate of NYU and begin an electrical engineering education before dropping out to concentrate on his music. The fact that you think someone that can write an article is illiterate speaks volumes regarding your problem with literacy.
If white students felt as if they were not having their needs met due to racial problems I would not consider such a request racist. Racist means that you believe a certain race is superior or another inferior. Wanting to be around your own people is not racist unless that criteria is met. If the Black students were saying they didnt want to be around white people because they felt whites were beneath them then you would have a point.
And an all male list of demands wouldn't be sexist. Sure.

Semantics aside it is racial discrimination and what kind of special needs to blacks have? Somehow a whole lot of them managed without segregating themselves from other races. It's a stupid idea and should have just been laughed at when it was brought up.
Why would an all male list of demands be sexist?

No its not racial discrimination. The fact you have to ask what kind of special needs Blacks have is a great example of why they are asking for all Black support system. Its a brilliant idea that should be applauded and accommodated by the school.
The fact that you couldn't answer my question proves it's bullshit.
Yes your question was bullshit.
"... what kind of special needs to blacks have?

The fact that you couldn't answer my question proves it's bullshit."
The fact you have to ask what kind of special needs Blacks have is a great example of why they are asking for all Black support system.
Assata Shakur is a heroine and symbol of Black activism and former member of the Black Panthers who were formed in response to police brutality in the Black community. While I think its crazy they expect UC Berkeley to name anything after her, I have no problem with the effort.

Article written by Mos Def.

Assata Shakur The government s terrorist is our community s heroine Mo Def Assata Shakur Speaks

Thanks for giving us the illiterate rapper perspective.
Mos Def is more educated than you are. He is a graduate of NYU and begin an electrical engineering education before dropping out to concentrate on his music. The fact that you think someone that can write an article is illiterate speaks volumes regarding your problem with literacy.
Yeah this guy is not worth listening to. The only thing he has to offer is pure ignorance. He's not more educated than me, and the only reason why his article was published is he is famous.
Assata Shakur is a heroine and symbol of Black activism and former member of the Black Panthers who were formed in response to police brutality in the Black community. While I think its crazy they expect UC Berkeley to name anything after her, I have no problem with the effort.

Article written by Mos Def.

Assata Shakur The government s terrorist is our community s heroine Mo Def Assata Shakur Speaks

Thanks for giving us the illiterate rapper perspective.
Mos Def is more educated than you are. He is a graduate of NYU and begin an electrical engineering education before dropping out to concentrate on his music. The fact that you think someone that can write an article is illiterate speaks volumes regarding your problem with literacy.
Yeah this guy is not worth listening to. The only thing he has to offer is pure ignorance. He's not more educated than me, and the only reason why his article was published is he is famous.

His record sales and speaking invitations make you sound ignorant. Yes he is more educated than you. Thats why he is famous and you arent.
The fact you have to ask what kind of special needs Blacks have is a great example of why they are asking for all Black support system.
"... what kind of special needs to blacks have?

The fact that you couldn't answer my question proves it's bullshit."
The fact you have to ask what kind of special needs Blacks have is a great example of why they are asking for all Black support system.
From the local news reports, the group consists of five people.

Big whooptedo.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You just can't make this sh*t up.
You have to watch the video.
Among that insane request...they want :
Black counsellors to talk to black students
Black only meeting place
Black admission officers to admit black students
Black psychologist to mentor black students
Black athletic trainers/advisors for black students

So how is this not racist?

Students demand UC Berkeley rename building after cop killer Latest News Videos Fox News

They want segregation, it seems the Civil Rights movement was for nothing. How shameful.
They want a counselor to tell them that all their problems are due to slavery and white colonialism, and that they are still 'oppressed by whites' today.

So, basically a third will join the Sharpton wing of the Democratic party and be stuck in dead end jobs, living off welfare, and burning down neighborhoods.

Another third, will be depressed and psychologically scared with low self-esteem because no one helped them believe in themselves - they might have jobs (even high paying ones). They were told all mental health problems are caused by 'white oppression' or by 'state perpetuated racism'.

The remaining third, will break free of the nonsense they were taught, and build a life for themselves rather than blame whites for all their problems.

But it will be a cash cow for eight blacks, who can profit from the misery and divisiveness they create within the black community , just like Sharpton does on a national scale.
From the local news reports, the group consists of five people.

Big whooptedo.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes, and the school dean has already released a press statement that was very sympathetic and not only said they would consider the "demands"...but that this is the kind of thing the school is very attune to.
It takes very little to get the apologist going.

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