Black republicans...who are they really?

And why do we hate Joe Biden, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Tom Daschle so much again? They're white. You people are the ones who treat blacks differently because they are black. If you want to fight racism, I'd start with the man in the mirror. Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites

I don't know why you hate. Please tell us what drives your hate. My best hunch is that RW hate is generated in the masses by media brainwashing. The anger of the RW White male is well publicized and that history is punctuated with terrorism and violence.

Democrats are a cross section of America who recognize the threat angry RW White males pose. Blacks are included in the democratic front by choice. Blacks, Jews, Asians, and many White liberals know that if they are divided politically they will have lost their collective political clout and subsequently be subjected to the vengeance of the armed and dangerous angry RW White male.

Fallacy of equivocation
You can't prove that so don't say it!
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

We agree on the core of your premise. But I think race is the underlying issue that drives the strategy behind the "we want him to fail" battle cry. The election of a Black president shattered the very essence of tradition and sparked a RW political backlash that is still reverberating. There is no mistaking the RW code phrases for anything but allusions to Obama's presidency.

"Let's take OUR country back" is one notable declaration that leaves one imbued with the notion that because Obama is the president, Blacks have taken over their White government. Another previously unheard of expression is, "Let's make America Great again" as if America ever lost it's greatness.

When I see Blacks publicly embrace the GOP I too wonder what is driving them to do so. Your analogy offers a good explanation. The majority of middle classed Blacks share the desire for equality and are forced to side with the democratic platform because their only other choice is to align themselves with their political enemies: The RW GOP.

Black members of the GOP are familiar with the coded phraseology. They know they are positioning themselves to stand shoulder to shoulder with every White hate group in America. Colin Powell, Dr Ben Carson, and Armstrong Williams are no more conservative than Louis Farrakhan. Their family values and morality is probably not as good as his. Farrakhan's brand of conservatism would place him in solidly in the GOP if he were White, for he is no liberal. But like his fellow Black Americans, Farrakhan , given but two choices, takes the one most beneficial to his Black people, Muslim or not.

And why do we hate Joe Biden, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Tom Daschle so much again? They're white. You people are the ones who treat blacks differently because they are black. If you want to fight racism, I'd start with the man in the mirror. Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites
. Tell that to the race baiters.
Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites


Getting lectured by you about "hate" is classic, Adolph
Adolf didn't lecture about hate from the victim's perspective as I do. He lectured about hate from the perpetrator's perspective.
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

We agree on the core of your premise. But I think race is the underlying issue that drives the strategy behind the "we want him to fail" battle cry. The election of a Black president shattered the very essence of tradition and sparked a RW political backlash that is still reverberating. There is no mistaking the RW code phrases for anything but allusions to Obama's presidency.

"Let's take OUR country back" is one notable declaration that leaves one imbued with the notion that because Obama is the president, Blacks have taken over their White government. Another previously unheard of expression is, "Let's make America Great again" as if America ever lost it's greatness.

When I see Blacks publicly embrace the GOP I too wonder what is driving them to do so. Your analogy offers a good explanation. The majority of middle classed Blacks share the desire for equality and are forced to side with the democratic platform because their only other choice is to align themselves with their political enemies: The RW GOP.

Black members of the GOP are familiar with the coded phraseology. They know they are positioning themselves to stand shoulder to shoulder with every White hate group in America. Colin Powell, Dr Ben Carson, and Armstrong Williams are no more conservative than Louis Farrakhan. Their family values and morality is probably not as good as his. Farrakhan's brand of conservatism would place him in solidly in the GOP if he were White, for he is no liberal. But like his fellow Black Americans, Farrakhan , given but two choices, takes the one most beneficial to his Black people, Muslim or not.

And why do we hate Joe Biden, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Tom Daschle so much again? They're white. You people are the ones who treat blacks differently because they are black. If you want to fight racism, I'd start with the man in the mirror. Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites
. Tell that to the race baiters.


And why do we hate Joe Biden, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Tom Daschle so much again? They're white. You people are the ones who treat blacks differently because they are black. If you want to fight racism, I'd start with the man in the mirror. Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites
Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites


Getting lectured by you about "hate" is classic, Adolph
Adolf didn't lecture about hate from the victim's perspective as I do. He lectured about hate from the perpetrator's perspective.

You're the victimizer, Adolph. Conservatives overwhelmingly treat blacks like everyone else. The left has real issues not letting go of skin color
Remember how you chastised bear for spelling gerrymandering ... correctly?

As usual, you missed the point.....Bear went off on a tangent of gerrymandering while the topic discussed was VOTERS' IDs
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

We agree on the core of your premise. But I think race is the underlying issue that drives the strategy behind the "we want him to fail" battle cry. The election of a Black president shattered the very essence of tradition and sparked a RW political backlash that is still reverberating. There is no mistaking the RW code phrases for anything but allusions to Obama's presidency.

"Let's take OUR country back" is one notable declaration that leaves one imbued with the notion that because Obama is the president, Blacks have taken over their White government. Another previously unheard of expression is, "Let's make America Great again" as if America ever lost it's greatness.

When I see Blacks publicly embrace the GOP I too wonder what is driving them to do so. Your analogy offers a good explanation. The majority of middle classed Blacks share the desire for equality and are forced to side with the democratic platform because their only other choice is to align themselves with their political enemies: The RW GOP.

Black members of the GOP are familiar with the coded phraseology. They know they are positioning themselves to stand shoulder to shoulder with every White hate group in America. Colin Powell, Dr Ben Carson, and Armstrong Williams are no more conservative than Louis Farrakhan. Their family values and morality is probably not as good as his. Farrakhan's brand of conservatism would place him in solidly in the GOP if he were White, for he is no liberal. But like his fellow Black Americans, Farrakhan , given but two choices, takes the one most beneficial to his Black people, Muslim or not.

And why do we hate Joe Biden, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Tom Daschle so much again? They're white. You people are the ones who treat blacks differently because they are black. If you want to fight racism, I'd start with the man in the mirror. Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites
. Tell that to the race baiters.
I am doing exactly that, right now…BTW were you talking to ME??
Many times on this form, I have posted the following you tube video:

I understand that it takes a while to watch it. It is long and drawn out - but out of necessity. It is presenting the facts about tyranny and how the United States is headed in that direction as fast as we can go - and how liberals are paving the way, gleefully.

Please take the time to watch it. You will finish the video with the complete understanding just how dangerous liberals are - from both a legal and political standing.

And why do we hate Joe Biden, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Tom Daschle so much again? They're white. You people are the ones who treat blacks differently because they are black. If you want to fight racism, I'd start with the man in the mirror. Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites

I don't know why you hate. Please tell us what drives your hate. My best hunch is that RW hate is generated in the masses by media brainwashing. The anger of the RW White male is well publicized and that history is punctuated with terrorism and violence.

Democrats are a cross section of America who recognize the threat angry RW White males pose. Blacks are included in the democratic front by choice. Blacks, Jews, Asians, and many White liberals know that if they are divided politically they will have lost their collective political clout and subsequently be subjected to the vengeance of the armed and dangerous angry RW White male.
. Is that where you think that the blacks have placed themselves into now ? Otherwise have they been unfair in their push for equality, and therefore have they enraged the anger of your supposed rw white males ? What do you think has been done in which makes you fear in this way ? If the assimilation of cultures has been going along ok, and the Klan had been deminished to a rag tag group over the years, and the majority of whites are all for blacks being in their cultural wheelhouse, then where does your fear above come from ? Is it from a knowledge that maybe things aren't being done fairly, and so you fear a backlash to come from that unfairness now ?
Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites

There are few, if any, folks asserting that blacks aren't capable of being "treated like whites." Hell, my cats are capable of being treated that way, so is a rock. Being "treated like whites," however, is an activity that whites must exhibit, not merely talk about exhibiting. It's also an action that blacks cannot alone make whites perform. Accordingly, what blacks are capable of being treated like is irrelevant until they are convinced they've been treated that way.

Read my post and perhaps you'll understand why so many blacks don't feel as though that are even now treated that way by whites in general, even though there are surely white folks in blacks' lives who do treat them equitably. If/when white Americans universally, or nearly so, "walk that walk" as well as "talk that that," there's a good chance blacks will believe that they are indeed being treated equally and share equally in the bounty of opportunity the U.S. offers.

The Democrats in this thread are all arguing blacks aren't capable of being treated like whites. When Obama is treated like a white liberal, that's racism. That's the argument

That's just more ignorant bullshit from an ignorant poster.

Blacks participate at EVERY LEVEL of the Democratic Party .. including at the very top. The Republican Party remains virtually all white.

END OF STORY about how blacks are treated by democrats.
Remember how you chastised bear for spelling gerrymandering ... correctly?

As usual, you missed the point.....Bear went off on a tangent of gerrymandering while the topic discussed was VOTERS' IDs

Is that right?

Hey moron......we were discussing VOTER ID....not "gerrymander-ing" [sic]....and take a lesson in spelling.
(Who the fuck is 'gerry") LOL

Looks like you said both ...

And to answer your question, "gerry" is Governor Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts. BTW, in your spelling police post, do you notice you quoted incorrectly? LOL
Perhaps you should stop trying to pass off your hyper-partisan, subjective bullshit as 'fact.'

Starting with my O/P and in many of my subsequent ones, I posed my OPINION...never claimed that my hypotheses were based on fact.......if they were based on indisputable evidence, you'd be too ashamed of being on here.

Your thoughts are based on indisputable truth good brother.

All the RW morons here have to offer is butt-hurt whining. :0)
I don't know why you hate. Please tell us what drives your hate. My best hunch is that RW hate is generated in the masses by media brainwashing. The anger of the RW White male is well publicized and that history is punctuated with terrorism and violence.

Democrats are a cross section of America who recognize the threat angry RW White males pose. Blacks are included in the democratic front by choice. Blacks, Jews, Asians, and many White liberals know that if they are divided politically they will have lost their collective political clout and subsequently be subjected to the vengeance of the armed and dangerous angry RW White male.

Well, my friend, last year when I chose to join this forum, I was actually under the impression that it was mixed in posters' ideologies.......Instead, I find that this forum is mostly a snake-pit of right wing hatred with the vast majority of posters on here just spewing caustic and angry vitriol.

Ultimately, Obama's 2 terms in office have helped to erase that thin veil of decency among some (not all) right wingers and made the manifestation of hatred toward liberal ideals, somewhat acceptable and even encouraged.
And of course the liberals were just innocent in it all weren't they? NOT.
Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites

There are few, if any, folks asserting that blacks aren't capable of being "treated like whites." Hell, my cats are capable of being treated that way, so is a rock. Being "treated like whites," however, is an activity that whites must exhibit, not merely talk about exhibiting. It's also an action that blacks cannot alone make whites perform. Accordingly, what blacks are capable of being treated like is irrelevant until they are convinced they've been treated that way.

Read my post and perhaps you'll understand why so many blacks don't feel as though that are even now treated that way by whites in general, even though there are surely white folks in blacks' lives who do treat them equitably. If/when white Americans universally, or nearly so, "walk that walk" as well as "talk that that," there's a good chance blacks will believe that they are indeed being treated equally and share equally in the bounty of opportunity the U.S. offers.

The Democrats in this thread are all arguing blacks aren't capable of being treated like whites. When Obama is treated like a white liberal, that's racism. That's the argument

That's just more ignorant bullshit from an ignorant poster.

Blacks participate at EVERY LEVEL of the Democratic Party .. including at the very top. The Republican Party remains virtually all white.

END OF STORY about how blacks are treated by democrats.

You mean other than the former head of the GOP? Or do you mean two former Secretaries of State and the one on the Supreme Court? And blacks are 90+% Democrat, dumb ass.

Also, there is exactly 1 black Democrat in the Senate, and 1 black Republican. And how many blacks in the House are from white districts?

White Democrats have done shit for Blacks.
So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

...SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

Well now, you've asked a question that can't really be answered coherently and cogently in a few short sentences. I'll do my best to try answering in fewer words than have the authors of books on the topic have used, but there's not a pat answer to your question.

My answer to your question is that the reasons are quite possibly as varied as there are blacks who are Republican. Despite the potential for causal variability regarding why some blacks are members of the GOP, there are several extant traits within the black community that are consistent with conservative viewpoints.

Dr. Leah Rigueur writes:

Your question, and considering sensible answers to it, divulges interesting lines of sociopolitical thought; however, approaching the answer from alternate vantage points may be more useful in helping one arrive at a credible answer than is doing so from the one your quandary bids. History and cultural core values notwithstanding, I think past and current political voting motivations among blacks derives first and foremost derives first from their blackness and second from the factors noted in the prior paragraph, at least in the U.S.

The American experience of blacks, regardless of what they as individuals or collectively may mostly perceive about economics, morality, social interactions and so on, has been such that they feel forced to act politically (upon being permitted to do so without reprisal or disenfranchisement due to "Jim Crow" practices and provisos) with a mindset of "we" rather than "I."

Why blacks, in large measure, came to act collectively should not be hard to fathom. It's what any group of humans do when confronted with opposition deriving from that which the group members alone as individuals cannot alter, often not on behalf of themselves and never on behalf of their race as a whole. White people, in my experience, do not think in terms of "we." White people have the privilege to interact with the social and political structures of our society as individuals. Whites are often not directly affected by racial oppression even in their own community, so what does not affect whites locally has little chance of affecting them regionally or nationally. They have no need, nor often any real desire, to think in terms of a group, in terms of "we." They are and have always been supported, or at the very least not unsupported, by the system, and so are mostly unaffected by it.

Blacks realized rightly then that they had to use all of their resources to secure some semblance of social, political and legal parity with their white countrymen. Blacks don't see a shooting of an innocent black child in another state as something separate from themselves because they know viscerally that it could be their own child, parent, or themselves, who is shot. For example, the shooting of Walter Scott in North Charleston resonated with many blacks because Walter Scott was portrayed in the media as a deadbeat and a criminal,  but when those blacks -- blacks who had no connection with Mr. Scott other than their also being black -- look at the facts about the actual man, he was nearly indistinguishable from my themselves or their brother, sister, friend, mother or father. In that regard, racism affects blacks directly because the fact that it happened at a geographically remote location or to another Black person is only a coincidence, an accident. It could just as easily happen to any given black person, wherever they are, right here, right now.

Only to their continued detriment did blacks discard that tool of "bloc voting." "Block voting" regrettably resulted in blacks to some degree marginalizing themselves, thereby in part themselves creating the situation the Black Lives Matters movement today decries: that blacks' reliably voting for Democrats has come to be taken as a given rather than something that needs to be earned. That said, in the post-Johnson years, the GOP hasn't espoused policies that helped blacks achieve the parity they've longed for since arriving in the U.S. Even more regrettably, superficial and supercilious observers overlook an extant distinction between the circumstance of blacks' application of the tactics in comparison and contrast with that of whites.

One may use a sharp knife for more than carving the Thanksgiving turkey. It's not entirely far fetched to see that blacks have in part adopted the very tactics, if not the bigoted philosophy that underpinned them, they most despised. The same collectivity that blacks exploited to their advantage in their quest for equality of opportunity is also a tool white supremacists use to advance their aims. There is, however, a critical difference: for hundreds of years whites have used that tool to assert and maintain their legal, political and social dominance over blacks based on nothing other than their whiteness whereas black have used it to obtain parity in a society dominated by whites, a society in which whites hold/held all the power.

The 250-odd year history of overt and covert racism and its impact, denial of the opportunity to realize one's full potential, created an environment of distrust of whites among blacks. That skepticism is not unwarranted. Klan members do, after all, wear hoods and full body gowns. It's not as though, as individuals, their bigotry has been openly expressed and owned, even though a small few Klansmen and other racists don't hide behind masks. The presence the KKK is an overt indication that racism exists. That it's impossible to know who in the community may indeed belong to the KKK forces those whom KKK members would disaffect makes continued distrust of potential members the safer stance to to take.

When somewhat bright political leaders and aspirants, people who routinely (or should) very carefully choose their words, remark ambiguous about matters racial rather than commenting unequivocally -- for example, "disavowing" what David Duke has to say rather than "denouncing" or "reprehending" him and what he has to say -- trust isn't built or maintained. The situation isn't made better when some conservatives do denounce such remarks and others attempt to cast them in a favorable or at least neutral light.

How is one, a black, to know what to think in such situations? At the very least, there is consistency in the nature and tone of remarks coming from other corners of the political spectrum. So unless one is a "dyed in the wool" conspiracy theorist, one is going to put one's hope in the group that seems universally not to create the same degree of doubt in one's mind, even if that group does not dispel all hints of doubt.

Given that the GOP has since the last half of the 20th century refrained from promoting policies that combined with repeatedly offered support for the GOP by white supremacist groups, in the minds of blacks, ameliorate their circumstance as blacks living in the U.S., many blacks simply don't trust conservatives, and especially the GOP. Blacks understandably find no basis for thinking the GOP, and presumably conservatives in general, offers much of anything to support their need and desire to share fully in the American Dream. The history of blacks in the U.S. has taught blacks to think and vote first as blacks and second, if at all as citizens with all the rights and opportunities appertaining to their white countrymen.

I think the circumstance is slightly different, however, for Libertarians than it is for Republicans, but above I've largely had Republicans in mind as I wrote my remarks. The GOP figured most in my mind because it is the largest conservative party.

Wow! That's one hell of a lot of pride and greed you manage to ascribe to black conservatives. I cannot agree that either of those traits motivate the conservatism of the few black conservatives I know well enough to have an inkling of what spurs them to be Republicans.
. Note: Whites as a whole have not lived their lives trying to scheme, oppress, hold down, and destroy the black people. They have lived their lives trying to hold onto their culture, religion, principles in which they figured were reflective of their American culture & experience of these time periods. They (the white Americans of old), may have seen the blacks of old as a threat too everything they were at the time, and that the newest blacks who hold the old views of the past (vengeful and angry), are now a threat to what they believe is to be their culture now. Both whites and blacks in the past have had very different cultures, and their desire was not for the cultures to be as one, but to realize that the free blacks were Americans just as they (the free Whites who had escaped by sea from the chains of England) are also free in America. Now over a long period of time, and as more of the cultures begin to come together, it is the yearning of the blacks to be assimilated into the brotherhood in which they saw the whites enjoying so much of and/or to be recognized as full citizens with total access just as well. They would not be denide these things any longer, even though huge progress has been made already, they still see that there is work to be done. Their were many whites who are Christian's, and are a morally good people, and they are those who did not want to see the blacks as being outsiders any longer, so they helped push the agenda to get blacks assimilated completely into what was the full American experience, and into the American culture as full citizens, and to get them the rights needed to be as American as anyone else were as Americans. It has worked, and there is much to be proud of, but on both sides beware, because their are those who hate just to hate, and they will never except the cultures coming together as one. They want and desire a desperation of the cultures, but agree that all are American. Whenever there is culture clashes, the group's try to incite the past or attack one another on cultural grounds or lifestyle differences, etc. in which they do because they don't want certain cultural habits to become part of their cultural experience, but are ok with some cultural cross overs as long as they don't infringe on the main theme of the culture in which one or the other keeps as their identifier. Now culture is not based on race ever, and in fact ones race is never a factor in it all, but the cultures are definitely a factor in it all. Black conservatives are doing great in the culture in which they have identified with (not based upon race), but they love it based upon them liking what the experience found in it all is. To be jealous of that, means there is much work in bringing the country together still left, and it can be done while recognizing the many different non-violent cultures in which make this nation unique all at the same time. Now one thing that has got to stop, and that is to try and destroy one culture, and to replace it with another. That is a serious problem going on today in America.

In all honesty, I'm nearly 73 years old. Could you possible separate your paragraphs, It is extremely hard to read like that. Thanks!
. Yes I will go back and do that... I use a web browser that cuts out the adds, and it won't allow me for some reason to space the paragraphs. I have to go to edit in order to do it. Ok be back.
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

We agree on the core of your premise. But I think race is the underlying issue that drives the strategy behind the "we want him to fail" battle cry. The election of a Black president shattered the very essence of tradition and sparked a RW political backlash that is still reverberating. There is no mistaking the RW code phrases for anything but allusions to Obama's presidency.

"Let's take OUR country back" is one notable declaration that leaves one imbued with the notion that because Obama is the president, Blacks have taken over their White government. Another previously unheard of expression is, "Let's make America Great again" as if America ever lost it's greatness.

When I see Blacks publicly embrace the GOP I too wonder what is driving them to do so. Your analogy offers a good explanation. The majority of middle classed Blacks share the desire for equality and are forced to side with the democratic platform because their only other choice is to align themselves with their political enemies: The RW GOP.

Black members of the GOP are familiar with the coded phraseology. They know they are positioning themselves to stand shoulder to shoulder with every White hate group in America. Colin Powell, Dr Ben Carson, and Armstrong Williams are no more conservative than Louis Farrakhan. Their family values and morality is probably not as good as his. Farrakhan's brand of conservatism would place him in solidly in the GOP if he were White, for he is no liberal. But like his fellow Black Americans, Farrakhan , given but two choices, takes the one most beneficial to his Black people, Muslim or not.

And why do we hate Joe Biden, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Tom Daschle so much again? They're white. You people are the ones who treat blacks differently because they are black. If you want to fight racism, I'd start with the man in the mirror. Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites
. Tell that to the race baiters.
I am doing exactly that, right now…BTW were you talking to ME??

Read your own posts, you're a pure race baiter
And why do we hate Joe Biden, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Tom Daschle so much again? They're white. You people are the ones who treat blacks differently because they are black. If you want to fight racism, I'd start with the man in the mirror. Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites

I don't know why you hate. Please tell us what drives your hate. My best hunch is that RW hate is generated in the masses by media brainwashing. The anger of the RW White male is well publicized and that history is punctuated with terrorism and violence.

Democrats are a cross section of America who recognize the threat angry RW White males pose. Blacks are included in the democratic front by choice. Blacks, Jews, Asians, and many White liberals know that if they are divided politically they will have lost their collective political clout and subsequently be subjected to the vengeance of the armed and dangerous angry RW White male.
. Is that where you think that the blacks have placed themselves into now ? Otherwise have they been unfair in their push for equality, and therefore have they enraged the anger of your supposed rw white males ? What do you think has been done in which makes you fear in this way ? If the assimilation of cultures has been going along ok, and the Klan had been deminished to a rag tag group over the years, and the majority of whites are all for blacks being in their cultural wheelhouse, then where does your fear above come from ? Is it from a knowledge that maybe things aren't being done fairly, and so you fear a backlash to come from that unfairness now ?

First of all I want to give thanks to the liberal White people who join us in politically neutralizing the angry RW White males and the women who love them. Angry RW White males are relentless in their efforts to turn back the hands of time where they had no competition in jobs and educational opportunities. They fought civil liberties for ALL every step pf the way and with every gain by minorities and women was/is seen as an assault on RW white male privilege and hegemony.

Changing demographics has altered traditional political outcomes and RW White males are being indoctrinated by their media masters to prepare for "taking their country back." These folks are armed and dangerous with access to every aspect of our lives. But we don't know who they are.
They could be judges, cops, school teachers or movie stars but they are all focused on the RW White male agenda and are capable of doing anything to attain their goals.
And why do we hate Joe Biden, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Tom Daschle so much again? They're white. You people are the ones who treat blacks differently because they are black. If you want to fight racism, I'd start with the man in the mirror. Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites

I don't know why you hate. Please tell us what drives your hate. My best hunch is that RW hate is generated in the masses by media brainwashing. The anger of the RW White male is well publicized and that history is punctuated with terrorism and violence.

Democrats are a cross section of America who recognize the threat angry RW White males pose. Blacks are included in the democratic front by choice. Blacks, Jews, Asians, and many White liberals know that if they are divided politically they will have lost their collective political clout and subsequently be subjected to the vengeance of the armed and dangerous angry RW White male.
. Is that where you think that the blacks have placed themselves into now ? Otherwise have they been unfair in their push for equality, and therefore have they enraged the anger of your supposed rw white males ? What do you think has been done in which makes you fear in this way ? If the assimilation of cultures has been going along ok, and the Klan had been deminished to a rag tag group over the years, and the majority of whites are all for blacks being in their cultural wheelhouse, then where does your fear above come from ? Is it from a knowledge that maybe things aren't being done fairly, and so you fear a backlash to come from that unfairness now ?

First of all I want to give thanks to the liberal White people who join us in politically neutralizing the angry RW White males and the women who love them. Angry RW White males are relentless in their efforts to turn back the hands of time where they had no competition in jobs and educational opportunities. They fought civil liberties for ALL every step pf the way and with every gain by minorities and women was/is seen as an assault on RW white male privilege and hegemony.

Changing demographics has altered traditional political outcomes and RW White males are being indoctrinated by their media masters to prepare for "taking their country back." These folks are armed and dangerous with access to every aspect of our lives. But we don't know who they are.
They could be judges, cops, school teachers or movie stars but they are all focused on the RW White male agenda and are capable of doing anything to attain their goals.

Yes, obviously anyone who disagrees with you is "angry." That while you post pictures of Nazi concentration camp victims to criticize them ...

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