Black Privilege

my evil is deeper than just calling you a bigot.
You dont want to live in my world. You wouldn't like it.

Well, you're a dark and mysterious strain of cretin, aren't you? full of mindless hate and bile. The idea of this piece is to show how evil it is to balkanize human beings and society on the basis of skin color, how oppressive it is for us all, but for you it's just another excuse to sit in your pool of urine and wail.

By the way, are you black? Are you demonstrating the truth of the author's indictment of the leftist ideology, for example, its vicious, dehumanizing encouragement of black racism?

It's the "leftist ideology" that fosters black racism? Really?

No. It's the classical liberalism of the Anglo-American tradition. Not.

Of course it's the statist, class-warfare rhetoric of the left. Snap out of it. Booker T. Washington knew what pity-party politics were all about years ago.

There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs—partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. . . . There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public. —Booker T. Washington​

That's lefty in general, seven days a week and twice on Sunday. :lol:
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Whites feel guilty because they believe they caused blacks to have a low IQ and a violent nature.

Exactly correct.

Whereas the Reality is that they have the lowest IQ (especially the Sub Saharan negros). And, actually DO have a violent nature (which is consistent with low IQ-ed bewildered morons).

The so-called Black & Beautiful Africa where there is STILL Slavery, and where there wasn't a written language until recently (historical time) except English & French. Also where a significant number of these Afros subsist basically on Pebbles & those VICTIMIZED American counterparts gorge themselves into diabetes with "soul food" and early death whilst tooling around in Cadillac cars.

The only category of human beings with an IQ below that of the Negro (Sub Saharan), the source of the VICTIMIZED American Negro, is the Australian Aborigine (and maybe the outlaying areas of Borneo, etc). Where, the Australian Aborigine (until recently) did not have a number above THREE. It was ONE, TWO......then MANY !!!

Yeah.....the pathetic VICTIMIZED American Negro......mah heart really bleeds for them thar VICTIMIZED American Negro.

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white guilt is something that white people also play a part in, allowing themselves to feel guilty for crimes against humanity that they did not commit. A six year old white girl happily playing with her teddy bears is hardly guilty of humanitarian crimes against the black people. Those who committed the atrocities of slavery are long dead and buried. No one alive today should be made to feel guilty. It’s up to that white individual (who is suffering from white guilt) to slap themselves in the face and stop being such a cowering self hating narcissist, and be proud of who they are, why shouldn’t they be.. black pride is celebrated, white pride should also be celebrated, BUT without the stigma attached to those two words; white pride. It seems as if in our world, racial pride is something earned and justified only by the suffering of one’s ancestors. It is time for that underdeveloped view to end. White have as much reason to be proud of their race and heritage as any other race. White man contributed enormously to the growth and development of Europe which ultimately lead to the growth of the USA. The Roman Empire, the Greek cities of ancient Athens and its territories, the New Romantics, the Renaissance, Naval ships, military, trade, the harnessment of electricity, the Industrial Revolution, the car, the train, all of these things achieved by white people.. this all sounds like white propaganda, but is it not the truth? All of this is not to discredit black accomplishments. Black people have contributed hugely to the workforce of the western world ect. I have nothing against any race on this Earth. Each race and each cultural group is rather precious, and each should be proud to be who and what they are.
Whites feel guilty because they believe they caused blacks to have a low IQ and a violent nature.

Exactly correct.

Whereas the Reality is that they have the lowest IQ (especially the Sub Saharan negros). And, actually DO have a violent nature (which is consistent with low IQ-ed bewildered morons).

The so-called Black & Beautiful Africa where there is STILL Slavery, and where there wasn't a written language until recently (historical time) except English & French. Also where a significant number of these Afros subsist basically on Pebbles & those VICTIMIZED American counterparts gorge themselves into diabetes with "soul food" and early death whilst tooling around in Cadillac cars.

The only category of human beings with an IQ below that of the Negro (Sub Saharan), the source of the VICTIMIZED American Negro, is the Australian Aborigine (and maybe the outlaying areas of Borneo, etc). Where, the Australian Aborigine (until recently) did not have a number above THREE. It was ONE, TWO......then MANY !!!

Yeah.....the pathetic VICTIMIZED American Negro......mah heart really bleeds for them thar VICTIMIZED American Negro.


You are a fucking retard.:cuckoo:
Whites feel guilty because they believe they caused blacks to have a low IQ and a violent nature.

I am a black man. I am retired Navy and a home owner. I am college educated and have never been on welfare. I am married and my daughter is in college now.

You honestly think you are higher on the evolutionary scale than I am?

You think you have a higher IQ than I do? Do you think you are less prone to violence than I am? If so, why?

(OH and fuck you, you mother fucker. I will kick your ass if/when I see you. Damn, I need to misspell something here as well...this way I am exhibiting a violent behaviour and am showing my low IQ. :eusa_whistle: ) I hope you can follow me on this one. I really do.
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My statements are based on averages.

Ya know while I find your statements and those of gautama appalling, I also note that the leftists on this thread overlook Plasmaball's equally appalling statements . . . well, perhaps not as appalling, but deserving of censure nonetheless.


We are all God's children. Culture, ideology are entirely different matters relative to skin color or ethnicity. In other words, the downfall of some cultures today to which gautama refers, for example, goes to cultural or ideological backwardness, not skin color or ethnicity. Prior to the rise of the Western world, beginning with the Greeks, most Caucasians were rummaging around in caves when most all of the great civilizations of the ancient world were raised by people of color, from Africa to the Far East, though, apparently, Egyptians and Middle Easterners were a hybird of sorts between modern-day blacks and whites. In any event, most of Europe was "civilized" by Rome.
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