Black People In America Are Turning Into Obama's Palestinians......


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Israel has been dealing with Palestinians since the UN created the State of Israel after WWII. At one time they were called Israeli Arabs. Now they want their own country. They aren't even a nationality but they feel that they're owed a homeland. People who feel that they are owed something.

Sound familiar?

What does Obama have in common with the Palestinians? Nothing. He was born into a rich family with a white mother and an Kenyan father. He was pampered all of his life.

Obama was supposed to be the first post-racial president. He was supposed to bind the racial wounds that exist in this country. He was finally supposed to stop racial divisions.

Instead, all he did was make things worse.


He was elected to make the problem worse, not better. He helped by advertising that cops are targeting blacks. He helped by releasing "None-Violent" criminals by the thousands onto our streets.

If you don't go along with all of this, obviously you're a racist. Now even Fox News has jumped on the bandwagon:

May 5, 2017
Black People: Donā€™t You Worry About ā€˜Bout a Thing. Kat Timpf Will Save You


Katherine Timpf

By Colin Flaherty
Black people of America: Donā€™t you worry ā€˜bout a thing. Because the new Fox News megastar Kat Timpf has got your back. And she told us so on the first episode of her new show, ā€œThe Fox News Specialists.ā€

ā€œI do understand issues with criminal justice, particularly in the black community and police brutality,ā€ she intoned.

Which is extremely convenient, because in April, dozens of cities around the country saw hundreds of examples of black mob violence. All wildly out of proportion. All without the benefit of Katā€™s explanations.

So if anyone happens to see Kat during one of her frequent jaunts into Manhattan dance clubs, perhaps you could ask her to extend some of her understanding to these episodes of black mob violence from around the country -- all during April, all on videos which you can find at this playlist: Katā€™s Playlist of Black Mob Violence.

1. In South Orange, New Jersey, 300 black people rampaged through the downtown, creating violence, defying police, destroying property.

2. In Oakland, 60 black people rampaged through a BART train, creating violence, robbing, beating, and terrifying the few people left in that area who think it is OK to ride public transportation through Oakland.

Cue Fruitvale Station, the official documentary of black victimization. Right, Kat?

3. In Virginia Beach, 40,000 black people rampaged through Black College Beach Weekend, leaving in their wake four people shot, one stabbed, two police officers assaulted, tons of property damage, the requisite amount of defiance against the police, and a town wondering what they can do to stop this annual onslaught of black mob violence and mayhem.

Today, locals debate whether this weekend was the worst ever, even worse than the black mob violence of Black College Beach Weekends in 2013 and 1989.

I vote the newest was the worst, but in 1989, black people killed a horse with a cinder block and even had their violence glorified in a famous rap song. Discuss amongst yourselves.

4) In Davis, California, black people rampaged through what used to be the most mellow college town in America, attacking cops, students, residents whatever. Still waiting on reports of any violence against horses in this bucolic town.

Early reports indicate that the black mob violence was caused by white people riding bicycles.

5) In Detroit, a large group of black people rampaged through a carnival, putting five cops in the hospital. But that is the kind of thing that happens in Katā€™s home town when cops get a bit of pay back for all that police brutality they are constantly practicing, but which so few white people understand.

Except for Kat.

6) Down in Biloxi, tens of thousands of black people gathered for another version of black college beach weekend, this one also leaving tons of violence and mayhem and trash in its wake. The town was so crowded that large groups of black people took their cars to a white neighborhood and set up barbecues and picnics on the lawns of total strangers.

Cops shrugged their shoulders at this large-scale lawlessness while residents said the large-scale black violence made them feel like ā€œprisonersā€ in their own homes.

7) In Baltimore, the white residents of Federal Hill also say they are prisoners in their own homes because black students from a nearby black high school attack them and destroy their property, regularly and predictably.

Cops tell them to stay indoors.

8) In Beloit, Wisconsin, 20 black people surrounded a white handicapped student and beat him and stole his backpack. All on video. Just like all the other events listed in this article. None of which have made their way into any Fox news program where Kat and her understanding of black criminality and police brutality were there to enlighten us.

9) In Philadelphia, four high school teachers went to the hospital and ten were injured after a large group of black people attacked them. And oh yeah, that happens all the time there. But do not confuse this with the black people who attacked a white teacher in a Florida school about the same time. Or the large fight in a black school in Memphis where teachers know better than to try and stop it. Or the dozens and dozens of episodes of large-scale black violence in schools, all last month.

10) In Macon, Georgia, hundreds of black people rampaged and fought during a church service. Two cops wandered through the riot, though no one seemed to care.

11) Also down in Alabama, a large group of black people surrounded a couple of white kids on bikes. After the ritual taunting, threatening, harassment, and whatnot, they beat the hell out of them and stole their stuff.

Little help, Kat?

12) In Birmingham, black people rioted at a magnet school.

13) In Piscataway, New Jersey, the headline hides more than illuminates: ā€œPolice Help Break-up Fights and Large Crowds at Middlesex Firemenā€™s Carnival.ā€ The fights, large crowds and early closing were all about black people. And it was not the first time either.

Lots and lots more details of black violence and media denial at carnivals in that scintillating Amazon #1 Bestseller, Donā€™t Make the Black Kids Angry.

14) In Central Florida, 60 black people fought and rampaged through the Orange Park Mall. Not the first time at that mall, or hundreds of others throughout the country over the last several years.

15) In beautiful Las Vegas, police responding to a large group of black people fighting at a nightclub found three people stabbed and nobody saw nuttinā€™.

There are dozens of these kinds of ā€œlet outā€ fights at black clubs around the country every night. Yes, every night. While you sleep. Ask a cop if you want the truth. Not a reporter.

16) In Syracuse, another large fight among another large group of black people in the daytime in downtown left three people with stab wounds, and everyone else there inflicted with a sudden case of amnesia.

17) In Des Moines, Iowa, a group of black people beat a white woman as they left a city bus. City official refuse to release a video of the violence, because like the riot at BART, they say using video to find the black criminals would impede their investigation.

This is the same town where hundreds of black people a few years ago rampaged through the Iowa State Fair, declaring it was ā€œBeat Whitey Night.ā€ That went on for three nights. Ditto for the Wisconsin state fair a few nights later.

If that is happening in Iowa and Wisconsin, what do you suppose Kat thinks is happening in the rest of the country?

18) At Trinity College in Connecticut, 20 black people invade a private formal party on campus. They rampaged through the event, beating students, breaking bones. The president of the fraternity, said like Kat, he understood the fellas, their problems, and why they should all sit down and have a chat and chew about it. And donā€™t worry, he said the white kids are not mad at their attackers.

19) In Anchorage, Alaska, 10 black people were fighting, shoplifting, and urinating inside a convenience store. When store employees kicked them out, they shot one employee two times.

20-24) All the school violence described above also happened in Kentucky, Granada, Baltimore, Campbell Park and tons of other places. All on video. In Philadelphia, the local media reported twice that black people are suspended out of proportion in schools and that was proof positive of white racism ruining so many black lives.

The only other explanation is that black people commit crime and violence out of proportion. But that would kind of mess with Katā€™s police brutality thing, wouldn't it? So mumā€™s the word.

25) In Philadelphia, a group of black people ransacked and beat the owners of a Chinese restaurant while laughing, always laughing.

26) In Norwood, Ohio, a large group of black people targeted white gay people for taunts, threats, vandalism, property destruction and of course violence, violence and more violence. Kat, does your superior understanding of criminal justice extend to the realm of black on gay violence, so well documented, so wildly out of proportion, and so widely ignored?

While you are at it, ditto for black on Asian, black on old, black on young, black straight, black on whatever. Why so out of proportion? Police brutality?

27) On a hiking and biking trail in downtown Philadelphia, a large group of black people on bicycles surrounded a female jogger, then taunted, threatened, harassed, and groped her. Oh yeah, that is called rape. My bad.

And that has been happening a long, long time there. But it seems to be equally easy to ignore as ever.

28) In Grand Rapids, a large group of black people were fighting and destroying property at a basketball game. Several panicked spectators dialed 911: See something, say something, right?

One caller said one of the black people had a gun. When cops rolled on the violence, they found the group of black people several blocks away and stopped them. Several days later, several black moms were quite upset that the police approached and searched their angels.

Not a word about the violence at the game.

Read more here.....Articles: Black People: Donā€™t You Worry About ā€˜Bout a Thing. Kat Timpf Will Save You

Yesterday Ft Lauderdale airport erupted into riots. 6 flights were cancelled and people got angry and started pounding on the counters demanding that their tickets be honored. They felt that they didn't have to put up with this inconvenience. Seems that the media is putting out story after story about the airlines shoving people around and literally dragging them off of flights. I saw the video of the riot and it sure seemed like alot of black folks were acting like the folks protesting the French election. (At least I think they're protesting. Why else would you start burning your own country to the ground)
Police had to wrestle them to the floor and haul them off, and trust me, every one of them felt they were in the right. Who cares that this event was a result of people that simply refuse to deal with disappointment. People who feel that they have a right to resort to violence when they don't get their way.

The establishment is trying to use the Trump Administration to sow distrust in government. The last 8 years we had a president that couldn't be trusted, who was sending the IRS after political opponents, who spied on us, who stole from us, who let loose criminals on our streets. Now his media is trying to foment sedition using the folks in this country who never felt they were a part of it's founding. Blacks, homosexuals, rich spoiled brats that our colleges are churning out in large numbers. Any group that felt marginalized in their life, now the media has given them a target. The target is white people.

I know. Some of the worst instigators are white. Well, many of them feel that being an anarchist gives them a pass from being white.

What do you folks think about this?
I can hear it now.........."She don't know jack that was her white privilege talking"............

Israel has been dealing with Palestinians since the UN created the State of Israel after WWII. At one time they were called Israeli Arabs. Now they want their own country. They aren't even a nationality but they feel that they're owed a homeland. People who feel that they are owed something.

Sound familiar?

What does Obama have in common with the Palestinians? Nothing. He was born into a rich family with a white mother and an Kenyan father. He was pampered all of his life.

Obama was supposed to be the first post-racial president. He was supposed to bind the racial wounds that exist in this country. He was finally supposed to stop racial divisions.

Instead, all he did was make things worse.


He was elected to make the problem worse, not better. He helped by advertising that cops are targeting blacks. He helped by releasing "None-Violent" criminals by the thousands onto our streets.

If you don't go along with all of this, obviously you're a racist. Now even Fox News has jumped on the bandwagon:

May 5, 2017
Black People: Donā€™t You Worry About ā€˜Bout a Thing. Kat Timpf Will Save You


Katherine Timpf

By Colin Flaherty
Black people of America: Donā€™t you worry ā€˜bout a thing. Because the new Fox News megastar Kat Timpf has got your back. And she told us so on the first episode of her new show, ā€œThe Fox News Specialists.ā€

ā€œI do understand issues with criminal justice, particularly in the black community and police brutality,ā€ she intoned.

Which is extremely convenient, because in April, dozens of cities around the country saw hundreds of examples of black mob violence. All wildly out of proportion. All without the benefit of Katā€™s explanations.

So if anyone happens to see Kat during one of her frequent jaunts into Manhattan dance clubs, perhaps you could ask her to extend some of her understanding to these episodes of black mob violence from around the country -- all during April, all on videos which you can find at this playlist: Katā€™s Playlist of Black Mob Violence.

1. In South Orange, New Jersey, 300 black people rampaged through the downtown, creating violence, defying police, destroying property.

2. In Oakland, 60 black people rampaged through a BART train, creating violence, robbing, beating, and terrifying the few people left in that area who think it is OK to ride public transportation through Oakland.

Cue Fruitvale Station, the official documentary of black victimization. Right, Kat?

3. In Virginia Beach, 40,000 black people rampaged through Black College Beach Weekend, leaving in their wake four people shot, one stabbed, two police officers assaulted, tons of property damage, the requisite amount of defiance against the police, and a town wondering what they can do to stop this annual onslaught of black mob violence and mayhem.

Today, locals debate whether this weekend was the worst ever, even worse than the black mob violence of Black College Beach Weekends in 2013 and 1989.

I vote the newest was the worst, but in 1989, black people killed a horse with a cinder block and even had their violence glorified in a famous rap song. Discuss amongst yourselves.

4) In Davis, California, black people rampaged through what used to be the most mellow college town in America, attacking cops, students, residents whatever. Still waiting on reports of any violence against horses in this bucolic town.

Early reports indicate that the black mob violence was caused by white people riding bicycles.

5) In Detroit, a large group of black people rampaged through a carnival, putting five cops in the hospital. But that is the kind of thing that happens in Katā€™s home town when cops get a bit of pay back for all that police brutality they are constantly practicing, but which so few white people understand.

Except for Kat.

6) Down in Biloxi, tens of thousands of black people gathered for another version of black college beach weekend, this one also leaving tons of violence and mayhem and trash in its wake. The town was so crowded that large groups of black people took their cars to a white neighborhood and set up barbecues and picnics on the lawns of total strangers.

Cops shrugged their shoulders at this large-scale lawlessness while residents said the large-scale black violence made them feel like ā€œprisonersā€ in their own homes.

7) In Baltimore, the white residents of Federal Hill also say they are prisoners in their own homes because black students from a nearby black high school attack them and destroy their property, regularly and predictably.

Cops tell them to stay indoors.

8) In Beloit, Wisconsin, 20 black people surrounded a white handicapped student and beat him and stole his backpack. All on video. Just like all the other events listed in this article. None of which have made their way into any Fox news program where Kat and her understanding of black criminality and police brutality were there to enlighten us.

9) In Philadelphia, four high school teachers went to the hospital and ten were injured after a large group of black people attacked them. And oh yeah, that happens all the time there. But do not confuse this with the black people who attacked a white teacher in a Florida school about the same time. Or the large fight in a black school in Memphis where teachers know better than to try and stop it. Or the dozens and dozens of episodes of large-scale black violence in schools, all last month.

10) In Macon, Georgia, hundreds of black people rampaged and fought during a church service. Two cops wandered through the riot, though no one seemed to care.

11) Also down in Alabama, a large group of black people surrounded a couple of white kids on bikes. After the ritual taunting, threatening, harassment, and whatnot, they beat the hell out of them and stole their stuff.

Little help, Kat?

12) In Birmingham, black people rioted at a magnet school.

13) In Piscataway, New Jersey, the headline hides more than illuminates: ā€œPolice Help Break-up Fights and Large Crowds at Middlesex Firemenā€™s Carnival.ā€ The fights, large crowds and early closing were all about black people. And it was not the first time either.

Lots and lots more details of black violence and media denial at carnivals in that scintillating Amazon #1 Bestseller, Donā€™t Make the Black Kids Angry.

14) In Central Florida, 60 black people fought and rampaged through the Orange Park Mall. Not the first time at that mall, or hundreds of others throughout the country over the last several years.

15) In beautiful Las Vegas, police responding to a large group of black people fighting at a nightclub found three people stabbed and nobody saw nuttinā€™.

There are dozens of these kinds of ā€œlet outā€ fights at black clubs around the country every night. Yes, every night. While you sleep. Ask a cop if you want the truth. Not a reporter.

16) In Syracuse, another large fight among another large group of black people in the daytime in downtown left three people with stab wounds, and everyone else there inflicted with a sudden case of amnesia.

17) In Des Moines, Iowa, a group of black people beat a white woman as they left a city bus. City official refuse to release a video of the violence, because like the riot at BART, they say using video to find the black criminals would impede their investigation.

This is the same town where hundreds of black people a few years ago rampaged through the Iowa State Fair, declaring it was ā€œBeat Whitey Night.ā€ That went on for three nights. Ditto for the Wisconsin state fair a few nights later.

If that is happening in Iowa and Wisconsin, what do you suppose Kat thinks is happening in the rest of the country?

18) At Trinity College in Connecticut, 20 black people invade a private formal party on campus. They rampaged through the event, beating students, breaking bones. The president of the fraternity, said like Kat, he understood the fellas, their problems, and why they should all sit down and have a chat and chew about it. And donā€™t worry, he said the white kids are not mad at their attackers.

19) In Anchorage, Alaska, 10 black people were fighting, shoplifting, and urinating inside a convenience store. When store employees kicked them out, they shot one employee two times.

20-24) All the school violence described above also happened in Kentucky, Granada, Baltimore, Campbell Park and tons of other places. All on video. In Philadelphia, the local media reported twice that black people are suspended out of proportion in schools and that was proof positive of white racism ruining so many black lives.

The only other explanation is that black people commit crime and violence out of proportion. But that would kind of mess with Katā€™s police brutality thing, wouldn't it? So mumā€™s the word.

25) In Philadelphia, a group of black people ransacked and beat the owners of a Chinese restaurant while laughing, always laughing.

26) In Norwood, Ohio, a large group of black people targeted white gay people for taunts, threats, vandalism, property destruction and of course violence, violence and more violence. Kat, does your superior understanding of criminal justice extend to the realm of black on gay violence, so well documented, so wildly out of proportion, and so widely ignored?

While you are at it, ditto for black on Asian, black on old, black on young, black straight, black on whatever. Why so out of proportion? Police brutality?

27) On a hiking and biking trail in downtown Philadelphia, a large group of black people on bicycles surrounded a female jogger, then taunted, threatened, harassed, and groped her. Oh yeah, that is called rape. My bad.

And that has been happening a long, long time there. But it seems to be equally easy to ignore as ever.

28) In Grand Rapids, a large group of black people were fighting and destroying property at a basketball game. Several panicked spectators dialed 911: See something, say something, right?

One caller said one of the black people had a gun. When cops rolled on the violence, they found the group of black people several blocks away and stopped them. Several days later, several black moms were quite upset that the police approached and searched their angels.

Not a word about the violence at the game.

Read more here.....Articles: Black People: Donā€™t You Worry About ā€˜Bout a Thing. Kat Timpf Will Save You

Yesterday Ft Lauderdale airport erupted into riots. 6 flights were cancelled and people got angry and started pounding on the counters demanding that their tickets be honored. They felt that they didn't have to put up with this inconvenience. Seems that the media is putting out story after story about the airlines shoving people around and literally dragging them off of flights. I saw the video of the riot and it sure seemed like alot of black folks were acting like the folks protesting the French election. (At least I think they're protesting. Why else would you start burning your own country to the ground)
Police had to wrestle them to the floor and haul them off, and trust me, every one of them felt they were in the right. Who cares that this event was a result of people that simply refuse to deal with disappointment. People who feel that they have a right to resort to violence when they don't get their way.

The establishment is trying to use the Trump Administration to sow distrust in government. The last 8 years we had a president that couldn't be trusted, who was sending the IRS after political opponents, who spied on us, who stole from us, who let loose criminals on our streets. Now his media is trying to foment sedition using the folks in this country who never felt they were a part of it's founding. Blacks, homosexuals, rich spoiled brats that our colleges are churning out in large numbers. Any group that felt marginalized in their life, now the media has given them a target. The target is white people.

I know. Some of the worst instigators are white. Well, many of them feel that being an anarchist gives them a pass from being white.

What do you folks think about this?
Need more law abiding citizens to be open and concealed carry. When the thugs realize that they wont be tolerated for their "Beatdown" then they will stop rioting.

the inner city ghetto and such

have become the modern day "reservation"

pretty much the same tactic used to destroy the native American population

Israel has been dealing with Palestinians since the UN created the State of Israel after WWII. At one time they were called Israeli Arabs. Now they want their own country. They aren't even a nationality but they feel that they're owed a homeland. People who feel that they are owed something.

Sound familiar?

What does Obama have in common with the Palestinians? Nothing. He was born into a rich family with a white mother and an Kenyan father. He was pampered all of his life.

Obama was supposed to be the first post-racial president. He was supposed to bind the racial wounds that exist in this country. He was finally supposed to stop racial divisions.

Instead, all he did was make things worse.


He was elected to make the problem worse, not better. He helped by advertising that cops are targeting blacks. He helped by releasing "None-Violent" criminals by the thousands onto our streets.

If you don't go along with all of this, obviously you're a racist. Now even Fox News has jumped on the bandwagon:

May 5, 2017
Black People: Donā€™t You Worry About ā€˜Bout a Thing. Kat Timpf Will Save You


Katherine Timpf

By Colin Flaherty
Black people of America: Donā€™t you worry ā€˜bout a thing. Because the new Fox News megastar Kat Timpf has got your back. And she told us so on the first episode of her new show, ā€œThe Fox News Specialists.ā€

ā€œI do understand issues with criminal justice, particularly in the black community and police brutality,ā€ she intoned.

Which is extremely convenient, because in April, dozens of cities around the country saw hundreds of examples of black mob violence. All wildly out of proportion. All without the benefit of Katā€™s explanations.

So if anyone happens to see Kat during one of her frequent jaunts into Manhattan dance clubs, perhaps you could ask her to extend some of her understanding to these episodes of black mob violence from around the country -- all during April, all on videos which you can find at this playlist: Katā€™s Playlist of Black Mob Violence.

1. In South Orange, New Jersey, 300 black people rampaged through the downtown, creating violence, defying police, destroying property.

2. In Oakland, 60 black people rampaged through a BART train, creating violence, robbing, beating, and terrifying the few people left in that area who think it is OK to ride public transportation through Oakland.

Cue Fruitvale Station, the official documentary of black victimization. Right, Kat?

3. In Virginia Beach, 40,000 black people rampaged through Black College Beach Weekend, leaving in their wake four people shot, one stabbed, two police officers assaulted, tons of property damage, the requisite amount of defiance against the police, and a town wondering what they can do to stop this annual onslaught of black mob violence and mayhem.

Today, locals debate whether this weekend was the worst ever, even worse than the black mob violence of Black College Beach Weekends in 2013 and 1989.

I vote the newest was the worst, but in 1989, black people killed a horse with a cinder block and even had their violence glorified in a famous rap song. Discuss amongst yourselves.

4) In Davis, California, black people rampaged through what used to be the most mellow college town in America, attacking cops, students, residents whatever. Still waiting on reports of any violence against horses in this bucolic town.

Early reports indicate that the black mob violence was caused by white people riding bicycles.

5) In Detroit, a large group of black people rampaged through a carnival, putting five cops in the hospital. But that is the kind of thing that happens in Katā€™s home town when cops get a bit of pay back for all that police brutality they are constantly practicing, but which so few white people understand.

Except for Kat.

6) Down in Biloxi, tens of thousands of black people gathered for another version of black college beach weekend, this one also leaving tons of violence and mayhem and trash in its wake. The town was so crowded that large groups of black people took their cars to a white neighborhood and set up barbecues and picnics on the lawns of total strangers.

Cops shrugged their shoulders at this large-scale lawlessness while residents said the large-scale black violence made them feel like ā€œprisonersā€ in their own homes.

7) In Baltimore, the white residents of Federal Hill also say they are prisoners in their own homes because black students from a nearby black high school attack them and destroy their property, regularly and predictably.

Cops tell them to stay indoors.

8) In Beloit, Wisconsin, 20 black people surrounded a white handicapped student and beat him and stole his backpack. All on video. Just like all the other events listed in this article. None of which have made their way into any Fox news program where Kat and her understanding of black criminality and police brutality were there to enlighten us.

9) In Philadelphia, four high school teachers went to the hospital and ten were injured after a large group of black people attacked them. And oh yeah, that happens all the time there. But do not confuse this with the black people who attacked a white teacher in a Florida school about the same time. Or the large fight in a black school in Memphis where teachers know better than to try and stop it. Or the dozens and dozens of episodes of large-scale black violence in schools, all last month.

10) In Macon, Georgia, hundreds of black people rampaged and fought during a church service. Two cops wandered through the riot, though no one seemed to care.

11) Also down in Alabama, a large group of black people surrounded a couple of white kids on bikes. After the ritual taunting, threatening, harassment, and whatnot, they beat the hell out of them and stole their stuff.

Little help, Kat?

12) In Birmingham, black people rioted at a magnet school.

13) In Piscataway, New Jersey, the headline hides more than illuminates: ā€œPolice Help Break-up Fights and Large Crowds at Middlesex Firemenā€™s Carnival.ā€ The fights, large crowds and early closing were all about black people. And it was not the first time either.

Lots and lots more details of black violence and media denial at carnivals in that scintillating Amazon #1 Bestseller, Donā€™t Make the Black Kids Angry.

14) In Central Florida, 60 black people fought and rampaged through the Orange Park Mall. Not the first time at that mall, or hundreds of others throughout the country over the last several years.

15) In beautiful Las Vegas, police responding to a large group of black people fighting at a nightclub found three people stabbed and nobody saw nuttinā€™.

There are dozens of these kinds of ā€œlet outā€ fights at black clubs around the country every night. Yes, every night. While you sleep. Ask a cop if you want the truth. Not a reporter.

16) In Syracuse, another large fight among another large group of black people in the daytime in downtown left three people with stab wounds, and everyone else there inflicted with a sudden case of amnesia.

17) In Des Moines, Iowa, a group of black people beat a white woman as they left a city bus. City official refuse to release a video of the violence, because like the riot at BART, they say using video to find the black criminals would impede their investigation.

This is the same town where hundreds of black people a few years ago rampaged through the Iowa State Fair, declaring it was ā€œBeat Whitey Night.ā€ That went on for three nights. Ditto for the Wisconsin state fair a few nights later.

If that is happening in Iowa and Wisconsin, what do you suppose Kat thinks is happening in the rest of the country?

18) At Trinity College in Connecticut, 20 black people invade a private formal party on campus. They rampaged through the event, beating students, breaking bones. The president of the fraternity, said like Kat, he understood the fellas, their problems, and why they should all sit down and have a chat and chew about it. And donā€™t worry, he said the white kids are not mad at their attackers.

19) In Anchorage, Alaska, 10 black people were fighting, shoplifting, and urinating inside a convenience store. When store employees kicked them out, they shot one employee two times.

20-24) All the school violence described above also happened in Kentucky, Granada, Baltimore, Campbell Park and tons of other places. All on video. In Philadelphia, the local media reported twice that black people are suspended out of proportion in schools and that was proof positive of white racism ruining so many black lives.

The only other explanation is that black people commit crime and violence out of proportion. But that would kind of mess with Katā€™s police brutality thing, wouldn't it? So mumā€™s the word.

25) In Philadelphia, a group of black people ransacked and beat the owners of a Chinese restaurant while laughing, always laughing.

26) In Norwood, Ohio, a large group of black people targeted white gay people for taunts, threats, vandalism, property destruction and of course violence, violence and more violence. Kat, does your superior understanding of criminal justice extend to the realm of black on gay violence, so well documented, so wildly out of proportion, and so widely ignored?

While you are at it, ditto for black on Asian, black on old, black on young, black straight, black on whatever. Why so out of proportion? Police brutality?

27) On a hiking and biking trail in downtown Philadelphia, a large group of black people on bicycles surrounded a female jogger, then taunted, threatened, harassed, and groped her. Oh yeah, that is called rape. My bad.

And that has been happening a long, long time there. But it seems to be equally easy to ignore as ever.

28) In Grand Rapids, a large group of black people were fighting and destroying property at a basketball game. Several panicked spectators dialed 911: See something, say something, right?

One caller said one of the black people had a gun. When cops rolled on the violence, they found the group of black people several blocks away and stopped them. Several days later, several black moms were quite upset that the police approached and searched their angels.

Not a word about the violence at the game.

Read more here.....Articles: Black People: Donā€™t You Worry About ā€˜Bout a Thing. Kat Timpf Will Save You

Yesterday Ft Lauderdale airport erupted into riots. 6 flights were cancelled and people got angry and started pounding on the counters demanding that their tickets be honored. They felt that they didn't have to put up with this inconvenience. Seems that the media is putting out story after story about the airlines shoving people around and literally dragging them off of flights. I saw the video of the riot and it sure seemed like alot of black folks were acting like the folks protesting the French election. (At least I think they're protesting. Why else would you start burning your own country to the ground)
Police had to wrestle them to the floor and haul them off, and trust me, every one of them felt they were in the right. Who cares that this event was a result of people that simply refuse to deal with disappointment. People who feel that they have a right to resort to violence when they don't get their way.

The establishment is trying to use the Trump Administration to sow distrust in government. The last 8 years we had a president that couldn't be trusted, who was sending the IRS after political opponents, who spied on us, who stole from us, who let loose criminals on our streets. Now his media is trying to foment sedition using the folks in this country who never felt they were a part of it's founding. Blacks, homosexuals, rich spoiled brats that our colleges are churning out in large numbers. Any group that felt marginalized in their life, now the media has given them a target. The target is white people.

I know. Some of the worst instigators are white. Well, many of them feel that being an anarchist gives them a pass from being white.

What do you folks think about this?
Need more law abiding citizens to be open and concealed carry. When the thugs realize that they wont be tolerated for their "Beatdown" then they will stop rioting.

It's easy to pull a trigger. The problem is the consequences of such an act.

People who respect the law are less likely to shoot a person that is obviously in the wrong. Fear of incarceration is much stronger in people who have never been behind bars than with people who have served time.

Israel has been dealing with Palestinians since the UN created the State of Israel after WWII. At one time they were called Israeli Arabs. Now they want their own country. They aren't even a nationality but they feel that they're owed a homeland. People who feel that they are owed something.

Sound familiar?

What does Obama have in common with the Palestinians? Nothing. He was born into a rich family with a white mother and an Kenyan father. He was pampered all of his life.

Obama was supposed to be the first post-racial president. He was supposed to bind the racial wounds that exist in this country. He was finally supposed to stop racial divisions.

Instead, all he did was make things worse.


He was elected to make the problem worse, not better. He helped by advertising that cops are targeting blacks. He helped by releasing "None-Violent" criminals by the thousands onto our streets.

If you don't go along with all of this, obviously you're a racist. Now even Fox News has jumped on the bandwagon:

May 5, 2017
Black People: Donā€™t You Worry About ā€˜Bout a Thing. Kat Timpf Will Save You


Katherine Timpf

By Colin Flaherty
Black people of America: Donā€™t you worry ā€˜bout a thing. Because the new Fox News megastar Kat Timpf has got your back. And she told us so on the first episode of her new show, ā€œThe Fox News Specialists.ā€

ā€œI do understand issues with criminal justice, particularly in the black community and police brutality,ā€ she intoned.

Which is extremely convenient, because in April, dozens of cities around the country saw hundreds of examples of black mob violence. All wildly out of proportion. All without the benefit of Katā€™s explanations.

So if anyone happens to see Kat during one of her frequent jaunts into Manhattan dance clubs, perhaps you could ask her to extend some of her understanding to these episodes of black mob violence from around the country -- all during April, all on videos which you can find at this playlist: Katā€™s Playlist of Black Mob Violence.

1. In South Orange, New Jersey, 300 black people rampaged through the downtown, creating violence, defying police, destroying property.

2. In Oakland, 60 black people rampaged through a BART train, creating violence, robbing, beating, and terrifying the few people left in that area who think it is OK to ride public transportation through Oakland.

Cue Fruitvale Station, the official documentary of black victimization. Right, Kat?

3. In Virginia Beach, 40,000 black people rampaged through Black College Beach Weekend, leaving in their wake four people shot, one stabbed, two police officers assaulted, tons of property damage, the requisite amount of defiance against the police, and a town wondering what they can do to stop this annual onslaught of black mob violence and mayhem.

Today, locals debate whether this weekend was the worst ever, even worse than the black mob violence of Black College Beach Weekends in 2013 and 1989.

I vote the newest was the worst, but in 1989, black people killed a horse with a cinder block and even had their violence glorified in a famous rap song. Discuss amongst yourselves.

4) In Davis, California, black people rampaged through what used to be the most mellow college town in America, attacking cops, students, residents whatever. Still waiting on reports of any violence against horses in this bucolic town.

Early reports indicate that the black mob violence was caused by white people riding bicycles.

5) In Detroit, a large group of black people rampaged through a carnival, putting five cops in the hospital. But that is the kind of thing that happens in Katā€™s home town when cops get a bit of pay back for all that police brutality they are constantly practicing, but which so few white people understand.

Except for Kat.

6) Down in Biloxi, tens of thousands of black people gathered for another version of black college beach weekend, this one also leaving tons of violence and mayhem and trash in its wake. The town was so crowded that large groups of black people took their cars to a white neighborhood and set up barbecues and picnics on the lawns of total strangers.

Cops shrugged their shoulders at this large-scale lawlessness while residents said the large-scale black violence made them feel like ā€œprisonersā€ in their own homes.

7) In Baltimore, the white residents of Federal Hill also say they are prisoners in their own homes because black students from a nearby black high school attack them and destroy their property, regularly and predictably.

Cops tell them to stay indoors.

8) In Beloit, Wisconsin, 20 black people surrounded a white handicapped student and beat him and stole his backpack. All on video. Just like all the other events listed in this article. None of which have made their way into any Fox news program where Kat and her understanding of black criminality and police brutality were there to enlighten us.

9) In Philadelphia, four high school teachers went to the hospital and ten were injured after a large group of black people attacked them. And oh yeah, that happens all the time there. But do not confuse this with the black people who attacked a white teacher in a Florida school about the same time. Or the large fight in a black school in Memphis where teachers know better than to try and stop it. Or the dozens and dozens of episodes of large-scale black violence in schools, all last month.

10) In Macon, Georgia, hundreds of black people rampaged and fought during a church service. Two cops wandered through the riot, though no one seemed to care.

11) Also down in Alabama, a large group of black people surrounded a couple of white kids on bikes. After the ritual taunting, threatening, harassment, and whatnot, they beat the hell out of them and stole their stuff.

Little help, Kat?

12) In Birmingham, black people rioted at a magnet school.

13) In Piscataway, New Jersey, the headline hides more than illuminates: ā€œPolice Help Break-up Fights and Large Crowds at Middlesex Firemenā€™s Carnival.ā€ The fights, large crowds and early closing were all about black people. And it was not the first time either.

Lots and lots more details of black violence and media denial at carnivals in that scintillating Amazon #1 Bestseller, Donā€™t Make the Black Kids Angry.

14) In Central Florida, 60 black people fought and rampaged through the Orange Park Mall. Not the first time at that mall, or hundreds of others throughout the country over the last several years.

15) In beautiful Las Vegas, police responding to a large group of black people fighting at a nightclub found three people stabbed and nobody saw nuttinā€™.

There are dozens of these kinds of ā€œlet outā€ fights at black clubs around the country every night. Yes, every night. While you sleep. Ask a cop if you want the truth. Not a reporter.

16) In Syracuse, another large fight among another large group of black people in the daytime in downtown left three people with stab wounds, and everyone else there inflicted with a sudden case of amnesia.

17) In Des Moines, Iowa, a group of black people beat a white woman as they left a city bus. City official refuse to release a video of the violence, because like the riot at BART, they say using video to find the black criminals would impede their investigation.

This is the same town where hundreds of black people a few years ago rampaged through the Iowa State Fair, declaring it was ā€œBeat Whitey Night.ā€ That went on for three nights. Ditto for the Wisconsin state fair a few nights later.

If that is happening in Iowa and Wisconsin, what do you suppose Kat thinks is happening in the rest of the country?

18) At Trinity College in Connecticut, 20 black people invade a private formal party on campus. They rampaged through the event, beating students, breaking bones. The president of the fraternity, said like Kat, he understood the fellas, their problems, and why they should all sit down and have a chat and chew about it. And donā€™t worry, he said the white kids are not mad at their attackers.

19) In Anchorage, Alaska, 10 black people were fighting, shoplifting, and urinating inside a convenience store. When store employees kicked them out, they shot one employee two times.

20-24) All the school violence described above also happened in Kentucky, Granada, Baltimore, Campbell Park and tons of other places. All on video. In Philadelphia, the local media reported twice that black people are suspended out of proportion in schools and that was proof positive of white racism ruining so many black lives.

The only other explanation is that black people commit crime and violence out of proportion. But that would kind of mess with Katā€™s police brutality thing, wouldn't it? So mumā€™s the word.

25) In Philadelphia, a group of black people ransacked and beat the owners of a Chinese restaurant while laughing, always laughing.

26) In Norwood, Ohio, a large group of black people targeted white gay people for taunts, threats, vandalism, property destruction and of course violence, violence and more violence. Kat, does your superior understanding of criminal justice extend to the realm of black on gay violence, so well documented, so wildly out of proportion, and so widely ignored?

While you are at it, ditto for black on Asian, black on old, black on young, black straight, black on whatever. Why so out of proportion? Police brutality?

27) On a hiking and biking trail in downtown Philadelphia, a large group of black people on bicycles surrounded a female jogger, then taunted, threatened, harassed, and groped her. Oh yeah, that is called rape. My bad.

And that has been happening a long, long time there. But it seems to be equally easy to ignore as ever.

28) In Grand Rapids, a large group of black people were fighting and destroying property at a basketball game. Several panicked spectators dialed 911: See something, say something, right?

One caller said one of the black people had a gun. When cops rolled on the violence, they found the group of black people several blocks away and stopped them. Several days later, several black moms were quite upset that the police approached and searched their angels.

Not a word about the violence at the game.

Read more here.....Articles: Black People: Donā€™t You Worry About ā€˜Bout a Thing. Kat Timpf Will Save You

Yesterday Ft Lauderdale airport erupted into riots. 6 flights were cancelled and people got angry and started pounding on the counters demanding that their tickets be honored. They felt that they didn't have to put up with this inconvenience. Seems that the media is putting out story after story about the airlines shoving people around and literally dragging them off of flights. I saw the video of the riot and it sure seemed like alot of black folks were acting like the folks protesting the French election. (At least I think they're protesting. Why else would you start burning your own country to the ground)
Police had to wrestle them to the floor and haul them off, and trust me, every one of them felt they were in the right. Who cares that this event was a result of people that simply refuse to deal with disappointment. People who feel that they have a right to resort to violence when they don't get their way.

The establishment is trying to use the Trump Administration to sow distrust in government. The last 8 years we had a president that couldn't be trusted, who was sending the IRS after political opponents, who spied on us, who stole from us, who let loose criminals on our streets. Now his media is trying to foment sedition using the folks in this country who never felt they were a part of it's founding. Blacks, homosexuals, rich spoiled brats that our colleges are churning out in large numbers. Any group that felt marginalized in their life, now the media has given them a target. The target is white people.

I know. Some of the worst instigators are white. Well, many of them feel that being an anarchist gives them a pass from being white.

What do you folks think about this?
Need more law abiding citizens to be open and concealed carry. When the thugs realize that they wont be tolerated for their "Beatdown" then they will stop rioting.

It's easy to pull a trigger. The problem is the consequences of such an act.

People who respect the law are less likely to shoot a person that is obviously in the wrong. Fear of incarceration is much stronger in people who have never been behind bars than with people who have served time.

As I said if more people were educated on open and concealed carry, the liberal "news" agencies would have to worry about repercussion from the Law Abiding Citizens that they try to demonize. ISIS sympathizers of the left could end up like their liberal thugs....

Israel has been dealing with Palestinians since the UN created the State of Israel after WWII. At one time they were called Israeli Arabs. Now they want their own country. They aren't even a nationality but they feel that they're owed a homeland. People who feel that they are owed something.

Sound familiar?

What does Obama have in common with the Palestinians? Nothing. He was born into a rich family with a white mother and an Kenyan father. He was pampered all of his life.

Obama was supposed to be the first post-racial president. He was supposed to bind the racial wounds that exist in this country. He was finally supposed to stop racial divisions.

Instead, all he did was make things worse.


He was elected to make the problem worse, not better. He helped by advertising that cops are targeting blacks. He helped by releasing "None-Violent" criminals by the thousands onto our streets.

If you don't go along with all of this, obviously you're a racist. Now even Fox News has jumped on the bandwagon:

May 5, 2017
Black People: Donā€™t You Worry About ā€˜Bout a Thing. Kat Timpf Will Save You


Katherine Timpf

By Colin Flaherty
Black people of America: Donā€™t you worry ā€˜bout a thing. Because the new Fox News megastar Kat Timpf has got your back. And she told us so on the first episode of her new show, ā€œThe Fox News Specialists.ā€

ā€œI do understand issues with criminal justice, particularly in the black community and police brutality,ā€ she intoned.

Which is extremely convenient, because in April, dozens of cities around the country saw hundreds of examples of black mob violence. All wildly out of proportion. All without the benefit of Katā€™s explanations.

So if anyone happens to see Kat during one of her frequent jaunts into Manhattan dance clubs, perhaps you could ask her to extend some of her understanding to these episodes of black mob violence from around the country -- all during April, all on videos which you can find at this playlist: Katā€™s Playlist of Black Mob Violence.

1. In South Orange, New Jersey, 300 black people rampaged through the downtown, creating violence, defying police, destroying property.

2. In Oakland, 60 black people rampaged through a BART train, creating violence, robbing, beating, and terrifying the few people left in that area who think it is OK to ride public transportation through Oakland.

Cue Fruitvale Station, the official documentary of black victimization. Right, Kat?

3. In Virginia Beach, 40,000 black people rampaged through Black College Beach Weekend, leaving in their wake four people shot, one stabbed, two police officers assaulted, tons of property damage, the requisite amount of defiance against the police, and a town wondering what they can do to stop this annual onslaught of black mob violence and mayhem.

Today, locals debate whether this weekend was the worst ever, even worse than the black mob violence of Black College Beach Weekends in 2013 and 1989.

I vote the newest was the worst, but in 1989, black people killed a horse with a cinder block and even had their violence glorified in a famous rap song. Discuss amongst yourselves.

4) In Davis, California, black people rampaged through what used to be the most mellow college town in America, attacking cops, students, residents whatever. Still waiting on reports of any violence against horses in this bucolic town.

Early reports indicate that the black mob violence was caused by white people riding bicycles.

5) In Detroit, a large group of black people rampaged through a carnival, putting five cops in the hospital. But that is the kind of thing that happens in Katā€™s home town when cops get a bit of pay back for all that police brutality they are constantly practicing, but which so few white people understand.

Except for Kat.

6) Down in Biloxi, tens of thousands of black people gathered for another version of black college beach weekend, this one also leaving tons of violence and mayhem and trash in its wake. The town was so crowded that large groups of black people took their cars to a white neighborhood and set up barbecues and picnics on the lawns of total strangers.

Cops shrugged their shoulders at this large-scale lawlessness while residents said the large-scale black violence made them feel like ā€œprisonersā€ in their own homes.

7) In Baltimore, the white residents of Federal Hill also say they are prisoners in their own homes because black students from a nearby black high school attack them and destroy their property, regularly and predictably.

Cops tell them to stay indoors.

8) In Beloit, Wisconsin, 20 black people surrounded a white handicapped student and beat him and stole his backpack. All on video. Just like all the other events listed in this article. None of which have made their way into any Fox news program where Kat and her understanding of black criminality and police brutality were there to enlighten us.

9) In Philadelphia, four high school teachers went to the hospital and ten were injured after a large group of black people attacked them. And oh yeah, that happens all the time there. But do not confuse this with the black people who attacked a white teacher in a Florida school about the same time. Or the large fight in a black school in Memphis where teachers know better than to try and stop it. Or the dozens and dozens of episodes of large-scale black violence in schools, all last month.

10) In Macon, Georgia, hundreds of black people rampaged and fought during a church service. Two cops wandered through the riot, though no one seemed to care.

11) Also down in Alabama, a large group of black people surrounded a couple of white kids on bikes. After the ritual taunting, threatening, harassment, and whatnot, they beat the hell out of them and stole their stuff.

Little help, Kat?

12) In Birmingham, black people rioted at a magnet school.

13) In Piscataway, New Jersey, the headline hides more than illuminates: ā€œPolice Help Break-up Fights and Large Crowds at Middlesex Firemenā€™s Carnival.ā€ The fights, large crowds and early closing were all about black people. And it was not the first time either.

Lots and lots more details of black violence and media denial at carnivals in that scintillating Amazon #1 Bestseller, Donā€™t Make the Black Kids Angry.

14) In Central Florida, 60 black people fought and rampaged through the Orange Park Mall. Not the first time at that mall, or hundreds of others throughout the country over the last several years.

15) In beautiful Las Vegas, police responding to a large group of black people fighting at a nightclub found three people stabbed and nobody saw nuttinā€™.

There are dozens of these kinds of ā€œlet outā€ fights at black clubs around the country every night. Yes, every night. While you sleep. Ask a cop if you want the truth. Not a reporter.

16) In Syracuse, another large fight among another large group of black people in the daytime in downtown left three people with stab wounds, and everyone else there inflicted with a sudden case of amnesia.

17) In Des Moines, Iowa, a group of black people beat a white woman as they left a city bus. City official refuse to release a video of the violence, because like the riot at BART, they say using video to find the black criminals would impede their investigation.

This is the same town where hundreds of black people a few years ago rampaged through the Iowa State Fair, declaring it was ā€œBeat Whitey Night.ā€ That went on for three nights. Ditto for the Wisconsin state fair a few nights later.

If that is happening in Iowa and Wisconsin, what do you suppose Kat thinks is happening in the rest of the country?

18) At Trinity College in Connecticut, 20 black people invade a private formal party on campus. They rampaged through the event, beating students, breaking bones. The president of the fraternity, said like Kat, he understood the fellas, their problems, and why they should all sit down and have a chat and chew about it. And donā€™t worry, he said the white kids are not mad at their attackers.

19) In Anchorage, Alaska, 10 black people were fighting, shoplifting, and urinating inside a convenience store. When store employees kicked them out, they shot one employee two times.

20-24) All the school violence described above also happened in Kentucky, Granada, Baltimore, Campbell Park and tons of other places. All on video. In Philadelphia, the local media reported twice that black people are suspended out of proportion in schools and that was proof positive of white racism ruining so many black lives.

The only other explanation is that black people commit crime and violence out of proportion. But that would kind of mess with Katā€™s police brutality thing, wouldn't it? So mumā€™s the word.

25) In Philadelphia, a group of black people ransacked and beat the owners of a Chinese restaurant while laughing, always laughing.

26) In Norwood, Ohio, a large group of black people targeted white gay people for taunts, threats, vandalism, property destruction and of course violence, violence and more violence. Kat, does your superior understanding of criminal justice extend to the realm of black on gay violence, so well documented, so wildly out of proportion, and so widely ignored?

While you are at it, ditto for black on Asian, black on old, black on young, black straight, black on whatever. Why so out of proportion? Police brutality?

27) On a hiking and biking trail in downtown Philadelphia, a large group of black people on bicycles surrounded a female jogger, then taunted, threatened, harassed, and groped her. Oh yeah, that is called rape. My bad.

And that has been happening a long, long time there. But it seems to be equally easy to ignore as ever.

28) In Grand Rapids, a large group of black people were fighting and destroying property at a basketball game. Several panicked spectators dialed 911: See something, say something, right?

One caller said one of the black people had a gun. When cops rolled on the violence, they found the group of black people several blocks away and stopped them. Several days later, several black moms were quite upset that the police approached and searched their angels.

Not a word about the violence at the game.

Read more here.....Articles: Black People: Donā€™t You Worry About ā€˜Bout a Thing. Kat Timpf Will Save You

Yesterday Ft Lauderdale airport erupted into riots. 6 flights were cancelled and people got angry and started pounding on the counters demanding that their tickets be honored. They felt that they didn't have to put up with this inconvenience. Seems that the media is putting out story after story about the airlines shoving people around and literally dragging them off of flights. I saw the video of the riot and it sure seemed like alot of black folks were acting like the folks protesting the French election. (At least I think they're protesting. Why else would you start burning your own country to the ground)
Police had to wrestle them to the floor and haul them off, and trust me, every one of them felt they were in the right. Who cares that this event was a result of people that simply refuse to deal with disappointment. People who feel that they have a right to resort to violence when they don't get their way.

The establishment is trying to use the Trump Administration to sow distrust in government. The last 8 years we had a president that couldn't be trusted, who was sending the IRS after political opponents, who spied on us, who stole from us, who let loose criminals on our streets. Now his media is trying to foment sedition using the folks in this country who never felt they were a part of it's founding. Blacks, homosexuals, rich spoiled brats that our colleges are churning out in large numbers. Any group that felt marginalized in their life, now the media has given them a target. The target is white people.

I know. Some of the worst instigators are white. Well, many of them feel that being an anarchist gives them a pass from being white.

What do you folks think about this?
Need more law abiding citizens to be open and concealed carry. When the thugs realize that they wont be tolerated for their "Beatdown" then they will stop rioting.

It's easy to pull a trigger. The problem is the consequences of such an act.

People who respect the law are less likely to shoot a person that is obviously in the wrong. Fear of incarceration is much stronger in people who have never been behind bars than with people who have served time.

As I said if more people were educated on open and concealed carry, the liberal "news" agencies would have to worry about repercussion from the Law Abiding Citizens that they try to demonize. ISIS sympathizers of the left could end up like their liberal thugs....

No offense, but a gun is not the solution. A gun should be only used as a last resort. Especially if the criminals are better armed than the police.

Israel has been dealing with Palestinians since the UN created the State of Israel after WWII. At one time they were called Israeli Arabs. Now they want their own country. They aren't even a nationality but they feel that they're owed a homeland. People who feel that they are owed something.

Sound familiar?

What does Obama have in common with the Palestinians? Nothing. He was born into a rich family with a white mother and an Kenyan father. He was pampered all of his life.

Obama was supposed to be the first post-racial president. He was supposed to bind the racial wounds that exist in this country. He was finally supposed to stop racial divisions.

Instead, all he did was make things worse.


He was elected to make the problem worse, not better. He helped by advertising that cops are targeting blacks. He helped by releasing "None-Violent" criminals by the thousands onto our streets.

If you don't go along with all of this, obviously you're a racist. Now even Fox News has jumped on the bandwagon:

May 5, 2017​
Black People: Donā€™t You Worry About ā€˜Bout a Thing. Kat Timpf Will Save You
Katherine Timpf
Black people of America: Donā€™t you worry ā€˜bout a thing. Because the new Fox News megastar Kat Timpf has got your back. And she told us so on the first episode of her new show, ā€œThe Fox News Specialists.ā€​
ā€œI do understand issues with criminal justice, particularly in the black community and police brutality,ā€ she intoned.​
Which is extremely convenient, because in April, dozens of cities around the country saw hundreds of examples of black mob violence. All wildly out of proportion. All without the benefit of Katā€™s explanations.​
So if anyone happens to see Kat during one of her frequent jaunts into Manhattan dance clubs, perhaps you could ask her to extend some of her understanding to these episodes of black mob violence from around the country -- all during April, all on videos which you can find at this playlist: Katā€™s Playlist of Black Mob Violence.​
1. In South Orange, New Jersey, 300 black people rampaged through the downtown, creating violence, defying police, destroying property.​
2. In Oakland, 60 black people rampaged through a BART train, creating violence, robbing, beating, and terrifying the few people left in that area who think it is OK to ride public transportation through Oakland.​
Cue Fruitvale Station, the official documentary of black victimization. Right, Kat?​
3. In Virginia Beach, 40,000 black people rampaged through Black College Beach Weekend, leaving in their wake four people shot, one stabbed, two police officers assaulted, tons of property damage, the requisite amount of defiance against the police, and a town wondering what they can do to stop this annual onslaught of black mob violence and mayhem.​
Today, locals debate whether this weekend was the worst ever, even worse than the black mob violence of Black College Beach Weekends in 2013 and 1989.​
I vote the newest was the worst, but in 1989, black people killed a horse with a cinder block and even had their violence glorified in a famous rap song. Discuss amongst yourselves.​
4) In Davis, California, black people rampaged through what used to be the most mellow college town in America, attacking cops, students, residents whatever. Still waiting on reports of any violence against horses in this bucolic town.​
Early reports indicate that the black mob violence was caused by white people riding bicycles.​
5) In Detroit, a large group of black people rampaged through a carnival, putting five cops in the hospital. But that is the kind of thing that happens in Katā€™s home town when cops get a bit of pay back for all that police brutality they are constantly practicing, but which so few white people understand.​
Except for Kat.​
6) Down in Biloxi, tens of thousands of black people gathered for another version of black college beach weekend, this one also leaving tons of violence and mayhem and trash in its wake. The town was so crowded that large groups of black people took their cars to a white neighborhood and set up barbecues and picnics on the lawns of total strangers.​
Cops shrugged their shoulders at this large-scale lawlessness while residents said the large-scale black violence made them feel like ā€œprisonersā€ in their own homes.​
7) In Baltimore, the white residents of Federal Hill also say they are prisoners in their own homes because black students from a nearby black high school attack them and destroy their property, regularly and predictably.​
Cops tell them to stay indoors.​
8) In Beloit, Wisconsin, 20 black people surrounded a white handicapped student and beat him and stole his backpack. All on video. Just like all the other events listed in this article. None of which have made their way into any Fox news program where Kat and her understanding of black criminality and police brutality were there to enlighten us.​
9) In Philadelphia, four high school teachers went to the hospital and ten were injured after a large group of black people attacked them. And oh yeah, that happens all the time there. But do not confuse this with the black people who attacked a white teacher in a Florida school about the same time. Or the large fight in a black school in Memphis where teachers know better than to try and stop it. Or the dozens and dozens of episodes of large-scale black violence in schools, all last month.​
10) In Macon, Georgia, hundreds of black people rampaged and fought during a church service. Two cops wandered through the riot, though no one seemed to care.​
11) Also down in Alabama, a large group of black people surrounded a couple of white kids on bikes. After the ritual taunting, threatening, harassment, and whatnot, they beat the hell out of them and stole their stuff.​
Little help, Kat?​
12) In Birmingham, black people rioted at a magnet school.​
13) In Piscataway, New Jersey, the headline hides more than illuminates: ā€œPolice Help Break-up Fights and Large Crowds at Middlesex Firemenā€™s Carnival.ā€ The fights, large crowds and early closing were all about black people. And it was not the first time either.​
Lots and lots more details of black violence and media denial at carnivals in that scintillating Amazon #1 Bestseller, Donā€™t Make the Black Kids Angry.​
14) In Central Florida, 60 black people fought and rampaged through the Orange Park Mall. Not the first time at that mall, or hundreds of others throughout the country over the last several years.​
15) In beautiful Las Vegas, police responding to a large group of black people fighting at a nightclub found three people stabbed and nobody saw nuttinā€™.​
There are dozens of these kinds of ā€œlet outā€ fights at black clubs around the country every night. Yes, every night. While you sleep. Ask a cop if you want the truth. Not a reporter.​
16) In Syracuse, another large fight among another large group of black people in the daytime in downtown left three people with stab wounds, and everyone else there inflicted with a sudden case of amnesia.​
17) In Des Moines, Iowa, a group of black people beat a white woman as they left a city bus. City official refuse to release a video of the violence, because like the riot at BART, they say using video to find the black criminals would impede their investigation.​
This is the same town where hundreds of black people a few years ago rampaged through the Iowa State Fair, declaring it was ā€œBeat Whitey Night.ā€ That went on for three nights. Ditto for the Wisconsin state fair a few nights later.​
If that is happening in Iowa and Wisconsin, what do you suppose Kat thinks is happening in the rest of the country?​
18) At Trinity College in Connecticut, 20 black people invade a private formal party on campus. They rampaged through the event, beating students, breaking bones. The president of the fraternity, said like Kat, he understood the fellas, their problems, and why they should all sit down and have a chat and chew about it. And donā€™t worry, he said the white kids are not mad at their attackers.​
19) In Anchorage, Alaska, 10 black people were fighting, shoplifting, and urinating inside a convenience store. When store employees kicked them out, they shot one employee two times.​
20-24) All the school violence described above also happened in Kentucky, Granada, Baltimore, Campbell Park and tons of other places. All on video. In Philadelphia, the local media reported twice that black people are suspended out of proportion in schools and that was proof positive of white racism ruining so many black lives.​
The only other explanation is that black people commit crime and violence out of proportion. But that would kind of mess with Katā€™s police brutality thing, wouldn't it? So mumā€™s the word.​
25) In Philadelphia, a group of black people ransacked and beat the owners of a Chinese restaurant while laughing, always laughing.​
26) In Norwood, Ohio, a large group of black people targeted white gay people for taunts, threats, vandalism, property destruction and of course violence, violence and more violence. Kat, does your superior understanding of criminal justice extend to the realm of black on gay violence, so well documented, so wildly out of proportion, and so widely ignored?​
While you are at it, ditto for black on Asian, black on old, black on young, black straight, black on whatever. Why so out of proportion? Police brutality?​
27) On a hiking and biking trail in downtown Philadelphia, a large group of black people on bicycles surrounded a female jogger, then taunted, threatened, harassed, and groped her. Oh yeah, that is called rape. My bad.​
And that has been happening a long, long time there. But it seems to be equally easy to ignore as ever.​
28) In Grand Rapids, a large group of black people were fighting and destroying property at a basketball game. Several panicked spectators dialed 911: See something, say something, right?​
One caller said one of the black people had a gun. When cops rolled on the violence, they found the group of black people several blocks away and stopped them. Several days later, several black moms were quite upset that the police approached and searched their angels.​
Not a word about the violence at the game.​

Yesterday Ft Lauderdale airport erupted into riots. 6 flights were cancelled and people got angry and started pounding on the counters demanding that their tickets be honored. They felt that they didn't have to put up with this inconvenience. Seems that the media is putting out story after story about the airlines shoving people around and literally dragging them off of flights. I saw the video of the riot and it sure seemed like alot of black folks were acting like the folks protesting the French election. (At least I think they're protesting. Why else would you start burning your own country to the ground)
Police had to wrestle them to the floor and haul them off, and trust me, every one of them felt they were in the right. Who cares that this event was a result of people that simply refuse to deal with disappointment. People who feel that they have a right to resort to violence when they don't get their way.

The establishment is trying to use the Trump Administration to sow distrust in government. The last 8 years we had a president that couldn't be trusted, who was sending the IRS after political opponents, who spied on us, who stole from us, who let loose criminals on our streets. Now his media is trying to foment sedition using the folks in this country who never felt they were a part of it's founding. Blacks, homosexuals, rich spoiled brats that our colleges are churning out in large numbers. Any group that felt marginalized in their life, now the media has given them a target. The target is white people.

I know. Some of the worst instigators are white. Well, many of them feel that being an anarchist gives them a pass from being white.

What do you folks think about this?
You're pretty sick. What does this have to do with obama?
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Israel has been dealing with Palestinians since the UN created the State of Israel after WWII. At one time they were called Israeli Arabs. Now they want their own country. They aren't even a nationality but they feel that they're owed a homeland. People who feel that they are owed something.

Sound familiar?

What does Obama have in common with the Palestinians? Nothing. He was born into a rich family with a white mother and an Kenyan father. He was pampered all of his life.

Obama was supposed to be the first post-racial president. He was supposed to bind the racial wounds that exist in this country. He was finally supposed to stop racial divisions.

Instead, all he did was make things worse.


He was elected to make the problem worse, not better. He helped by advertising that cops are targeting blacks. He helped by releasing "None-Violent" criminals by the thousands

First, I remember reading many years ago about two young gentlemen of that persuasion who ordered food from a Chinese restaurant. When the delivery person arrived, the two young gentlemen killed him. Then they enjoyed their Chinese meal.

Second, no matter what Americans say (including members of that ethnicity), most of them are very "wary" of those young ladies and gentlemen.

Third, I feel so sorry for that FOX star. If she or a loved one is ever the victim of a violent crime committed by certain folks, she will be devastated for life.

Fourth, an unusually large percentage of those young ladies and gentlemen will NEVER change.
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Whites are their own Palestinians. Stop race baiting.
First, I remember reading many years ago about two young gentlemen of that persuasion who ordered food from a Chinese restaurant. When the delivery person arrived, the two young gentlemen killed him. Then they enjoyed their Chinese meal.

Second, no matter what Americans say (including members of that ethnicity), most of them are very "wary" of those young ladies and gentlemen.

Third, I feel so sorry for that FOX star. If she or a loved one is ever the victim of a violent crime committed by certain folks, she will be devastated for life.

Fourth, an unusually large percentage of those young ladies and gentlemen will NEVER change.
Anotther racist rant from an 82 year old white man born during during Jim Crow and graduated from college beforre the CRA was passed. An example of how Jim Crow touches us today.

Whites have been killing Asians for about 2 centuries. Shut up old man.
Bumpdy yump yump

Cuz the left wants to ignore black on white violence at any cost.

Bunch of cowards
People ignore things that don't happen very much. How about working on the massive amount of white on white crime.
At one time they were called Israeli Arabs.

Actually, no ...

There are Israeli Arabs but they don't identify as Palestinians. They are Arab citizens of Israel who, for the most part, are model citizens.

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