Black Pastor Slams “Black Genocide” of Abortion: 1,800 Black Babies are Aborted Every Day

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
He’s rabbiting. Get him back on the plantation, Democrats.....that ethical and morally correct thing to do can be catching!

The Rev. Clenard Childress Jr. calls out abortion for what it is: a mass genocide of the most innocent.

a July column, citing statistics about the disproportionately high number of abortions in the Black community.

Childress listed five “undeniable and inconvenient truths” about abortion, including the shocking fact that more than 20 million African American children have been aborted in the United States. That amounts to about 1,800 aborted babies in the Black community every day.

Abortions hurt every race and culture, but black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions.

Childress went on to discuss the irony of John Schnatter, the man behind Papa John’s pizza, being ousted for racist comments. Despite the NAACP’s intense scrutiny of individuals and groups like Schnatter, Childress noted the NAACP has glossed over one very important person: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.

He wrote:

“She was an avowed White Supremacist and was quoted as saying, “…colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated… reckless breeders… spawning… human beings who never should have been born…” Margaret Sanger, “Pivot of Civilization.” Sanger, was in her time, the leading advocate of the eugenics movement, specifically of negative eugenics, which promoted the reduction of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with undesired traits or economic conditions. She wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race” (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923).”

Rev. Childress explained how Sanger guided Adolf Hitler in his eugenic implementation in the Holocaust, one of the worst crimes against humanity ever, and yet she is still lauded for her work in the United States.

The NAACP does not seem to truly advance minorities when it comes to the fundamental issue of life. Rather, the historic organization silences those who dare to point that out. In 2015, the NAACP lost a legal battle to Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, a Black pro-life advocate who had written a columnat LifeNews exposing the organization for its pro-abortion stance.

Some groups are attempting to address the abhorrent roots of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. According to Breitbart, even a Planned Parenthood student group at the University of Florida hosted an event last March to discuss Sanger and the racist roots of her organization.

Even though some may acknowledge Sanger’s vicious, racist motives, her work is still rampant today. Her eugenic beliefs may be condemned, but her legacy is as present as ever today. So many children, especially those who are children of color, lose their lives to abortions every day. Childress’s words will continue to ring true, and people must take action to stop this black genocide that takes place in our very communities.


Read more at Life News ^ |
He’s rabbiting. Get him back on the plantation, Democrats.....that ethical and morally correct thing to do can be catching!

The Rev. Clenard Childress Jr. calls out abortion for what it is: a mass genocide of the most innocent.

a July column, citing statistics about the disproportionately high number of abortions in the Black community.

Childress listed five “undeniable and inconvenient truths” about abortion, including the shocking fact that more than 20 million African American children have been aborted in the United States. That amounts to about 1,800 aborted babies in the Black community every day.

Abortions hurt every race and culture, but black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions.

Childress went on to discuss the irony of John Schnatter, the man behind Papa John’s pizza, being ousted for racist comments. Despite the NAACP’s intense scrutiny of individuals and groups like Schnatter, Childress noted the NAACP has glossed over one very important person: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.

He wrote:

“She was an avowed White Supremacist and was quoted as saying, “…colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated… reckless breeders… spawning… human beings who never should have been born…” Margaret Sanger, “Pivot of Civilization.” Sanger, was in her time, the leading advocate of the eugenics movement, specifically of negative eugenics, which promoted the reduction of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with undesired traits or economic conditions. She wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race” (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923).”

Rev. Childress explained how Sanger guided Adolf Hitler in his eugenic implementation in the Holocaust, one of the worst crimes against humanity ever, and yet she is still lauded for her work in the United States.

The NAACP does not seem to truly advance minorities when it comes to the fundamental issue of life. Rather, the historic organization silences those who dare to point that out. In 2015, the NAACP lost a legal battle to Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, a Black pro-life advocate who had written a columnat LifeNews exposing the organization for its pro-abortion stance.

Some groups are attempting to address the abhorrent roots of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. According to Breitbart, even a Planned Parenthood student group at the University of Florida hosted an event last March to discuss Sanger and the racist roots of her organization.

Even though some may acknowledge Sanger’s vicious, racist motives, her work is still rampant today. Her eugenic beliefs may be condemned, but her legacy is as present as ever today. So many children, especially those who are children of color, lose their lives to abortions every day. Childress’s words will continue to ring true, and people must take action to stop this black genocide that takes place in our very communities.


Read more at Life News ^ |
Thank god for abortions. If you live in the hood it is refreshing to see a single young lady with no kids going to school so she can better herself first and doesn’t have a baby born into poverty.

Same goes for poor white people. Can you imagine those 1800 babies being born every day? Do you not realize we are already overpopulated now? At least we are in overpopulated poor inner cities.

I don’t think black people think those mostly poor people should be having those babies.

And republicans who are anti welfare, you hypocrites. You can’t say you want 1800 new welfare babies being born every day. Liars.

Corporations want us to breed a lot. They love the cheap labor. And with all the anti immigrant stuff going on corporations need a baby boom
He’s rabbiting. Get him back on the plantation, Democrats.....that ethical and morally correct thing to do can be catching!

The Rev. Clenard Childress Jr. calls out abortion for what it is: a mass genocide of the most innocent.

a July column, citing statistics about the disproportionately high number of abortions in the Black community.

Childress listed five “undeniable and inconvenient truths” about abortion, including the shocking fact that more than 20 million African American children have been aborted in the United States. That amounts to about 1,800 aborted babies in the Black community every day.

Abortions hurt every race and culture, but black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions.

Childress went on to discuss the irony of John Schnatter, the man behind Papa John’s pizza, being ousted for racist comments. Despite the NAACP’s intense scrutiny of individuals and groups like Schnatter, Childress noted the NAACP has glossed over one very important person: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.

He wrote:

“She was an avowed White Supremacist and was quoted as saying, “…colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated… reckless breeders… spawning… human beings who never should have been born…” Margaret Sanger, “Pivot of Civilization.” Sanger, was in her time, the leading advocate of the eugenics movement, specifically of negative eugenics, which promoted the reduction of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with undesired traits or economic conditions. She wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race” (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923).”

Rev. Childress explained how Sanger guided Adolf Hitler in his eugenic implementation in the Holocaust, one of the worst crimes against humanity ever, and yet she is still lauded for her work in the United States.

The NAACP does not seem to truly advance minorities when it comes to the fundamental issue of life. Rather, the historic organization silences those who dare to point that out. In 2015, the NAACP lost a legal battle to Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, a Black pro-life advocate who had written a columnat LifeNews exposing the organization for its pro-abortion stance.

Some groups are attempting to address the abhorrent roots of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. According to Breitbart, even a Planned Parenthood student group at the University of Florida hosted an event last March to discuss Sanger and the racist roots of her organization.

Even though some may acknowledge Sanger’s vicious, racist motives, her work is still rampant today. Her eugenic beliefs may be condemned, but her legacy is as present as ever today. So many children, especially those who are children of color, lose their lives to abortions every day. Childress’s words will continue to ring true, and people must take action to stop this black genocide that takes place in our very communities.


Read more at Life News ^ |
Thank god for abortions. If you live in the hood it is refreshing to see a single young lady with no kids going to school so she can better herself first and doesn’t have a baby born into poverty.

Same goes for poor white people. Can you imagine those 1800 babies being born every day? Do you not realize we are already overpopulated now? At least we are in overpopulated poor inner cities.

I don’t think black people think those mostly poor people should be having those babies.

And republicans who are anti welfare, you hypocrites. You can’t say you want 1800 new welfare babies being born every day. Liars.

Corporations want us to breed a lot. They love the cheap labor. And with all the anti immigrant stuff going on corporations need a baby boom

Don't try thinking for blacks sealy bobo.
He’s rabbiting. Get him back on the plantation, Democrats.....that ethical and morally correct thing to do can be catching!

The Rev. Clenard Childress Jr. calls out abortion for what it is: a mass genocide of the most innocent.

a July column, citing statistics about the disproportionately high number of abortions in the Black community.

Childress listed five “undeniable and inconvenient truths” about abortion, including the shocking fact that more than 20 million African American children have been aborted in the United States. That amounts to about 1,800 aborted babies in the Black community every day.

Abortions hurt every race and culture, but black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions.

Childress went on to discuss the irony of John Schnatter, the man behind Papa John’s pizza, being ousted for racist comments. Despite the NAACP’s intense scrutiny of individuals and groups like Schnatter, Childress noted the NAACP has glossed over one very important person: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.

He wrote:

“She was an avowed White Supremacist and was quoted as saying, “…colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated… reckless breeders… spawning… human beings who never should have been born…” Margaret Sanger, “Pivot of Civilization.” Sanger, was in her time, the leading advocate of the eugenics movement, specifically of negative eugenics, which promoted the reduction of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with undesired traits or economic conditions. She wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race” (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923).”

Rev. Childress explained how Sanger guided Adolf Hitler in his eugenic implementation in the Holocaust, one of the worst crimes against humanity ever, and yet she is still lauded for her work in the United States.

The NAACP does not seem to truly advance minorities when it comes to the fundamental issue of life. Rather, the historic organization silences those who dare to point that out. In 2015, the NAACP lost a legal battle to Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, a Black pro-life advocate who had written a columnat LifeNews exposing the organization for its pro-abortion stance.

Some groups are attempting to address the abhorrent roots of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. According to Breitbart, even a Planned Parenthood student group at the University of Florida hosted an event last March to discuss Sanger and the racist roots of her organization.

Even though some may acknowledge Sanger’s vicious, racist motives, her work is still rampant today. Her eugenic beliefs may be condemned, but her legacy is as present as ever today. So many children, especially those who are children of color, lose their lives to abortions every day. Childress’s words will continue to ring true, and people must take action to stop this black genocide that takes place in our very communities.


Read more at Life News ^ |

The NAACP didnt gloss over Sanger. They were just smart enough not to fall for some illiterate lie you read on the internet. Youre an intellectually weak minded servant that is easily led by the nose. Sanger didnt know Hitler and did not like him to boot.

""All the news from Germany is sad & horrible," she wrote in 1933, "and to me more dangerous than any other war going on any where because it has so many good people who applaud the atrocities & claim its right. The sudden antagonism in Germany against the Jews & the vitriolic hatred of them is spreading underground here & is far more dangerous than the aggressive policy of the Japanese in Manchuria."

Youve confused your lies that have been debunked already. The original lie about Sanger was that she said "Slavs, Latin and Hebrew immigrants are human weeds … a deadweight of human waste … Blacks, soldiers and Jews are a menace to the race." There is a reason you cant link to anything with her saying this. Trust me I have researched her extensively and I wanted her to be a racist. Until that is verified dont be a fool and fall for the lies.
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He’s rabbiting. Get him back on the plantation, Democrats.....that ethical and morally correct thing to do can be catching!

The Rev. Clenard Childress Jr. calls out abortion for what it is: a mass genocide of the most innocent.

a July column, citing statistics about the disproportionately high number of abortions in the Black community.

Childress listed five “undeniable and inconvenient truths” about abortion, including the shocking fact that more than 20 million African American children have been aborted in the United States. That amounts to about 1,800 aborted babies in the Black community every day.

Abortions hurt every race and culture, but black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions.

Childress went on to discuss the irony of John Schnatter, the man behind Papa John’s pizza, being ousted for racist comments. Despite the NAACP’s intense scrutiny of individuals and groups like Schnatter, Childress noted the NAACP has glossed over one very important person: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.

He wrote:

“She was an avowed White Supremacist and was quoted as saying, “…colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated… reckless breeders… spawning… human beings who never should have been born…” Margaret Sanger, “Pivot of Civilization.” Sanger, was in her time, the leading advocate of the eugenics movement, specifically of negative eugenics, which promoted the reduction of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with undesired traits or economic conditions. She wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race” (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923).”

Rev. Childress explained how Sanger guided Adolf Hitler in his eugenic implementation in the Holocaust, one of the worst crimes against humanity ever, and yet she is still lauded for her work in the United States.

The NAACP does not seem to truly advance minorities when it comes to the fundamental issue of life. Rather, the historic organization silences those who dare to point that out. In 2015, the NAACP lost a legal battle to Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, a Black pro-life advocate who had written a columnat LifeNews exposing the organization for its pro-abortion stance.

Some groups are attempting to address the abhorrent roots of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. According to Breitbart, even a Planned Parenthood student group at the University of Florida hosted an event last March to discuss Sanger and the racist roots of her organization.

Even though some may acknowledge Sanger’s vicious, racist motives, her work is still rampant today. Her eugenic beliefs may be condemned, but her legacy is as present as ever today. So many children, especially those who are children of color, lose their lives to abortions every day. Childress’s words will continue to ring true, and people must take action to stop this black genocide that takes place in our very communities.


Read more at Life News ^ |

Would you care to go deep into the topic of white racist public policy instead of cherry picking blacks to validate your racism?
Sanger was as racist as any other white at that time. But this fools OP is just crap he's posting to try validating his own racism. He wants to talk abut Sanger but he won't talk about the racist policies of the government that existed while Sanger was alive she had nothing to do with. Sanger did not allow lynching to be legal. Sanger did not fill black men up with coke because they believed blacks were naturally violent instead of angry about how they were treated. We have as blacks, suffered from a minimum of 242 years of white psychosis and the OP is just another example.
Sanger was as racist as any other white at that time. But this fools OP is just crap he's posting to try validating his own racism. He wants to talk abut Sanger but he won't talk about the racist policies of the government that existed while Sanger was alive she had nothing to do with. Sanger did not allow lynching to be legal. Sanger did not fill black men up with coke because they believed blacks were naturally violent instead of angry about how they were treated. We have as blacks, suffered from a minimum of 242 years of white psychosis and the OP is just another example.
I'm guessing she had to be somewhat a racist but I cant find anything to really pin her down and I have looked long and hard. I think the biggest thing about her is the fact that the right uses her as a way to try and get Blacks to fight against legalized abortion. They make all types of claims but are too illiterate to understand she was pro birth control not pro abortion. as a matter of fact her clinic didnt even offer abortions.

"While there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization."
-Margaret Sanger
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He’s rabbiting. Get him back on the plantation, Democrats.....that ethical and morally correct thing to do can be catching!

The Rev. Clenard Childress Jr. calls out abortion for what it is: a mass genocide of the most innocent.

a July column, citing statistics about the disproportionately high number of abortions in the Black community.

Childress listed five “undeniable and inconvenient truths” about abortion, including the shocking fact that more than 20 million African American children have been aborted in the United States. That amounts to about 1,800 aborted babies in the Black community every day.

Abortions hurt every race and culture, but black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions.

Childress went on to discuss the irony of John Schnatter, the man behind Papa John’s pizza, being ousted for racist comments. Despite the NAACP’s intense scrutiny of individuals and groups like Schnatter, Childress noted the NAACP has glossed over one very important person: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.

He wrote:

“She was an avowed White Supremacist and was quoted as saying, “…colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated… reckless breeders… spawning… human beings who never should have been born…” Margaret Sanger, “Pivot of Civilization.” Sanger, was in her time, the leading advocate of the eugenics movement, specifically of negative eugenics, which promoted the reduction of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with undesired traits or economic conditions. She wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race” (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923).”

Rev. Childress explained how Sanger guided Adolf Hitler in his eugenic implementation in the Holocaust, one of the worst crimes against humanity ever, and yet she is still lauded for her work in the United States.

The NAACP does not seem to truly advance minorities when it comes to the fundamental issue of life. Rather, the historic organization silences those who dare to point that out. In 2015, the NAACP lost a legal battle to Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, a Black pro-life advocate who had written a columnat LifeNews exposing the organization for its pro-abortion stance.

Some groups are attempting to address the abhorrent roots of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. According to Breitbart, even a Planned Parenthood student group at the University of Florida hosted an event last March to discuss Sanger and the racist roots of her organization.

Even though some may acknowledge Sanger’s vicious, racist motives, her work is still rampant today. Her eugenic beliefs may be condemned, but her legacy is as present as ever today. So many children, especially those who are children of color, lose their lives to abortions every day. Childress’s words will continue to ring true, and people must take action to stop this black genocide that takes place in our very communities.


Read more at Life News ^ |
The fact is the NAACP has not done anything for the Black comm in many decades. The are a group of black people getting checks for playing spokesmen for the Progressive movement.
He’s rabbiting. Get him back on the plantation, Democrats.....that ethical and morally correct thing to do can be catching!

The Rev. Clenard Childress Jr. calls out abortion for what it is: a mass genocide of the most innocent.

a July column, citing statistics about the disproportionately high number of abortions in the Black community.

Childress listed five “undeniable and inconvenient truths” about abortion, including the shocking fact that more than 20 million African American children have been aborted in the United States. That amounts to about 1,800 aborted babies in the Black community every day.

Abortions hurt every race and culture, but black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions.

Childress went on to discuss the irony of John Schnatter, the man behind Papa John’s pizza, being ousted for racist comments. Despite the NAACP’s intense scrutiny of individuals and groups like Schnatter, Childress noted the NAACP has glossed over one very important person: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.

He wrote:

“She was an avowed White Supremacist and was quoted as saying, “…colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated… reckless breeders… spawning… human beings who never should have been born…” Margaret Sanger, “Pivot of Civilization.” Sanger, was in her time, the leading advocate of the eugenics movement, specifically of negative eugenics, which promoted the reduction of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with undesired traits or economic conditions. She wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race” (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923).”

Rev. Childress explained how Sanger guided Adolf Hitler in his eugenic implementation in the Holocaust, one of the worst crimes against humanity ever, and yet she is still lauded for her work in the United States.

The NAACP does not seem to truly advance minorities when it comes to the fundamental issue of life. Rather, the historic organization silences those who dare to point that out. In 2015, the NAACP lost a legal battle to Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, a Black pro-life advocate who had written a columnat LifeNews exposing the organization for its pro-abortion stance.

Some groups are attempting to address the abhorrent roots of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. According to Breitbart, even a Planned Parenthood student group at the University of Florida hosted an event last March to discuss Sanger and the racist roots of her organization.

Even though some may acknowledge Sanger’s vicious, racist motives, her work is still rampant today. Her eugenic beliefs may be condemned, but her legacy is as present as ever today. So many children, especially those who are children of color, lose their lives to abortions every day. Childress’s words will continue to ring true, and people must take action to stop this black genocide that takes place in our very communities.


Read more at Life News ^ |
The fact is the NAACP has not done anything for the Black comm in many decades. The are a group of black people getting checks for playing spokesmen for the Progressive movement.
You sound illiterate as well. The NAACP gives out scholarships to Black children every year just for starters.
He’s rabbiting. Get him back on the plantation, Democrats.....that ethical and morally correct thing to do can be catching!

The Rev. Clenard Childress Jr. calls out abortion for what it is: a mass genocide of the most innocent.

a July column, citing statistics about the disproportionately high number of abortions in the Black community.

Childress listed five “undeniable and inconvenient truths” about abortion, including the shocking fact that more than 20 million African American children have been aborted in the United States. That amounts to about 1,800 aborted babies in the Black community every day.

Abortions hurt every race and culture, but black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions.

Childress went on to discuss the irony of John Schnatter, the man behind Papa John’s pizza, being ousted for racist comments. Despite the NAACP’s intense scrutiny of individuals and groups like Schnatter, Childress noted the NAACP has glossed over one very important person: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.

He wrote:

“She was an avowed White Supremacist and was quoted as saying, “…colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated… reckless breeders… spawning… human beings who never should have been born…” Margaret Sanger, “Pivot of Civilization.” Sanger, was in her time, the leading advocate of the eugenics movement, specifically of negative eugenics, which promoted the reduction of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with undesired traits or economic conditions. She wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race” (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923).”

Rev. Childress explained how Sanger guided Adolf Hitler in his eugenic implementation in the Holocaust, one of the worst crimes against humanity ever, and yet she is still lauded for her work in the United States.

The NAACP does not seem to truly advance minorities when it comes to the fundamental issue of life. Rather, the historic organization silences those who dare to point that out. In 2015, the NAACP lost a legal battle to Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, a Black pro-life advocate who had written a columnat LifeNews exposing the organization for its pro-abortion stance.

Some groups are attempting to address the abhorrent roots of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. According to Breitbart, even a Planned Parenthood student group at the University of Florida hosted an event last March to discuss Sanger and the racist roots of her organization.

Even though some may acknowledge Sanger’s vicious, racist motives, her work is still rampant today. Her eugenic beliefs may be condemned, but her legacy is as present as ever today. So many children, especially those who are children of color, lose their lives to abortions every day. Childress’s words will continue to ring true, and people must take action to stop this black genocide that takes place in our very communities.


Read more at Life News ^ |
Thank god for abortions. If you live in the hood it is refreshing to see a single young lady with no kids going to school so she can better herself first and doesn’t have a baby born into poverty.

Same goes for poor white people. Can you imagine those 1800 babies being born every day? Do you not realize we are already overpopulated now? At least we are in overpopulated poor inner cities.

I don’t think black people think those mostly poor people should be having those babies.

And republicans who are anti welfare, you hypocrites. You can’t say you want 1800 new welfare babies being born every day. Liars.

Corporations want us to breed a lot. They love the cheap labor. And with all the anti immigrant stuff going on corporations need a baby boom
Is it just me or are there fewer Bro s on the street. My area has more Mexicans moving into the area. I don't like them they seem to be gangs selling drugs and other stuff. The last three shootings have been Mexican. Any one else notice?
He’s rabbiting. Get him back on the plantation, Democrats.....that ethical and morally correct thing to do can be catching!

The Rev. Clenard Childress Jr. calls out abortion for what it is: a mass genocide of the most innocent.

a July column, citing statistics about the disproportionately high number of abortions in the Black community.

Childress listed five “undeniable and inconvenient truths” about abortion, including the shocking fact that more than 20 million African American children have been aborted in the United States. That amounts to about 1,800 aborted babies in the Black community every day.

Abortions hurt every race and culture, but black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions.

Childress went on to discuss the irony of John Schnatter, the man behind Papa John’s pizza, being ousted for racist comments. Despite the NAACP’s intense scrutiny of individuals and groups like Schnatter, Childress noted the NAACP has glossed over one very important person: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.

He wrote:

“She was an avowed White Supremacist and was quoted as saying, “…colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated… reckless breeders… spawning… human beings who never should have been born…” Margaret Sanger, “Pivot of Civilization.” Sanger, was in her time, the leading advocate of the eugenics movement, specifically of negative eugenics, which promoted the reduction of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with undesired traits or economic conditions. She wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race” (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923).”

Rev. Childress explained how Sanger guided Adolf Hitler in his eugenic implementation in the Holocaust, one of the worst crimes against humanity ever, and yet she is still lauded for her work in the United States.

The NAACP does not seem to truly advance minorities when it comes to the fundamental issue of life. Rather, the historic organization silences those who dare to point that out. In 2015, the NAACP lost a legal battle to Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, a Black pro-life advocate who had written a columnat LifeNews exposing the organization for its pro-abortion stance.

Some groups are attempting to address the abhorrent roots of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. According to Breitbart, even a Planned Parenthood student group at the University of Florida hosted an event last March to discuss Sanger and the racist roots of her organization.

Even though some may acknowledge Sanger’s vicious, racist motives, her work is still rampant today. Her eugenic beliefs may be condemned, but her legacy is as present as ever today. So many children, especially those who are children of color, lose their lives to abortions every day. Childress’s words will continue to ring true, and people must take action to stop this black genocide that takes place in our very communities.


Read more at Life News ^ |
The fact is the NAACP has not done anything for the Black comm in many decades. The are a group of black people getting checks for playing spokesmen for the Progressive movement.
You sound illiterate as well. The NAACP gives out scholarships to Black children every year just for starters.
Calling someone "You sound illiterate " is not a way of making friends.
He’s rabbiting. Get him back on the plantation, Democrats.....that ethical and morally correct thing to do can be catching!

The Rev. Clenard Childress Jr. calls out abortion for what it is: a mass genocide of the most innocent.

a July column, citing statistics about the disproportionately high number of abortions in the Black community.

Childress listed five “undeniable and inconvenient truths” about abortion, including the shocking fact that more than 20 million African American children have been aborted in the United States. That amounts to about 1,800 aborted babies in the Black community every day.

Abortions hurt every race and culture, but black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions.

Childress went on to discuss the irony of John Schnatter, the man behind Papa John’s pizza, being ousted for racist comments. Despite the NAACP’s intense scrutiny of individuals and groups like Schnatter, Childress noted the NAACP has glossed over one very important person: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.

He wrote:

“She was an avowed White Supremacist and was quoted as saying, “…colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated… reckless breeders… spawning… human beings who never should have been born…” Margaret Sanger, “Pivot of Civilization.” Sanger, was in her time, the leading advocate of the eugenics movement, specifically of negative eugenics, which promoted the reduction of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with undesired traits or economic conditions. She wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race” (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923).”

Rev. Childress explained how Sanger guided Adolf Hitler in his eugenic implementation in the Holocaust, one of the worst crimes against humanity ever, and yet she is still lauded for her work in the United States.

The NAACP does not seem to truly advance minorities when it comes to the fundamental issue of life. Rather, the historic organization silences those who dare to point that out. In 2015, the NAACP lost a legal battle to Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, a Black pro-life advocate who had written a columnat LifeNews exposing the organization for its pro-abortion stance.

Some groups are attempting to address the abhorrent roots of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. According to Breitbart, even a Planned Parenthood student group at the University of Florida hosted an event last March to discuss Sanger and the racist roots of her organization.

Even though some may acknowledge Sanger’s vicious, racist motives, her work is still rampant today. Her eugenic beliefs may be condemned, but her legacy is as present as ever today. So many children, especially those who are children of color, lose their lives to abortions every day. Childress’s words will continue to ring true, and people must take action to stop this black genocide that takes place in our very communities.


Read more at Life News ^ |
The fact is the NAACP has not done anything for the Black comm in many decades. The are a group of black people getting checks for playing spokesmen for the Progressive movement.
You sound illiterate as well. The NAACP gives out scholarships to Black children every year just for starters.
Calling someone "You sound illiterate " is not a way of making friends.
I didnt call you illiterate. I said you sound illiterate. How did you not know the NAACP gives out scholarships every year to Black kids?
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You need to get hold of all her speeches and pamphlets, etc. the answer is right there for you, pretty plain to see.
Sanger was as racist as any other white at that time. But this fools OP is just crap he's posting to try validating his own racism. He wants to talk abut Sanger but he won't talk about the racist policies of the government that existed while Sanger was alive she had nothing to do with. Sanger did not allow lynching to be legal. Sanger did not fill black men up with coke because they believed blacks were naturally violent instead of angry about how they were treated. We have as blacks, suffered from a minimum of 242 years of white psychosis and the OP is just another example.
I'm guessing she had to be somewhat a racist but I cant find anything to really pin her down and I have looked long and hard. I think the biggest thing about her is the fact that the right uses her as a way to try and get Blacks to fight against legalized abortion. They make all types of claims but are too illiterate to understand she was pro birth control not pro abortion. as a matter of fact her clinic didnt even offer abortions.

"While there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization."
-Margaret Sanger
You need to get hold of all her speeches and pamphlets, etc. the answer is right there for you, pretty plain to see.
Sanger was as racist as any other white at that time. But this fools OP is just crap he's posting to try validating his own racism. He wants to talk abut Sanger but he won't talk about the racist policies of the government that existed while Sanger was alive she had nothing to do with. Sanger did not allow lynching to be legal. Sanger did not fill black men up with coke because they believed blacks were naturally violent instead of angry about how they were treated. We have as blacks, suffered from a minimum of 242 years of white psychosis and the OP is just another example.
I'm guessing she had to be somewhat a racist but I cant find anything to really pin her down and I have looked long and hard. I think the biggest thing about her is the fact that the right uses her as a way to try and get Blacks to fight against legalized abortion. They make all types of claims but are too illiterate to understand she was pro birth control not pro abortion. as a matter of fact her clinic didnt even offer abortions.

"While there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization."
-Margaret Sanger
If the answer is right there then please post a credible link to it. I am open to the truth if you can provide it.
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He’s rabbiting. Get him back on the plantation, Democrats.....that ethical and morally correct thing to do can be catching!

The Rev. Clenard Childress Jr. calls out abortion for what it is: a mass genocide of the most innocent.

a July column, citing statistics about the disproportionately high number of abortions in the Black community.

Childress listed five “undeniable and inconvenient truths” about abortion, including the shocking fact that more than 20 million African American children have been aborted in the United States. That amounts to about 1,800 aborted babies in the Black community every day.

Abortions hurt every race and culture, but black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions.

Childress went on to discuss the irony of John Schnatter, the man behind Papa John’s pizza, being ousted for racist comments. Despite the NAACP’s intense scrutiny of individuals and groups like Schnatter, Childress noted the NAACP has glossed over one very important person: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.

He wrote:

“She was an avowed White Supremacist and was quoted as saying, “…colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated… reckless breeders… spawning… human beings who never should have been born…” Margaret Sanger, “Pivot of Civilization.” Sanger, was in her time, the leading advocate of the eugenics movement, specifically of negative eugenics, which promoted the reduction of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with undesired traits or economic conditions. She wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race” (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923).”

Rev. Childress explained how Sanger guided Adolf Hitler in his eugenic implementation in the Holocaust, one of the worst crimes against humanity ever, and yet she is still lauded for her work in the United States.

The NAACP does not seem to truly advance minorities when it comes to the fundamental issue of life. Rather, the historic organization silences those who dare to point that out. In 2015, the NAACP lost a legal battle to Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, a Black pro-life advocate who had written a columnat LifeNews exposing the organization for its pro-abortion stance.

Some groups are attempting to address the abhorrent roots of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. According to Breitbart, even a Planned Parenthood student group at the University of Florida hosted an event last March to discuss Sanger and the racist roots of her organization.

Even though some may acknowledge Sanger’s vicious, racist motives, her work is still rampant today. Her eugenic beliefs may be condemned, but her legacy is as present as ever today. So many children, especially those who are children of color, lose their lives to abortions every day. Childress’s words will continue to ring true, and people must take action to stop this black genocide that takes place in our very communities.


Read more at Life News ^ |
The fact is the NAACP has not done anything for the Black comm in many decades. The are a group of black people getting checks for playing spokesmen for the Progressive movement.
You sound illiterate as well. The NAACP gives out scholarships to Black children every year just for starters.
Calling someone "You sound illiterate " is not a way of making friends.

Neither is any of the stuff you guys say about blacks.
He’s rabbiting. Get him back on the plantation, Democrats.....that ethical and morally correct thing to do can be catching!

The Rev. Clenard Childress Jr. calls out abortion for what it is: a mass genocide of the most innocent.

a July column, citing statistics about the disproportionately high number of abortions in the Black community.

Childress listed five “undeniable and inconvenient truths” about abortion, including the shocking fact that more than 20 million African American children have been aborted in the United States. That amounts to about 1,800 aborted babies in the Black community every day.

Abortions hurt every race and culture, but black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions.

Childress went on to discuss the irony of John Schnatter, the man behind Papa John’s pizza, being ousted for racist comments. Despite the NAACP’s intense scrutiny of individuals and groups like Schnatter, Childress noted the NAACP has glossed over one very important person: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.

He wrote:

“She was an avowed White Supremacist and was quoted as saying, “…colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated… reckless breeders… spawning… human beings who never should have been born…” Margaret Sanger, “Pivot of Civilization.” Sanger, was in her time, the leading advocate of the eugenics movement, specifically of negative eugenics, which promoted the reduction of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with undesired traits or economic conditions. She wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race” (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923).”

Rev. Childress explained how Sanger guided Adolf Hitler in his eugenic implementation in the Holocaust, one of the worst crimes against humanity ever, and yet she is still lauded for her work in the United States.

The NAACP does not seem to truly advance minorities when it comes to the fundamental issue of life. Rather, the historic organization silences those who dare to point that out. In 2015, the NAACP lost a legal battle to Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, a Black pro-life advocate who had written a columnat LifeNews exposing the organization for its pro-abortion stance.

Some groups are attempting to address the abhorrent roots of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. According to Breitbart, even a Planned Parenthood student group at the University of Florida hosted an event last March to discuss Sanger and the racist roots of her organization.

Even though some may acknowledge Sanger’s vicious, racist motives, her work is still rampant today. Her eugenic beliefs may be condemned, but her legacy is as present as ever today. So many children, especially those who are children of color, lose their lives to abortions every day. Childress’s words will continue to ring true, and people must take action to stop this black genocide that takes place in our very communities.


Read more at Life News ^ |
The fact is the NAACP has not done anything for the Black comm in many decades. The are a group of black people getting checks for playing spokesmen for the Progressive movement.

The fact is you that you know nothing about the NAACP.
Sanger was as racist as any other white at that time. But this fools OP is just crap he's posting to try validating his own racism. He wants to talk abut Sanger but he won't talk about the racist policies of the government that existed while Sanger was alive she had nothing to do with. Sanger did not allow lynching to be legal. Sanger did not fill black men up with coke because they believed blacks were naturally violent instead of angry about how they were treated. We have as blacks, suffered from a minimum of 242 years of white psychosis and the OP is just another example.
I'm guessing she had to be somewhat a racist but I cant find anything to really pin her down and I have looked long and hard. I think the biggest thing about her is the fact that the right uses her as a way to try and get Blacks to fight against legalized abortion. They make all types of claims but are too illiterate to understand she was pro birth control not pro abortion. as a matter of fact her clinic didnt even offer abortions.

"While there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization."
-Margaret Sanger

You are most certainly right about that. That's why I challenge and DARE ANY of these whites to discuss the ramifications of white racist public policy. It's the same thing every time with these retards. A black person says this so they are right, but we present loads of what whites say and we are baiting. They keep using terms like slave and plantation but they aren't baiting, yet we call them white and we are race baiting trolls. Many of the whites here are mentally little children.
He’s rabbiting. Get him back on the plantation, Democrats.....that ethical and morally correct thing to do can be catching!

The Rev. Clenard Childress Jr. calls out abortion for what it is: a mass genocide of the most innocent.

a July column, citing statistics about the disproportionately high number of abortions in the Black community.

Childress listed five “undeniable and inconvenient truths” about abortion, including the shocking fact that more than 20 million African American children have been aborted in the United States. That amounts to about 1,800 aborted babies in the Black community every day.

Abortions hurt every race and culture, but black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions.

Childress went on to discuss the irony of John Schnatter, the man behind Papa John’s pizza, being ousted for racist comments. Despite the NAACP’s intense scrutiny of individuals and groups like Schnatter, Childress noted the NAACP has glossed over one very important person: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.

He wrote:

“She was an avowed White Supremacist and was quoted as saying, “…colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated… reckless breeders… spawning… human beings who never should have been born…” Margaret Sanger, “Pivot of Civilization.” Sanger, was in her time, the leading advocate of the eugenics movement, specifically of negative eugenics, which promoted the reduction of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with undesired traits or economic conditions. She wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race” (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923).”

Rev. Childress explained how Sanger guided Adolf Hitler in his eugenic implementation in the Holocaust, one of the worst crimes against humanity ever, and yet she is still lauded for her work in the United States.

The NAACP does not seem to truly advance minorities when it comes to the fundamental issue of life. Rather, the historic organization silences those who dare to point that out. In 2015, the NAACP lost a legal battle to Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, a Black pro-life advocate who had written a columnat LifeNews exposing the organization for its pro-abortion stance.

Some groups are attempting to address the abhorrent roots of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. According to Breitbart, even a Planned Parenthood student group at the University of Florida hosted an event last March to discuss Sanger and the racist roots of her organization.

Even though some may acknowledge Sanger’s vicious, racist motives, her work is still rampant today. Her eugenic beliefs may be condemned, but her legacy is as present as ever today. So many children, especially those who are children of color, lose their lives to abortions every day. Childress’s words will continue to ring true, and people must take action to stop this black genocide that takes place in our very communities.


Read more at Life News ^ |
The fact is the NAACP has not done anything for the Black comm in many decades. The are a group of black people getting checks for playing spokesmen for the Progressive movement.

The fact is you that you know nothing about the NAACP.
I have had a problem with this very subject for years. Getting knocked up young is bad if you have goals. Just what options do you have. I came to the decision that it is the mothers choice not the courts or Governments.
He’s rabbiting. Get him back on the plantation, Democrats.....that ethical and morally correct thing to do can be catching!

The Rev. Clenard Childress Jr. calls out abortion for what it is: a mass genocide of the most innocent.

a July column, citing statistics about the disproportionately high number of abortions in the Black community.

Childress listed five “undeniable and inconvenient truths” about abortion, including the shocking fact that more than 20 million African American children have been aborted in the United States. That amounts to about 1,800 aborted babies in the Black community every day.

Abortions hurt every race and culture, but black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions.

Childress went on to discuss the irony of John Schnatter, the man behind Papa John’s pizza, being ousted for racist comments. Despite the NAACP’s intense scrutiny of individuals and groups like Schnatter, Childress noted the NAACP has glossed over one very important person: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.

He wrote:

“She was an avowed White Supremacist and was quoted as saying, “…colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated… reckless breeders… spawning… human beings who never should have been born…” Margaret Sanger, “Pivot of Civilization.” Sanger, was in her time, the leading advocate of the eugenics movement, specifically of negative eugenics, which promoted the reduction of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with undesired traits or economic conditions. She wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race” (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923).”

Rev. Childress explained how Sanger guided Adolf Hitler in his eugenic implementation in the Holocaust, one of the worst crimes against humanity ever, and yet she is still lauded for her work in the United States.

The NAACP does not seem to truly advance minorities when it comes to the fundamental issue of life. Rather, the historic organization silences those who dare to point that out. In 2015, the NAACP lost a legal battle to Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation, a Black pro-life advocate who had written a columnat LifeNews exposing the organization for its pro-abortion stance.

Some groups are attempting to address the abhorrent roots of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. According to Breitbart, even a Planned Parenthood student group at the University of Florida hosted an event last March to discuss Sanger and the racist roots of her organization.

Even though some may acknowledge Sanger’s vicious, racist motives, her work is still rampant today. Her eugenic beliefs may be condemned, but her legacy is as present as ever today. So many children, especially those who are children of color, lose their lives to abortions every day. Childress’s words will continue to ring true, and people must take action to stop this black genocide that takes place in our very communities.


Read more at Life News ^ |
The fact is the NAACP has not done anything for the Black comm in many decades. The are a group of black people getting checks for playing spokesmen for the Progressive movement.

The fact is you that you know nothing about the NAACP.
I have had a problem with this very subject for years. Getting knocked up young is bad if you have goals. Just what options do you have. I came to the decision that it is the mothers choice not the courts or Governments.

Blacks are not the only one with this problem yet we don't see whites addressing this about themselves or any other issue. Whites commit more crime, sell and do more drugs, drink more and more white babies were born out of wedlock than blacks had babies. Yet we don't see whites here talking about any of these as white problems. Except sealybobo somewhat.
The underlying message from Republicans is we need those babies for target practice.

The certainly don't care about black American babies. The thought is laughable.

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