black man says geroge floyd statues racist


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013
Even in New York, they put up a giant wooden bust of Floyd. Being New York, it’ll likely get burned up soon, though not soon enough. Honoring criminals. How far society has fallen.
Any "man" that would point a gun at a pregnant woman's stomach needed killing, IMO. That said, he wasn't murdered by anyone. He died of an acute overdose of stupid. When I saw that video the first time, I was as angry as anyone at what looked like a cold-blooded cop ending this guy's life just because he "could". Trials and evidence have a way of clearing up mistaken outlooks. The coroner said he didn't die from asphyxia and that there was ZERO TRAUMA to his neck/throat/cervical spine.
There was also that little overlooked detail about him having a lethal level of Fentanyl onboard and him telling the cops he couldn't breathe LONG before he was put on the ground in a restraint hold. I think Chauvin may well be a bad cop but he didn't murder Floyd. Floyd was a dead man walking due to his own actions.
Even in New York, they put up a giant wooden bust of Floyd. Being New York, it’ll likely get burned up soon, though not soon enough. Honoring criminals. How far society has fallen.
We've just begun to go down as a nation. We're headed for civil war or outright Marxist tyranny in the near future.
I think sports journalist Jason Whitlock is totally right!

Why would you build a statue in honor of a criminal? It'd be like making a statue for Jack the Ripper!

No, no and NO.:mad:

Because American Marxists are hateful people.
Why would you build a statue in honor of a criminal? It'd be like making a statue for Jack the Ripper!

America is in DEEP DEEP TROUBLE when the country gets taken over run by such idiots that they madly tear down statues of Columbus, Grant and Washington while gleefully erecting golden statues worshiping a dead drug addict social parasite felony thug criminal passing phony bills who stuck guns in pregnant women's bellies in his spare time.
Any "man" that would point a gun at a pregnant woman's stomach needed killing, IMO. That said, he wasn't murdered by anyone. He died of an acute overdose of stupid. When I saw that video the first time, I was as angry as anyone at what looked like a cold-blooded cop ending this guy's life just because he "could". Trials and evidence have a way of clearing up mistaken outlooks. The coroner said he didn't die from asphyxia and that there was ZERO TRAUMA to his neck/throat/cervical spine.
There was also that little overlooked detail about him having a lethal level of Fentanyl onboard and him telling the cops he couldn't breathe LONG before he was put on the ground in a restraint hold. I think Chauvin may well be a bad cop but he didn't murder Floyd. Floyd was a dead man walking due to his own actions.
well chauvins sentencing is on friday. everyone arguing over what should happen. the thing is geting to be a joke.
Even in New York, they put up a giant wooden bust of Floyd. Being New York, it’ll likely get burned up soon, though not soon enough. Honoring criminals. How far society has fallen.
I guess we can only wonder why they would choose to make a memorial out of something that can be so easily destroyed. Maybe they know that the guy only deserves so much praise if any at all that is and they just don't have the stones to admit it. Its anyone's guess.

God bless you always!!!

They offend me, they have to go...

Sound familiar, leftists?
Middle ages in thinking is advanced. Just get some of the best to invent great things and figure out completions to new technologies. We have spent trillions of dollars on this.

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