Black lives really don't matter

BLM is 'supposedly' concerned about police brutality an its effect on the Black community.

The cases you cited are not related to police brutality an falls outside the scoop of BLM purpose.

However, it does have a strong relationship to random an mass shootings that is plaguing our nations. It is obvious that these shootings are premeditated and carried out by villians or madmen, hence falls into the realm of terror shootings. So, why aren't the FBI all over these shootings like the shooting at the PP clinic?
Because they blow Lavon Finnicum's head off, and let Bill Ayers and Berardene Dorhne continue to stir up trouble.

That is why the FBI are not covering this case like the PP clinic shooting?
The FBI is to busy blowing away ranchers than worrying about what Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrne are up to and their involvement in recent Trump rallys.
All lives matter.
Yes, some of the thugs in Chicago may be BLM activist, but it makes no sense to make a statement like that or hate every African American.
Here's the thing:

All of these police shootings and deaths of suspects have one thing in common: they didn't listen to the orders of the police. This is not to say that all of the deaths are justified, but only to say that there is a simple solution to the matter.

Instead of taking that route, they run all over the country protesting as if anybody really cared. If black lives mattered so much, teach the dumb F's to listen to the orders of the police, and you'll save way more black lives that way than protesting. And if you actually go out and find a job, you'll be too busy to go to protests in the first place.
All those shootings. it would seem the Police are letting things go to natural conclusion. Big spike all over. Why risk getting involved and put on charges for defending yourself? Not worth it? write reports.
so did they ever finish cleaning up all of the human feces that OWS left on New York roads? are people still stepping in it?
Maybe fake lawyer Jillian can prosecute all the sexual assaults the OWS protesters committed after she picks up the shit.
so was there a white lives matter group a few years ago?

No, but if anybody would start a group like White Lives Matter, the first insinuation would be that black lives don't. They would be getting attacked on the street and at these events constantly. The media would label them troublemakers, racists and dividers of our country.
how about "White Hispanic Lives Matter"
Liberal morons lives matter?

With a

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BLM is 'supposedly' concerned about police brutality an its effect on the Black community.

The cases you cited are not related to police brutality an falls outside the scoop of BLM purpose.

However, it does have a strong relationship to random an mass shootings that is plaguing our nations. It is obvious that these shootings are premeditated and carried out by villians or madmen, hence falls into the realm of terror shootings. So, why aren't the FBI all over these shootings like the shooting at the PP clinic?
Because they blow Lavon Finnicum's head off, and let Bill Ayers and Berardene Dorhne continue to stir up trouble.

That is why the FBI are not covering this case like the PP clinic shooting?
The FBI is to busy blowing away ranchers than worrying about what Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrne are up to and their involvement in recent Trump rallys.
Hey.. Weren't any of those armed car guards they slaughtered black?
Black LIves certainly don't matter to Blacks in Chicago slaughtering each other for Fun and Profit in record numbers.

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