Black Lives Matter Linked To 91% Of Riots Over Three Months, Study Finds


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
So it seems we have more news about the peaceful protests....

The Black Lives Matter movement is linked to more than nine-in-ten riots across the country, according to a recent study.

The U.S. experienced 637 riots between May 26 and Sept. 12, and 91% of those riots were linked to the Black Lives Matter movement, according to the US Crisis Monitor, a joint project of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project and the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton University.

Forty-nine states, not counting Washington, D.C., experienced riots during that time period, the study found. California led the nation with 86 riots during that time, closely followed by Oregon with 79 riots during that time period, the data show.

Seven percent of Black Lives Matter-linked events have turned violent, according to the data.

The project defined “riots” as “demonstrations in which any demonstrators engage in violently disruptive or destructive acts (e.g. violence, looting, vandalism, etc.), as well as mob violence in which violent mobs target other individuals, property, businesses, or other groups.”

Black Lives Matter-linked events were defined as: “demonstrations that have a local BLM group involved; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns the police killing of a specific Black person (e.g. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns police brutality against Black people in general; or when the demonstration is in solidarity with the movement in the USA against police brutality against Black people.”

Black Lives Matter Global Network, the national arm of Black Lives Matter, has seen an explosion in financial support from celebrities and large corporations since George Floyd died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes, according to video of the May 25 incident.

Some Black Lives Matter leaders have declined to condemn rioting and looting.

Black Lives Matter Chicago organizer Ariel Atkins last month equated looting with “reparations.”

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” Atkins said. “That makes sure that person has clothes. That is reparations.”

Black Lives Matter New York leader Hawk Newsome downplayed rioting in an April interview with Fox News. “I think that it is a tool of white supremacy to say if you want freedom, then you get it by protesting peacefully,” he said.

In another interview with Fox News in June, Newsome said, “I don’t condone nor do I condemn rioting.”
So it seems we have more news about the peaceful protests....

The Black Lives Matter movement is linked to more than nine-in-ten riots across the country, according to a recent study.

The U.S. experienced 637 riots between May 26 and Sept. 12, and 91% of those riots were linked to the Black Lives Matter movement, according to the US Crisis Monitor, a joint project of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project and the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton University.

Forty-nine states, not counting Washington, D.C., experienced riots during that time period, the study found. California led the nation with 86 riots during that time, closely followed by Oregon with 79 riots during that time period, the data show.

Seven percent of Black Lives Matter-linked events have turned violent, according to the data.

The project defined “riots” as “demonstrations in which any demonstrators engage in violently disruptive or destructive acts (e.g. violence, looting, vandalism, etc.), as well as mob violence in which violent mobs target other individuals, property, businesses, or other groups.”

Black Lives Matter-linked events were defined as: “demonstrations that have a local BLM group involved; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns the police killing of a specific Black person (e.g. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns police brutality against Black people in general; or when the demonstration is in solidarity with the movement in the USA against police brutality against Black people.”

Black Lives Matter Global Network, the national arm of Black Lives Matter, has seen an explosion in financial support from celebrities and large corporations since George Floyd died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes, according to video of the May 25 incident.

Some Black Lives Matter leaders have declined to condemn rioting and looting.

Black Lives Matter Chicago organizer Ariel Atkins last month equated looting with “reparations.”

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” Atkins said. “That makes sure that person has clothes. That is reparations.”

Black Lives Matter New York leader Hawk Newsome downplayed rioting in an April interview with Fox News. “I think that it is a tool of white supremacy to say if you want freedom, then you get it by protesting peacefully,” he said.

In another interview with Fox News in June, Newsome said, “I don’t condone nor do I condemn rioting.”

But but but the MSM and Rachel Madcow said it was ALL White Supremacists doing the rioting or whatever :rolleyes-41:

So it seems we have more news about the peaceful protests....

The Black Lives Matter movement is linked to more than nine-in-ten riots across the country, according to a recent study.

The U.S. experienced 637 riots between May 26 and Sept. 12, and 91% of those riots were linked to the Black Lives Matter movement, according to the US Crisis Monitor, a joint project of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project and the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton University.

Forty-nine states, not counting Washington, D.C., experienced riots during that time period, the study found. California led the nation with 86 riots during that time, closely followed by Oregon with 79 riots during that time period, the data show.

Seven percent of Black Lives Matter-linked events have turned violent, according to the data.

The project defined “riots” as “demonstrations in which any demonstrators engage in violently disruptive or destructive acts (e.g. violence, looting, vandalism, etc.), as well as mob violence in which violent mobs target other individuals, property, businesses, or other groups.”

Black Lives Matter-linked events were defined as: “demonstrations that have a local BLM group involved; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns the police killing of a specific Black person (e.g. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns police brutality against Black people in general; or when the demonstration is in solidarity with the movement in the USA against police brutality against Black people.”

Black Lives Matter Global Network, the national arm of Black Lives Matter, has seen an explosion in financial support from celebrities and large corporations since George Floyd died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes, according to video of the May 25 incident.

Some Black Lives Matter leaders have declined to condemn rioting and looting.

Black Lives Matter Chicago organizer Ariel Atkins last month equated looting with “reparations.”

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” Atkins said. “That makes sure that person has clothes. That is reparations.”

Black Lives Matter New York leader Hawk Newsome downplayed rioting in an April interview with Fox News. “I think that it is a tool of white supremacy to say if you want freedom, then you get it by protesting peacefully,” he said.

In another interview with Fox News in June, Newsome said, “I don’t condone nor do I condemn rioting.”
Conservative Daily News ? Load of crap.
So it seems we have more news about the peaceful protests....

The Black Lives Matter movement is linked to more than nine-in-ten riots across the country, according to a recent study.

The U.S. experienced 637 riots between May 26 and Sept. 12, and 91% of those riots were linked to the Black Lives Matter movement, according to the US Crisis Monitor, a joint project of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project and the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton University.

Forty-nine states, not counting Washington, D.C., experienced riots during that time period, the study found. California led the nation with 86 riots during that time, closely followed by Oregon with 79 riots during that time period, the data show.

Seven percent of Black Lives Matter-linked events have turned violent, according to the data.

The project defined “riots” as “demonstrations in which any demonstrators engage in violently disruptive or destructive acts (e.g. violence, looting, vandalism, etc.), as well as mob violence in which violent mobs target other individuals, property, businesses, or other groups.”

Black Lives Matter-linked events were defined as: “demonstrations that have a local BLM group involved; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns the police killing of a specific Black person (e.g. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns police brutality against Black people in general; or when the demonstration is in solidarity with the movement in the USA against police brutality against Black people.”

Black Lives Matter Global Network, the national arm of Black Lives Matter, has seen an explosion in financial support from celebrities and large corporations since George Floyd died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes, according to video of the May 25 incident.

Some Black Lives Matter leaders have declined to condemn rioting and looting.

Black Lives Matter Chicago organizer Ariel Atkins last month equated looting with “reparations.”

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” Atkins said. “That makes sure that person has clothes. That is reparations.”

Black Lives Matter New York leader Hawk Newsome downplayed rioting in an April interview with Fox News. “I think that it is a tool of white supremacy to say if you want freedom, then you get it by protesting peacefully,” he said.

In another interview with Fox News in June, Newsome said, “I don’t condone nor do I condemn rioting.”
Conservative Daily News ? Load of crap.
Did you expect CNN to report it?
So it seems we have more news about the peaceful protests....

The Black Lives Matter movement is linked to more than nine-in-ten riots across the country, according to a recent study.

The U.S. experienced 637 riots between May 26 and Sept. 12, and 91% of those riots were linked to the Black Lives Matter movement, according to the US Crisis Monitor, a joint project of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project and the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton University.

Forty-nine states, not counting Washington, D.C., experienced riots during that time period, the study found. California led the nation with 86 riots during that time, closely followed by Oregon with 79 riots during that time period, the data show.

Seven percent of Black Lives Matter-linked events have turned violent, according to the data.

The project defined “riots” as “demonstrations in which any demonstrators engage in violently disruptive or destructive acts (e.g. violence, looting, vandalism, etc.), as well as mob violence in which violent mobs target other individuals, property, businesses, or other groups.”

Black Lives Matter-linked events were defined as: “demonstrations that have a local BLM group involved; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns the police killing of a specific Black person (e.g. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns police brutality against Black people in general; or when the demonstration is in solidarity with the movement in the USA against police brutality against Black people.”

Black Lives Matter Global Network, the national arm of Black Lives Matter, has seen an explosion in financial support from celebrities and large corporations since George Floyd died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes, according to video of the May 25 incident.

Some Black Lives Matter leaders have declined to condemn rioting and looting.

Black Lives Matter Chicago organizer Ariel Atkins last month equated looting with “reparations.”

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” Atkins said. “That makes sure that person has clothes. That is reparations.”

Black Lives Matter New York leader Hawk Newsome downplayed rioting in an April interview with Fox News. “I think that it is a tool of white supremacy to say if you want freedom, then you get it by protesting peacefully,” he said.

In another interview with Fox News in June, Newsome said, “I don’t condone nor do I condemn rioting.”
Conservative Daily News ? Load of crap.
Apparently you're too retarded to learn how to follow links....

Here's who did the study...

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) is a disaggregated data collection, analysis, and crisis mapping project. ACLED collects the dates, actors, locations, fatalities, and modalities of all reported political violence and demonstration events across much of the world (including Africa; the Middle East; South, Southeast, East, and Central Asia; the Caucasus; Southeastern and Eastern Europe and the Balkans; and Latin America and the Caribbean — with expansions to remaining regions underway). ACLED’s global team conducts analysis to describe, explore, and test risk scenarios, and makes both data and analysis open for free use by the public, with data updated on a weekly basis. While ACLED is a fully remote organization with team members based around the world, it is a registered non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status in the United States.

The Bridging Divides Initiative (BDI) at the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination at Princeton University’s School for Public and International Affairs works to support local community resilience in the United States, building on expertise from political and elections work around the world. BDI uses different tools and methodologies to track demonstrations and political violence in real time so that local communities and national organizations will be better able to address issues before they escalate. BDI works to build an expansive picture of peacebuilding and reconciliation organizations across the country, to highlight existing work while developing new avenues for coordination and support. BDI has an immediate focus of mitigating political violence in the US by supporting a more coordinated response around the 2020 election, while ultimately supporting longer-term solutions to societal polarization.

The US Crisis Monitor is a joint project of ACLED and BDI. Through this project, ACLED is able to extend its global methodology to conduct data collection for the US, making real-time data available for public use, while BDI is able to use these data to identify emerging risks and to inform and motivate policy and programming discussions within its civil society network.

ACLED and BDI are both independent and non-partisan, and the US Crisis Monitor is dedicated to providing objective information. The US Crisis Monitor is guided by the belief that transparent, independent, credible data on political violence and demonstrations can improve decision-making and policies, enhance peacebuilding, and ultimately facilitate efforts to track, prevent, and mitigate violence. For these reasons, we are committed to making all data, analysis, methodology, tools, and resources publicly available. At the same time, we recognize that data, statistics, and analysis can be misinterpreted and manipulated towards political or other ends, in turn fueling conflict, harmful or incorrect narratives, and even violence. The US Crisis Monitor takes these risks extremely seriously and will work to ensure that materials made available through the project do no harm (insofar as it is within our power to control), and that principles and approaches of conflict sensitivity are adhered to strictly.
So it seems we have more news about the peaceful protests....

The Black Lives Matter movement is linked to more than nine-in-ten riots across the country, according to a recent study.

The U.S. experienced 637 riots between May 26 and Sept. 12, and 91% of those riots were linked to the Black Lives Matter movement, according to the US Crisis Monitor, a joint project of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project and the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton University.

Forty-nine states, not counting Washington, D.C., experienced riots during that time period, the study found. California led the nation with 86 riots during that time, closely followed by Oregon with 79 riots during that time period, the data show.

Seven percent of Black Lives Matter-linked events have turned violent, according to the data.

The project defined “riots” as “demonstrations in which any demonstrators engage in violently disruptive or destructive acts (e.g. violence, looting, vandalism, etc.), as well as mob violence in which violent mobs target other individuals, property, businesses, or other groups.”

Black Lives Matter-linked events were defined as: “demonstrations that have a local BLM group involved; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns the police killing of a specific Black person (e.g. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns police brutality against Black people in general; or when the demonstration is in solidarity with the movement in the USA against police brutality against Black people.”

Black Lives Matter Global Network, the national arm of Black Lives Matter, has seen an explosion in financial support from celebrities and large corporations since George Floyd died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes, according to video of the May 25 incident.

Some Black Lives Matter leaders have declined to condemn rioting and looting.

Black Lives Matter Chicago organizer Ariel Atkins last month equated looting with “reparations.”

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” Atkins said. “That makes sure that person has clothes. That is reparations.”

Black Lives Matter New York leader Hawk Newsome downplayed rioting in an April interview with Fox News. “I think that it is a tool of white supremacy to say if you want freedom, then you get it by protesting peacefully,” he said.

In another interview with Fox News in June, Newsome said, “I don’t condone nor do I condemn rioting.”
How else do you create a Marxist transformation without dividing the country and inflaming violence and chaos? Straight out of the playbook. Wake up America. Black Lives Matter is all about undermining the US and making things better for Gays and transgenders. They are very clear about what their goals are.
So it seems we have more news about the peaceful protests....

The Black Lives Matter movement is linked to more than nine-in-ten riots across the country, according to a recent study.

The U.S. experienced 637 riots between May 26 and Sept. 12, and 91% of those riots were linked to the Black Lives Matter movement, according to the US Crisis Monitor, a joint project of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project and the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton University.

Forty-nine states, not counting Washington, D.C., experienced riots during that time period, the study found. California led the nation with 86 riots during that time, closely followed by Oregon with 79 riots during that time period, the data show.

Seven percent of Black Lives Matter-linked events have turned violent, according to the data.

The project defined “riots” as “demonstrations in which any demonstrators engage in violently disruptive or destructive acts (e.g. violence, looting, vandalism, etc.), as well as mob violence in which violent mobs target other individuals, property, businesses, or other groups.”

Black Lives Matter-linked events were defined as: “demonstrations that have a local BLM group involved; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns the police killing of a specific Black person (e.g. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns police brutality against Black people in general; or when the demonstration is in solidarity with the movement in the USA against police brutality against Black people.”

Black Lives Matter Global Network, the national arm of Black Lives Matter, has seen an explosion in financial support from celebrities and large corporations since George Floyd died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes, according to video of the May 25 incident.

Some Black Lives Matter leaders have declined to condemn rioting and looting.

Black Lives Matter Chicago organizer Ariel Atkins last month equated looting with “reparations.”

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” Atkins said. “That makes sure that person has clothes. That is reparations.”

Black Lives Matter New York leader Hawk Newsome downplayed rioting in an April interview with Fox News. “I think that it is a tool of white supremacy to say if you want freedom, then you get it by protesting peacefully,” he said.

In another interview with Fox News in June, Newsome said, “I don’t condone nor do I condemn rioting.”
Conservative Daily News ? Load of crap.
Did you expect CNN to report it?

Apparently you're too retarded to learn how to follow links....

Here's who did the study...

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) is a disaggregated data collection, analysis, and crisis mapping project. ACLED collects the dates, actors, locations, fatalities, and modalities of all reported political violence and demonstration events across much of the world (including Africa; the Middle East; South, Southeast, East, and Central Asia; the Caucasus; Southeastern and Eastern Europe and the Balkans; and Latin America and the Caribbean — with expansions to remaining regions underway). ACLED’s global team conducts analysis to describe, explore, and test risk scenarios, and makes both data and analysis open for free use by the public, with data updated on a weekly basis. While ACLED is a fully remote organization with team members based around the world, it is a registered non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status in the United States.

The Bridging Divides Initiative (BDI) at the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination at Princeton University’s School for Public and International Affairs works to support local community resilience in the United States, building on expertise from political and elections work around the world. BDI uses different tools and methodologies to track demonstrations and political violence in real time so that local communities and national organizations will be better able to address issues before they escalate. BDI works to build an expansive picture of peacebuilding and reconciliation organizations across the country, to highlight existing work while developing new avenues for coordination and support. BDI has an immediate focus of mitigating political violence in the US by supporting a more coordinated response around the 2020 election, while ultimately supporting longer-term solutions to societal polarization.

The US Crisis Monitor is a joint project of ACLED and BDI. Through this project, ACLED is able to extend its global methodology to conduct data collection for the US, making real-time data available for public use, while BDI is able to use these data to identify emerging risks and to inform and motivate policy and programming discussions within its civil society network.

ACLED and BDI are both independent and non-partisan, and the US Crisis Monitor is dedicated to providing objective information. The US Crisis Monitor is guided by the belief that transparent, independent, credible data on political violence and demonstrations can improve decision-making and policies, enhance peacebuilding, and ultimately facilitate efforts to track, prevent, and mitigate violence. For these reasons, we are committed to making all data, analysis, methodology, tools, and resources publicly available. At the same time, we recognize that data, statistics, and analysis can be misinterpreted and manipulated towards political or other ends, in turn fueling conflict, harmful or incorrect narratives, and even violence. The US Crisis Monitor takes these risks extremely seriously and will work to ensure that materials made available through the project do no harm (insofar as it is within our power to control), and that principles and approaches of conflict sensitivity are adhered to strictly.

Yep ...

Leftist are just that dumb ...
So it seems we have more news about the peaceful protests....

The Black Lives Matter movement is linked to more than nine-in-ten riots across the country, according to a recent study.

The U.S. experienced 637 riots between May 26 and Sept. 12, and 91% of those riots were linked to the Black Lives Matter movement, according to the US Crisis Monitor, a joint project of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project and the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton University.

Forty-nine states, not counting Washington, D.C., experienced riots during that time period, the study found. California led the nation with 86 riots during that time, closely followed by Oregon with 79 riots during that time period, the data show.

Seven percent of Black Lives Matter-linked events have turned violent, according to the data.

The project defined “riots” as “demonstrations in which any demonstrators engage in violently disruptive or destructive acts (e.g. violence, looting, vandalism, etc.), as well as mob violence in which violent mobs target other individuals, property, businesses, or other groups.”

Black Lives Matter-linked events were defined as: “demonstrations that have a local BLM group involved; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns the police killing of a specific Black person (e.g. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor; when the main issue of the demonstration concerns police brutality against Black people in general; or when the demonstration is in solidarity with the movement in the USA against police brutality against Black people.”

Black Lives Matter Global Network, the national arm of Black Lives Matter, has seen an explosion in financial support from celebrities and large corporations since George Floyd died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes, according to video of the May 25 incident.

Some Black Lives Matter leaders have declined to condemn rioting and looting.

Black Lives Matter Chicago organizer Ariel Atkins last month equated looting with “reparations.”

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” Atkins said. “That makes sure that person has clothes. That is reparations.”

Black Lives Matter New York leader Hawk Newsome downplayed rioting in an April interview with Fox News. “I think that it is a tool of white supremacy to say if you want freedom, then you get it by protesting peacefully,” he said.

In another interview with Fox News in June, Newsome said, “I don’t condone nor do I condemn rioting.”
Conservative Daily News ? Load of crap.
so they are protesting for white lives??

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