Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Resigned As Executive Director After Self-Enrichment Scam Exposed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Congratulations to all the gullible, easily manipulated, naieve, Democrats, blacks, and snowflakes - you were scammed BIG TIME!

Patrisse Cullors founded 'Black Lives Matter' 6 years ago, taking advantage of growing tensions caused by the continued efforts by Democrats to split the nation apart along racial lines, and used 'BLM' as a tool to enrich herself. Milking the scam, the #1 person of color Cullors looked out for and ensured benefitted from 'BLM' was Patrisse Cullors.

Cullors lived 'high on the hog' -multiple homes, MILLIONS of dollars in real estate...Cullors used raised 'BLM' donations / funds to make herself a multi-millionaire.

Patrisse Khan-Cullors, a self-described “trained Marxist” has bought not just one, but four high-end homes, according to a new report.

The militant leftist also eyed property in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort."

Cullors racial scam that created foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists who inflicted BILLIONS of dollars in damages in Democrat-run communities all over the country began in 2016, 5 years ago!

"Properties purchased during Khan-Cullors’ buying binge that began in 2016."

Cullors doesn't give a damn about Black Lives or 'Social Justice' - Patrisse Cullors only cares about Patrisse Cullors and making more money:

"Cullors told the Associated Press that she’s stepping down to “focus on other projects, including the upcoming release of her second book and a multi-year TV development deal with Warner Bros.”

“I’ve created the infrastructure and the support, and the necessary bones and foundation, so that I can leave,” Cullors stated. “It feels like the time is right.”

Now that she has ripped the nation apart, now that she has poured gas on cities all over the US and lit the match, and now that she has made herself a millionaire, the cause just doesn't matter anymore - She got 'hers' - mission accomplished. Time to walkaway and let the division she created and the fires she started burn the entire nation down.

So, to Cullors, starting up 'BLM', tearing the nation apart down racial lines, and becoming filthy rich was just a 'PROJECT' for Cullors....and now that she has been exposed....not that 'BLCK LIVES MATTER' has been exposed ... its time for her to move on.

I am sure, however, as she turns her back on all of her fellow blacks still engaging in terrorist violence, attempting to & succeeding in killing cops, burning businesses, assaulting and murdering people who believe ALL lives matter, that Cullors REALLY appreciates all of the money the gullible, played dupes put in her pocket.

"Thanks, SUCKERS!"

Congratulations to all the gullible, easily manipulated, naieve, Democrats, blacks, and snowflakes - you were scammed BIG TIME!

Patrisse Cullors founded 'Black Lives Matter' 6 years ago, taking advantage of growing tensions caused by the continued efforts by Democrats to split the nation apart along racial lines, and used 'BLM' as a tool to enrich herself. Milking the scam, the #1 person of color Cullors looked out for and ensured benefitted from 'BLM' was Patrisse Cullors.

Cullors lived 'high on the hog' -multiple homes, MILLIONS of dollars in real estate...Cullors used raised 'BLM' donations / funds to make herself a multi-millionaire.

Patrisse Khan-Cullors, a self-described “trained Marxist” has bought not just one, but four high-end homes, according to a new report.

The militant leftist also eyed property in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort."

Cullors racial scam that created foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists who inflicted BILLIONS of dollars in damages in Democrat-run communities all over the country began in 2016, 5 years ago!

"Properties purchased during Khan-Cullors’ buying binge that began in 2016."

Cullors doesn't give a damn about Black Lives or 'Social Justice' - Patrisse Cullors only cares about Patrisse Cullors and making more money:

"Cullors told the Associated Press that she’s stepping down to “focus on other projects, including the upcoming release of her second book and a multi-year TV development deal with Warner Bros.”

“I’ve created the infrastructure and the support, and the necessary bones and foundation, so that I can leave,” Cullors stated. “It feels like the time is right.”

Now that she has ripped the nation apart, now that she has poured gas on cities all over the US and lit the match, and now that she has made herself a millionaire, the cause just doesn't matter anymore - She got 'hers' - mission accomplished. Time to walkaway and let the division she created and the fires she started burn the entire nation down.

So, to Cullors, starting up 'BLM', tearing the nation apart down racial lines, and becoming filthy rich was just a 'PROJECT' for Cullors....and now that she has been exposed....not that 'BLCK LIVES MATTER' has been exposed ... its time for her to move on.

I am sure, however, as she turns her back on all of her fellow blacks still engaging in terrorist violence, attempting to & succeeding in killing cops, burning businesses, assaulting and murdering people who believe ALL lives matter, that Cullors REALLY appreciates all of the money the gullible, played dupes put in her pocket.

"Thanks, SUCKERS!"

But this is how most all ACTIVIST "victimes" and clubs operate....they are all scams to raise money for the head whinners.
This is not the exception. It is the rule. So many activists and people with a major say use it as status. Taxes will rise on people more and more but the value never meets what is extracted.
Congratulations to all the gullible, easily manipulated, naieve, Democrats, blacks, and snowflakes - you were scammed BIG TIME!

Patrisse Cullors founded 'Black Lives Matter' 6 years ago, taking advantage of growing tensions caused by the continued efforts by Democrats to split the nation apart along racial lines, and used 'BLM' as a tool to enrich herself. Milking the scam, the #1 person of color Cullors looked out for and ensured benefitted from 'BLM' was Patrisse Cullors.

Cullors lived 'high on the hog' -multiple homes, MILLIONS of dollars in real estate...Cullors used raised 'BLM' donations / funds to make herself a multi-millionaire.

Patrisse Khan-Cullors, a self-described “trained Marxist” has bought not just one, but four high-end homes, according to a new report.

The militant leftist also eyed property in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort."

Cullors racial scam that created foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists who inflicted BILLIONS of dollars in damages in Democrat-run communities all over the country began in 2016, 5 years ago!

"Properties purchased during Khan-Cullors’ buying binge that began in 2016."

Cullors doesn't give a damn about Black Lives or 'Social Justice' - Patrisse Cullors only cares about Patrisse Cullors and making more money:

"Cullors told the Associated Press that she’s stepping down to “focus on other projects, including the upcoming release of her second book and a multi-year TV development deal with Warner Bros.”

“I’ve created the infrastructure and the support, and the necessary bones and foundation, so that I can leave,” Cullors stated. “It feels like the time is right.”

Now that she has ripped the nation apart, now that she has poured gas on cities all over the US and lit the match, and now that she has made herself a millionaire, the cause just doesn't matter anymore - She got 'hers' - mission accomplished. Time to walkaway and let the division she created and the fires she started burn the entire nation down.

So, to Cullors, starting up 'BLM', tearing the nation apart down racial lines, and becoming filthy rich was just a 'PROJECT' for Cullors....and now that she has been exposed....not that 'BLCK LIVES MATTER' has been exposed ... its time for her to move on.

I am sure, however, as she turns her back on all of her fellow blacks still engaging in terrorist violence, attempting to & succeeding in killing cops, burning businesses, assaulting and murdering people who believe ALL lives matter, that Cullors REALLY appreciates all of the money the gullible, played dupes put in her pocket.

"Thanks, SUCKERS!"

I will never forget all those naive, innocent Caucasian youths marching in the BLM marches last year. (And during a pandemic, too!!!!!!!)

When one is young, one is so foolish!

The lady in question will simply be replaced by someone else of her ilk.

Dang! Talk about scams!
So she does the right thing unlike Wayne LaPierre.

...if you call scamming the nation, 'stealing' millions of dollars, makes her self filthy rich after duping suckers like you into supporting her scam, and then walking away 'doing the right thing'.

Dude, a Jewish-German push the idea that - Not that ALL Lives Matter but that 'German Lives Matter' decades ago. He conned the people in his country into believing that 1 race was the 'Master race' and that all others did not matter...and he got the entire nation to follow him. In the name of 'German Lives matter' he 'purged' political opposition, restructured the government, attempted to affect genocide, marched on and waged war on the rest of Europe and murdered millions of other people as he plunged the world into war based on the CON / Belief that 'GERMAN Lives Matter'!

I am not saying this con artist is anywhere near being like Hitler...except her 'Project' was / is based on a very similar concept - the divisive idea that ONE color, ONE race is superior, is worth more than any other race / color, that such a belief justifies looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, murdering, splitting the nation apart, and setting cities all over the US ablaze.

Even SHE is showing how much of a fraud, a SCAM, how LITTLE this entire 'PROJECT' / 'MOVEMENT' means / is by publicly declaring that after making / taking MILLIONS off this 'PROJECT' she is walking away, having nothing more to do with it, and letting the fires continue to burn, abandoning the 'PROJECT' and not looking back - what she said she is looking FORWARD to is her 2nd book and a TV deal to make her even more money.

This con artist has been so successful she has WHITE academia professors and other WHITE people publicly declaring ALL white people are racist and supporting, facilitating, funding, bailing violent 'cult' followers being arrested out of jail......only to have the founder of this con, after being exposed as starting BLM as a 'project' designed to make her rich, declaring she is moving on to other self-enriching projects.

Wake the F* Up, dude - you...and the other snowflakes....have been CONNED.
This con-woman and her nation-dividing, self-enriching 'BLM' scam has been a GIFT to Democrats who have USED this con to further manipulate and divide the nation, distracting Americans from Joe Biden destroying America, aiding our enemies...doing things like submitting a 6 TRILLION DOLLAR single year Deficit Fueled Budget, making up 1/4th (25% of the US economy), the highest sustained budget since the end of WWII - when we are already $30 Trillion in debt......

This is the biggest gift yet Biden is attempting to give to China / the CCP, as Biden & Democrats are attempting to devalue the US dollar to the point where China's currency replaces the US dollar, destroying both our economy and nation.

'BLM' was / is as big a scam AS covid-19 IS A VIRAL PANDEMIC - both reeking havoc and hell in the US.
Congratulations to all the gullible, easily manipulated, naieve, Democrats, blacks, and snowflakes - you were scammed BIG TIME!

Patrisse Cullors founded 'Black Lives Matter' 6 years ago, taking advantage of growing tensions caused by the continued efforts by Democrats to split the nation apart along racial lines, and used 'BLM' as a tool to enrich herself. Milking the scam, the #1 person of color Cullors looked out for and ensured benefitted from 'BLM' was Patrisse Cullors.

Cullors lived 'high on the hog' -multiple homes, MILLIONS of dollars in real estate...Cullors used raised 'BLM' donations / funds to make herself a multi-millionaire.

Patrisse Khan-Cullors, a self-described “trained Marxist” has bought not just one, but four high-end homes, according to a new report.

The militant leftist also eyed property in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort."

Cullors racial scam that created foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists who inflicted BILLIONS of dollars in damages in Democrat-run communities all over the country began in 2016, 5 years ago!

"Properties purchased during Khan-Cullors’ buying binge that began in 2016."

Cullors doesn't give a damn about Black Lives or 'Social Justice' - Patrisse Cullors only cares about Patrisse Cullors and making more money:

"Cullors told the Associated Press that she’s stepping down to “focus on other projects, including the upcoming release of her second book and a multi-year TV development deal with Warner Bros.”

“I’ve created the infrastructure and the support, and the necessary bones and foundation, so that I can leave,” Cullors stated. “It feels like the time is right.”

Now that she has ripped the nation apart, now that she has poured gas on cities all over the US and lit the match, and now that she has made herself a millionaire, the cause just doesn't matter anymore - She got 'hers' - mission accomplished. Time to walkaway and let the division she created and the fires she started burn the entire nation down.

So, to Cullors, starting up 'BLM', tearing the nation apart down racial lines, and becoming filthy rich was just a 'PROJECT' for Cullors....and now that she has been exposed....not that 'BLCK LIVES MATTER' has been exposed ... its time for her to move on.

I am sure, however, as she turns her back on all of her fellow blacks still engaging in terrorist violence, attempting to & succeeding in killing cops, burning businesses, assaulting and murdering people who believe ALL lives matter, that Cullors REALLY appreciates all of the money the gullible, played dupes put in her pocket.

"Thanks, SUCKERS!"

She sounds like the leader of some shithole African nation, lol.
So she does the right thing unlike Wayne LaPierre.

...if you call scamming the nation, 'stealing' millions of dollars, makes her self filthy rich after duping suckers like you into supporting her scam, and then walking away 'doing the right thing'.

Dude, a Jewish-German push the idea that - Not that ALL Lives Matter but that 'German Lives Matter' decades ago. He conned the people in his country into believing that 1 race was the 'Master race' and that all others did not matter...and he got the entire nation to follow him. In the name of 'German Lives matter' he 'purged' political opposition, restructured the government, attempted to affect genocide, marched on and waged war on the rest of Europe and murdered millions of other people as he plunged the world into war based on the CON / Belief that 'GERMAN Lives Matter'!

I am not saying this con artist is anywhere near being like Hitler...except her 'Project' was / is based on a very similar concept - the divisive idea that ONE color, ONE race is superior, is worth more than any other race / color, that such a belief justifies looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, murdering, splitting the nation apart, and setting cities all over the US ablaze.

Even SHE is showing how much of a fraud, a SCAM, how LITTLE this entire 'PROJECT' / 'MOVEMENT' means / is by publicly declaring that after making / taking MILLIONS off this 'PROJECT' she is walking away, having nothing more to do with it, and letting the fires continue to burn, abandoning the 'PROJECT' and not looking back - what she said she is looking FORWARD to is her 2nd book and a TV deal to make her even more money.

This con artist has been so successful she has WHITE academia professors and other WHITE people publicly declaring ALL white people are racist and supporting, facilitating, funding, bailing violent 'cult' followers being arrested out of jail......only to have the founder of this con, after being exposed as starting BLM as a 'project' designed to make her rich, declaring she is moving on to other self-enriching projects.

Wake the F* Up, dude - you...and the other snowflakes....have been CONNED.

I never gave her a penny but your reply is a common reply when unable to address what I said.
Congratulations to all the gullible, easily manipulated, naieve, Democrats, blacks, and snowflakes - you were scammed BIG TIME!

Patrisse Cullors founded 'Black Lives Matter' 6 years ago, taking advantage of growing tensions caused by the continued efforts by Democrats to split the nation apart along racial lines, and used 'BLM' as a tool to enrich herself. Milking the scam, the #1 person of color Cullors looked out for and ensured benefitted from 'BLM' was Patrisse Cullors.

Cullors lived 'high on the hog' -multiple homes, MILLIONS of dollars in real estate...Cullors used raised 'BLM' donations / funds to make herself a multi-millionaire.

Patrisse Khan-Cullors, a self-described “trained Marxist” has bought not just one, but four high-end homes, according to a new report.

The militant leftist also eyed property in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort."

Cullors racial scam that created foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists who inflicted BILLIONS of dollars in damages in Democrat-run communities all over the country began in 2016, 5 years ago!

"Properties purchased during Khan-Cullors’ buying binge that began in 2016."

Cullors doesn't give a damn about Black Lives or 'Social Justice' - Patrisse Cullors only cares about Patrisse Cullors and making more money:

"Cullors told the Associated Press that she’s stepping down to “focus on other projects, including the upcoming release of her second book and a multi-year TV development deal with Warner Bros.”

“I’ve created the infrastructure and the support, and the necessary bones and foundation, so that I can leave,” Cullors stated. “It feels like the time is right.”

Now that she has ripped the nation apart, now that she has poured gas on cities all over the US and lit the match, and now that she has made herself a millionaire, the cause just doesn't matter anymore - She got 'hers' - mission accomplished. Time to walkaway and let the division she created and the fires she started burn the entire nation down.

So, to Cullors, starting up 'BLM', tearing the nation apart down racial lines, and becoming filthy rich was just a 'PROJECT' for Cullors....and now that she has been exposed....not that 'BLCK LIVES MATTER' has been exposed ... its time for her to move on.

I am sure, however, as she turns her back on all of her fellow blacks still engaging in terrorist violence, attempting to & succeeding in killing cops, burning businesses, assaulting and murdering people who believe ALL lives matter, that Cullors REALLY appreciates all of the money the gullible, played dupes put in her pocket.

"Thanks, SUCKERS!"

Good for her. She's a smart, principled and successful woman, so of course you hate her Sleazy. Where is it written that people who are doing going have to live as paupers? Why do you resent social justice warriors getting rich? Why can't you do well, by doing good?

You certainly have no problem with Republicans getting rich by insider trading, kickbacks, or bribes while supposedly working on behalf of their constituents.

She's taking her success and influence on to other projects. And her presence won't be a distraction to the world that BLM continues to do.
So she does the right thing unlike Wayne LaPierre.

...if you call scamming the nation, 'stealing' millions of dollars, makes her self filthy rich after duping suckers like you into supporting her scam, and then walking away 'doing the right thing'.

Dude, a Jewish-German push the idea that - Not that ALL Lives Matter but that 'German Lives Matter' decades ago. He conned the people in his country into believing that 1 race was the 'Master race' and that all others did not matter...and he got the entire nation to follow him. In the name of 'German Lives matter' he 'purged' political opposition, restructured the government, attempted to affect genocide, marched on and waged war on the rest of Europe and murdered millions of other people as he plunged the world into war based on the CON / Belief that 'GERMAN Lives Matter'!

I am not saying this con artist is anywhere near being like Hitler...except her 'Project' was / is based on a very similar concept - the divisive idea that ONE color, ONE race is superior, is worth more than any other race / color, that such a belief justifies looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, murdering, splitting the nation apart, and setting cities all over the US ablaze.

Even SHE is showing how much of a fraud, a SCAM, how LITTLE this entire 'PROJECT' / 'MOVEMENT' means / is by publicly declaring that after making / taking MILLIONS off this 'PROJECT' she is walking away, having nothing more to do with it, and letting the fires continue to burn, abandoning the 'PROJECT' and not looking back - what she said she is looking FORWARD to is her 2nd book and a TV deal to make her even more money.

This con artist has been so successful she has WHITE academia professors and other WHITE people publicly declaring ALL white people are racist and supporting, facilitating, funding, bailing violent 'cult' followers being arrested out of jail......only to have the founder of this con, after being exposed as starting BLM as a 'project' designed to make her rich, declaring she is moving on to other self-enriching projects.

Wake the F* Up, dude - you...and the other snowflakes....have been CONNED.

I never gave her a penny but your reply is a common reply when unable to address what I said.
You have fully supported this CON, snowflake. Everyone has seen it in your posts and know it - be a man and OWN IT...sucker.

So she does the right thing unlike Wayne LaPierre.

...if you call scamming the nation, 'stealing' millions of dollars, makes her self filthy rich after duping suckers like you into supporting her scam, and then walking away 'doing the right thing'.

Dude, a Jewish-German push the idea that - Not that ALL Lives Matter but that 'German Lives Matter' decades ago. He conned the people in his country into believing that 1 race was the 'Master race' and that all others did not matter...and he got the entire nation to follow him. In the name of 'German Lives matter' he 'purged' political opposition, restructured the government, attempted to affect genocide, marched on and waged war on the rest of Europe and murdered millions of other people as he plunged the world into war based on the CON / Belief that 'GERMAN Lives Matter'!

I am not saying this con artist is anywhere near being like Hitler...except her 'Project' was / is based on a very similar concept - the divisive idea that ONE color, ONE race is superior, is worth more than any other race / color, that such a belief justifies looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, murdering, splitting the nation apart, and setting cities all over the US ablaze.

Even SHE is showing how much of a fraud, a SCAM, how LITTLE this entire 'PROJECT' / 'MOVEMENT' means / is by publicly declaring that after making / taking MILLIONS off this 'PROJECT' she is walking away, having nothing more to do with it, and letting the fires continue to burn, abandoning the 'PROJECT' and not looking back - what she said she is looking FORWARD to is her 2nd book and a TV deal to make her even more money.

This con artist has been so successful she has WHITE academia professors and other WHITE people publicly declaring ALL white people are racist and supporting, facilitating, funding, bailing violent 'cult' followers being arrested out of jail......only to have the founder of this con, after being exposed as starting BLM as a 'project' designed to make her rich, declaring she is moving on to other self-enriching projects.

Wake the F* Up, dude - you...and the other snowflakes....have been CONNED.

I never gave her a penny but your reply is a common reply when unable to address what I said.
You have fully supported this CON, snowflake. Everyone has seen it in your posts and know it - be a man and OWN IT...sucker.


I do support the goals. Just as I support the 2nd Amendment but that does not mean I have gave this woman anything nor does it mean I support her or Wayne.
Congratulations to all the gullible, easily manipulated, naieve, Democrats, blacks, and snowflakes - you were scammed BIG TIME!

Patrisse Cullors founded 'Black Lives Matter' 6 years ago, taking advantage of growing tensions caused by the continued efforts by Democrats to split the nation apart along racial lines, and used 'BLM' as a tool to enrich herself. Milking the scam, the #1 person of color Cullors looked out for and ensured benefitted from 'BLM' was Patrisse Cullors.

Cullors lived 'high on the hog' -multiple homes, MILLIONS of dollars in real estate...Cullors used raised 'BLM' donations / funds to make herself a multi-millionaire.

Patrisse Khan-Cullors, a self-described “trained Marxist” has bought not just one, but four high-end homes, according to a new report.

The militant leftist also eyed property in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort."

Cullors racial scam that created foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists who inflicted BILLIONS of dollars in damages in Democrat-run communities all over the country began in 2016, 5 years ago!

"Properties purchased during Khan-Cullors’ buying binge that began in 2016."

Cullors doesn't give a damn about Black Lives or 'Social Justice' - Patrisse Cullors only cares about Patrisse Cullors and making more money:

"Cullors told the Associated Press that she’s stepping down to “focus on other projects, including the upcoming release of her second book and a multi-year TV development deal with Warner Bros.”

“I’ve created the infrastructure and the support, and the necessary bones and foundation, so that I can leave,” Cullors stated. “It feels like the time is right.”

Now that she has ripped the nation apart, now that she has poured gas on cities all over the US and lit the match, and now that she has made herself a millionaire, the cause just doesn't matter anymore - She got 'hers' - mission accomplished. Time to walkaway and let the division she created and the fires she started burn the entire nation down.

So, to Cullors, starting up 'BLM', tearing the nation apart down racial lines, and becoming filthy rich was just a 'PROJECT' for Cullors....and now that she has been exposed....not that 'BLCK LIVES MATTER' has been exposed ... its time for her to move on.

I am sure, however, as she turns her back on all of her fellow blacks still engaging in terrorist violence, attempting to & succeeding in killing cops, burning businesses, assaulting and murdering people who believe ALL lives matter, that Cullors REALLY appreciates all of the money the gullible, played dupes put in her pocket.

"Thanks, SUCKERS!"

Good for her. She's a smart, principled and successful woman, so of course you hate her Sleazy. Where is it written that people who are doing going have to live as paupers? Why do you resent social justice warriors getting rich? Why can't you do well, by doing good?

You certainly have no problem with Republicans getting rich by insider trading, kickbacks, or bribes while supposedly working on behalf of their constituents.

She's taking her success and influence on to other projects. And her presence won't be a distraction to the world that BLM continues to do.
She fleeced moron sheeple like you, bought several mansions, did absolutely nothing for the black community other than run an organization the burned and looted thousands of black owned businesses, and is now retiring to laugh at the morons like you who still worship her.

So she does the right thing unlike Wayne LaPierre.

...if you call scamming the nation, 'stealing' millions of dollars, makes her self filthy rich after duping suckers like you into supporting her scam, and then walking away 'doing the right thing'.

Dude, a Jewish-German push the idea that - Not that ALL Lives Matter but that 'German Lives Matter' decades ago. He conned the people in his country into believing that 1 race was the 'Master race' and that all others did not matter...and he got the entire nation to follow him. In the name of 'German Lives matter' he 'purged' political opposition, restructured the government, attempted to affect genocide, marched on and waged war on the rest of Europe and murdered millions of other people as he plunged the world into war based on the CON / Belief that 'GERMAN Lives Matter'!

I am not saying this con artist is anywhere near being like Hitler...except her 'Project' was / is based on a very similar concept - the divisive idea that ONE color, ONE race is superior, is worth more than any other race / color, that such a belief justifies looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, murdering, splitting the nation apart, and setting cities all over the US ablaze.

Even SHE is showing how much of a fraud, a SCAM, how LITTLE this entire 'PROJECT' / 'MOVEMENT' means / is by publicly declaring that after making / taking MILLIONS off this 'PROJECT' she is walking away, having nothing more to do with it, and letting the fires continue to burn, abandoning the 'PROJECT' and not looking back - what she said she is looking FORWARD to is her 2nd book and a TV deal to make her even more money.

This con artist has been so successful she has WHITE academia professors and other WHITE people publicly declaring ALL white people are racist and supporting, facilitating, funding, bailing violent 'cult' followers being arrested out of jail......only to have the founder of this con, after being exposed as starting BLM as a 'project' designed to make her rich, declaring she is moving on to other self-enriching projects.

Wake the F* Up, dude - you...and the other snowflakes....have been CONNED.

I never gave her a penny but your reply is a common reply when unable to address what I said.
You have fully supported this CON, snowflake. Everyone has seen it in your posts and know it - be a man and OWN IT...sucker.


I do support the goals. Just as I support the 2nd Amendment but that does not mean I have gave this woman anything nor does it mean I support her or Wayne.
Link us up to what BLM did to improve a single black life. Her's doesn't count.
So she does the right thing unlike Wayne LaPierre.

...if you call scamming the nation, 'stealing' millions of dollars, makes her self filthy rich after duping suckers like you into supporting her scam, and then walking away 'doing the right thing'.

Dude, a Jewish-German push the idea that - Not that ALL Lives Matter but that 'German Lives Matter' decades ago. He conned the people in his country into believing that 1 race was the 'Master race' and that all others did not matter...and he got the entire nation to follow him. In the name of 'German Lives matter' he 'purged' political opposition, restructured the government, attempted to affect genocide, marched on and waged war on the rest of Europe and murdered millions of other people as he plunged the world into war based on the CON / Belief that 'GERMAN Lives Matter'!

I am not saying this con artist is anywhere near being like Hitler...except her 'Project' was / is based on a very similar concept - the divisive idea that ONE color, ONE race is superior, is worth more than any other race / color, that such a belief justifies looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, murdering, splitting the nation apart, and setting cities all over the US ablaze.

Even SHE is showing how much of a fraud, a SCAM, how LITTLE this entire 'PROJECT' / 'MOVEMENT' means / is by publicly declaring that after making / taking MILLIONS off this 'PROJECT' she is walking away, having nothing more to do with it, and letting the fires continue to burn, abandoning the 'PROJECT' and not looking back - what she said she is looking FORWARD to is her 2nd book and a TV deal to make her even more money.

This con artist has been so successful she has WHITE academia professors and other WHITE people publicly declaring ALL white people are racist and supporting, facilitating, funding, bailing violent 'cult' followers being arrested out of jail......only to have the founder of this con, after being exposed as starting BLM as a 'project' designed to make her rich, declaring she is moving on to other self-enriching projects.

Wake the F* Up, dude - you...and the other snowflakes....have been CONNED.

I never gave her a penny but your reply is a common reply when unable to address what I said.
You have fully supported this CON, snowflake. Everyone has seen it in your posts and know it - be a man and OWN IT...sucker.


I do support the goals. Just as I support the 2nd Amendment but that does not mean I have gave this woman anything nor does it mean I support her or Wayne.
Link us up to what BLM did to improve a single black life. Her's doesn't count.

Derek Chauvin Found Guilty Of George Floyd's Murder

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