Black Lives Matter Activist Says Teens Have Been Having Knife Fights ‘For Eons’; Police Don’t Need to Address


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Well, why should police bother any more in black or Latino communities? Close them off and let them have at it. And she isn't the only one excusing such knife fights.

Black illogic at work.

A Black Lives Matter agitator on Wednesday made a surprising argument on social media that turned some heads.
“Teenagers have been having fights including fights involving knives for eons,” tweeted longtime activist Bree Newsome. “We do not need police to address these situations by showing up to the scene & using a weapon against one of the teenagers. Y’all need help. I mean that sincerely.”
Newsome was defending the behavior of Ma’Khia Bryant, the Columbus, Ohio 16-year-old who was fatally shot by police after she attempted to stab two people with a knife Tuesday afternoon.
Although the bodycam footage shows strong evidence that the shooting was justified, Democrat politicians and Black Lives Matter activists like Newsome have sought to vilify the police response.
“Everyone should be frightened that the ruling white elite have done such a thoroughly successful job of not only disconnecting us from the means of basic self-sufficiency but also convincing us we need armed white officers to manage our children & communities. Frightening,” Newsome said in a subsequent tweet.
Newsome is best known for climbing the flag pole at the South Carolina Statehouse to cut down a Confederate flag in 2015. She his since gained notoriety by expressing her crackpot ideas on Twitter, where she goes by the handle, DEFUND & ABOLISH POLICE, REFUND OUR COMMUNITIES.
Last week, Newsome condoned rioting and looting as “legitimate” responses to what she called “state violence” against blacks and other minorities.
“I’m definitely in the camp of defending rioting & looting as a legitimate, politically-informed response to state violence,’ Newsome tweeted last Tuesday. ‘I’ve tweeted on this topic many times & I’m always willing to engage people in good faith discussion of why I hold that position.”
“Far from making the argument people think it does, the hand-wringing over property damage & looting in situations like this only highlights how this society treats Black people as less than human,” the activist tweeted.

Well, why should police bother any more in black or Latino communities? Close them off and let them have at it. And she isn't the only one excusing such knife fights.

Black illogic at work.

A Black Lives Matter agitator on Wednesday made a surprising argument on social media that turned some heads.
“Teenagers have been having fights including fights involving knives for eons,” tweeted longtime activist Bree Newsome. “We do not need police to address these situations by showing up to the scene & using a weapon against one of the teenagers. Y’all need help. I mean that sincerely.”
Newsome was defending the behavior of Ma’Khia Bryant, the Columbus, Ohio 16-year-old who was fatally shot by police after she attempted to stab two people with a knife Tuesday afternoon.
Although the bodycam footage shows strong evidence that the shooting was justified, Democrat politicians and Black Lives Matter activists like Newsome have sought to vilify the police response.
“Everyone should be frightened that the ruling white elite have done such a thoroughly successful job of not only disconnecting us from the means of basic self-sufficiency but also convincing us we need armed white officers to manage our children & communities. Frightening,” Newsome said in a subsequent tweet.
Newsome is best known for climbing the flag pole at the South Carolina Statehouse to cut down a Confederate flag in 2015. She his since gained notoriety by expressing her crackpot ideas on Twitter, where she goes by the handle, DEFUND & ABOLISH POLICE, REFUND OUR COMMUNITIES.
Last week, Newsome condoned rioting and looting as “legitimate” responses to what she called “state violence” against blacks and other minorities.
“I’m definitely in the camp of defending rioting & looting as a legitimate, politically-informed response to state violence,’ Newsome tweeted last Tuesday. ‘I’ve tweeted on this topic many times & I’m always willing to engage people in good faith discussion of why I hold that position.”
“Far from making the argument people think it does, the hand-wringing over property damage & looting in situations like this only highlights how this society treats Black people as less than human,” the activist tweeted.

I dont hear latinos complaining,,,
I guess the cops should roll up in leather jackets and challenge them to a knife fight, like a scene out of West Side Story.
I keep saying. Change the criminal code. Remove parts of it if they want it. Remove parts that force the so called privileged to pay the fines and fees also.
I may be wrong, but I get the impression that before World War II, the police departments did not take too seriously the crime committed in the section of the city occupied by African Americans, so long as it did not spill out into the rest of the city.

Could it be that some people suggest that such a policy be reinstituted?
Well, why should police bother any more in black or Latino communities? Close them off and let them have at it. And she isn't the only one excusing such knife fights.

Black illogic at work.

A Black Lives Matter agitator on Wednesday made a surprising argument on social media that turned some heads.
“Teenagers have been having fights including fights involving knives for eons,” tweeted longtime activist Bree Newsome. “We do not need police to address these situations by showing up to the scene & using a weapon against one of the teenagers. Y’all need help. I mean that sincerely.”
Newsome was defending the behavior of Ma’Khia Bryant, the Columbus, Ohio 16-year-old who was fatally shot by police after she attempted to stab two people with a knife Tuesday afternoon.
Although the bodycam footage shows strong evidence that the shooting was justified, Democrat politicians and Black Lives Matter activists like Newsome have sought to vilify the police response.
“Everyone should be frightened that the ruling white elite have done such a thoroughly successful job of not only disconnecting us from the means of basic self-sufficiency but also convincing us we need armed white officers to manage our children & communities. Frightening,” Newsome said in a subsequent tweet.
Newsome is best known for climbing the flag pole at the South Carolina Statehouse to cut down a Confederate flag in 2015. She his since gained notoriety by expressing her crackpot ideas on Twitter, where she goes by the handle, DEFUND & ABOLISH POLICE, REFUND OUR COMMUNITIES.
Last week, Newsome condoned rioting and looting as “legitimate” responses to what she called “state violence” against blacks and other minorities.
“I’m definitely in the camp of defending rioting & looting as a legitimate, politically-informed response to state violence,’ Newsome tweeted last Tuesday. ‘I’ve tweeted on this topic many times & I’m always willing to engage people in good faith discussion of why I hold that position.”
“Far from making the argument people think it does, the hand-wringing over property damage & looting in situations like this only highlights how this society treats Black people as less than human,” the activist tweeted.

She should get in a knife fight real soon.
Thr solution is simple
Stop calling the police
The sad thing is that people don't know anymore what is really going on anymore when they notice something that doesn't look right to them. The law is called because certain people don't want there to be any true blue rodents on the loose.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Those who hate cops, my question for them is this one: Why do you think that cops are even out there in the first place?
Simple solution to the "blm" problem is dispatchers filter out 911 calls from Black areas and save for later when a garbage truck can come buy and collect the bodies if necessary since scavenging animals might get sick feeding on the blubber, otherwise forget about it. Civilized law enforcement is not possible with uncivilized groups, unless we go old school with zero toleration for savagery.

Here is the full vid with 911 of the "keed" assaulting the group with a deadly weapon.

Well, why should police bother any more in black or Latino communities? Close them off and let them have at it. And she isn't the only one excusing such knife fights.

Black illogic at work.

A Black Lives Matter agitator on Wednesday made a surprising argument on social media that turned some heads.
“Teenagers have been having fights including fights involving knives for eons,” tweeted longtime activist Bree Newsome. “We do not need police to address these situations by showing up to the scene & using a weapon against one of the teenagers. Y’all need help. I mean that sincerely.”
Newsome was defending the behavior of Ma’Khia Bryant, the Columbus, Ohio 16-year-old who was fatally shot by police after she attempted to stab two people with a knife Tuesday afternoon.
Although the bodycam footage shows strong evidence that the shooting was justified, Democrat politicians and Black Lives Matter activists like Newsome have sought to vilify the police response.
“Everyone should be frightened that the ruling white elite have done such a thoroughly successful job of not only disconnecting us from the means of basic self-sufficiency but also convincing us we need armed white officers to manage our children & communities. Frightening,” Newsome said in a subsequent tweet.
Newsome is best known for climbing the flag pole at the South Carolina Statehouse to cut down a Confederate flag in 2015. She his since gained notoriety by expressing her crackpot ideas on Twitter, where she goes by the handle, DEFUND & ABOLISH POLICE, REFUND OUR COMMUNITIES.
Last week, Newsome condoned rioting and looting as “legitimate” responses to what she called “state violence” against blacks and other minorities.
“I’m definitely in the camp of defending rioting & looting as a legitimate, politically-informed response to state violence,’ Newsome tweeted last Tuesday. ‘I’ve tweeted on this topic many times & I’m always willing to engage people in good faith discussion of why I hold that position.”
“Far from making the argument people think it does, the hand-wringing over property damage & looting in situations like this only highlights how this society treats Black people as less than human,” the activist tweeted.

Ummm who called the police?
Simple solution to the "blm" problem is dispatchers filter out 911 calls from Black areas and save for later when a garbage truck can come buy and collect the bodies if necessary since scavenging animals might get sick feeding on the blubber, otherwise forget about it. Civilized law enforcement is not possible with uncivilized groups, unless we go old school with zero toleration for savagery.

Here is the full vid with 911 of the "keed" assaulting the group with a deadly weapon.

She was probably planning on having a dozen Happy Meals after the knifing to celebrate her gangsta-hood.

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