Black Lives Do Matter


I believe all lives matter, regardless of age, creed, gender, nationality or status. Yes, I believe there is injustice being committed with the black community but NEVER to the exclusion of all other people.
I want to start by saying I’m all for criminal justice reform (especially losing the incarceration rate in the US). I’m all for cops going to jail when they do something illegal. However, I don’t understand how the cause entitled “Black Lives Matter” could be about police brutality. I understand that some police are prejudice and that can lead to unjust killings. The thing is, these unjust killings aren’t even close to the number one problem plaguing black communities. Technically it’s heart disease, then cancer. Even assault (about 90% of which is black on black according to the FBI) makes the top ten list of killers of African Americans. And what about the things that ruin families and communities even if they don’t necessarily cause death, such as incarceration/recidivism rates, unemployment/underemployment and selling/using drugs. My question is, if BLM really wanted to help the black community why would they not attack these issues instead of the relatively small, but highly publicized, issue of racially fueled police brutality. My assumption is that the people involved in the BLM leadership are privileged, bored, and looking for fame. In my opinion, all the money that is going towards BLM could be going to actually saving lives and making the world a better place. Please, someone tell me why money is better spent on a problem that affects hundreds when the same money could be used much more efficiently to address a problem that affects hundreds of thousands?

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The Negro problem in America is not that they are unduly despised and shunned by non-Negroes and police.

They problem is that they get too worked up over one of their own bucks getting shot up for running from the police, especially after committing crimes.

If you can't do the time then don't do the crime.

If you do the crime and you run from the police then you will get shot at whether you are black, brown, tan, olive, red, or white.
I want to start by saying I’m all for criminal justice reform (especially losing the incarceration rate in the US). I’m all for cops going to jail when they do something illegal. However, I don’t understand how the cause entitled “Black Lives Matter” could be about police brutality. I understand that some police are prejudice and that can lead to unjust killings. The thing is, these unjust killings aren’t even close to the number one problem plaguing black communities. Technically it’s heart disease, then cancer. Even assault (about 90% of which is black on black according to the FBI) makes the top ten list of killers of African Americans. And what about the things that ruin families and communities even if they don’t necessarily cause death, such as incarceration/recidivism rates, unemployment/underemployment and selling/using drugs. My question is, if BLM really wanted to help the black community why would they not attack these issues instead of the relatively small, but highly publicized, issue of racially fueled police brutality. My assumption is that the people involved in the BLM leadership are privileged, bored, and looking for fame. In my opinion, all the money that is going towards BLM could be going to actually saving lives and making the world a better place. Please, someone tell me why money is better spent on a problem that affects hundreds when the same money could be used much more efficiently to address a problem that affects hundreds of thousands?

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As a reply to the statement the title of your thread made, there are those out there who say they do not.
I dont care where youre from. Youre white. You flush pink and pallid white.

Well if you’re ever visiting the Liberty Bell, I’m not too far. [emoji6]
I wouldnt visit the Liberty Bell. Not much to bring me out that way. Let me know if your ever in N. Cali. I'm from Oakland.

No way? I love the raiders. See man not everything has to be hate.
Where did you get the idea I hated you? :laugh:
We know, you hate yourself for being black. :cool:
Youre projecting as usual. If we were both killed right now my carcass would be worth more than yours simply due to the melanin content you lack the ability to produce.
Ok, I’m not sure if you are intentionally misinterpreting my sentence or if it’s an accident but what I mean by the BLM leadership is the people who organize/profit from BLM. My point is that these people are exploiting a cause that is relatively small because they stand to gain from the publicity. If they really cared about the community they claim to represent and fight for they would be addressing more important causes. Like for example the opioid crisis which killed more than 10x as many African American as police last year. (Washington Post,
A problem that’s relatively small to you as you probably haven’t had your minority child killed by any cops.....

Right and neither have most people. That’s precisely why it’s not AS BIG of a problem as say mass incarceration which affects 1 out of five men regardless of race. And that’s just the people that actually go to jail. Not to mention their children, spouses parent etc.
Here is another aspect that shows how off base you are. Its not confined to the murders police participate in. Its the knowledge most Black people have about the cops in general. Instead of planting trust the cops are usually planting evidence on some person of color. Whites seem to really have a hard time believing Billy Joe their neighbor and cop would do such a thing. Its a regular occurrence in the hood. I have witnessed it too many times to count..The cops also assist the big drug dealers for a cut. You snitch on a drug dealer and your family mysteriously gets their home shot up. These are the realities we deal with. When I was kid I had two goals. Get to school without encountering a cop. The other was avoid the drug gang that operated in my neighborhood with the assistance of the cops.
Ok, I’m not sure if you are intentionally misinterpreting my sentence or if it’s an accident but what I mean by the BLM leadership is the people who organize/profit from BLM. My point is that these people are exploiting a cause that is relatively small because they stand to gain from the publicity. If they really cared about the community they claim to represent and fight for they would be addressing more important causes. Like for example the opioid crisis which killed more than 10x as many African American as police last year. (Washington Post,
A problem that’s relatively small to you as you probably haven’t had your minority child killed by any cops.....

Right and neither have most people. That’s precisely why it’s not AS BIG of a problem as say mass incarceration which affects 1 out of five men regardless of race. And that’s just the people that actually go to jail. Not to mention their children, spouses parent etc.
Here is another aspect that shows how off base you are. Its not confined to the murders police participate in. Its the knowledge most Black people have about the cops in general. Instead of planting trust the cops are usually planting evidence on some person of color. Whites seem to really have a hard time believing Billy Joe their neighbor and cop would do such a thing. Its a regular occurrence in the hood. I have witnessed it too many times to count..The cops also assist the big drug dealers for a cut. You snitch on a drug dealer and your family mysteriously gets their home shot up. These are the realities we deal with. When I was kid I had two goals. Get to school without encountering a cop. The other was avoid the drug gang that operated in my neighborhood with the assistance of the cops.
Thank you for the insight. I agree, even for people of color who don’t commit crimes many are afraid to interact with the police. My brother in law who’s Puerto Rican stops at yellow lights. I told him one day he was able to drive through yellow lights. He said no YOU are able to do that. I don’t give cops reason to stop me.

Because time and time again minorities were killed with no reason. Unarmed, no crime. Having law abiding citizens afraid to interact with cops is BAD. No trust, no info, no witnesses.
To white ppl. Cops are the good guys, never forget, the time, a white guy that I knew, told me of a time when he was tryna break into his own car, n a police car pulled up n told him he's doing it wrong, n helped him break into his car (a car the cop had no idea was his)

I think we all know the cop would have reacted very diff, if that guy who was a stranger, was a blk male tryna break into a car
I want to start by saying I’m all for criminal justice reform (especially losing the incarceration rate in the US). I’m all for cops going to jail when they do something illegal. However, I don’t understand how the cause entitled “Black Lives Matter” could be about police brutality. I understand that some police are prejudice and that can lead to unjust killings. The thing is, these unjust killings aren’t even close to the number one problem plaguing black communities. Technically it’s heart disease, then cancer. Even assault (about 90% of which is black on black according to the FBI) makes the top ten list of killers of African Americans. And what about the things that ruin families and communities even if they don’t necessarily cause death, such as incarceration/recidivism rates, unemployment/underemployment and selling/using drugs. My question is, if BLM really wanted to help the black community why would they not attack these issues instead of the relatively small, but highly publicized, issue of racially fueled police brutality. My assumption is that the people involved in the BLM leadership are privileged, bored, and looking for fame. In my opinion, all the money that is going towards BLM could be going to actually saving lives and making the world a better place. Please, someone tell me why money is better spent on a problem that affects hundreds when the same money could be used much more efficiently to address a problem that affects hundreds of thousands?

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The Negro problem in America is not that they are unduly despised and shunned by non-Negroes and police.

They problem is that they get too worked up over one of their own bucks getting shot up for running from the police, especially after committing crimes.

If you can't do the time then don't do the crime.

If you do the crime and you run from the police then you will get shot at whether you are black, brown, tan, olive, red, or white.
Not true. Many times in America the punishment doesn’t match the crime. White boy rapes girl and gets 3 months. Black boy steals a pack of gum and the next day his family is preparing his funeral.

How is that right?
To white ppl. Cops are the good guys, never forget, the time, a white guy that I knew, told me of a time when he was tryna break into his car, n a police car pulled up n told him he's doing it wrong, n helped him break in the car.

I think we all know the cop would have reacted very diff, if that guy who was a stranger, was a blk male tryna break into a car
I recently watched a video that compared open carry by a white man and by a black man. The white man was approached by the cop who was asking him if his weapon was registered and why he had it on him today.
As soon as a cop in the same area saw a black man carrying the same weapon in the same manner, they approached him with guns drawn throwing him on the ground. No convo needed.

It is hard for white people to understand if they have never been exposed to it.
To white ppl. Cops are the good guys, never forget, the time, a white guy that I knew, told me of a time when he was tryna break into his own car, n a police car pulled up n told him he's doing it wrong, n helped him break into his car (a car the cop had no idea was his)

I think we all know the cop would have reacted very diff, if that guy who was a stranger, was a blk male tryna break into a car
To white ppl. Cops are the good guys, never forget, the time, a white guy that I knew, told me of a time when he was tryna break into his own car, n a police car pulled up n told him he's doing it wrong, n helped him break into his car (a car the cop had no idea was his)

I think we all know the cop would have reacted very diff, if that guy who was a stranger, was a blk male tryna break into a car

I also saw a video where two black men were driving in a clearly wealthy neighborhood. They were pulled over and asked what they were doing in the area (really?!) the driver told the officer he lived in the neighborhood. The officer didn’t believe him, he said follow me I’ll show you. Sure enough the black guy led the cop to this great mansion, unlocked the door, and invited him in and the cop looked like he saw a ghost and got out of there real fast!!!

Hahaha the look on his face was priceless
“You mean, not all black people are poor?”
“No, dickhead, not all black people are poor”
I want to start by saying I’m all for criminal justice reform (especially losing the incarceration rate in the US). I’m all for cops going to jail when they do something illegal. However, I don’t understand how the cause entitled “Black Lives Matter” could be about police brutality. I understand that some police are prejudice and that can lead to unjust killings. The thing is, these unjust killings aren’t even close to the number one problem plaguing black communities. Technically it’s heart disease, then cancer. Even assault (about 90% of which is black on black according to the FBI) makes the top ten list of killers of African Americans. And what about the things that ruin families and communities even if they don’t necessarily cause death, such as incarceration/recidivism rates, unemployment/underemployment and selling/using drugs. My question is, if BLM really wanted to help the black community why would they not attack these issues instead of the relatively small, but highly publicized, issue of racially fueled police brutality. My assumption is that the people involved in the BLM leadership are privileged, bored, and looking for fame. In my opinion, all the money that is going towards BLM could be going to actually saving lives and making the world a better place. Please, someone tell me why money is better spent on a problem that affects hundreds when the same money could be used much more efficiently to address a problem that affects hundreds of thousands?

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I'm tired of their bullshit. Stop the fucking whining and go do something with themselves instead of pulling a Hillary of it being everyone elses fault except their own.
To white ppl. Cops are the good guys, never forget, the time, a white guy that I knew, told me of a time when he was tryna break into his own car, n a police car pulled up n told him he's doing it wrong, n helped him break into his car (a car the cop had no idea was his)

I think we all know the cop would have reacted very diff, if that guy who was a stranger, was a blk male tryna break into a car
N that's white supremacy in nutshell. U can do whatever you want, if your white, n no one will say a word.

N sometimes that systems comes back n bites them on the ass, because white men c this, they see that ppl r not gonna do sh.i.t to them, so they go out n kill, like we saw in Texas and Vegas, they are not gonna get punished.
I want to start by saying I’m all for criminal justice reform (especially losing the incarceration rate in the US). I’m all for cops going to jail when they do something illegal. However, I don’t understand how the cause entitled “Black Lives Matter” could be about police brutality. I understand that some police are prejudice and that can lead to unjust killings. The thing is, these unjust killings aren’t even close to the number one problem plaguing black communities. Technically it’s heart disease, then cancer. Even assault (about 90% of which is black on black according to the FBI) makes the top ten list of killers of African Americans. And what about the things that ruin families and communities even if they don’t necessarily cause death, such as incarceration/recidivism rates, unemployment/underemployment and selling/using drugs. My question is, if BLM really wanted to help the black community why would they not attack these issues instead of the relatively small, but highly publicized, issue of racially fueled police brutality. My assumption is that the people involved in the BLM leadership are privileged, bored, and looking for fame. In my opinion, all the money that is going towards BLM could be going to actually saving lives and making the world a better place. Please, someone tell me why money is better spent on a problem that affects hundreds when the same money could be used much more efficiently to address a problem that affects hundreds of thousands?

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I'm tired of their bullshit. Stop the fucking whining and go do something with themselves instead of pulling a Hillary of it being everyone elses fault except their own.
You’re tired of their bullshit?

After 300 years of slavery. Decades of Jim Crow. Being killed and lynched for wanted to vote and wanting an education. YOU are sick of THEIR bullshit? Spare me, you sick fuck.
To white ppl. Cops are the good guys, never forget, the time, a white guy that I knew, told me of a time when he was tryna break into his own car, n a police car pulled up n told him he's doing it wrong, n helped him break into his car (a car the cop had no idea was his)

I think we all know the cop would have reacted very diff, if that guy who was a stranger, was a blk male tryna break into a car
N that's white supremacy in nutshell. U can do whatever you want, if your white, n no one will say a word.

N sometimes that systems comes back n bites them on the ass, because white men c this, they see that ppl r not gonna do sh.i.t to them, so they go out n kill, like we saw in Texas and Vegas, they are not gonna get punished.

Absolutely. We have law abiding minorities afraid of police and white criminals who know their skin color or economic standing will bail them out. What a screwy country.
I think the idea of looking to someone else to affirm your own life matters is both sad and pathetic.

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