Black Folks cant farm (part 1)

A bait thread based on a strawman
Here is your straw man.

*Will UN or Last Resort USA, Stop South Africa?*


The government needs to get on with it. Redistribution is long overdue.

JW Booth

Guaranteeing an end to productive agriculture in SA.


Its white people being massacred and their land stolen. Let the fucking savages starve to death and let the white people relocated to Australia,Russia and hopefully the US.


because the government gives the land to people who have no fucking idea how to run large farms efficiently.

Zimbabwe is a perfect example of that.


Even in this country black farmers fuck it up and blame racism.

Missouri Mike

In two years they will be begging for food. The economy will have crashed and South Africa will be another third world shit hole like Venezuela is today.

Tom Horn

You mean the munts stealing white farms and then abandoning them because they don't know the first thing about how to farm? Would you call stealing a car and running it off a cliff, "car reform"? I know second hand what happened in Zimbabwe and the same thing is happening in S. Africa. When Mandela was alive he preached that S.Africa was for both whites and blacks and hated what "Bob" did in the Zim. But now S.Africa has a "Bob"....a racist tyrant who first terrorizes and then runs off the whites who turned nothing into something. An offer of 10% is no offer but the FAKE NEWS isn't covering what's going on there because blacks are their favorite perpetual violent underclass and they don't want that to change. fell for yet another okey doke, dumbass.


So if its stolen from whites who have been there generational, over 300 years and the blacks have no idea how to farm the land then that is making two huge mistakes, they will kill themselves if they kill the white farmers.

  1. Because after they kill these innocent white farmers and the crops dry up they in turn die from starvation, and we have to make sure they die, justice will demand it!.

  2. Both end up dead, and if they go ahead and murder these white farmers who have owned these lands for some 300 years, they should absolutely receive no aid *none* should ever be sent by one white person, when black folks start to die from starvation, hell NO not EVER!!!

South Africa farm seizures BEGIN: Chaos as first expropriation of white-owned farms starts


The communist ANC government is seizing the game preserves so they can harvest the wild game for food when the famine hit South Africa in a couple of years.

Mike Tx

Give them 5 years and see all the industry these black leaders will create in S. Africa. Yeah right. In two years they will be eating bugs again.

Death Angel

Hey Whitey, COME BACK! We now realize we like to eat!


The Africans can get their land back, then starve. When they get tired of starving, they can offer free land to white farmers.

South Africa Amending Constitution: White Farmers’ Lands To Be Seized And Given To Blacks


South Africa will be hungry again.....laziness and a lack of farming knowledge guarantees it...

So I guess it makes you happy to watch black Africans starve

Willow Tree

They have done this before. They ended up starving! That’s their choice!

Sunni Man

Whether it's black run large American cities, or black ruled African countries. Without white people to keep order and manage the economy. Everything falls into decay and the black people become impoverished.


In every society blacks move to seize what others have. The others flee...and the blacks then starve and try to follow them.


It will be quite satisfying to watch the blacks of south africa starve the way the blacks of Zimbabwe starve. Now is the time to start work on preventing the UN from providing food aid.

The American Right Wing and South Africa


I will laugh at you, when their racists actions lead to famine and black children are starving.


You are so full of hate, that you are willing to see black children starve rather than see a white person own land and farm it, in Africa.


My point exactly. YOu are so driven by hate, that you are willing to see black children starve, if it means taking something from white people.


And murdering farmers and driving them from their farms is a great way to make a famine, if you want your people, especially children to starve.

They all have a point. At EVERY instance of allowing a socialist revolutionary government to SEIZE and redistribute WORKING SYSTEMS of industry and agriculture -- it's ended up being the beginning of a long ride into national hell.. I had this discussion in the 90s with a bunch of leftists about Mugabe in Zimbabwe. THey ADORED the little devil. Was the cause celeb of baby leftists back then. And i accurately PREDICTED what the results would be and even predicted the time frame.

Lord -- I only wish I collect the bets. Betting leftists on socialist take-overs is like stealing the Halloween candy from babies.
The original African land grab condemned millions of Africans to poverty and it was backed by state sponsored violence. The effects of that are still with us today. But, as I have shown , things are getting better and will continue to do so. Black folks arent to blame for the mess we made of that continent.

Place your bets. I'll stick around to collect on them. What happened due to Western Imperialism was a mixed bag for the African Continent. It provided a LOT of critical infrastructure that would not be there today. A separation of TRIBAL conflicts that had inhabited progress towards sufficiency.

Maybe the time is up for whites in Africa. Maybe there needs to be some reassignment of land and resources. But there is no competent leadership to replace what's THERE, with a more efficient and better system. The tribal conflicts will re-emerge. The graft and corruption will be fed by greed and cronyism. The economy will revert to a subsistence mentality and education will get worse not better..

Again -- it's not about race. It's about tribal culture and rejection of democratic process in favor of rule by entitlement and favoritism.

This will happen by 2022 if the present trajectory is followed. How much you wanna bet?
Your world view makes me smile. The state of Africa after several centuries of colonialism was appalling. I could probably find it smewhere but I read one article that explained some of the problems. When the British left Tanganyika there was just one qualified engineer left in the country. The Brits could not be bothered to train and educate the locals when the Empire was a job creation scheme for second sons.

Look at a map of Africa and marvel at all the straight lines. A european construct. These boundaries cut across tribal and ethnic lands and sowed the seeds for conflicts like that in Rwanda.

These countries were not starting from scratch, they were already behind the game. Land stolen,resources plundered and left without institutions or infrastructure to properly manage countries that should not have existed in the first place.

So most of these new countries are 50/60 years old and are on an impoving curve. After 50 years the US still had slavery and it would be another 50 years before you had the mother of all tribal conflicts. It was another century after that before all Americans were equal.

It doesnt do to look down our western noses at Africa.A lot of the problems are ones we created.

What's REALLY sad is that your country sat its fat ass down on the continent and went looking for fame and wealth for a couple generations AND -- (irony alert) --- you're over here in the STATES making US out to be the bad guys. It's like a LOT of your American themes that you get totally wrong.

They (YOU) Bugged the fuck out of there when you failed to find anything of value. Don't tell me the sad story about the "The Last Tanzanika Engineer".. Go make a movie with Brit Netflix... :banana:
New technology boosts cocoa production in Ghana – top official | News Ghana


Ghana expects to hit the one million metric ton mark in cocoa production due to the success of new technologies being introduced into production a senior official stated here on Wednesday.

According to Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) Nana Oduro Owusu the hand-pollination method and fertilizer application were beginning to see resounding success in boosting production.

I just thought that I would introduce a more positive tone to this shitty forum. Dispelling alt right myths is never time wasted and I think that we can all learn a lot. This from Ghana, the Cocoa country.
So new technology allowed them to produce a lot Where did they get that technology from? Did they invent it or did it come from a white culture?
Why do you hate Africans so much ?
Why dont you give credit to the people who made it possible? Why are you trying to steal another cultures history?

He is.
Hand pollination was invented by a French/Belgian man. Quit trying to steal Europes cultural achievement. Meanwhile, William Frederick Gericke (American) invented Soilless Vegetable Production.

Yeah we know. Whitey created the earth in 6 days and on the 7th whitey took vacation on the Riviera.
Here is your straw man.

*Will UN or Last Resort USA, Stop South Africa?*


The government needs to get on with it. Redistribution is long overdue.

JW Booth

Guaranteeing an end to productive agriculture in SA.


Its white people being massacred and their land stolen. Let the fucking savages starve to death and let the white people relocated to Australia,Russia and hopefully the US.


because the government gives the land to people who have no fucking idea how to run large farms efficiently.

Zimbabwe is a perfect example of that.


Even in this country black farmers fuck it up and blame racism.

Missouri Mike

In two years they will be begging for food. The economy will have crashed and South Africa will be another third world shit hole like Venezuela is today.

Tom Horn

You mean the munts stealing white farms and then abandoning them because they don't know the first thing about how to farm? Would you call stealing a car and running it off a cliff, "car reform"? I know second hand what happened in Zimbabwe and the same thing is happening in S. Africa. When Mandela was alive he preached that S.Africa was for both whites and blacks and hated what "Bob" did in the Zim. But now S.Africa has a "Bob"....a racist tyrant who first terrorizes and then runs off the whites who turned nothing into something. An offer of 10% is no offer but the FAKE NEWS isn't covering what's going on there because blacks are their favorite perpetual violent underclass and they don't want that to change. fell for yet another okey doke, dumbass.


So if its stolen from whites who have been there generational, over 300 years and the blacks have no idea how to farm the land then that is making two huge mistakes, they will kill themselves if they kill the white farmers.

  1. Because after they kill these innocent white farmers and the crops dry up they in turn die from starvation, and we have to make sure they die, justice will demand it!.

  2. Both end up dead, and if they go ahead and murder these white farmers who have owned these lands for some 300 years, they should absolutely receive no aid *none* should ever be sent by one white person, when black folks start to die from starvation, hell NO not EVER!!!

South Africa farm seizures BEGIN: Chaos as first expropriation of white-owned farms starts


The communist ANC government is seizing the game preserves so they can harvest the wild game for food when the famine hit South Africa in a couple of years.

Mike Tx

Give them 5 years and see all the industry these black leaders will create in S. Africa. Yeah right. In two years they will be eating bugs again.

Death Angel

Hey Whitey, COME BACK! We now realize we like to eat!


The Africans can get their land back, then starve. When they get tired of starving, they can offer free land to white farmers.

South Africa Amending Constitution: White Farmers’ Lands To Be Seized And Given To Blacks


South Africa will be hungry again.....laziness and a lack of farming knowledge guarantees it...

So I guess it makes you happy to watch black Africans starve

Willow Tree

They have done this before. They ended up starving! That’s their choice!

Sunni Man

Whether it's black run large American cities, or black ruled African countries. Without white people to keep order and manage the economy. Everything falls into decay and the black people become impoverished.


In every society blacks move to seize what others have. The others flee...and the blacks then starve and try to follow them.


It will be quite satisfying to watch the blacks of south africa starve the way the blacks of Zimbabwe starve. Now is the time to start work on preventing the UN from providing food aid.

The American Right Wing and South Africa


I will laugh at you, when their racists actions lead to famine and black children are starving.


You are so full of hate, that you are willing to see black children starve rather than see a white person own land and farm it, in Africa.


My point exactly. YOu are so driven by hate, that you are willing to see black children starve, if it means taking something from white people.


And murdering farmers and driving them from their farms is a great way to make a famine, if you want your people, especially children to starve.

They all have a point. At EVERY instance of allowing a socialist revolutionary government to SEIZE and redistribute WORKING SYSTEMS of industry and agriculture -- it's ended up being the beginning of a long ride into national hell.. I had this discussion in the 90s with a bunch of leftists about Mugabe in Zimbabwe. THey ADORED the little devil. Was the cause celeb of baby leftists back then. And i accurately PREDICTED what the results would be and even predicted the time frame.

Lord -- I only wish I collect the bets. Betting leftists on socialist take-overs is like stealing the Halloween candy from babies.
The original African land grab condemned millions of Africans to poverty and it was backed by state sponsored violence. The effects of that are still with us today. But, as I have shown , things are getting better and will continue to do so. Black folks arent to blame for the mess we made of that continent.

Place your bets. I'll stick around to collect on them. What happened due to Western Imperialism was a mixed bag for the African Continent. It provided a LOT of critical infrastructure that would not be there today. A separation of TRIBAL conflicts that had inhabited progress towards sufficiency.

Maybe the time is up for whites in Africa. Maybe there needs to be some reassignment of land and resources. But there is no competent leadership to replace what's THERE, with a more efficient and better system. The tribal conflicts will re-emerge. The graft and corruption will be fed by greed and cronyism. The economy will revert to a subsistence mentality and education will get worse not better..

Again -- it's not about race. It's about tribal culture and rejection of democratic process in favor of rule by entitlement and favoritism.

This will happen by 2022 if the present trajectory is followed. How much you wanna bet?
Your world view makes me smile. The state of Africa after several centuries of colonialism was appalling. I could probably find it smewhere but I read one article that explained some of the problems. When the British left Tanganyika there was just one qualified engineer left in the country. The Brits could not be bothered to train and educate the locals when the Empire was a job creation scheme for second sons.

Look at a map of Africa and marvel at all the straight lines. A european construct. These boundaries cut across tribal and ethnic lands and sowed the seeds for conflicts like that in Rwanda.

These countries were not starting from scratch, they were already behind the game. Land stolen,resources plundered and left without institutions or infrastructure to properly manage countries that should not have existed in the first place.

So most of these new countries are 50/60 years old and are on an impoving curve. After 50 years the US still had slavery and it would be another 50 years before you had the mother of all tribal conflicts. It was another century after that before all Americans were equal.

It doesnt do to look down our western noses at Africa.A lot of the problems are ones we created.

What's REALLY sad is that your country sat its fat ass down on the continent and went looking for fame and wealth for a couple generations AND -- (irony alert) --- you're over here in the STATES making US out to be the bad guys. It's like a LOT of your American themes that you get totally wrong.

They (YOU) Bugged the fuck out of there when you failed to find anything of value. Don't tell me the sad story about the "The Last Tanzanika Engineer".. Go make a movie with Brit Netflix... :banana:

And you white Americans copied them while still doing it.
Here is your straw man.

*Will UN or Last Resort USA, Stop South Africa?*


The government needs to get on with it. Redistribution is long overdue.

JW Booth

Guaranteeing an end to productive agriculture in SA.


Its white people being massacred and their land stolen. Let the fucking savages starve to death and let the white people relocated to Australia,Russia and hopefully the US.


because the government gives the land to people who have no fucking idea how to run large farms efficiently.

Zimbabwe is a perfect example of that.


Even in this country black farmers fuck it up and blame racism.

Missouri Mike

In two years they will be begging for food. The economy will have crashed and South Africa will be another third world shit hole like Venezuela is today.

Tom Horn

You mean the munts stealing white farms and then abandoning them because they don't know the first thing about how to farm? Would you call stealing a car and running it off a cliff, "car reform"? I know second hand what happened in Zimbabwe and the same thing is happening in S. Africa. When Mandela was alive he preached that S.Africa was for both whites and blacks and hated what "Bob" did in the Zim. But now S.Africa has a "Bob"....a racist tyrant who first terrorizes and then runs off the whites who turned nothing into something. An offer of 10% is no offer but the FAKE NEWS isn't covering what's going on there because blacks are their favorite perpetual violent underclass and they don't want that to change. fell for yet another okey doke, dumbass.


So if its stolen from whites who have been there generational, over 300 years and the blacks have no idea how to farm the land then that is making two huge mistakes, they will kill themselves if they kill the white farmers.

  1. Because after they kill these innocent white farmers and the crops dry up they in turn die from starvation, and we have to make sure they die, justice will demand it!.

  2. Both end up dead, and if they go ahead and murder these white farmers who have owned these lands for some 300 years, they should absolutely receive no aid *none* should ever be sent by one white person, when black folks start to die from starvation, hell NO not EVER!!!

South Africa farm seizures BEGIN: Chaos as first expropriation of white-owned farms starts


The communist ANC government is seizing the game preserves so they can harvest the wild game for food when the famine hit South Africa in a couple of years.

Mike Tx

Give them 5 years and see all the industry these black leaders will create in S. Africa. Yeah right. In two years they will be eating bugs again.

Death Angel

Hey Whitey, COME BACK! We now realize we like to eat!


The Africans can get their land back, then starve. When they get tired of starving, they can offer free land to white farmers.

South Africa Amending Constitution: White Farmers’ Lands To Be Seized And Given To Blacks


South Africa will be hungry again.....laziness and a lack of farming knowledge guarantees it...

So I guess it makes you happy to watch black Africans starve

Willow Tree

They have done this before. They ended up starving! That’s their choice!

Sunni Man

Whether it's black run large American cities, or black ruled African countries. Without white people to keep order and manage the economy. Everything falls into decay and the black people become impoverished.


In every society blacks move to seize what others have. The others flee...and the blacks then starve and try to follow them.


It will be quite satisfying to watch the blacks of south africa starve the way the blacks of Zimbabwe starve. Now is the time to start work on preventing the UN from providing food aid.

The American Right Wing and South Africa


I will laugh at you, when their racists actions lead to famine and black children are starving.


You are so full of hate, that you are willing to see black children starve rather than see a white person own land and farm it, in Africa.


My point exactly. YOu are so driven by hate, that you are willing to see black children starve, if it means taking something from white people.


And murdering farmers and driving them from their farms is a great way to make a famine, if you want your people, especially children to starve.

They all have a point. At EVERY instance of allowing a socialist revolutionary government to SEIZE and redistribute WORKING SYSTEMS of industry and agriculture -- it's ended up being the beginning of a long ride into national hell.. I had this discussion in the 90s with a bunch of leftists about Mugabe in Zimbabwe. THey ADORED the little devil. Was the cause celeb of baby leftists back then. And i accurately PREDICTED what the results would be and even predicted the time frame.

Lord -- I only wish I collect the bets. Betting leftists on socialist take-overs is like stealing the Halloween candy from babies.
The original African land grab condemned millions of Africans to poverty and it was backed by state sponsored violence. The effects of that are still with us today. But, as I have shown , things are getting better and will continue to do so. Black folks arent to blame for the mess we made of that continent.

Place your bets. I'll stick around to collect on them. What happened due to Western Imperialism was a mixed bag for the African Continent. It provided a LOT of critical infrastructure that would not be there today. A separation of TRIBAL conflicts that had inhabited progress towards sufficiency.

Maybe the time is up for whites in Africa. Maybe there needs to be some reassignment of land and resources. But there is no competent leadership to replace what's THERE, with a more efficient and better system. The tribal conflicts will re-emerge. The graft and corruption will be fed by greed and cronyism. The economy will revert to a subsistence mentality and education will get worse not better..

Again -- it's not about race. It's about tribal culture and rejection of democratic process in favor of rule by entitlement and favoritism.

This will happen by 2022 if the present trajectory is followed. How much you wanna bet?
Your world view makes me smile. The state of Africa after several centuries of colonialism was appalling. I could probably find it smewhere but I read one article that explained some of the problems. When the British left Tanganyika there was just one qualified engineer left in the country. The Brits could not be bothered to train and educate the locals when the Empire was a job creation scheme for second sons.

Look at a map of Africa and marvel at all the straight lines. A european construct. These boundaries cut across tribal and ethnic lands and sowed the seeds for conflicts like that in Rwanda.

These countries were not starting from scratch, they were already behind the game. Land stolen,resources plundered and left without institutions or infrastructure to properly manage countries that should not have existed in the first place.

So most of these new countries are 50/60 years old and are on an impoving curve. After 50 years the US still had slavery and it would be another 50 years before you had the mother of all tribal conflicts. It was another century after that before all Americans were equal.

It doesnt do to look down our western noses at Africa.A lot of the problems are ones we created.

What's REALLY sad is that your country sat its fat ass down on the continent and went looking for fame and wealth for a couple generations AND -- (irony alert) --- you're over here in the STATES making US out to be the bad guys. It's like a LOT of your American themes that you get totally wrong.

They (YOU) Bugged the fuck out of there when you failed to find anything of value. Don't tell me the sad story about the "The Last Tanzanika Engineer".. Go make a movie with Brit Netflix... :banana:
You need to calm down old fella. I am specifically pointing the finger at British guilt. Although the French,Germans, Portuguese and the Belgians were also at fault. Where am I blaming the US ? Everybody knows that America was a land of opportunity for downtrodden Africans escaping the yoke of colonialism.
They all have a point. At EVERY instance of allowing a socialist revolutionary government to SEIZE and redistribute WORKING SYSTEMS of industry and agriculture -- it's ended up being the beginning of a long ride into national hell.. I had this discussion in the 90s with a bunch of leftists about Mugabe in Zimbabwe. THey ADORED the little devil. Was the cause celeb of baby leftists back then. And i accurately PREDICTED what the results would be and even predicted the time frame.

Lord -- I only wish I collect the bets. Betting leftists on socialist take-overs is like stealing the Halloween candy from babies.
The original African land grab condemned millions of Africans to poverty and it was backed by state sponsored violence. The effects of that are still with us today. But, as I have shown , things are getting better and will continue to do so. Black folks arent to blame for the mess we made of that continent.

Place your bets. I'll stick around to collect on them. What happened due to Western Imperialism was a mixed bag for the African Continent. It provided a LOT of critical infrastructure that would not be there today. A separation of TRIBAL conflicts that had inhabited progress towards sufficiency.

Maybe the time is up for whites in Africa. Maybe there needs to be some reassignment of land and resources. But there is no competent leadership to replace what's THERE, with a more efficient and better system. The tribal conflicts will re-emerge. The graft and corruption will be fed by greed and cronyism. The economy will revert to a subsistence mentality and education will get worse not better..

Again -- it's not about race. It's about tribal culture and rejection of democratic process in favor of rule by entitlement and favoritism.

This will happen by 2022 if the present trajectory is followed. How much you wanna bet?
Your world view makes me smile. The state of Africa after several centuries of colonialism was appalling. I could probably find it smewhere but I read one article that explained some of the problems. When the British left Tanganyika there was just one qualified engineer left in the country. The Brits could not be bothered to train and educate the locals when the Empire was a job creation scheme for second sons.

Look at a map of Africa and marvel at all the straight lines. A european construct. These boundaries cut across tribal and ethnic lands and sowed the seeds for conflicts like that in Rwanda.

These countries were not starting from scratch, they were already behind the game. Land stolen,resources plundered and left without institutions or infrastructure to properly manage countries that should not have existed in the first place.

So most of these new countries are 50/60 years old and are on an impoving curve. After 50 years the US still had slavery and it would be another 50 years before you had the mother of all tribal conflicts. It was another century after that before all Americans were equal.

It doesnt do to look down our western noses at Africa.A lot of the problems are ones we created.

What's REALLY sad is that your country sat its fat ass down on the continent and went looking for fame and wealth for a couple generations AND -- (irony alert) --- you're over here in the STATES making US out to be the bad guys. It's like a LOT of your American themes that you get totally wrong.

They (YOU) Bugged the fuck out of there when you failed to find anything of value. Don't tell me the sad story about the "The Last Tanzanika Engineer".. Go make a movie with Brit Netflix... :banana:
You need to calm down old fella. I am specifically pointing the finger at British guilt. Although the French,Germans, Portuguese and the Belgians were also at fault. Where am I blaming the US ? Everybody knows that America was a land of opportunity for downtrodden Africans escaping the yoke of colonialism.

Great comeback Tom! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
So new technology allowed them to produce a lot Where did they get that technology from? Did they invent it or did it come from a white culture?
Why do you hate Africans so much ?
Why dont you give credit to the people who made it possible? Why are you trying to steal another cultures history?

He is.
Hand pollination was invented by a French/Belgian man. Quit trying to steal Europes cultural achievement. Meanwhile, William Frederick Gericke (American) invented Soilless Vegetable Production.

Yeah we know. Whitey created the earth in 6 days and on the 7th whitey took vacation on the Riviera.
I dont know about that, but Africans didnt invent the technology they are using to successfully farm with. You claimed they did. You were wrong.

Quit trying to steal the accomplishments of other cultures.
New technology boosts cocoa production in Ghana – top official | News Ghana


Ghana expects to hit the one million metric ton mark in cocoa production due to the success of new technologies being introduced into production a senior official stated here on Wednesday.

According to Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) Nana Oduro Owusu the hand-pollination method and fertilizer application were beginning to see resounding success in boosting production.

I just thought that I would introduce a more positive tone to this shitty forum. Dispelling alt right myths is never time wasted and I think that we can all learn a lot. This from Ghana, the Cocoa country.
So new technology allowed them to produce a lot Where did they get that technology from? Did they invent it or did it come from a white culture?
Why do you hate Africans so much ?
Why dont you give credit to the people who made it possible? Why are you trying to steal another cultures history?

He is.
Hand pollination was invented by a French/Belgian man. Quit trying to steal Europes cultural achievement. Meanwhile, William Frederick Gericke (American) invented Soilless Vegetable Production.
Let me guess. Some white guy made up this lie and youre sticking with it? :rolleyes:

Hand pollination came from Africa. We have vanilla today as the most recent reminder that it came from Africa.

A pollination technique invented by a 12-year-old slave on the island of Réunion is why we have vanilla today
Last edited:
So new technology allowed them to produce a lot Where did they get that technology from? Did they invent it or did it come from a white culture?
Why do you hate Africans so much ?
Why dont you give credit to the people who made it possible? Why are you trying to steal another cultures history?

He is.
Hand pollination was invented by a French/Belgian man. Quit trying to steal Europes cultural achievement. Meanwhile, William Frederick Gericke (American) invented Soilless Vegetable Production.
Let me guess. Some white guy made up this lie and youre sticking with it? :rolleyes:

Hand pollination came from Africa. We have vanilla today as the most recent reminder that it came from Africa.

A pollination technique invented by a 12-year-old slave on the island of Réunion is why we have vanilla today
That 12 year old slave lived his entire life in France. Quit trying to steal Frances history.
Why do you hate Africans so much ?
Why dont you give credit to the people who made it possible? Why are you trying to steal another cultures history?

He is.
Hand pollination was invented by a French/Belgian man. Quit trying to steal Europes cultural achievement. Meanwhile, William Frederick Gericke (American) invented Soilless Vegetable Production.
Let me guess. Some white guy made up this lie and youre sticking with it? :rolleyes:

Hand pollination came from Africa. We have vanilla today as the most recent reminder that it came from Africa.

A pollination technique invented by a 12-year-old slave on the island of Réunion is why we have vanilla today
That 12 year old slave lived his entire life in France. Quit trying to steal Frances history.
I was born in the US and lived my entire life here. I'm still African. I know youre mad as hell your lie was exposed. :)
  • Thanks
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Why do you hate Africans so much ?
Why dont you give credit to the people who made it possible? Why are you trying to steal another cultures history?

He is.
Hand pollination was invented by a French/Belgian man. Quit trying to steal Europes cultural achievement. Meanwhile, William Frederick Gericke (American) invented Soilless Vegetable Production.
Let me guess. Some white guy made up this lie and youre sticking with it? :rolleyes:

Hand pollination came from Africa. We have vanilla today as the most recent reminder that it came from Africa.

A pollination technique invented by a 12-year-old slave on the island of Réunion is why we have vanilla today
That 12 year old slave lived his entire life in France. Quit trying to steal Frances history.
Why do you hate Africans so much ?
Why dont you give credit to the people who made it possible? Why are you trying to steal another cultures history?

He is.
Hand pollination was invented by a French/Belgian man. Quit trying to steal Europes cultural achievement. Meanwhile, William Frederick Gericke (American) invented Soilless Vegetable Production.
Let me guess. Some white guy made up this lie and youre sticking with it? :rolleyes:

Hand pollination came from Africa. We have vanilla today as the most recent reminder that it came from Africa.

A pollination technique invented by a 12-year-old slave on the island of Réunion is why we have vanilla today
That 12 year old slave lived his entire life in France. Quit trying to steal Frances history.
I was born in the US and lived my entire life here. I'm still African. I know youre mad as hell your lie was exposed. :)
Raised in American culture = American
Why dont you give credit to the people who made it possible? Why are you trying to steal another cultures history?

He is.
Hand pollination was invented by a French/Belgian man. Quit trying to steal Europes cultural achievement. Meanwhile, William Frederick Gericke (American) invented Soilless Vegetable Production.
Let me guess. Some white guy made up this lie and youre sticking with it? :rolleyes:

Hand pollination came from Africa. We have vanilla today as the most recent reminder that it came from Africa.

A pollination technique invented by a 12-year-old slave on the island of Réunion is why we have vanilla today
That 12 year old slave lived his entire life in France. Quit trying to steal Frances history.
Why do you hate Africans so much ?
Why do you like stealing the accomplishments of other cultures so much?
Hand pollination was invented by a French/Belgian man. Quit trying to steal Europes cultural achievement. Meanwhile, William Frederick Gericke (American) invented Soilless Vegetable Production.
Let me guess. Some white guy made up this lie and youre sticking with it? :rolleyes:

Hand pollination came from Africa. We have vanilla today as the most recent reminder that it came from Africa.

A pollination technique invented by a 12-year-old slave on the island of Réunion is why we have vanilla today
That 12 year old slave lived his entire life in France. Quit trying to steal Frances history.
Why do you hate Africans so much ?
Why do you like stealing the accomplishments of other cultures so much?
It seems very important to you to downplay and denigrate African achievements, I just wonder what sort of pleasure you get from that ?
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Hand pollination was invented by a French/Belgian man. Quit trying to steal Europes cultural achievement. Meanwhile, William Frederick Gericke (American) invented Soilless Vegetable Production.
Let me guess. Some white guy made up this lie and youre sticking with it? :rolleyes:

Hand pollination came from Africa. We have vanilla today as the most recent reminder that it came from Africa.

A pollination technique invented by a 12-year-old slave on the island of Réunion is why we have vanilla today
That 12 year old slave lived his entire life in France. Quit trying to steal Frances history.
Why do you hate Africans so much ?
Why do you like stealing the accomplishments of other cultures so much?
It seems very important to you to downplay and denigrate African achievements, I just wonder what sort of pleasure you get from that ?
Nope, im just not going to let you steal the accomplishments of other cultures.
Let me guess. Some white guy made up this lie and youre sticking with it? :rolleyes:

Hand pollination came from Africa. We have vanilla today as the most recent reminder that it came from Africa.

A pollination technique invented by a 12-year-old slave on the island of Réunion is why we have vanilla today
That 12 year old slave lived his entire life in France. Quit trying to steal Frances history.
Why do you hate Africans so much ?
Why do you like stealing the accomplishments of other cultures so much?
It seems very important to you to downplay and denigrate African achievements, I just wonder what sort of pleasure you get from that ?
Nope, im just not going to let you steal the accomplishments of other cultures.
You have been schooled on this already, why do you persist with a lie ?
Black, brown, and all varieties in between invented farming it goes back thousands and thousands of years. Do any of you people ever read archeology or prehistory or anything? Your media sources are about controlling you, wake up conservatives. See the book referenced in link below. Why are American on the right so uneducated?

Race is a Myth

Prehistory: The Making Of The Human Mind by Colin Renfrew
That 12 year old slave lived his entire life in France. Quit trying to steal Frances history.
Why do you hate Africans so much ?
Why do you like stealing the accomplishments of other cultures so much?
It seems very important to you to downplay and denigrate African achievements, I just wonder what sort of pleasure you get from that ?
Nope, im just not going to let you steal the accomplishments of other cultures.
You have been schooled on this already, why do you persist with a lie ?
Nope, i provided the names of the people who invented the farming techniques they are using. Neither of them are Africans. Why do YOU keep lying?
A bait thread based on a strawman
Here is your straw man.

*Will UN or Last Resort USA, Stop South Africa?*


The government needs to get on with it. Redistribution is long overdue.

JW Booth

Guaranteeing an end to productive agriculture in SA.


Its white people being massacred and their land stolen. Let the fucking savages starve to death and let the white people relocated to Australia,Russia and hopefully the US.


because the government gives the land to people who have no fucking idea how to run large farms efficiently.

Zimbabwe is a perfect example of that.


Even in this country black farmers fuck it up and blame racism.

Missouri Mike

In two years they will be begging for food. The economy will have crashed and South Africa will be another third world shit hole like Venezuela is today.

Tom Horn

You mean the munts stealing white farms and then abandoning them because they don't know the first thing about how to farm? Would you call stealing a car and running it off a cliff, "car reform"? I know second hand what happened in Zimbabwe and the same thing is happening in S. Africa. When Mandela was alive he preached that S.Africa was for both whites and blacks and hated what "Bob" did in the Zim. But now S.Africa has a "Bob"....a racist tyrant who first terrorizes and then runs off the whites who turned nothing into something. An offer of 10% is no offer but the FAKE NEWS isn't covering what's going on there because blacks are their favorite perpetual violent underclass and they don't want that to change. fell for yet another okey doke, dumbass.


So if its stolen from whites who have been there generational, over 300 years and the blacks have no idea how to farm the land then that is making two huge mistakes, they will kill themselves if they kill the white farmers.

  1. Because after they kill these innocent white farmers and the crops dry up they in turn die from starvation, and we have to make sure they die, justice will demand it!.

  2. Both end up dead, and if they go ahead and murder these white farmers who have owned these lands for some 300 years, they should absolutely receive no aid *none* should ever be sent by one white person, when black folks start to die from starvation, hell NO not EVER!!!

South Africa farm seizures BEGIN: Chaos as first expropriation of white-owned farms starts


The communist ANC government is seizing the game preserves so they can harvest the wild game for food when the famine hit South Africa in a couple of years.

Mike Tx

Give them 5 years and see all the industry these black leaders will create in S. Africa. Yeah right. In two years they will be eating bugs again.

Death Angel

Hey Whitey, COME BACK! We now realize we like to eat!


The Africans can get their land back, then starve. When they get tired of starving, they can offer free land to white farmers.

South Africa Amending Constitution: White Farmers’ Lands To Be Seized And Given To Blacks


South Africa will be hungry again.....laziness and a lack of farming knowledge guarantees it...

So I guess it makes you happy to watch black Africans starve

Willow Tree

They have done this before. They ended up starving! That’s their choice!

Sunni Man

Whether it's black run large American cities, or black ruled African countries. Without white people to keep order and manage the economy. Everything falls into decay and the black people become impoverished.


In every society blacks move to seize what others have. The others flee...and the blacks then starve and try to follow them.


It will be quite satisfying to watch the blacks of south africa starve the way the blacks of Zimbabwe starve. Now is the time to start work on preventing the UN from providing food aid.

The American Right Wing and South Africa


I will laugh at you, when their racists actions lead to famine and black children are starving.


You are so full of hate, that you are willing to see black children starve rather than see a white person own land and farm it, in Africa.


My point exactly. YOu are so driven by hate, that you are willing to see black children starve, if it means taking something from white people.


And murdering farmers and driving them from their farms is a great way to make a famine, if you want your people, especially children to starve.

They all have a point. At EVERY instance of allowing a socialist revolutionary government to SEIZE and redistribute WORKING SYSTEMS of industry and agriculture -- it's ended up being the beginning of a long ride into national hell.. I had this discussion in the 90s with a bunch of leftists about Mugabe in Zimbabwe. THey ADORED the little devil. Was the cause celeb of baby leftists back then. And i accurately PREDICTED what the results would be and even predicted the time frame.

Lord -- I only wish I collect the bets. Betting leftists on socialist take-overs is like stealing the Halloween candy from babies.
The original African land grab condemned millions of Africans to poverty and it was backed by state sponsored violence. The effects of that are still with us today. But, as I have shown , things are getting better and will continue to do so. Black folks arent to blame for the mess we made of that continent.

Place your bets. I'll stick around to collect on them. What happened due to Western Imperialism was a mixed bag for the African Continent. It provided a LOT of critical infrastructure that would not be there today. A separation of TRIBAL conflicts that had inhabited progress towards sufficiency.

Maybe the time is up for whites in Africa. Maybe there needs to be some reassignment of land and resources. But there is no competent leadership to replace what's THERE, with a more efficient and better system. The tribal conflicts will re-emerge. The graft and corruption will be fed by greed and cronyism. The economy will revert to a subsistence mentality and education will get worse not better..

Again -- it's not about race. It's about tribal culture and rejection of democratic process in favor of rule by entitlement and favoritism.

This will happen by 2022 if the present trajectory is followed. How much you wanna bet?
Wow just wow!

"No competent leadership"

You white boys are truly on one. :laughing0301:

What's that, Mr. Greens Jeans?


Mmm, I love the smell of Glyphosphate in the morning.
Why do you hate Africans so much ?
Why do you like stealing the accomplishments of other cultures so much?
It seems very important to you to downplay and denigrate African achievements, I just wonder what sort of pleasure you get from that ?
Nope, im just not going to let you steal the accomplishments of other cultures.
You have been schooled on this already, why do you persist with a lie ?
Nope, i provided the names of the people who invented the farming techniques they are using. Neither of them are Africans. Why do YOU keep lying?
You havent provided any names at all.
Why do you like stealing the accomplishments of other cultures so much?
It seems very important to you to downplay and denigrate African achievements, I just wonder what sort of pleasure you get from that ?
Nope, im just not going to let you steal the accomplishments of other cultures.
You have been schooled on this already, why do you persist with a lie ?
Nope, i provided the names of the people who invented the farming techniques they are using. Neither of them are Africans. Why do YOU keep lying?
You havent provided any names at all.
Sure I did. See post 100 dummy.

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