Black culture in meltdown


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
the US population is 13 percent black. Yet 50 percent of all murder is by blacks, 37 percent of all violent crimes are committed by blacks, 23 percent of all welfare recipients are black and single mothers are 70 percent of all black families. Black culture has numerous problems nt to mention 60 to 70 percent drop out rate of all blacks in school as well.
the US population is 13 percent black. Yet 50 percent of all murder is by blacks, 37 percent of all violent crimes are committed by blacks, 23 percent of all welfare recipients are black and single mothers are 70 percent of all black families. Black culture has numerous problems nt to mention 60 to 70 percent drop out rate of all blacks in school as well.
Yeah, for like 50 years now.
and until such a time that productive citizens stop seeing them as not being responsible for their own actions, this situation will continue.
Yep, letting them complain about cops is the worst decision anyone ever made. Criminal communities dont get to complain about jack shit. Well, they can complain, but its going to fall on deaf ears, and it makes people hate them even more. You would think that if black people wanted to end racism, they would stop being so fucking annoying and dumb. Yelling at me about cops arresting criminals is never going to work, and whining about dead criminals means nothing to me. It pleases me when criminals die.

As long as the black community continues to be so god damn clueless about this shit, their issues will continue. Sucky people will always get sucky results.
As long as the gangs are mostly killing each other off, I will stay out of the hood and let nature take its course. The blacks in my neighborhood don't seem to be a problem, other than the guy who used to play professional basketball is so tall he might walk into one of the overhead lines and knock out the electricity for awhile.
As long as the gangs are mostly killing each other off, I will stay out of the hood and let nature take its course. The blacks in my neighborhood don't seem to be a problem, other than the guy who used to play professional basketball is so tall he might walk into one of the overhead lines and knock out the electricity for awhile.
So it sounds like you live in a white neighborhood if an ex baller lives there.
So it sounds like you live in a white neighborhood if an ex baller lives there.

Mostly white but there are a few blacks and brown. The blacks other than his house are retired government types mostly and the browns one multigenerational Muslim family that we call the Al-Qaeda house as they are very anti-social and the number of Muslim men compared to women seen at it is running about 6 to 1. The matriarch doing her prayers in the middle of the driveway so she can face toward Mecca many times a day doesn't help dispel the IDK bout them people image of them
I think that it is fair to say that the deterioration of African American life is due in large part to the growth of the drug epidemic, which hit the Caucasian population badly, too.

When I was a teenager in the 1950s, crime in the African American community was nothing like today's. And many African American children had a father and mother at home. Sucker punching innocent pedestrians was unknown. There was no such thing as rap music.
I think that it is fair to say that the deterioration of African American life is due in large part to the growth of the drug epidemic, which hit the Caucasian population badly, too.

When I was a teenager in the 1950s, crime in the African American community was nothing like today's. And many African American children had a father and mother at home. Sucker punching innocent pedestrians was unknown. There was no such thing as rap music.
the loss of culture in the black family is DIRECTLY linked to the democratic party from 1965 on and its policies..
the loss of culture in the black family is DIRECTLY linked to the democratic party from 1965 on and its policies..

I think that there is some truth to your statement.

For example, I have read that some African American fathers have left their families so that their wives can collect welfare for each child that she bears.

Also, because the Democrats have welcomed undocumented immigrants, many jobs once held by African Americans have been lost to them.

The Democrats have often had the best intentions, but they failed to see the negative consequences of their "enlightened" policies.
And here are the white experts on being black once again talking stupid.

The root cause of the problems blacks face stem from white racism. Meaning poor decisions and choices made by white culture who thought they were experts on blacks just like you bigots is the problem. 330 million people live in this country, 3,000 blacks committed murder. That's 1/100,000th of the population. The same 3,000 whites committed murder and in fact in the lastg UCR whites killed more than everybody else. 60-65 percent of all violent crime is done by whites and US domestic policy is a history of white violent behavior. 25-30 percent of all blacks live at or below poverty because of racist choices made by white culture. If a black man/woman live together, they make 80 cents for every dollar a white person man/wife makes. A single black man raising kids earns less than a single white female doing the same regardless of educational attainment or job experience due to poor decisions made by white culture based on racism. White females have been the main beneficiary of AA because of poor decisions made by white culture based on racism.

Today, because of white culture and the poor decisions that stem from it, we live in a dysfunctionsl nation deep in debt, running annual defcits, because of poor decisions by white culture stemming from racism that causes whites not to hire people of color threreby creating the very dependency you dumb ass crackers say you oppose. These poor decisions by white culture reduce the revenue needed for this nation to sustain itself and creates tax drawijg citizens because they don't earn enough to survive without help.

White culture has been in meltdown from the start and you idiots are too stupid to see it.
IM2 no, not because of racism..blacks were far behind the whites LONG before slavery, colonialism, etc ...whites were using very complex windmills for farming/etc, when blacks were barely subsisting in the Cro-Magnon hunting/gathering stage .....etc etc

I think that there is some truth to your statement.

For example, I have read that some African American fathers have left their families so that their wives can collect welfare for each child that she bears.

Also, because the Democrats have welcomed undocumented immigrants, many jobs once held by African Americans have been lost to them.

The Democrats have often had the best intentions, but they failed to see the negative consequences of their "enlightened" policies.
I agree with your statements except Democrats "often had the best intentions." They're evil.
the US population is 13 percent black. Yet 50 percent of all murder is by blacks, 37 percent of all violent crimes are committed by blacks, 23 percent of all welfare recipients are black and single mothers are 70 percent of all black families. Black culture has numerous problems nt to mention 60 to 70 percent drop out rate of all blacks in school as well.
Where did today's "black culture" come from? What could have happened there?
The OP is garbage. Another example of the disingenuous use of percentages.

So let's ignore systemic racism throughout the history of this country and pretend none of it goes on and use percentages that do not accurately reflect anything.

In 2020, there were just over 19,000 homicides. Blacks were @8,600 of the deaths. Yet the FBI UCR shows that those deaths were caused by just over 2,500 individuals. There are 47 million blacks. 2,500 committed murder. That 2,500 is approximately 5- 100th's of one percent of the black population. The problem with racists doing math is that first off, you have to be a dumb ass to be a racist and because that is the case the motherfuckers are too stupid to understand that a real number is represented by a percentage. And when you look at the real numbers, Everything this idiot says in the OP becomes a lie.

The racist subculture in the white community thrives on lies and false equivalences. This thread is an example. It needs to move on into the crazy zone. Because after you watch a white kid shoot up his classmates with a gun his parents bought him as a christmas present, then after their child is put in jail, the parents try running away and throwing their child under the bus, it's best fjor whites like sarge to shut the fuck up about somebody elses culture.
the US population is 13 percent black. Yet 50 percent of all murder is by blacks, 37 percent of all violent crimes are committed by blacks, 23 percent of all welfare recipients are black and single mothers are 70 percent of all black families. Black culture has numerous problems nt to mention 60 to 70 percent drop out rate of all blacks in school as well.

We won't live to see it but eventually black genetics will be common in 100 years time. All the racist repubmicans will be dead and the kids of today are colour blind.
Imagine every kid having brown skin. Dad would turn in his grave. I hope so.
Mostly white but there are a few blacks and brown. The blacks other than his house are retired government types mostly and the browns one multigenerational Muslim family that we call the Al-Qaeda house as they are very anti-social and the number of Muslim men compared to women seen at it is running about 6 to 1. The matriarch doing her prayers in the middle of the driveway so she can face toward Mecca many times a day doesn't help dispel the IDK bout them people image of them
That is of no surprise, considering they hardly meet this name with much enthusiasm.

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