CDZ Black Conservative Janice Brown should be Trump's pick.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
This will be the most contentious Supreme Court nomination in history. There are 40 days left until the election. President Trump needs to make a pick who will see the least resistance from the Democrats. Here are my reasons why I believe Janice Brown should be the pick:
1. She is Black and Female. Biden promised to put a Black female on the court so if Trump nominates Brown, that forces the Democrats to admit it isn't ALL about color, it's about their politics.
2. She has no bias on Roe v Wade. That law is the hill Democrats will die on, so the pick needs to be relatively neutral on that issue IMO.
3. There is a possibility that Democrats could take the Presidency and the Senate this Fall. If that happens, the SCOTUS becomes the last line of defense against all of the extreme Left policies the Democrats will try to push through, Carbon emission penalties, Medicare for all including illegal immigrants, gun confiscation, etc.
4. The typical attacks the Democrats use on Conservative men, rape and abuse, will be ineffective against her.

That's my pick, who is yours and why?
This will be the most contentious Supreme Court nomination in history. There are 40 days left until the election. President Trump needs to make a pick who will see the least resistance from the Democrats. Here are my reasons why I believe Janice Brown should be the pick:
1. She is Black and Female. Biden promised to put a Black female on the court so if Trump nominates Brown, that forces the Democrats to admit it isn't ALL about color, it's about their politics.
2. She has no bias on Roe v Wade. That law is the hill Democrats will die on, so the pick needs to be relatively neutral on that issue IMO.
3. There is a possibility that Democrats could take the Presidency and the Senate this Fall. If that happens, the SCOTUS becomes the last line of defense against all of the extreme Left policies the Democrats will try to push through, Carbon emission penalties, Medicare for all including illegal immigrants, gun confiscation, etc.
4. The typical attacks the Democrats use on Conservative men, rape and abuse, will be ineffective against her.

That's my pick, who is yours and why?

Her being black and female might bring out venom on the part of the Democrats if she is nominated by Trump. When Clarence Thomas was nominated, the Democrats did not want a Republican President putting a black man on the Supreme Court. Another problem is that she is 71 years old. We want a younger judge. One thing Trump has done is nominate younger judges so they can serve longer. Before Trump, the average age when appointed to a federal judge position was 55. The average age of Trump's appointees is 45.
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no bias on Roe v Wade. That law is the hill Democrats will die on, so the pick needs to be relatively neutral on that issue
There no neutrality on that issue, and no appeasing the profession of prostitution and baby-killing.
extreme Left policies the Democrats will try to push through, Carbon emission penalties, Medicare for all including illegal immigrants, gun confiscation, etc.
The "center-right" Christian Democrat RINOs have already confiscated our weapons. Now they are demanding our jewelry and gold coins and torturing us for a safe combination.
The typical attacks the Democrats use on Conservative men, rape and abuse, will be ineffective against her.
They are not real men if they can't kick those cop-calling whores out of court with extreme prejudice and remain faithful to their own wives and our country.
This will be the most contentious Supreme Court nomination in history. There are 40 days left until the election. President Trump needs to make a pick who will see the least resistance from the Democrats. Here are my reasons why I believe Janice Brown should be the pick:
1. She is Black and Female. Biden promised to put a Black female on the court so if Trump nominates Brown, that forces the Democrats to admit it isn't ALL about color, it's about their politics.
2. She has no bias on Roe v Wade. That law is the hill Democrats will die on, so the pick needs to be relatively neutral on that issue IMO.
3. There is a possibility that Democrats could take the Presidency and the Senate this Fall. If that happens, the SCOTUS becomes the last line of defense against all of the extreme Left policies the Democrats will try to push through, Carbon emission penalties, Medicare for all including illegal immigrants, gun confiscation, etc.
4. The typical attacks the Democrats use on Conservative men, rape and abuse, will be ineffective against her.

That's my pick, who is yours and why?
I could live with her.....not a chance in hell, of course....Half of Trump's base would be enraged.
This will be the most contentious Supreme Court nomination in history. There are 40 days left until the election. President Trump needs to make a pick who will see the least resistance from the Democrats. Here are my reasons why I believe Janice Brown should be the pick:
1. She is Black and Female. Biden promised to put a Black female on the court so if Trump nominates Brown, that forces the Democrats to admit it isn't ALL about color, it's about their politics.
2. She has no bias on Roe v Wade. That law is the hill Democrats will die on, so the pick needs to be relatively neutral on that issue IMO.
3. There is a possibility that Democrats could take the Presidency and the Senate this Fall. If that happens, the SCOTUS becomes the last line of defense against all of the extreme Left policies the Democrats will try to push through, Carbon emission penalties, Medicare for all including illegal immigrants, gun confiscation, etc.
4. The typical attacks the Democrats use on Conservative men, rape and abuse, will be ineffective against her.

That's my pick, who is yours and why?

She's 71 years old - Never happen
This will be the most contentious Supreme Court nomination in history. There are 40 days left until the election. President Trump needs to make a pick who will see the least resistance from the Democrats. Here are my reasons why I believe Janice Brown should be the pick:
1. She is Black and Female. Biden promised to put a Black female on the court so if Trump nominates Brown, that forces the Democrats to admit it isn't ALL about color, it's about their politics.
2. She has no bias on Roe v Wade. That law is the hill Democrats will die on, so the pick needs to be relatively neutral on that issue IMO.
3. There is a possibility that Democrats could take the Presidency and the Senate this Fall. If that happens, the SCOTUS becomes the last line of defense against all of the extreme Left policies the Democrats will try to push through, Carbon emission penalties, Medicare for all including illegal immigrants, gun confiscation, etc.
4. The typical attacks the Democrats use on Conservative men, rape and abuse, will be ineffective against her.

That's my pick, who is yours and why?

The democrats have no hesitation to break from whatever they actually said about an her being black and female will not stop them for one second..........and you can bet they have done their best to find male interns they can use to accuse conservative women of molesting them.......or they will call them sluts and so on........they might go for beating their children...just about anything, since the democrat party has a particular disdain for conservative women...of any color...
She's too old. I have no problem with her, but she is, as has been noted, 71.

I think it will be Amy Coney-Barrett...a Constitutionalist, and relatively young (48).
She's too old. I have no problem with her, but she is, as has been noted, 71.

I think it will be Amy Coney-Barrett...a Constitutionalist, and relatively young (48).
Both Amy Barrett and Janice Brown are pro-abortion, pro-gun-control, anti-death-penalty liberals. Come on. They keep spouting that same old liberal hogwash about a woman's choice and her body, but there's always some guy who wants sex, and they won't say no to him, but the Dems will have another gun-confiscating liberal on the court no matter what.
She's too old. I have no problem with her, but she is, as has been noted, 71.

I think it will be Amy Coney-Barrett...a Constitutionalist, and relatively young (48).
Both Amy Barrett and Janice Brown are pro-abortion, pro-gun-control, anti-death-penalty liberals. Come on. They keep spouting that same old liberal hogwash about a woman's choice and her body, but there's always some guy who wants sex, and they won't say no to him, but the Dems will have another gun-confiscating liberal on the court no matter what.
Where do you get the idea that Barrett is pro gun control?
She's too old. I have no problem with her, but she is, as has been noted, 71.

I think it will be Amy Coney-Barrett...a Constitutionalist, and relatively young (48).
Both Amy Barrett and Janice Brown are pro-abortion, pro-gun-control, anti-death-penalty liberals. Come on. They keep spouting that same old liberal hogwash about a woman's choice and her body, but there's always some guy who wants sex, and they won't say no to him, but the Dems will have another gun-confiscating liberal on the court no matter what.

You have lost your mind. If Amy Barrett (a Scalia protege) is too liberal for you, then you need help. Who would you choose - Attila the Hun perhaps? :rolleyes-41:
"You have lost your mind."
We need to get some things straight out of the barrel of the gun here.

The mental health slaughterhouses need to be shut down, and the psychiatrists and psychologists who run them need to put to death.

The Second Amendment makes no exception for mental health adjudication, fingerprinting, registration, or extended background checks.

The due process clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments include life, liberty, and property, but not abortion.

The involuntary servitude of civil commitment in mental hospitals is forbidden to exist under the Thirteenth Amendment.

The officials appointed to the Supreme Court are judges, tasked with administering justice; but they themselves are not "justices" in any sane interpretation of the word.
Personally I'd like to see Trey Gowdy on the SC.

It doesn't sit right with me that we are 'choosing' a new justice to fill a vacant seat based on the anatomy of the person who last sat in it...and I'm a woman. It concerns me that we are shaping that decision using the parameters set by the Democrats. I think it is demeaning and biased to consider gender and/or race a qualification.

I want the best qualified, sharpest legal mind available - their dna is irrelevant to me.
Personally I'd like to see Trey Gowdy on the SC.

It doesn't sit right with me that we are 'choosing' a new justice to fill a vacant seat based on the anatomy of the person who last sat in it...and I'm a woman. It concerns me that we are shaping that decision using the parameters set by the Democrats. I think it is demeaning and biased to consider gender and/or race a qualification.

I want the best qualified, sharpest legal mind available - their dna is irrelevant to me.

That would be Merrick Garland

The blob could sew up re-election today if he nominated Garland. He'd get 90+ votes in the Senate, sail through confirmation, he'd be seen as, for once in his presidency as doing what is right for the nation--not just his voters. In a tight race and this close to election day; it would resonate and turn the tide. The reason he won't do it is because of one basic fact; the blob is all about "sticking it" to someone....and that move doesn't do that. So it's a non-starter.
That would be Merrick Garland

The blob could sew up re-election today if he nominated Garland. He'd get 90+ votes in the Senate, sail through confirmation, he'd be seen as, for once in his presidency as doing what is right for the nation--not just his voters. In a tight race and this close to election day; it would resonate and turn the tide. The reason he won't do it is because of one basic fact; the blob is all about "sticking it" to someone....and that move doesn't do that. So it's a non-starter.

Now that would be a politically motivated thing this president is unconcerned with.

President Trump has done much good for this nation - he, probably alone among most of the politicians in Washington, isn't in it for the power, the glory or the money. Brash? Abrasive?...that he is. Can't be bought, doesn't play by any party's rules, calls them as he sees them - that is why he is so despised by the entrenched and the ideologues. We've never had a president closer to an Independent, or 3rd party as this one - and I'm thankful for it.
That would be Merrick Garland

The blob could sew up re-election today if he nominated Garland. He'd get 90+ votes in the Senate, sail through confirmation, he'd be seen as, for once in his presidency as doing what is right for the nation--not just his voters. In a tight race and this close to election day; it would resonate and turn the tide. The reason he won't do it is because of one basic fact; the blob is all about "sticking it" to someone....and that move doesn't do that. So it's a non-starter.

Now that would be a politically motivated thing this president is unconcerned with.

President Trump has done much good for this nation - he, probably alone among most of the politicians in Washington, isn't in it for the power, the glory or the money. Brash? Abrasive?...that he is. Can't be bought, doesn't play by any party's rules, calls them as he sees them - that is why he is so despised by the entrenched and the ideologues. We've never had a president closer to an Independent, or 3rd party as this one - and I'm thankful for it.

You're either the greatest comedian on the board or you're profoundly naive.
That would be Merrick Garland

The blob could sew up re-election today if he nominated Garland. He'd get 90+ votes in the Senate, sail through confirmation, he'd be seen as, for once in his presidency as doing what is right for the nation--not just his voters. In a tight race and this close to election day; it would resonate and turn the tide. The reason he won't do it is because of one basic fact; the blob is all about "sticking it" to someone....and that move doesn't do that. So it's a non-starter.

Now that would be a politically motivated thing this president is unconcerned with.

President Trump has done much good for this nation - he, probably alone among most of the politicians in Washington, isn't in it for the power, the glory or the money. Brash? Abrasive?...that he is. Can't be bought, doesn't play by any party's rules, calls them as he sees them - that is why he is so despised by the entrenched and the ideologues. We've never had a president closer to an Independent, or 3rd party as this one - and I'm thankful for it.

You're either the greatest comedian on the board or you're profoundly naive.

Oh my, a personal attack - the refuge of a weak argument (or a shallow mind) ;)
anatomy of the person … a woman … parameters set by the Democrats
It's a routine hysterectomy and a free breast exam.
I want the best qualified, sharpest legal mind available - their dna is irrelevant to me
Then why are they so intent on collecting so many hair samples, DNA cheek swabs, semen samples and rape kits at the barbershop? And expert witness for the jury, 93,000,000:1 odds is proof beyond a reasonable doubt for any reasonable person, the jury may be excused, we have a slam dunk conviction.
This will be the most contentious Supreme Court nomination in history. There are 40 days left until the election. President Trump needs to make a pick who will see the least resistance from the Democrats. Here are my reasons why I believe Janice Brown should be the pick:
1. She is Black and Female. Biden promised to put a Black female on the court so if Trump nominates Brown, that forces the Democrats to admit it isn't ALL about color, it's about their politics.
2. She has no bias on Roe v Wade. That law is the hill Democrats will die on, so the pick needs to be relatively neutral on that issue IMO.
3. There is a possibility that Democrats could take the Presidency and the Senate this Fall. If that happens, the SCOTUS becomes the last line of defense against all of the extreme Left policies the Democrats will try to push through, Carbon emission penalties, Medicare for all including illegal immigrants, gun confiscation, etc.
4. The typical attacks the Democrats use on Conservative men, rape and abuse, will be ineffective against her.

That's my pick, who is yours and why?
Isn’t weighing the viability of a person for a job according to their race and gender kinda counter to the country we hope to create?

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