Birth Certificate? Screw that! Romney refuses to release his tax records


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Birth Certificate, college transcripts, term papers.....Republicans bitched about Obama not releasing them. Their top candidate refuses to release his tax returns

Mitt Romney Says He Won't Release His Tax Returns

Facing a wave of scrutiny over his lucrative career in private equity, Mitt Romney made it clear this week that he is not going to add fuel to the fire.
In an interview with MSNBC's Chuck Todd yesterday, Romney said he has no plans to release his tax returns if he is the Republican nominee. He stuck with that line on the campaign trail in New Hampshire today.
"I can tell you we follow the tax laws, and if there's an opportunity to save taxes, we like anybody else in this country will follow that opportunity," Romney said, according to the LA Times. "But we don't have any current plans to release tax returns, but never say never."
Although candidates are not legally required to release their tax returns, it has become common practice for both party's presidential nominees to do so. If Romney makes it to the general election and sticks by his decision, he would be the first post-Watergate candidate not to release his returns.
Romney's campaign team has clearly decided that the political risk of releasing the returns outweighs the potential problems of not doing so. No one knows for sure what the documents would say, but by the candidate's own admission, the bulk of Romney's retirement income from Bain has been from capital gains, which are subject to 15% tax rate.
That means that for the past 10 years, Romney has likely been paying a lower tax rate than most middle class voters. If this is the case, that information could be devastating to Romney's presidential bid.
But withholding the returns could also be problematic. So far, Romney's Republican opponents are holding their fire. But if a serious contender emerges to challenge Romney in the GOP race, the tax issue will be a tempting line of attack against the presumptive nominee.
If Romney sails through the convention as he plans, the Democrats aren't going to let this one go so easy. Within hours of Romney's comments today, the DNC had already launched a cheeky new microsite —
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I read about this. I heard that Trump sent his crack reporters to investigate this as well. They just got back from hawaii and now they are all over this guys taxes.

They will release their findings on his taxes the day after they release Trumps taxes. I am looking forward to it.

Its going to be HHUUGGEE!
I have to agree, this will open a whole can of worms for the richest among us. If he is paying 15%, I swallow my hat! Sorry, conservatives, but that is not right. Many of us pay more than that.
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Hmmm, it's law that presidents be citizens and most don't hesitate to show birth certificates if asked. Obama took his time and the first one was computer generated.

It's not mandatory to release tax records or college grades, yet most do. Maybe Romney is doing this on purpose so he can challenge Obama to release his college records and then he'll release tax records. Or he just knows that he'll hand them ammunition to twist things if he took legal deductions.
I dont care about his taxes. As long as he isn't cheating on them, which I presume the administration would have conducted an audit by now. Releasing a tax return is hardly a requirement for the Presidency. And while I think the entire birther thing is completely ridiculous, proving yourself a natural born citizen is a requirement for the Presidency.

But if you want to see them so badly. I suggest advocating that Obama release the records he hasnt and ill completely support you in your call for Romney too.
Hmmm, it's law that presidents be citizens and most don't hesitate to show birth certificates if asked. Obama took his time and the first one was computer generated.

It's not mandatory to release tax records or college grades, yet most do. Maybe Romney is doing this on purpose so he can challenge Obama to release his college records and then he'll release tax records. Or he just knows that he'll hand them ammunition to twist things if he took legal deductions.


What other President has ever been asked to show his Birth Certificate?
Birth Certificate, college transcripts, term papers.....Republicans bitched about Obama not releasing them. Their top candidate refuses to release his tax returns

Mitt Romney Says He Won't Release His Tax Returns

Facing a wave of scrutiny over his lucrative career in private equity, Mitt Romney made it clear this week that he is not going to add fuel to the fire.
In an interview with MSNBC's Chuck Todd yesterday, Romney said he has no plans to release his tax returns if he is the Republican nominee. He stuck with that line on the campaign trail in New Hampshire today.
"I can tell you we follow the tax laws, and if there's an opportunity to save taxes, we like anybody else in this country will follow that opportunity," Romney said, according to the LA Times. "But we don't have any current plans to release tax returns, but never say never."
Although candidates are not legally required to release their tax returns, it has become common practice for both party's presidential nominees to do so. If Romney makes it to the general election and sticks by his decision, he would be the first post-Watergate candidate not to release his returns.
Romney's campaign team has clearly decided that the political risk of releasing the returns outweighs the potential problems of not doing so. No one knows for sure what the documents would say, but by the candidate's own admission, the bulk of Romney's retirement income from Bain has been from capital gains, which are subject to 15% tax rate.

That means that for the past 10 years, Romney has likely been paying a lower tax rate than most middle class voters. if this is the case, that information could be devastating to Romney's presidential bid.

But withholding the returns could also be problematic. So far, Romney's Republican opponents are holding their fire. But if a serious contender emerges to challenge Romney in the GOP race, the tax issue will be a tempting line of attack against the presumptive nominee.

If Romney sails through the convention as he plans, the Democrats aren't going to let this one go so easy. Within hours of Romney's comments today, the DNC had already launched a cheeky new microsite —

why should this be "devastating".......? ...because dumbfuck liberals haven't a clue....?

a person who is retired (like Romney) and has investments for his retirement....and who manages to make a profit on his retirement investments.....pays a 15% capital gains tax like everybody else when he cashes in his when you sell some profitable stocks that you bought earlier for your retirement....

the reason for the lower tax rate on investments is to ENCOURAGE investments in the market because that is what fuels our country's economic engines....and a person takes a RISK when he invests....

comparing active income (i.e. JOB) tax rates with passive (i.e. like RETIREMENT) income tax rates is totally unfair.....but then libs were never known to play fair....and dumbfuck Koolaid drinkers will suck up any kind of lie....
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I don't see why a private citizen should have to release any information regarding his finances or medical history simply because he in running for elected office.
Hmmm, it's law that presidents be citizens and most don't hesitate to show birth certificates if asked. Obama took his time and the first one was computer generated.

It's not mandatory to release tax records or college grades, yet most do. Maybe Romney is doing this on purpose so he can challenge Obama to release his college records and then he'll release tax records. Or he just knows that he'll hand them ammunition to twist things if he took legal deductions.

oh your one of those........

No, not one of those. Don't try to ignore facts by labeling people. I just stated the actual facts. If you have a problem, take it up with Obama. I dismissed the birthers and the only thing that caught my attention was Obama's reaction to them, which made me uneasy. I think he was born in Hawaii, but also believe he is hiding something.

The thing is, Obama did not release his college transcripts and we have to settle for his claims. All we have is his book, which is nothing to write home about and parts of it have been debunked. He was asked to write a book on racial issues and, of course, chose to make it about himself being the typical narcissist that he is.
We are Bain Capital. We are the 1%.

Birth Certificate, college transcripts, term papers.....Republicans bitched about Obama not releasing them. Their top candidate refuses to release his tax returns

Mitt Romney Says He Won't Release His Tax Returns

Facing a wave of scrutiny over his lucrative career in private equity, Mitt Romney made it clear this week that he is not going to add fuel to the fire.
In an interview with MSNBC's Chuck Todd yesterday, Romney said he has no plans to release his tax returns if he is the Republican nominee. He stuck with that line on the campaign trail in New Hampshire today.
"I can tell you we follow the tax laws, and if there's an opportunity to save taxes, we like anybody else in this country will follow that opportunity," Romney said, according to the LA Times. "But we don't have any current plans to release tax returns, but never say never."
Although candidates are not legally required to release their tax returns, it has become common practice for both party's presidential nominees to do so. If Romney makes it to the general election and sticks by his decision, he would be the first post-Watergate candidate not to release his returns.
Romney's campaign team has clearly decided that the political risk of releasing the returns outweighs the potential problems of not doing so. No one knows for sure what the documents would say, but by the candidate's own admission, the bulk of Romney's retirement income from Bain has been from capital gains, which are subject to 15% tax rate.

That means that for the past 10 years, Romney has likely been paying a lower tax rate than most middle class voters. if this is the case, that information could be devastating to Romney's presidential bid.

But withholding the returns could also be problematic. So far, Romney's Republican opponents are holding their fire. But if a serious contender emerges to challenge Romney in the GOP race, the tax issue will be a tempting line of attack against the presumptive nominee.

If Romney sails through the convention as he plans, the Democrats aren't going to let this one go so easy. Within hours of Romney's comments today, the DNC had already launched a cheeky new microsite —

why should this be "devastating".......? ...because dumbfuck liberals haven't a clue....?

a person who is retired (like Romney) and has investments for his retirement....and who manages to make a profit on his retirement investments.....pays a 15% capital gains tax like everybody else when he cashes in his when you sell some profitable stocks that you bought earlier for your retirement....

the reason for the lower tax rate on investments is to ENCOURAGE investments in the market because that is what fuels our country's economic engines....and a person takes a RISK when he invests....

comparing active income (i.e. JOB) tax rates with passive (i.e. like RETIREMENT) income tax rates is totally unfair.....but then libs were never known to play fair....and dumbfuck Koolaid drinkers will suck up any kind of lie....

Well......if that's it, Romney should have no problem releasing his tax form and explaining how fair it is that he only pays 15%......if he even pays that much
Strange. I think this looks worse for him than if he were to release the records.

I mean, it's hardly a secret that he comes from some serious money.
I don't know why anybody would go so far as to worry about his taxes. The man strapped his dog to the roof of his car for a 12 hour trip. The dog was so scared he got diarrhea. Nobody who makes stupid decisions like that should even be considered for the top job in the country.
What's the big deal, Willard? We already know you got obscenely rich from shipping jobs overseas...

because we have one of the HIGHEST CORPORATE RATES IN THE WORLD.....dumbass....


Romney shipped jobs overseas for cheap labor.

Then he drained the companies of their resources and sold them off.

Blood sucking leeches.....

yeah....he was one darn smart businessman who did what he HAD to do to make a profit in this libtard fucked up country of ours....

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