Bipartisan support to revamp Patriot Act


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Hopefully, it is the first step to repealing this turkey

After more than a decade of wrenching national debate over the intrusiveness of government intelligence agencies, a bipartisan wave of support has gathered to sharply limit the federal government’s sweeps of phone and Internet records.
On Thursday, a bill that would overhaul the Patriot Act and curtail the so-called metadata surveillance exposed by Edward J. Snowden was overwhelmingly passed by the House Judiciary Committee and was heading to almost certain passage in that chamber this month.
An identical bill in the Senate — introduced with the support of five Republicans — is gaining support over the objection of Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, who is facing the prospect of his first policy defeat since ascending this year to majority leader.
The push for reform is the strongest demonstration yet of a decade-long shift from a singular focus on national security at the expense of civil liberties to a new balance in the post-Snowden era.
Under the bipartisan bills in the House and Senate, the Patriot Act would be changed to prohibit bulk collection, and sweeps that had operated under the guise of so-called National Security Letters issued by the F.B.I. would end.

No 'revamp', just abolish it immediately. And then abolish the NDAA as well.
get rid of it. Its orwellian and only benefits pols and defense contractor make-work jobs and equipt
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The Patriot Act was enacted as a result of 9-11 panic and was supposed to provide temporary powers in a crisis

The crisis is long passed and it is time to repeal the act entirely
The Patriot Act was enacted as a result of 9-11 panic and was supposed to provide temporary powers in a crisis

The crisis is long passed and it is time to repeal the act entirely

But what about the next 'crisis?' Do you bring it back? Or do you replace it with something even more oppressive? Because there will be another crisis.
The Patriot Act was enacted as a result of 9-11 panic and was supposed to provide temporary powers in a crisis

The crisis is long passed and it is time to repeal the act entirely

But what about the next 'crisis?' Do you bring it back? Or do you replace it with something even more oppressive? Because there will be another crisis.

I doubt if we will see another crisis of the magnitude of 9-11 that would warrant the suspension of civil liberties
I doubt if we will see another crisis of the magnitude of 9-11 that would warrant the suspension of civil liberties


I have no doubt there is a Patriot Act II sitting in shrink wrap somewhere in a basement room in the Capitol building, waiting to be unanimously approved by Congress in the event of another 9/11 type event.

Then we will se armed meter maids waterboarding double parkers, Sean Hannity will finally be able to don the armband he has always wanted, every time you open a new email account you will have to provide your username and password to Fatherland Security, and there will be millimeter wave scanners at the entrance of every mall in America.

And I am going to get rich from selling 4th Amendment toilet paper.
When the terrorists start bombing malls and buses and restaurants, the sequel PATRIOT ACT II: This Time We Really Mean Business will make the first one look tame.
The Patriot Act was enacted as a result of 9-11 panic and was supposed to provide temporary powers in a crisis

The crisis is long passed and it is time to repeal the act entirely

But what about the next 'crisis?' Do you bring it back? Or do you replace it with something even more oppressive? Because there will be another crisis.

I doubt if we will see another crisis of the magnitude of 9-11 that would warrant the suspension of civil liberties

Well, i'll have to disagree with ya there. The next crisis will likely be much worse.
The Patriot Act was enacted as a result of 9-11 panic and was supposed to provide temporary powers in a crisis

The crisis is long passed and it is time to repeal the act entirely

This is the reason why you shouldn't pass stuff like this in the first place. Once the government has the power they're incredibly reluctant to let go of it.
The Patriot Act was enacted as a result of 9-11 panic and was supposed to provide temporary powers in a crisis

The crisis is long passed and it is time to repeal the act entirely

This is the reason why you shouldn't pass stuff like this in the first place. Once the government has the power they're incredibly reluctant to let go of it.

Yup, and wait till the next crisis. Government will seize all control.
The Patriot Act was enacted as a result of 9-11 panic and was supposed to provide temporary powers in a crisis

The crisis is long passed and it is time to repeal the act entirely

This is the reason why you shouldn't pass stuff like this in the first place. Once the government has the power they're incredibly reluctant to let go of it.

Very true.

Regardless of party, once additional powers are granted, nobody wants to give them back

Patriot Act is due for renewal in June, time to reflect on what we gave up for some additional perceived safety

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