Billy Graham Purchases Ads


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Washington (CNN) - The most famous and revered pastor in America, Billy Graham, is calling on voters to cast a ballot for their faith in full-page ads in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and other newspapers.

2. "As I approach my 94th birthday, I realize this election could be my last."

3. "I believe it is vitally important that we cast our ballots for candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles and support the nation of Israel.

4. I urge you to vote for those who protect the sanctity of life and support the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman.

5. Vote for biblical values this November 6, and pray with me that America will remain one nation under God."

6. The ad hit the prominent papers Wednesday and Thursday, and could hit a dozen more newspapers, a week after the famed evangelist met with Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney at Graham's Montreat, North Carolina, home and less than a month after his son Franklin Graham issued a full-throated endorsement of Romney in a USA Today opinion piece.

7. "This ad is consistent with both the mission of the BGEA and Billy Graham's personal methodology to diligently and consistently remain politically neutral and nonpartisan throughout his public ministry," Ross said.

8. "Against the backdrop of moral decline and a cultural shift in our nation that reflects timely issues, Mr. Graham's quotation in the ad is an extension of his faithful preaching of a timeless message and strong stand on biblical values for more than six decades.""
Billy Graham buys election ads after Romney meeting – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs
"Influential pastor Billy Graham is signaling to evangelical Christians that they shouldn't hesitate to vote for Mitt Romney because of his Mormon religion, further cementing Romney's strong standing with the key Republican voting bloc.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association this week removed Mormonism from its list of religious cults, the Charlotte Observer reports. Mormons consider themselves Christians, though not all of their beliefs align with mainstream Christian doctrine."
Billy Graham's organization removes Mormonism from its list of cults - CBS News

Will it influence evangelical Christians?

I wonder if my buddy Joe will stop hatin' on Mormons now?
LOL. Senile old man, a TV evangilist, is what you consider a quality endorsement? One that has changed a lifelong aversion to the LDS simply on the basis of present politics?

People like Graham are why I changed my registration from Independent to Democrat many years ago. I really don't like the idea of an American Taliban.
"Influential pastor Billy Graham is signaling to evangelical Christians that they shouldn't hesitate to vote for Mitt Romney because of his Mormon religion, further cementing Romney's strong standing with the key Republican voting bloc.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association this week removed Mormonism from its list of religious cults, the Charlotte Observer reports. Mormons consider themselves Christians, though not all of their beliefs align with mainstream Christian doctrine."

Will it influence evangelical Christians?

I wonder if my buddy Joe will stop hatin' on Mormons now?

Not at all.

You miss the point. I think ALL religion is bullshit.

The only thing Grahmnn has proved is that these guys are all phonies, which has always been my opinion of them.

How can it be that they thought Mormonism was a cult for something like 60 years, and then suddenly, it's not a cult when they are running against the black guy?

If you are an evangelical who is voting for Romney, you're a hypocrite. You really don't believe in your Sky Pixie as much as you claim.
LOL. Senile old man, a TV evangilist, is what you consider a quality endorsement? One that has changed a lifelong aversion to the LDS simply on the basis of present politics?

I couldn't believe that when I read that the other day. The blatant hypocrisy of removing Mormonism from their cult list. These people have no shame.
LOL. Senile old man, a TV evangilist, is what you consider a quality endorsement? One that has changed a lifelong aversion to the LDS simply on the basis of present politics?

People like Graham are why I changed my registration from Independent to Democrat many years ago. I really don't like the idea of an American Taliban.

Wow I haven't read so many contradictions in two paragraphs since I read the Nicean Creed.
Hurrah for freedom of expression. This is a person I admire as a man and a human. I disagree entirely, but that is another story.

Protestants do not have a central leader or even leadership, much to their credit. The advice of this preacher will influence some, but that could be offset by those who dislike him and his movement and would vote against anything he and they were for.

If the pope told Roman Catholics for whom to vote, would any of that faith care to opine here what they would do?
LOL. Senile old man, a TV evangilist, is what you consider a quality endorsement? One that has changed a lifelong aversion to the LDS simply on the basis of present politics?

People like Graham are why I changed my registration from Independent to Democrat many years ago. I really don't like the idea of an American Taliban.

Why is it that you Libs can never just address the issues... You have to go into personal attack mode? In this case the recipient of your angry liberal personal assault is a 94 year old man... I hope it makes you feel good.
LOL. Senile old man, a TV evangilist, is what you consider a quality endorsement? One that has changed a lifelong aversion to the LDS simply on the basis of present politics?

People like Graham are why I changed my registration from Independent to Democrat many years ago. I really don't like the idea of an American Taliban.

Why is it that you Libs can never just address the issues... You have to go into personal attack mode? In this case the recipient of your angry liberal personal assault is a 94 year old man... I hope it makes you feel good.

It must be admitted that, for this board, the post was not viciously personal.
Graham invites retort by participation in that most public arena. The poster calls reasonably into question the Reverend's position.

Is criticism leftist?
LOL. Senile old man, a TV evangilist, is what you consider a quality endorsement? One that has changed a lifelong aversion to the LDS simply on the basis of present politics?

People like Graham are why I changed my registration from Independent to Democrat many years ago. I really don't like the idea of an American Taliban.

Why is it that you Libs can never just address the issues... You have to go into personal attack mode? In this case the recipient of your angry liberal personal assault is a 94 year old man... I hope it makes you feel good.

That 94 year old man spent his life pointing out who is and who is not going to heaven. That 94 year old man was recorded by the nixon WH being a racial bigot. Now he is outwardly professing his hypocracy by reversing his position on Mormonism. He is only reaping what he has sown.
LOL. Senile old man, a TV evangilist, is what you consider a quality endorsement? One that has changed a lifelong aversion to the LDS simply on the basis of present politics?

People like Graham are why I changed my registration from Independent to Democrat many years ago. I really don't like the idea of an American Taliban.

Rocks....did you actually say 'Senile old man,'??????

But....I must admit, his words resonate with me.

"People like Graham are why I changed my registration from Independent to Democrat..."

Not seeking consistency....but didn't the fact that a rapist was the highest office holder of the come that didn't convince you to jump in the other direction?

...Opps....kind of brings the argument back to 'Senile old man,' huh?
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"Influential pastor Billy Graham is signaling to evangelical Christians that they shouldn't hesitate to vote for Mitt Romney because of his Mormon religion, further cementing Romney's strong standing with the key Republican voting bloc.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association this week removed Mormonism from its list of religious cults, the Charlotte Observer reports. Mormons consider themselves Christians, though not all of their beliefs align with mainstream Christian doctrine."

Will it influence evangelical Christians?

I wonder if my buddy Joe will stop hatin' on Mormons now?

Not at all.

You miss the point. I think ALL religion is bullshit.

The only thing Grahmnn has proved is that these guys are all phonies, which has always been my opinion of them.

How can it be that they thought Mormonism was a cult for something like 60 years, and then suddenly, it's not a cult when they are running against the black guy?

If you are an evangelical who is voting for Romney, you're a hypocrite. You really don't believe in your Sky Pixie as much as you claim.

Well....I have to admit, I was upset with Graham when he wouldn't condemn the rapist....

But I can't find any mistakes in is newspaper ad.....
"Influential pastor Billy Graham is signaling to evangelical Christians that they shouldn't hesitate to vote for Mitt Romney because of his Mormon religion, further cementing Romney's strong standing with the key Republican voting bloc.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association this week removed Mormonism from its list of religious cults, the Charlotte Observer reports. Mormons consider themselves Christians, though not all of their beliefs align with mainstream Christian doctrine."

Will it influence evangelical Christians?

I wonder if my buddy Joe will stop hatin' on Mormons now?

Not at all.

You miss the point. I think ALL religion is bullshit.

The only thing Grahmnn has proved is that these guys are all phonies, which has always been my opinion of them.

How can it be that they thought Mormonism was a cult for something like 60 years, and then suddenly, it's not a cult when they are running against the black guy?

If you are an evangelical who is voting for Romney, you're a hypocrite. You really don't believe in your Sky Pixie as much as you claim.

Well....I have to admit, I was upset with Graham when he wouldn't condemn the rapist....

But I can't find any mistakes in is newspaper ad.....

Yawn.. sorry, was there ever any real proof that Clinton raped anyone.

And before you go on about Juanita Brodderick, she signed a sworn affadavitt that she wasn't raped by Clinton.

So was she lying then, or is she lying now?

But to the point, the Evagelicals have just proven their "dogma" is written on an Etch-a-Sketch.

If they claimed for 150 years that Mormonism is a cult, and now it isn't a cult because a Mormon might get them something they want, what does that say about their faith?
LOL. Senile old man, a TV evangilist, is what you consider a quality endorsement? One that has changed a lifelong aversion to the LDS simply on the basis of present politics?

I couldn't believe that when I read that the other day. The blatant hypocrisy of removing Mormonism from their cult list. These people have no shame.

Seems to me he was suggesting that folks vote for the lesser of two evils. will vote for an individual who endorsed leaving a baby. born as a result of a botched abortion, to linger until it dies?
Can't be any moral justification there.

Wouldn't you say that pretty much defines 'blatant hypocrisy'?
LOL. Senile old man, a TV evangilist, is what you consider a quality endorsement? One that has changed a lifelong aversion to the LDS simply on the basis of present politics?

I couldn't believe that when I read that the other day. The blatant hypocrisy of removing Mormonism from their cult list. These people have no shame.

Seems to me he was suggesting that folks vote for the lesser of two evils. will vote for an individual who endorsed leaving a baby. born as a result of a botched abortion, to linger until it dies?
Can't be any moral justification there.

Wouldn't you say that pretty much defines 'blatant hypocrisy'?

No, I would say that anyone who thinks that is a true story is too retarded to be let outside the house without adult supervision...

You guys keep repeating that lie when it has been totally debunked.

Of course, Romney was totally for abortion before he was against it. Now that there's backlash, he's backpeddling away from his abortion position faster than a runaway sister-wife.
Not at all.

You miss the point. I think ALL religion is bullshit.

The only thing Grahmnn has proved is that these guys are all phonies, which has always been my opinion of them.

How can it be that they thought Mormonism was a cult for something like 60 years, and then suddenly, it's not a cult when they are running against the black guy?

If you are an evangelical who is voting for Romney, you're a hypocrite. You really don't believe in your Sky Pixie as much as you claim.

Well....I have to admit, I was upset with Graham when he wouldn't condemn the rapist....

But I can't find any mistakes in is newspaper ad.....

Yawn.. sorry, was there ever any real proof that Clinton raped anyone.

And before you go on about Juanita Brodderick, she signed a sworn affadavitt that she wasn't raped by Clinton.

So was she lying then, or is she lying now?

But to the point, the Evagelicals have just proven their "dogma" is written on an Etch-a-Sketch.

If they claimed for 150 years that Mormonism is a cult, and now it isn't a cult because a Mormon might get them something they want, what does that say about their faith?

1. "Broaddrick recanted her earlier sworn statement when interviewed by the FBI about the Jones case; the FBI found her account inconclusive, and the affidavit denying the allegations remains her only sworn testimony. Broaddrick later said of the affidavit, "I didn’t want to be forced to testify about one of the most horrific events in my life. I didn't want to go through it again."[2] David Schippers, the Chief Investigative Counsel for the House Judiciary Committee which was holding an inquiry on whether Clinton had committed impeachable offenses, stated that he believed Broaddrick filed the affidavit because of intimidation from Clinton, saying, "She was so terrified. And the reason she was terrified was because she saw what had happened to Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers and all the rest of them."[5] Although Broaddrick claimed that no one had pressured her to file a false affidavit, she complained that she was being watched from parked cars, her home had been broken into, her pets released and her answering machine tape stolen while she and her husband were away briefly, during the House impeachment probe.[5]"
Juanita Broaddrick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Of course, that wasn't the only such episode....

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

Clinton Misogyny - Other
Linda Tripp - coerce, intimidate, deny - Bob Bennett calls her a liar, release her job application, transfer her.
Julia Hiatt-Steele - Willey's friend and neighbor - used the machine to change her story.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - used as a cover humiliated
Chelsea Clinton - ignored
Betty Currie - used as cover and enabler
Donna Shalala - used as cover, used as whipping post in Cabinet meeting
Madeline Albright - used as cover
Secret Service - female agent complaints
Kathy Ferguson – unwelcome advances

3. "If they claimed for 150 years that Mormonism is a cult, and now it isn't a cult because a Mormon might get them something they want, what does that say about their faith?"

The only answer I have to that one is the only answer you could give for voting for the rapist..... comes down to a vote for what one sees as the lesser of two evils.
I couldn't believe that when I read that the other day. The blatant hypocrisy of removing Mormonism from their cult list. These people have no shame.

Seems to me he was suggesting that folks vote for the lesser of two evils. will vote for an individual who endorsed leaving a baby. born as a result of a botched abortion, to linger until it dies?
Can't be any moral justification there.

Wouldn't you say that pretty much defines 'blatant hypocrisy'?

No, I would say that anyone who thinks that is a true story is too retarded to be let outside the house without adult supervision...

You guys keep repeating that lie when it has been totally debunked.

Of course, Romney was totally for abortion before he was against it. Now that there's backlash, he's backpeddling away from his abortion position faster than a runaway sister-wife.

1. Seems to be a pattern.....

....whenever you Leftists are confronted with dispositve information, such that it destroys your position....

....the knee-jerk response.....and I use 'jerk' with careful to attempt to marginalize the voice rather than deal with the fact.

2. In your case, ErroneousJoe, having zero sense of revealing that you are wrong will have no effect on how often you will repeat the lie.

a. . n•fan•ti•cide/inˈfantiˌsīd/
The practice in some societies of killing unwanted children soon after birth.

b. . "Gingrich was presumably referencing Obama’s opposition to Illinois’ proposed version of a “born alive” law, intended to require doctors to administer immediate medical care to any infant that survived an intended found holes in Obama’s explanations as to why he did not support the “born alive” legislation..."
FACT CHECK: Gingrich Claim on Obama Infanticide Vote A Stretch -

c. . "Obama voted in committee against the 2003 state bill that was nearly identical to the federal act he says he would have supported. Both contained identical clauses saying that nothing in the bills could be construed to affect legal rights of an unborn fetus, according to an undisputed summary written immediately after the committee’s 2003 mark-up session." : Obama and ‘Infanticide’

3. "You guys keep repeating that lie when it has been totally debunked."

You are the only thing that has been debunked.

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